OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all from HOT Saguaro NP outside Tucson. We thought it would have cooled off here a bit by mid September, but it was 110 today! We are at a place where we have electric hookup but it can only run one of the two ACs. At 8:00 at night, it is 95 out and 84 in. But a very intriguing place here in the Sonoran dessert. Tomorrow we are going to the Sonoran Desert museum early, and leaving here about lunchtime to find somewhat cooler climes. Heading for Sedona for a few days.

    Mom moved home from th acute care place back to her apartment. We didn’t think she was quite ready (and neither did she) but she was so miserable and lonely there. Hopefully it will work out okay.

    We are going home by way of Wisconsin. My sister was sending us pictures, and got an estimate of 6-7k to redo her bathroom up to code. So we are going to assess the situation and see what we could do for less than that, as well as talk kitchen arrangements and get good measurements. We google mapped it, and it is only 8 hours more driving to go through there on our way home to Maryland.

    Eating has been pretty horrible this week. Need to do better here on out!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, my heart goes out to you. At least you know it isn’t just Rick being horrible to you, but that it is really something wrong. Not sure the reality is any better, but maybe your mindset won’t be as angry. I’ll be praying that there is a medical solution, different medications or something.

    Janet, scary that you collapsed like that! I hope you are all recovered in time to enjoy the concert and dinner.

    Karla happy anniversary! I’m sure you and Glenn are enjoying your celebration.

    Bert, how nice that you have at least one student you already know and enjoy mentoring.

    Patti have fun with that new machine!

    My iPad does NOT like MFP so I will sign off now.

    Oh but first, ha anyone else gotten the message to change your password? I can’t figure out how to do it on the mobile site. Password change doesn’t come up as an optioning in the settings menu.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, Wisconsin climate will be a nice change of pace after Sedona! Stay as cool as you can. I got the password reset message - went in through My Account and changed it.

    I was recovered late last night but drank a great deal of water all day to make sure. The concert was really fun - our orchestra is truly excellent, and they are clearly having fun while they play.

    Pretty tired but I can kick back a bit tomorrow, I hope.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It will be a busy day today. Jillian and Cole have soccer games today. one at 1:00 and the other at 4:00, so we will find something to do in between games.

    Diane: I can't take 90's let alone 110! Have fun and try to stay cool. Wisconsin will be like having the AC on!

    Janet: So glad you're better!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was hot watching the soccer games. I had an umbrella with me to help protect from the direct sun. Both Jillian and Cole played well.

    Today, I'm heading to the gym and also will put out a few fall decorations. Tonight is my church women's meeting, and I'm heading up the meeting as our president had knee replacement surgery last week.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, the parasol was a smart idea. It has to be great fun to watch the kids play. Hope your women's group president has a smooth recovery - knee replacement is a godsend, but the rehab isn't the most fun thing ever.

    My eating was quite good over the weekend - for some reason I wasn't particularly hungry, so I exercised both my pause button and my "No, thanks" muscle. Feeling like I am starting to relearn a bit more impulse control.

    Had a bit of a scare yesterday. My sweet Bella had a new symptom, so I took her to the emergency vet. She may have a UTI or possibly a kidney stone (she has calcifications). I was so worried, and they were very kind there - she left with some pain drops and antibiotic drops. I'll have my normal vets take a look at her in a week.

    Time to get on with my day - it's actually not hot - high will be about 80, so I dallied over coffee on the deck, watching birds and squirrels.

    Welcome to a new week - may it be happy and lower-stress for all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and the start of another busy week. I have a Dr appointment at 2. This will be my wake up call when I have to hit the scale. Not looking forward to it, but may be the incentive I need to get it together. We had a busy couple of days. Saturday was poker run from 12-5 followed by a pig roast at the Eagles. Raised quite a bit of money for a Senior living center. We left for the cabin at 6:30. Hung out with the neighbor's for a bit while the a/c cooled the cabin. Sunday morning and early afternoon was spent emptying the boat, scrubbing it and covering it up. We had a big tent that was taken down wet last weekend so it has to be set up, dried and then taken down and stored. Also took apart another captains chair and 2 of the bench seats to recover. Helped the neighbor stack wood he had split for his fireplace. We had several other projects that were leftover from last weekend that had to be done while we were there. We left around 4pm. Came home and emptied the truck so we could go to our grandson's and fill it up with construction debris. Edd is taking it to the landfill today. The kids new house is really nice. In great condition just dated. So all updates are cosmetic and they are both hands on. They got the house for 60k less than market because of the work that needs to be done. They are in an older neighborhood with tons of trees and lots of charm, great schools and very safe. So happy and excited for them. I got to spend time with sweet baby Leo. Such a charmer, like his daddy. Full of smiles, giggles and love. Finally home around 9pm.
    I have a cavity under a crown! Have appointment Thursday for them to look at it and schedule the next step. How I detest dental work. Half because of the cost! Saturday is card club and Sunday I am doing a photo shoot with my granddaughter and her fiancé. Want to go to the park where they are getting married, at the same time of day as the wedding so I can figure out the lights and darks and best angles for photos. Also want to find some interesting places to take some photos of them in their regular clothes and dress up clothes. They did not get engagement photos. My DILs friend was supposed to do them but never found the time. So I want to make it an afternoon of special memories for them.

