OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    golly what a week! pssed way too quickly and now we are back to just me, Edd and Frankie. blazing hot today so I chose indoor activities: cleaned out fridge, sliced, froze and bagged 20+ pounds of peaches (actually that is a work in progress), read the manual for g daughter's camera, dishes and general cleaning up around the cabin. We have had the best time, spent with the best people. We celebrated our 31st anniversary with an awewome rib dinner, complete with the very best fried green tomatoes I have ever made. Frankie celebrated with a little container of "doggie filet mignon". I had so many green tomatoes that I sliced and froze them for later. all the stem ends and bottoms were chopped fine and I tried 2 new recipes from Pinterest. 1) green tomato and cheddar fail, too heavy and doughy.
    2) green tomato cake/bread. This was awesome. a little sweeter and moister than zucchini bread. I will make again but will decrease the sugar and add craisins. It called for pecans and raisins, but I only had pecans.
    we are going home tomorrow then back on Wednesday night. it will be a quick, activity filled 2 days.

    enjoy the day
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, everyone! Safely home, now getting ready to do laundry and other household stuff.

    Karla, congrats on the loss. I know the grandkids always have a blast at Nana's.

    Patti, happy anniversary! Now that you and Edd are in your fourth decade of marriage, it's gonna stick. Your week at the cabin sounds wonderful, except for your cousin's mishap. Enjoy the quiet now - indoors is best in this weather.

    Bert, hope your Chicago trip was fun.

    Waving to Diane and Cindy too.

    My eating on the trip was predictably horrible, but so be it. Have done better now that I'm home. It was great to see friends, their extended family and assorted friends, many of whom I've met over the years, but some of whom were new to me. Had lots of great conversations and caught up really well with my dear friend Monica, whose daughter got married. Spent much of Tuesday at her house (she and her husband retired to coastal NC), helping a bit with wedding prep of food and such.

    Tuesday night there was a party, complete with a very good rock band of retirees who played rock classics we grew up with. There were tons of kids of all ages, too - all of them spirited and energetic, but none of them was a pain. Just delightful. darkness fell, we went to the beach for fireworks - soundtrack was the ocean waves crashing on the beach as the tide rose. It had cooled to reasonable temps, factoring in a wonderful ocean breeze, and the display was very good. Watching the kids watch the fireworks was a show in itself.

    The wedding was Wednesday morning - 9:30 AM, on the beach. Monica laid down a heart in big seashells, and a shell-outlined path from the boardwalk to the beach to the heart. The wedding party came down the steps, and the bride's best friend officiated. It was full of love, and the bride's ex-husband and his new wife were their to support the kids. (They have hammered out a really lovely, adult friendship between the two couples to support the two girls - lovely to behold.) After the ceremony we adjourned to the house the bride, groom, family and close friends rented for the week for brunch and conversation.

    It was just so much fun to catch up with everyone, spend time with the kids too, and to have some interesting conversations with everyone. By the time I left, I was feeling maxed out (we introverts get that way), but what a great time!

    OK, time to swap out laundry, which means retumbling a load to de-wrinkle it. HUGS TO ALL.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Dan, Annie, and the kids made it last night. The house is full of family! I love it. They will be here until Thursday, so I'm cherishing every moment. Greg, Carrie, Jillian, and Cole will be here as family time. Tonight we are going to the Terre Haute Rex baseball game. It's a team made up of college students who play throughout the summer. Jillian's best friend's dad is the pitching coach. He grew up with Greg, so that will be double fun.

    Patti: I've never made fried green you put them in some type of batter before frying? I think I'd like to try making them.

    Janet: So glad you're home safely. The wedding sounds fabulous. It's so much better for the kids when the ex's and spouses get along. Ours (on both sides) was turbulent for a few years, but subsided. I get along with Mike's ex quite well as they were divorced before we met; however, when Lindsey was little, that was another story. All has been good on both sides for many years.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, what pure joy to have the boisterousness of al the grandkids in the house! A ball game is a perfect outing, and with your personal connections, even more special for everyone.

    Patti, if you can she the green tomato magic, I'd like to try them too. Do you use your air fryer for them? Still contemplating getting one (after James leaves and I can do a good cabinet/cookware weed-out and make room.

    Trying to get coffee to wake my brain up. Ended up with no dinner, just salsa and chips, a few olives and a couple of pieces of cheese. Neighbors across the street came over for a drink (James let me know they were coming over just as I had showered and put Pjs on) and stayed more than two hours. Let's just say I was to very happy about that - she is sweet but ditzy and he isn't my favorite person (high-roller braggart). Oh well. Had a slice of toast with some PB before bedtime. So - acceptable calories for the day, but not great nutrition. Making a grocery list and will zoom out for errands later (or tomorrow).

