OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    iPad shut down while I was finishing up a long post. Drat

    I made 2 dozen 1/2 pint jars of jelly, 2 dozen stuffed jalapeños and a sheet pan of saltine toffee yesterday. TRX was a heart pumping aerobic session with a full class. She always plays the best music and several of us sing and dance along in between TRX moves. I fell in bed last night with a good type of exhaustion. Unfortunately I left a kitchen full of dirty pots and pans for this morning. They are done and now I just need to pack for the weekend. So looking forward to spending time with my nieces and exSIL. They are smart, articulate and extraordinarily funny. Will not be back here until Sunday.

    Wishing you all a weekend filled with whatever makes you smile. Just like the thought of this group makes me smile.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Saturday. We are heading home today. Will stop in Murfressboro, Tennessee to rest from driving all day. Then we will be home on Sunday. Both rooms are painted and Lindsey and Justin's bedroom is put back together. She's happy that it's done. I wanted to get the spare room put together, but they will have to do it. It's been a nice visit. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    On our way to Johnny’s Lakeside RV Park to hang with friends. We have Izzy in tow and they have other grand kids already there. More fun times.

    Bert- I was born in Smyrna, Tennessee. Beautiful State. I’m glad you had a good visit and helpful one. You have had quite a busy summer.

    Well, we are here!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Not much to report here. Eating has been so-so but pause button has been employed a few times.

    Safe travels to all who are on the road.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning to all. Had a good food day yesterday - a bit crabby but stayed within calorie limits. Just wasn't particularly hungry which, as we all know, is a rare thing for me! Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Travel happily and safely, with good conversation &/or music; May there be much laughter in your day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning. We are almost home. Didn’t sleep well last night in the hotel. Too hot with covers and too cold without. Have a great day! I will be glad to get home.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. Great time at the RV Park!! Now Izzy is telling PaPa he has to buy us a camper. This park is awesome. Shady Oak trees over most lots, small lake with ducks, two separate large bath/shower room. We had two campers there and four couples. We grilled out and hung out. The most amazing part to me was how COOL it was. Between the shade and the fans they had blowing, I was not hot. I'm in on RV camping! Even during August. They also had an awesome family fun swimming pool with a triple swirl slide and a large lazy river. Another couple had their two grandchildren, so Izzy has kids to play with.

    Bert - I don't always sleep well when out either. I hope you got a nap after you arrived home.

    Janet - I know you are watching your calories and practicing the pause button. Good for you!! Are you tracking in MFP?

    I am going grocery shopping. I'm making a new recipe my teacher friend Lisa sent me the recipe link on. It's Big Mac salad. This week we are having Shrimp Stir Fry, the Slaw Crack and this Big Mac salad. We usually eat out once a week, by Thursday I will make us a chicken spaghetti dish. (the only one with carbs this week)

    Have a great upcoming week. Izzy starts back to school tomorrow. We had a fun last week.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited August 2018
    Back from another fun filled weekend. My nephew had a few people over for a party Friday night so we were up late. Saturday got off to a slow and late start. It was brutally hot and humid so we didn't stop at very many yard sales. We opted for a/c, ice water and salad at BJs. Excellent choice as it turned out. I spent a total of $2.30 and my niece bought nothing. It was just the 2 of us, the other two begged off. My nephew had a great dinner for us: cherrywood smoked ribs and smoked sweet corn with garlic butter. My mouth is watering just typing this. It was a chill night as we were all overheated and in meat comas
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Edd and I took 127 home and hit a lot of sales but bought very little. But it was a pleasant 4 hours. I think I spent about $7 over the 2 days. Edd spent $7 on some awesome corn. I think he made the better deal. One blot on the fun- our brakes went out on the way there Friday. We still had front brakes. It no rear brakes. I was a nervous wreck and Edd was cool as a cucumber. Got us there safely and he fixed them while we were shopping.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    The cheese whisperer have come out with a new flavor, yummy Bacon BBQ. I have to stick with my plan. My size 12 jeans are too snug now. yikes!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Very quick stop. Life has been very busy here. New company Plaskolite LLC-
    Jasper is very slowly getting better. He ended up with a bacterial information on top of it all the poor little man. We go to Tufts tomorrow for a recheck and I'm not sure if he'll be able to start pool therapy yet or not. Taking care of him is easier, Rick is afraid or just doesn't want to help him so most of it falls back to me. I can tell he never changed a baby diaper in his life. GRRR.
    Anyway, I'm okay, mindfully eating my stress. Writing has slowed but I'm still working on the 3rd book.
    I miss checking in but life will get back to normal.
    You ladies are my rock in this mess and I thank you. You're very special to me.

    Oh- one good note- Next June I'll be at a major book event in Cincinnati- woot woot- running with some bigger names for sure. Anyway.. until next time
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, glad you stopped by and sorry for al that you are dealing with right now. Jasper is still with you because you love him so much. Cincinnati next June, it's a date. I bet we can even get Bert to travel there to meet you along with me and Janet. What a fun meeting that will be. Are you still going to WV in November? Keep up the good fight, I am sending all the prayers I can for you daily.

    Shopping done for me and mom. I got to visit for a bit with her when I dropped off her stuff. I will be taking her for a haircut tomorrow. My sister used to have that on her list of things to do for her but she is not up to it at the moment. She does have a portable concentrator now so is more mobile but Mom won't ask anything of her.

    Time for work. See you all tomorrow
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning ladies. I tracked all day yesterday and eating was good. Onward ho!

