OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF.

    Janet- Thank you for asking about my foot. The injections only helped temporarily and the walking has been limited as I am hobbling. I was supposed to get a surgical boot to keep it in when I’m not driving, it’s my right foot, but time got away and I had to leave to get Izzy to dance yesterday. I have reduced my hours to three days a week now that the office is trained, which has also helped with the foot restraints.

    Bert -You have such a precious family. Did you end up ordering the shoes online?

    I’m icing my foot this morning to get a jump on it. It actually felt pretty good this morning.

    TT: Are you a pumpkin spice fanatic? What fall flavor or routine are you looking forward to? Soups? Chili?

    Have a great day and wonderful weekend.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all, and TGIF.

    Karla, hope the foot will continue to heel - do get the boot for protection.

    Patti, how did your mom do with the injection?

    Pretty good day yesterday - indulged in potato chips with dinner (unless burger with high-fiber tortilla) and a small amount of fro-yo with strawberries.

    TT: Looking forward to chili and soups, butternut squash, roasted veggies. Of course, that stuff exists all year round, but ...

    Lots to do here today - nothing exciting but lots of necessaries, so I'll sign off. Thinking of you all throughout the weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a beautiful day to start the weekend. I made candied jalapeños with the last of the harvest from my friend at the cabin. Only got 3 half pint jars but there was 5 half pints of jalapeño syrup that can be used in recipes and glazes. Finally able to connect with my store manager to discuss the transfer. She was so sweet and was genuinely sorry to see me leave. I have 2 more weeks there. I will miss a few of the ladies there but ready for the move. Now I need to talk to my new manager to see if they will keep me on the same schedule. He had mentioned I was going to have to be retrained on the register, not my favorite thing but I have been blessed to have stayed off it for so long. Since the store is smaller everyone has to work both areas. Will need to learn the layout of the store, which is totally different. We are going to some flat track motorcycle races late this afternoon. It will be a nice bike ride and time spent with some great people. Edd raced for many years and we spent many weekends on the track. We will go to the cabin tomorrow. On Sunday we are going to see our grandson's new house and find out what needs painted so I can get started on it Monday. But mostly I want some time with my sweet baby Leo. Hard to believe he is 7 months old. Ariel will be a year old next month!

    Janet, I know your visit with your friend was fabulous. When you go to see her in WI can you sneak me along. My dad was from there and we spent our summer vacations there every year. It is a gorgeous place to be, except in winter lol!

    My eating is getting better as I utilize my pause button more and more. I made cabbage with banana peppers and bacon, needed more peppers but was very tasty and will be made again. Served it with pork cube steaks. Edd ran to the grocery after dinner and came back with ice cream, drumsticks to be specific. I was tempted to have one but he gently reminded me that I didn't really want it and he really didn't want to share, it worked. Knowing he was supporting my decisions made it easier to stop myself from helping myself.

    TT: fall to me is about football, sweatpants, changing leaves and bonfires at the river. I do not care for pumpkin spice and can't quite understand the world's obsession with it. It seems to be in everything and like holiday decorations it starts earlier every year. My friends terrorize me with texts and FB shares and anything else they can think of with pumpkin spice in it, lol.

    Wishing everyone a glorious weekend filled with love and laughter
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just had to share because it is a powerful message for us all, no matter where we are this journey we need to love ourselves the way we are in this moment
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Last night was Jillian's birthday party. Greg and Carrie did a great job. The kids had art projects, played in the back yard, and also the ice cream truck came. Everyone had a great time.

    TT: I am not a pumpkin spice fanatic; however, I do like soups, chili, etc. I know I can eat them year round, but usually don't. I also love bonfires.

    Patti: I like your share. It's a nice reminder of accepting who we are no matter what shape.

    Janet: I hope you have a great relaxing weekend.

    Karla: Looks like your foot might be getting a bit better. I plan to do my exercises today as well as ice them. I haven't done that in a few days.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, thanks for that. I cried. Totally my struggle, having always been told - with words, looks, actions - that I was a Wrong Human because of my body that self-loathing is something I must work at dispelling multiple times a day, every danged day. Needed that.

    Bert, sounds like a great party. Your kids are excellent parents. I’d expect no less.

    Yesterday I was over on calories but today I will starve to do better. Going to busy myself around the house.