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, 4th attempt to post from my phone. It is quiet with just me, the birds and Frankie here on my deck.

    Bert, family time and making memories, the very best that life has to offer.
    the fried green tomatoes are super easy. Make sure they are very firm and green. Slice 1/2 inch thick, salt both sides liberally then lay on sheet trays and cover with wax paper. let stand at room temp at least 30 minutes to draw out the moisture. Blot dry with paper towels. Dip in seasoned flour, egg wash and then a mixture of equal parts flour and panko seasoned with s&p, I also add cayenne and garlic powder but that is up to you. Fry in bacon fat until deeply golden brown. Serve as they come out of the pan, after draining on paper towels. I tried making a big batch and holding in a warm oven until were cooked but they did not stay crisp. I have 3 quart bags of frozen slices and supposedly I they cook up great from frozen, you just skip the salting process.

    Janet, what a lovely picture you paint of your trip. I can see you chatting away and enjoying watching the kids. Your friend lived having you there for all the festivities no doubt. Just glad you are home safe and sound with such wonderful memories to keep.

    Karla, summer funtime with Nana is in full swing. I know you are loving every minute of it. Congrats on your awesome loss.

    big hugs to Cindy and Diane

    need to pack up to go home for 2 days. Every minute of that time will be jam packed.

    until later
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Just marking my spot-
    Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    So good to see most everyone stop in, except Diane whom is on the road.

    Busy at home doing office work and home chores simultaneously. I love it.

    Patti- Remember those awesome fried green tomatoes we had in New Orleans? They were the bomb.

    Janet- That wasn’t very kosher of James on the last minute notice to you of the guests, but that’s the unfortunate part of having a roommate! Lol. My nephew in north Alabama is sick of his and looking for his own apartment now. So glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Cindy- hi sweetie.

    Bert- You enjoy your family and grandkids as much as I do. Izzy and I have to go for dance shoes today.

    I’m back to work,,,

    Have a great day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all from the road. We have spent the last 10 days at Rocky Mountain NP with no cell service unless we went into town. Now headed west to Black Canyon of the Gunnison. Carrie and my sister Sandy spent four days with us. Both did a terrific job hiking. We let them choose the agenda, and there was one place Carrie had been years ago with us and Really wanted to get back to. A six mile round trip hike and 1000 feet of elevation gain. They both made it, though my sister had a bit of a panic attack on one exposed section. Since her stroke, her balance is just not quite right and her left side is still very weak. I think the only reason she attempted it was that Carrie so desperately wanted to get there. It is her “happy place” that she mentally goes to when she is struggling, so really wanted to get ther again in person.

    After they left we did more (and more strenuous) hiking on our own. My Fitbit says 39 miles in the last five days! I’ve been trying to push the fruits and veggies. But we had pizza one day and ice cream two days. My clothes are the same or slightly looser, so all is okay.

    Have read all. Will try to catch up while we are driving today if the roads aren’t too bad.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. A quick hello as I am working on-site. The doctor terminated the front office lady yesterday. He said he was having multiple complaints about her from the patients and staff. Plus she showed herself off complaining about me too. LOL. Oh well, I have another lady starting tomorrow. This is the lady that caught her husband cheating on her the first week she started with us 4 months ago, so she has been going through an awful time. Divorced after 27 years. I kept giving her the benefit of the doubt because of what she was going through, but it was all too much for her. Sooooo, here we go again. I already had Joyce trained for the front desk because I believe is cross training, so we will be fine.

    Diane - Good to hear from you. So glad Carrie got to get to her Happy Place. I viewed your pics on FB and they were awesome. Life is to be enjoyed.

    Off to the races.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, feels weird to be home. Seems like I have been gone forever. I will be running a few errands for Mom and then we will have a nice catch up session. I have talked to her about every other day but not the same as seeing her. I am going to TRX tonight and then need to get the laundry done. Tomorrow will be grocery shopping, lunch with the girls, hair appointment to remove the stripe (which is not as noticeable with this cut) and then back to the cabin. Very small crew coming for the weekend but it will be fun just the same.

    Diane, I am so amazed and impressed with Carrie and your sister! I did not realize Carrie was ready for hiking. Bet the trip did a world of good for her spirits. Loving the pictures, keep them coming when you can and enjoy the rest of your adventure. How is your knee doing?

    Lots to do so I better get going, waving hi to everyone
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Diane, your photos are terrific, and how wonderful to see Carrie hiking! Thinking about her visiting her happy place made me teary with joy. Your sister is a trouper. I'm sure the occasional pizza or ice cream cone is not a biggie, given your activity level. I love Colorado, gorgeous all year long. A few days away from connectivity is good for you - I am trying to spend less time online even here.