    Cindy - I’m so glad you have your writing outlet as a positive in your life. Jasper is reeling on your love. Rick will be Rick. Congrats on the book events you are excited about. You will be very famous one day!

    Bert - Are you rested up? When do you start up on your students, or will you return to this with the changes?

    Millie woke me up with scratching so I have bathed her in her medicated itch shampoo. Next is Sophie, who isn’t itching, but dirty. Lol.

    My cleaning ladies are coming today so I need to prep the house, which is just a couple things.

    Have a wonderful day in whatever you do. Glenn’s cousin passed away Sunday at age 64 with just a 30 day illness. So shocking after them just visiting us in July! Breaks my heart. He was such a sweet man and was so caring about my back problem when we stayed with them last August in Nebraska. I’m still in shock. Prayers for their family please. Like Glenn, he was a big family man.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I finally got a good night's sleep. I didn't do much yesterday; went to church to get the computer, went to grocery store, and got pool supplies. That's about it. Rested throughout the day. My feet were so swollen from riding in the car that I had to elevate them to get the swelling down. Also drank water to help. This morning is much better.

    Karla: I'm watching Jillian and Cole today as this is Greg's first day of school. Carrie's was last week. Saturday is seminar at St. Mary's. I have one student teacher and don't know about any field students yet. I'll see how it goes this semester. I know the lower pay rates are in effect this semester, so we shall see. Where did you get the BBQ cheese whisps?

    Cindy: Sorry about all your stress. I'm sure it's a difficult time for you.

    Patti: You're so lucky to be able to spend time with your mom.. I'm sure you cherish your time with her.

    Waving hi to Janet and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, hope you can rest up a bit. Long drives do tend to wear us out a bit, but seeing family and friends always makes it worth it.

    Cindy, sorry Jasper had the complication, but happy to hear he's improving. We must baby our fur babies!

    Karla, so sorry about Glenn's cousin but it's nice that you were able to visit with them so recently. Losing family members is so painful. Hugs.

    Patti, hope work this week is less jerkified than it has been.

    Diane, will check Facebook to see what wonders you're dwelling amidst today.

    Pretty good day yesterday. James was ill and slept most of the day, while I did little stuff. Bella went to the vet for a bloodwork recheck, and the results were encouraging. She's stable and has definitely perked up since the big scare. We'll keep going with her current medications and periodic fluids and recheck in 3-4 months, unless the situation changes. So relieved to know she can stay home for a bit after four vet visits in three weeks. Having lunch with a friend at Panera today - there will be a yummy salad and lots of laughter.

    Have a great day, friends.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick check in before gathering Mom for her haircut and then maybe I can talk her into going out to lunch if she is up to it. Tomorrow is lunch with the girls, haircut and color then work. Thursday I am meeting my daughter Susie for dinner, it has been far too long between visits. Last night was not a difficult time with the work portion of it but the two girls they scheduled to work cutting counter with me about made my ears bleed with their constant, idiotic chatter. When they talk they stop working so it took two of them to complete about the same amount of work I did. I lost my cool a bit after we closed, that is when the most work needs to be done, and asked them both if it was possible to work AND talk so we could get out at a decent hour. The one girl picked up the pace and never shut up, the other just said "this is why I am not supposed to work closing. I have ADD". Got to give it to her, best excuse yet. I just said that maybe it would be better if she kept working and stopped talking. Their conversation was all about babies and Gencom and Comicon. I found a corner to work in, lol!

    Bert, I bet you are glad to be home and getting some rest. You worked hard with all that painting. I bet Mike was glad to be back home too.

    Janet, what good news for sweet Bella but sorry James was unwell. Hope he is better today.

    Karla, sorry for Glenn's loss.

    Waving to Diane and Cindy and sending positive vibes to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: Sorry about Bella. Hope James feels better today.

    Patti: I'm sure that the two girls were annoying. Glad you found your corner to work in. That would definitely drive me nuts.

    Karla: So sorry about Glenn's cousin.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Retired Teachers' lunch. I haven't been able to attend the last two. It will be nice to see everyone. Today is Jillian and Cole's first day. Cole is nervous, and Jillian is excited. I'm anxious to see their first day pictures. Have a great day, everyone!

    Today's Goal: Limit Carbs, Track, and Drink more water.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another day with another opportunity to do better for our bodies. Monday was good but yesterday I just was so hungry. I order some bread and bagels from a company called Thin Slim Foods on Amazon that my clinic recommended. Zero carbs on the bagels and 4 I believe on the bread. I will let you know. Always trying to find a way to survive here!

    I’m still having a problem with this right ankle and foot. I’ve been wearing tennis shoes to help with it and today I will have my orthotics that I was fitted for that my insurance paid for fitted in them. Jeez it sux getting old!

    Bert- Izzy is tired from starting back on Monday. Next week she will start dance on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

    Cindy - Jasper will continue to improve with your love and attention.

    I best get ready before I wake Izzy for school. I picked her up to keep our routine for the school.

    Have a wonderful day.


    PS (the poolside condo is making progress, the electricians are done this week with hooking up the central heat and air and Glenn is getting quotes now for the insulation.)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, enjoy the lunch. Nothing like old friends to feed our spirits.

    Karla, hope the orthotics help. Fppt/ankle pain affects everything. What types of dance will Izzy take this year?

    Decent day food wise for me. Went to Panera for lunch with a friend and we chatted for three hours - time flew. A few errands later, I was home. Bella is hanging in there but remains frail - doing all we can. Rough night with storms and spotty sleep. Not sure what today will bring, aside from rain, but I will make it pleasant.