OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    sorry I have been MIA. Have tried to post but my iPad keeps eating my posts before I can enter them. Grrrrr. I keep forgetting I still have my granddaughter's laptop, duh. Just shows you where my head is right now. Won't ego into great detail but Mom's eye is not getting better as fast as we would like. She is essentially blind at this time. She is managing and refuses to consider assisted living, in fact is getting ready to sign a new lease. I am praying, and hope all of you will too, that her sight returns enough so that she can stay where she is more safely. She is starting to get depressed and that is not like her.

    My eating is spotty but I am trying to think why I am eating. There is this huge hole in my heart and my stomach, both demanding to be fed but nothing is satisfying either one. Loss to date is being maintained. Keeping myself out of the kitchen is my current strategy as well as trying to choose protein snacks and not carbs. Works some of the time.

    Janet, would loved to have been at the Boz Skaggs concert, love his music and the blues. Yeah on no candy leftovers.

    Karla, bet your house is quiet with just your dad and Izzy there. Did you find the hearing aid. Will your homeowners insurance cover replacement if not found?

    Diane, anxious to hear how your Mom is doing. Progress on the kitchen cabinets?

    Cindy, hope you are doing well. Loved that you got to Ohio to see Meg and your trip to Lake George looked like a good time. Are you still going to WV this weekend? Wish I could make that trip to meet you but cannot leave Mom at this time.

    Bert, what did the kids go as for trick or treat. I so miss seeing all the littles in their costumes. Baby Leo was Fox and Ariel was not in costume when I saw her but she was so cute I didn't notice, lol.

    I need to get it in gear but just don't seem to have the heart or energy to do anything on this gloomy, rainy day. I will go out later as Mom needs a few things and my sister is not available until tomorrow. I want to lay eyes on her every day and make sure she has something she can fix for dinner without using the stove.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I am so very sorry for your mother’s health issue with her eye. I will keep her in my prayers and hope the seepage dries up and vision is restored. Is she eligible for any type of home care? Maybe ask about the Council on the Blind Services? I know you are terrified of her falling. Surely she qualifies for some sort of assistance.

    Cindy- Yes, I also saw your lovely picture. You are hanging tough as you must.

    Waiting in line for Miss Izzy. She was so cute as a sweet Disney Zombie last night. Tons and tons of kids in our neighborhood.i bought $40 worth of candy and ran out!

    We are going to the Peter Anderson Arts Festival this weekend in Ocean Springs. I can’t wait. He is a famous artist from the area.

    My father is doing great. He amazes me with his stamina and ability to get around at over 90 years old. He’s not stopped over or slow either! Lol.

    Well, here she comes. Have a great day.

    Oh Diane- So sorry about your mother’s health also. I do hope she has rallied some.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm proud to report that Mike will be heading to Florida for an assignment for the Red Cross. He leaves tomorrow. He is so excited! He will be traveling to Tallahasee, but then doesn't know where he will be stationed.

    Janet: I wish I could say that I didn't have any Halloween candy....we still have some left. I'm determined to stay away from it and let Mike eat it. He doesn't seem to gain weight... I love Boz Scaggs' voice. Glad you enjoyed the concert.

    I need to get ready for my visit this morning. Have to leave by 8:15. Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, you have every reason to be proud of Mike. I am glad he is so willing and anxious to be of service. He is a great guy. I have friends in Tallahassee but haven't heard from them since the hurricane.

    I am hanging in here, barely. Actually eating is ok since I have no appetite. So worried about Mom and feel powerless to change what is happening. Keep praying the blood starts to dry up so her sight will improve. She is depressed, not eating well and sleeping a lot. My sis is there today. I will go by for a bit before I go to work tomorrow and hopefully my sis can go again on Sunday. I will be able to go Monday thru Thursday next week. Reached out to my gf that is a Social Worker and she gave me some excellent info on who to call for services. that will be firs on my list Monday morning. Hoping I can get an agency to come to her home and do an eval for services and adaptive devices. She fried eggs yesterday, flipped them without breaking the yolks! But can't seem to make the phone work, despite my walking her thru it multiple times. right now she just isn't hearing me. But I will keep at it. I promised her I would never put her in a nursing home. So if she needs more care we will hire in home care, even if it is private pay, I will not put her in a nursing home. Wish I could convince her to move to assisted living but she is adamant that she does not want to move. So I will do what I can.

    waving hi to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry to be MIA again. We have just been so busy!