    Patti, welcome home. I know girlfriend time and Mom time will help ease you back into civilization for the next few days.

    Karla, isn't office drama just a special brand of yuck? My best friend got divorced (long ago) after 24 years of marriage - it's never easy.

    Cindy, how are things at work these days? Hope they aren't working you into the ground, but at least Lucy is there for escapes.

    Bert, hope you are all having a marvelous time together. How's the baseball game?

    Eating yesterday wasn't awful, despite a donut calling my name while I was out. The rest of my week will be busy but I will check in daily. Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening. Home after another day at the office. This time at my desk with the new Extern student. She is wonderful and the office is so nice with everyone so appreciative of their job and not so tense. Of course I am backed up, but I will work it off.

    Patti - I am planning on a group camping trip for our Supper Club for next Spring. We are looking for a place in either Mississippi or Louisiana that is on a lake with cabins and camper hookups. Several couples in our group have campers and some want cabins. Do you know of such a place? I know you have stayed in Mississippi quite a bit.

    I need to update my tracking, have a nice evening.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I had a wonderful night's sleep and a healthy breakfast this morning. I have straightened up a round here and just tracked my food. I must say I have my routine going pretty good. My friend Lisa has made my Slaw Crack and absolutely loves it. Her doctor had recommended she try the Keto diet for two weeks to help her get off some of her weight. She is the school teacher I have mentioned that lives in NC. She has a heart condition, Graves disease and Immunosuppressive disorder too.

    Patti and Janet - Did you catch the post earlier where Judy Felty had started the Keto diet and loved it and had asked about you two? She is such a sweet lady.

    Motivational Quote of the Day: Eating the right combination of superfoods, such as fresh produce, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy will give your body the energy it needs, protect you from chronic diseases, and may even whittle your waist.

    Have a positive and well rounded day!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Odd times here in Mass. I'm kind of bored at work until 8/1 when the switch happens, not much to do for the old company and not supposed to be working on things for the new company. But of course I am doing a few things to ease my work load in August, well that's if they keep me around. In the first 7 months of the year they have purchased 3 well run companies so LOTS of redundancy. I have worked on my resume so I'll be ready.
    Rick is starting to forget things at work but he has a co-worker that isn't asking any questions. Minor things but still he has always been so good here. I can't wait to know what is really going on in his head. Over the weekend he forgot how to do something on the car. I had him help me with something minor and then suggested he go back and just let his instincts take over- it worked. But his was horror-stricken isn't the write way to explain it but totally lost maybe. So hard. The testing and then results are a month later- need for it to be over.
    I keep thinking it has to be more the pharmaceutical cuz wouldn't the med therapist be trying something is that was it?
    I've started writing book 3-, book 2 is with the editor and book 1 is ready to roll. Progress.
    I'm planning the next book event in August and another writer is going with me this time.

    We're going to take the motorhome out next weekend. So that will be nice, just a couple of nights.
    Not much else in my world.
    Karla- too bad that lady just didn't keep her opinions to herself- to lose a job over it nuts.
    Diane- sounds like you're having a great time hiking. With 39 miles I'm sure the pizza and ice cream didn't even make a wrinkle in your plan
    Janet- when is your next adventure. and how are the sweet fur balls?
    Patti- you are so blessed to have this time with your Mom...
    Bert- what is your next adventure and are you going to be mentoring again this fall?
    Need to run- waving to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We have service tonight! I’m going to update the Travels With Charly4 page in a bit so won’t belabor it here. We are Colorado National Monument tonight, going for a hike in the morning before moving on the Dinosaur NM.

    Eating is better now that we aren’t near a town and going out to lunch!

    Janet, yes less connectivity can be good, but NO connectivity for days on end is a little stressful. I talked to mom tonight and that relieved my stress on that front. She sounded stronger on the phone than she has in a while.

    Karla good luck with the office drama! One thing I definitely do not miss!

    Cindy, office drama of another sort, not people but the company. When will you know if the new company will keep you? I’d be working on the resume and enjoying the lull so you can focus your energies at home. So sorry for what you and Rick are going through. Enjoy the Lucy weekend.

    Patti you are probably back at the cabin again by now after a busy couple of days. Enjoy your weekend. Would your mom ever come out for an overnight, or would that just be too much for her?

    Bert enjoy your family time!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies, quick check in as I have to go open the office and then I am off after just a few hours there.

    Diane - No more office drama. The Queen of it is GONE. These ladies now are appreciative of their jobs and so far so good.

    Drum roll please - weigh in this morning: 187.4!!!! yes!!

    Cindy - So glad to see you dear. I wish you the best on your career. It really was for the best that the lady left the office. I was glad the doctor terminated her and I didn't have to. She was a handful, her personal life was just too much of a mess for her to focus on a new job.