    Hi to all. Enjoy the weekend!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all from the road. Traveling through smoky Northern California on our way to Yosemite tomorrow. Think we will stop at a winery for the night tonight. We had a glorious day at Crater Lake yesterday. It was the first clear (ish!) day they had in five weeks, according to the boat tour operator. FB update to come maybe tonight with pictures.

    Family update: mom is still very weak and says all the PT and OT they are having her do are exhausting her. “Family” care plan meeting yesterday didn’t get communicated to the family so only with mom, which is bad news because she doesn’t always comprehend clearly what they are telling her. She says they think she’ll be out of the acute care place in a week, and she doesn’t feel near ready to go back to her apartment.

    Other family news: my sister in Wisconsin was flooded severely in the flooding near Madison four days ago. Her basement flooded and water was in their main floor. 90 homes inher little town were flooded. Her business in town was also flooded. All three of their cars were underwater, and they only have comprehensive coverage on one. They are devastated. Hoping FEMA comes up with some disaster support because they will be ruined otherwise.

    Here is a video taken by the local news station.
    Note the shop vac on the deck. This was taken after the water receded (deck had been covered earlier) and my sister had kayaked to. Neighbor higher up, hitched to their building in town, brought the shop vac back and then kayaked home wi5 the shop vac on the kayak!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, thank you for your renewed focus here on our weight loss journey. It seems like many of us are refocusing. Hope you get some relief for your foot. I enjoy soups and stews so much more I the fall. And I’m with Janet and Patti - can’t stand pumpkin spice! Except for pumpkin bread or muffins, but no drinks!

    Bert, we almost always had backyard birthday parties for our kids, even when the trend among their friends was for “event” parties. We would put together a slip n slide, sprinklers, one year Carrie dreamed up an obstacle course and john even put up a low zip lline net for the day! I think those are the best memories.

    Patti, I’m so glad you are finding the emails and Facebook page from my WW leader useful. I think she is what made me successful this spring when I rejoined, and is keeping me somewhat motivated while on the road. I hope 5e job transfer works out. There will always be difficult people to work with, but being closer to home should really help.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, you are a lovely person inside and out. You are not a wrong human, and those who told you that are unworthy of your regard in any way. But I did have to giggle at what I presume was an autocorrect fail - I’m guessing you are going to strive to do better, not starve to do better today 😉.

    Cindy I hope you get some LR time this weekend.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is the smoke along the highway, taken at a rest area.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ha, Diane - yep, Autocorrect fail. Laughing overly hard at that. Thanks for your kind words - they mean a lot.

    Glad your sister is OK and hope they'll get assistance. Also hoping your mom will continue to improve - the staff should NEVER speak to a family only through the patient - time for a chat with someone about that.

    Enjoy the scenery - may the smoke not be a deterrent. What a special thing to experience Crater Lake on the only clear day in weeks.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. Not much time this morning as I need to get ready for church. Dan is running his triathlon today. Will catch up later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    hello everyone, the weekend has been so much fun. The races were a blast Friday night. Had forgotten how much I enjoy them. The best race of the night was the 50cc class where the riders are from 5-8 years old. The track is 1/2 mile and they had to go 3 laps. It was a photo finish with the time difference between 1st and 2nd only .02 of a second! The crowd was on their feet. The other highlight was a female teenager that just blew her male competitors off the track. Racers are a special breed and I love how they can compete one minute and be in the pits fixing the bike of their biggest rival the next. we didn't get home and to bed until after 2am then up and out the door by 8. my boat had more issues so we did not get any water time. I did make a roasted turkey with grilled fingerling potatoes, roasted lime/garlic corn, fried green tomatoes and gravy. The neighbor supplied yeast rolls and carrot cake.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    started taking my boat seats apart so I can recover them. there are 3 captains chairs. This will be a bit more difficult than any of the others I have done in the past. So excited to go see baby Leo and the kids' new house later today.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, Diane said it best and I whole heartedly concur. you are one of the most beautiful people I have had the pleasure to meet and call friend. Wish Mr Cleans Magic eraser worked on our brains.

    Diane, I am beyond furious with the rehab for having the family conference sans family! I know by Medicare guidelines they have to do them at specific intervals but I do believe the family can schedule to meet with the care team at their convenience and should contact the social worker and staff to set it up. Enjoy tour time in Yosemite.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning, almost noon here. My foot is still talking to me and I’m so tired of it! Not as painful, but nagging pain. We had two functions yesterday and enjoyed ourselves so much. We are so blessed with family and friend.