    Cabinets are going well but we decided we just can’t get them finished in time to go out to WI for the two weeks necessary before thanksgiving so will be going right after. While going that late introduces some stress about bad weather, it reduces current stress n getting cabinets done. We have had some great weather, and have been able to spray the finish lacquer (has to be above 60). We have all the drawer boxes, drawer fronts, cabinet door and shelves done and sprayed. Today we cut all the plywood for the cabinet boxes and banded it with cherry. Tomorrow start machining the pieces and start gluing them together.

    Mom is doing a bit better. She is staying alone at night again- she’s not happy about it but (I think) understands the financial necessity for it. She bought long term care insurance many years ago, and it will pay for about 9 hours a day of care. Unfortunately the insurance company is still “evaluating” her claim. So waiting on money, and paying through the nose right now. Her short term memory is horrible. I worry most about that. She doesn’t remember what day it is, whether she has taken her meds or not, whether a helper has been there that day or not. I am going over for a few hours tomorrow, and then again on Tuesday.

    Patti my mom is also adamant about not moving to assisted living. I wish she would, but won’t force her. My brother thinks that is the only place for her at this point. I’ve told him he can have that conversation, I won’t prayers your mom gets enough sight back to manage.

    Karla, you have been having quite a time! Is your dad serious about staying with you permanently? Or do you think he will go back home once the place is cleaned up and the power back?

    Janet you seem to pick excellent concerts to go to. I keep wanting to do something like that but no time! Maybe after the holidays.

    Cindy I hope you are having fun in WV.

    Bert did you get to see the kids on Halloween? I love seeing the kids dress up. We did not get to see Elise but got a photo. She was a ladybug.

    Speaking of Elise, she started walking this week! Brad stopped by with her yesterday after a dr appointment to check on her ear infection. She toddled all over the driveway and loved the leaves falling.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here are some pics of our progress. First one is the drawer fronts in the garage along with the stack of drawer boxes and the finished corner cabinet (the only totally complete cabinet.) along with two cabinets for Brad. Second one is the doors in progress being sprayed. inba2jkec51r.jpeg
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Like Glenn says, life just evokes and your new reality just is. Glen also said he was going to be the first person to sleep in his man house as Dr Borcicky calls it. Lol. He wanted to know if he could move in it with my dad, lol.

    Patti- my heart continues to ache for you in regards to your mother. I, too, pray the blood dries and her vision returns. I’m glad your sister is helping with sitting with her.

    Diane- The cabinets are beautiful. John is so talented. Elise is a doll baby and walking around now I bet she is adorable even more. My dad will be going back and forth but not safe for him to drive and no phone or tv yet at his town. I need to call the insurance company Monday to see where we stand. I really enjoy him here. He is an easy guy to have around. Live estate sales like I do and an early riser. lol.

    Today will be a fun day with friends. We are going over to Ocean Springs to the Peter Anderson Festival. It’s a huge event. Then tonight we have a few friends coming for the Alabama vs LSU game. Plus Izzy and Avery are coming.

    Bert- the panhandle of Florida is still in very bad shape and needs help. Hug Mike for me.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Mike is heading out today. He's very excited to go.

    Diane: The cabinets are beautiful! You guys do amazing work! So sorry to hear about your mother. Yes, the kids came over. Jillian was Snow White and Cole was The Flash.

    Patti: Sending prayers your way. It's difficult, I'm sure.