    I better run. We have the supper club tomorrow at my BFF's house. So fun. We are already planning our trip for next year as I mentioned to Patti yesterday. I hope we can find a neat camping site for us all. Those that I have talked to so far are really excited about it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The kids left yesterday afternoon. We had such a great visit Even though it was chaotic at times, I love the chaos! Today will be spent working on the musical program book, heading to the gym, and straightening up the house. Eating was not good at dinner time. I'll get back on schedule. My determination is still there, so I'll be working harder now that our schedule will be a little back to normal.

    Karla: Congratulations on your loss! I love the motivational quote. It sounds like the WW 8 essentials where you tracked dairy, oils, etc. I'm basically doing that with the Freestyle program; however, I know I'm eating too many carbs. I'll try to get that under control.

    Cindy: Yes, I'll be mentoring this fall; however, things are changing at the college. I only have 1 student teacher this fall. They have cut the pay $100 both for student teachers and field students. If I don't get many field students, it might not be worth my time to do it.

    Diane: It sounds like your having a marvelous trip.

    Waving hi to Patti and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. It's sunny and pretty here, but it's going to get brutal later and stay that way all weekend. My cleaner will be coming later and James is heading our for golf. I'll busy myself with laundry and other household pursuits. Eating was decent yesterday - had a granola/nut bar while out but am OK with it. James's system had been upset for several days so he was really hungry for a large, healthy meal last night. I had picked up a good-sized piece of salmon and some asparagus the other day. He grilled both to perfection. I made a dill sauce with fresh dill and light sour cream, a touch of skim milk and a few spices, and we had tater tots (not the best, but easy and I got them good and crispy in the oven). When he got out the ice cream, I had a spoonful but resisted the bowl.

    Cindy, having so much downtime at work is a weird feeling, isn't it? Happened to me for several weeks once, also during a company sale, but everyone was permitted to work on resumes and play computer solitaire when there truly wasn't anything to do. Sometimes we actually left the building for lunch instead of eating at our desks! So sorry about Rick's woes. I pray you will get some clarity and a treatment plan. At least you have motor home adventures to occupy your imagination. We're all here for you as needed. Any hour, any day.

    Diane, happy to hear your mother is doing better. Enjoy every vista for all of us.

    Karla, what's the cuisine for your dinner club this time? What fun to have a group to dine with and explore recipes while planning adventures. May things settle down at the medical office now that the irritant is gone. Happy to hear Judy is doing well - she really is a sweetheart. Congratulations on your continued progress!

    Patti, hope you are staying cool and enjoy a more leisurely weekend at the cabin.

    Bert, bet you're using the pool more in this weather. Two more months of this, um, glory of summer.

    OK, time to get ready for the cleaner. Am watching a PBS show I recorded about people who live and work in extreme habitats, which makes me even more grateful to live such a cushy life with AC and far more than basic creature comforts. I don't have to live in the high Himalayas with my yak herd for half the year.

    Big hugs to all. Make it a great day, and have a superb weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi everybody,
    Lost a nice long post this morning on my phone. Was watching the birds and typing away, then I clapped my hands to shoo the blackbirds off the feeder and that was the end of my post. Wish I could say that was the first time that has happened, lol. Now I am on my iPad, so hopefully I will hit the post and not the done buttons.

    Today starts our adventures in animal care and feeding. Also need to water her pots and plants around the porches and tend the garden. Get to keep all the veggies that are ripe and all the eggs that the chickens lay. Expecting 6 guests for the weekend, so low key and most likely there will lots of boat time. We can also use our friends pool that we are sitting for.

    Diane, I know how relieved you must feel after talking to your Mom. Mine has now decided to stay in her apartment, the move is just too overwhelming to her. It can be revisited at any time if she changes her mind. Hope you have more photos to post, I do enjoy traveling thru your lens.

    Karla, glad the work drama is over and you can get back to enjoying the pool and grands. Congrats on another good loss. You are definitely in your groove.

    Cindy, enjoy these quiet, boring moments at work. You know it will not last. Have a Lucy good time this weekend. Praying there will be positive treatment choices for Rick. I know this has to be so frightening for him and for you. Here if needed, but I think you know that.

    Janet, stay cool and enjoy your a/c, I will soak enough sun and heat for both of us. Have you watched Goliath on Prime with Billy Bob Thornton? Highly recommend. We just watched season one and can't wait to start season 2. the Ranch on Netflix is entertaining too.

    Bert, love the cake! You are making the best memories. Enjoy it all.

    Time to get productive before the guests arrive. Not sure when I will have time to post again. I will be going home Monday afternoon and returning Wednsday after lunch.