    Diane- I’m trying to stay refocused and do well during the week, but yesterday I did not exercise the pause button at the supper club dinner. It was awesome with a Gentilly cake I could not refuse a piece of. I loved going out West last year and we are planning a do over next year since I was so down in my back last year. I loved Colorado and want to go back there.

    Janet- I concur you have the heart of an Angel ithers did not appreciate that, but your father loved you to the moon! We are your biggest cheerleaders. Use counterthoughts to think of your dad or any of us when those negative memories creep in.

    Bert- I love the possible new name for our other board!

    I’m going to hobble out and pick JJ up for lunch since he will be 15 on the 2nd and won’t be back next weekend. Then back home. I have September full every weekend! Next weekend my nephew from Panama City and his family is coming to spend the night and then we are all going to Foley to the OWA theme park. The next weekend Glenn is having a crew park with his men from work, the next weekend is the next Supper Club and the following weekend Glenn and I will celebrate our 13th anniversary! Wow! My dad is turning 90 on the 20th and we will go to Panama City for that weekend after it. It is on a Thursday, Some family is coming on actual day and other is coming on weekend not to overcrowd him.

    Trying to take thing slow but get things done too.

    Later my pals,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is supposed to be another scorcher with high humidity. So, indoor activities are planned. I'm spending the night at Greg and Carrie's in order to get the kids ready for school tomorrow and take them to school Carrie is having a skin cancer removed tomorrow and they have to be in Indy before 8:00 a.m.

    Dan finished his Triathlon yesterday. He was in the middle of the pack. I'm so proud of him for competing.

    Diane: Your pictures are awesome! Your backyard parties sound like so much fun, too! I do enjoy the emails from Lindsey. Thanks for sending them. I'm trying to refocus and get on the losing streak again.

    Patti: Glad you had fun at the races. Hope you had fun with Leo. Good luck with covering the captain's chairs.

    Karla: Your September is definitely busy. Enjoy your activities.

    Janet: You're a beautiful woman, both inside an out!

    Waving hi to Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, yesterday was a scorcher but we survived. Edd was on work projects that included chainsaws and bobcats. I got one of the seats done and the pattern made for the other two. Turned out pretty danged nice, if I say so myself. Next weekend I may try to get another one done, depends on the weather. If it is nice we will be out in the boat since we have had so little time in it this year. Today I need to get groceries and then work. The store will be brutally hot, the a/c is basically non working. I have to take a towel with me to wipe my face!

    Diane, I have been thinking about your sister and praying she gets FEMA relief. I have seen first hand the devastation a flood leaves behind, fortunately our place has been spared every time. Your pictures from Crater Lake are stunning. You have the best "Backyard" for your camper!

    Bert, you sure have been on the road and on the run these past few weeks. Hope you get a bit of down time soon.

    Cindy, I hope Jasper is better and you got some LR time this weekend. When is Rick's appointment. I know it is looming and I hope Rick isn't getting too anxious as it approaches. Prayers with all of you.

    Janet, praying you don't need to go out in this soup!

    On with my day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today two girlfriends and I are headed up to Birmingham to my annual eye exam at UAB Chandler Eye Hospital. We will have a blast together. We are going to stop at a cute boutique I have just ordered some neat things from in Montgomery on the way back. Fun times. I am hoping there are some new products for dry eyes as I still suffer terribly from it.

    Diane - Great pictures of the Great Outdoors. You are even making this city girl want to camp. LOL. John always has such a great big smile on his face in his pictures. He is truly happy on his trips.

    Bert - Healthy Habit Warriors is our new name and I really like it. Char will be updating it soon and I hope we don't have any issues with the link. HHW!!

    Patti - I know you will be glad to get that transfer complete. There is no way in hell I would work in a non-airconditioned facility. Even in Ohio. LOL.

    I have the car ready, healthy snacks, cooler with my green tea and water, windshield cleaned, a blanket, umbrellas for rain and it is clean. I even windexed the windows!! I am leaving early to gas up. I am picking both ladies up. My appointment is at 1:10p.

    Have a great and wonderful day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh, and I have the double CD set of The Eagles greatest hits also. It just surpassed Michael Jackson's Thriller album as the top selling album of all time. We will be singing!! Car Kareoke!!