    Karla: Have fun at your festival.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good chilly morning, currently 36 degrees in the Ohio valley. I worked last night and it was the busiest day I have ever had. I nearly cried when I saw the mountain of fabric left from the day crew. I never had a chance to even think about putting it away. I was the only one at the cutting counter. There was a new manager on her first night alone and a new person on her second day. There were two cashiers that were not new. We did have 2 overlap workers there for 2 hours so that helped. At one point the manager called for 3 workers to come to the cutting counter to help find me at the bottom of an avalanche of fabric. The new girl literally came running and believed there had been an accident, lol. Everyone busted tail and we were out by 10:15 and the mandate was no later than 10:30. The new manager did an awesome job and worked as hard as the rest of us. The new girl, a bit whiny and complained about being tired, hot, sore feet, hungry, thirsty, etc, did an amazing job too. Now I get to go back at noon to do it again. At least I am not closing for a change. Tomorrow is the Vintage Market and it is my one indulgence this week. Feel guilty not spending the day with mom but planning to stop by for an hour or so before I go to work.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, those cabinets are beautiful. My dad loved doing wood work but never had a dovetail jig, what a difference it makes in the finished project. Whenever I buy used furniture with drawers the first thing I look for is the dovetail, no dovetail I don't buy, lol. My mom is having issues with her short term memory too but I think it is stress related. She is so used to writing notes about everything and without them she is not retaining info. Thanks for your prayers and I keep your mom in mine. Love the littles when they start to walk. My greatgrandaughter Ariel was walking all over the place at the Halloween party and dancing too. Leo will be at it soon too I think.

    Karla, glad to hear your Dad is doing so well. Enjoy the art festival.

    Janet, you must be in heaven with this chill in the air. I can see you and James enjoying your fireplace while you watch sports. I love live music, plays and performances and need to start putting them on my to do list. I have become disenchanted with concerts because of the sea of cellphones recording during the performance. So annoying! What is worse is when people post pics and videos from the concerts. The picture and sound quality are horrible, so cannot understand why anyone does it. I thought the point of a live performance is to experience it LIVE not on video. End of rant. Edd said he was going to take me to TSO next month. Something I have always wanted to experience. I have seen that people post pics and videos of it every year but hope there is not a lot of cellphones waving in the air throughout the entire show. Oops, guess my rant was not truly over.

    Time to eat a bit and call mom

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early. Molly's schedule didn't adjust to the time change! Not much to report. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. We had a blast at the festival. I got in over 14k steps. My feet were quite sore but I did have some good walking shoes on and the plantar's fasciitis insoles in them. We had three other couples there and enjoyed a great lunch together. I bought some really neat things, including an Eagles Band purse made from their "One of These Nights" album. Too cool.

    Roll Tide yet again. There were some really ugly LSU fans over at the festival. Glenn and I both had on Alabama shirts and we actually had people make snide remarks. But there were more great Bama fans there too that were very friendly. So many people are so JEALOUS of Bama for their outstanding record. LSU did play a good game last night, even though they never made any points.

    Izzy spent the night with her pseudo sister here at our house last night. Avery is her half sister's sister. LOL. It is Angelique's ex-husband's daughter. LOL. They get along great and have been back in my sewing room which has a pullout double chair bed. I bought Izzy an My Life camper at a yard sale yesterday and they had a ball with it. Then I gave them two bags of mini McDonald beanie babies I brought from my dad's house and Avery said, you are so lucky Izzy. LOL.

    I made us some goulash, butter peas, lima beans and garlic mashed potatoes when we got home. Yummy.

    We had beautiful weather for the festival. There were over 800 booths set up.

    We stopped by Glenn's best friend's house last evening and visited with them and picked up a ceramic tile asist apparatist that he just ued as they tiled their whole house. It was beautiful. Glenn has the bathroom coming together in his man masion.

    I think I am taking my dad over to the Bass Pro Shop today. Tonight Monica and I are going to see Vince Gill at our Saenger Theatre with my brother Kevin and his girlfriend Kelli. Fun!!

    Have a great day. My eating has been much better!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I talked to Mike last night. He's now stationed in Marianna FL. Today he's driving a truck full of supplies to Panama City. He said that I-10 has many downed trees on it and trees that weren't blown down are bent facing north. He will send pictures today.