    Bert, you are so wise with the umbrella yesterday. And you are so busy. Prayers for recovery for your president.

    Janet, poor, sweet Bella. I hope she is feeling better. So glad they were kind at the ER vet. The ones around here are awful. I have only been a couple of times but have always left angry, broke and with a feeling that they really don't care. I bet James was scared when you had your near syncopal episode. Hope that never happens again. Kiss Bella's head for me.

    Diane, how is everyone at home. I pray your moms transition was smooth and the caregiver situation is going well for her. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you at your sisters place in WI. Did you say she was in Madison? Have you ever been to the Rock House (I think that is what it is called) If not and you have the time I highly recommend it. We have been there twice and haven't seen it all.

    Cindy, prayers continue. October seems far away for me but I imagine it is all too near for you and Rick.

    Need to get some things done before dr appointment and then I have to work tonight.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning, the morning after a lovely 13th anniversary. We went out to our favorite Seafood place on the causeway, Felix's Fish Camp, yum. The traditional gift was "lace" and Glenn got me the most beautiful lace night nightgowns. He also sent me 13 Red roses in the most untique array of grennery. I am very blessed.

    Patti - How did your doctor's visit go. I bet it was better than you anticipated as you are always on the go, go go!

    Cindy - I have been pondering about that "look" the therapist/doctor gave you after coming out of the session with Rick. I know you made a deduction about it also. I'm so sorry about what you are going though. The mental anguish is awful. How is Jasper? Meg and Em? They are your lifelines.

    Janet - My Lord woman, fainting spells? Thank goodness James is there to rescue you. Have you had low sugar attacks like that before? I'm so glad you rallied and recovered nicely. You have been quite the social bird since James arrived being able to add to your already shows you were attending. I am so glad, no one needs to be lonely! Looks like you may be getting some of Florence's rain soon, so maybe you will cool off. We have been very HOT.

    Bert - I feel so bad for our friend Lisa! I wonder when she will be able to go back home in NC? It sure looks awful there. Is the scale showing you any progress? My girlfriend in Montgomery has now lost 40 pounds on the Keto plan. She has been making some awesome recipes too.

    I am so excited to be going over to my Dad's tomorrow. We have big plans. He is like a kid when he knows I am coming. LOL. He even told my brother Kerry that lives there he better straighten up his mess cause is SISTER NAZI is coming to inspect the house. LOL. We are planning on going to the Books A Million to look for a Knife collecting book he wants. Thursday is his actual birthday and I am making his favorite Pineapple Upside down cake. My nephew from North Alabama is not going to be able to make it afterall, but my niece and her hubby are coming from Tampa, and Kevin and my other nephew and his wife and baby are coming. I'm actually coming back to Mobile/Grand Bay on Friday and Glenn and I are going over to Baton Rouge for a quick trip for us.

    Gotta run, have a great day!!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my monthly PT session. I enjoy learning new exercises for the month. Last night Dan, Dylan, Penny, and I were sending animated emoticons back and forth during the Bears football game. It was fun.

    Patti: Hope your doctor visit went well. You sound very busy and very productive. Happy for your grandson. Good luck with rennovations. I, too, detest dental work. Good luck. Please share some of the photos you took of your granddaughter and her fiance.

    Janet: Hope Bella is doing better.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drop in as I need to hit the grocery and then go to Moms. She has been kind of an emotional mess since my sister from TN was here so I have been finding reasons to stop in every couple of days. My sis here in town has added to her stress as well. I hate seeing Mom so upset, she just keeps going over and over all the slights and insults my sisters have been doling out.
    Dr visit went fine, up a few but not as bad as I had feared. I suffer from cramps all over my body. Seriously can't think of a muscle that hasn't cramped up on me at one time or another. He checked my magnesium level and it was normal. So we the bottom line is......I am one of those people who gets cramps, nothing wrong with me. I take potassium and it is also normal. No treatment, just stretch when I get them. Work is great, we got out at 9:45! Will be interesting to see how it gets over the holidays. I certainly have liked everyone I have worked with so far.

    Need to run but thinking of you all as I go through my day.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, glad your presence helps steady your mom. Nothing is worse than family stuff. Nice to know the new store is treating you well.

    Bert, I love the idea of the kids and you exchanging emojis!

    Karla, sounds like a lovely anniversary - congrats! Have a safe and fun trip - will be interesting to see what condition the house is in.

    Bella seems a bit better. Am getting her meds in and she is eating and being sweet. Thanks for your concern - pets are family - they just shed more. Had my third consecutive day of eating more moderately. DANG, I'm hungry but reminding myself to use the Pause Button and "no" muscle. I had a couple of yummy chocolate chip cookies James brought home, but evened out in calorie total. Am getting back to delaying eating and trying to avoid late-evening snacks.

    Gotta trot - later!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies, Dad is like a kid with eagerness for me to get there. lol I just can’t wait for you to get here he said a few minutes ago: it really makes me feel good.

    Janet- I’m not worried about the house but my dad always warns Kerry about his messiness in the living room. Kerry never does anything about it unless I’m there. It’s a game we play. I’m glad Bella is rallying too. Sweet girl.

    Patti - Your sister from Tennessee has always been a pistol.

    Bert- You are a very sweet and attentive grandmother and that shines through in your actions and words.

    I’m at Izzy’s school waiting to take her to dance. I wish she could go with me but she missed so much of school with her last sickness.

    I better get going,,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My beautiful 13 roses.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    And again
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just when I get mom settled down,more drama! My sisters husband got rearend by a drunk driver today. Her gf was with him. Both were taken to the hospital, he insisted he was fine. Her gf has back issues and she may have gotten the worst of it. Since they only have the one car I had to go get her so she could take Mom's car. This happened right before I was getting ready for the gym. So that is out for today. My mom is a worrier so I know this is going to set her back. Just when we spent an entire day so happily. I am going to cook up some shrimp and broccoli and yes I am going to have a small portion of mashed potatoes. I was going to sew tonight but I think I will work on the cards for Saturday's class.

    Janet, so good to hear that Bella is doing a bit better. Your love is the best medicine.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Spent today hiking near Sedona. Tomorrow we got suckered into a timeshare presentation in exchange for a helicopter tour! Sound fun, I just need to keep a smile plastered on my face for the timeshare thing. And I had to tell my weight for the heli tour. As John says - you lie, you die!

    Karla, what pretty flowers!

    Janet glad you are feeling better. And three cheers for exercising that pause and no thank you response!and another cheer for Bella doing well!

    Patti how wonderful that the new store is working out well. So sorry about the drunk driver, and about your sisters upsetting your mom. Mine keeps saying she wishes I were there, even though my brother and sister in town have been doing so much.

    Bert how did your PT session go? I’ve seen you posting on FB about some great new Leto recipes. Anything you could share with us?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Doing my nails before I dress, load the car and wake Izzy up for school. I’m leaving straight from there for my dad’s.

    Diane - My brother Keith went to a timeshare meeting yesterday and got $100 in gift cards to Pro Bass shops a a cruise and kindly said no to the time share too. Can’t believe what they give away to try and sell them. Parents always want the ones that aren’t there. There are some fabulous Keto recipes. It’s why people are sticking with it and losing so much.

    I am off to finish getting ready.

    Have a great day!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Evening. I went to se my endocrinologist today. My A1C is 5.6 so I’m happy. She wants me to stay on a low carb diet. I’m going to investigate Keto; however, I don’t know about 20-30 carbs a day. I know that WW points are high eating meats, cheeses, etc. so I’ll have to see what will work for me.

    Diane: I’m going to try stuffing chicken breast with creamed cheese, wrapping it in bacon and baking it. 0 carbs! I do like the 0 point chicken taco soup. Not sure how many carbs are in it, but I’ll check it out. I’ll also look back in my 21 day fix cookbook to find options. I’ll definitely share what I’m finding.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Quick evening check-n. Bert, congrats on your A1c - you’ve been doing really well.

    Karla, it’s so sweet how happy your dad is every time you visit.

    Diane, suffering through the presentation sounds like an OK trade off for the ride. The incentives alone tell you what a deal timeshares aren’t.

    Patti, how is your BIL doing today?

    Cindy, thinking of you. How much rain did the remnants of Florence dump on you?

    Another minimal-eating day. Whew. Definitely feeling a bit stronger in my resolve but am hungry! So I keep reminding myself that there are many worse things than feeling hungry. Trying to be gentle with myself and trying to remind myself how far I’ve come. Time to rein it in!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm traveling today for a visit. Just a quick check-in. Mike is volunteering this morning at the Red Cross telethon. So proud of him.

    Have a great day, everyone! I probably won't check in for a couple of days.