    I have a visit today and then will head to church to help clear out a closet for an upcoming sale. This Saturday is our craft bazaar. The committee chairman has worked very hard at organizing and promoting the bazaar. I'll be a "floater" and help where it is needed.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. My bestie, Monica, and I went to see Vince Gill last night here in Mobile. He put on a fantastic concert. I love the song “Look At Us”. I wish I could sing so I could sing it to Glenn at our supper club. One of the main chorus lines says “ if you want to see, what true love can be, just look at us”. I cried at several of his songs last night. It was awesome.

    Bert- Please thank Mike from the bottom of my heart. Marianna is a small rural town hit hard about 45 minutes outside of Panama City. My grandmother was in a group rehab center near there for a few weeks. There is still no tv, internet land lines in Panama City and Wednesday will be four weeks. Did he say if they had electricity and water in Marianna? Some outshirts don’t. My girlfriend in Southport, just a few miles from Lynn Haven, still doesn’t, but has water. She’s still using a generator.

    My dad’s bathroom started leaking when the winds blew the tarps up last weekend. Keith and his son are taking care of it today.

    I called the Wyndham and they have discounted rooms available and they have internet so I can do my billing while over there. That’s another thing you can only get on your phone but not on laptops or desktops yet. I need to get my dads truck back over there too as debri scratched it badly and busted a side mirror. Keith already set up a claim as his car was scratched badly too. I’m calling my dads company now to see what the status is.

    Diane - You have your hands full too my friend. The cabinets are gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, Elise!! A real babydoll. How is Carrie doing with her foot?

    Cindy- Any word on your next appointment with Rick? Is he wanting to let you go or being funny about it too. I hope it all works out in the best interest for everyone. What’s the latest at the work site? The home job you were talking about ?

    Patti- I told my dad about your mother’s eye. We are both praying for her. Any improvement? I really want to keep my dad near so I can always make sure he is alright too. I baby him.

    Janet- Are you reveling in this sweater weather? It dropped to 49 here Saturday morning.

    I need to go get two tires put on my Avalon. Evidently when I busted into that curb in August it tore the inside of that tire. Opps. Lol.

    My eating is going back to sensible eating. I was having some bad hiatal hernia symptoms I didn’t like. Eating better makes that go away. Duh!!

    Talk again later. Got to get on the horn with the desk adjuster.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2018

    Monica and I.. two old birds from the 70’s era still going to concerts. Lol
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All, Just read everyone's post and I'll be back just wanted to let you know I made it home from WV it was a great event- sold a ton of books and it has been focused on finishing up the MacLellan sisters-
    Rick has to wait for 3 months for an appointment with the neurologist and he has to see his primary to get the "Rea" referral - not sure where that stands- fingers crossed he called. I volunteered but he said NO.
    Work is still hanging in- I know they like me as a girl in Ohio said she was jealous of me since everyone sings my praises- "you're the angel"
    but who knows for sure.
    I'll be back, hopefully tomorrow- today is just nutty.
    Big hugs-
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - Why of course you are the angel!! We can all attest to that! Great read your post.

    Wowzer, my dad got an excellent settlement on his home! Two checks are being mailed tomorrow. WE are ecstatic. It has really taken the heat off of his worry. My brother's insurance really low-balled him. But, he didn't have near the damage my dad has.

    Waiting on Glenn to get home so we can go for the tires,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Karla, glad they are giving your dad a good settlement. You never know ... Sounds like a terrific concert too. Busy weekend, lady!

    Cindy, everybody loves you because you deserve it! Hope the road was calming. Fingers crossed that Rick makes that call - also it'd be nice to get on a waitlist in case of a cancellation. Thinking of you every day.

    Diane, those cabinets are beautiful. You and John amaze me daily. And what a thrill to see Elise turn into a toddler. Look out, world!

    Bert, please give our best to Mike. It's wonderful service to those whose lives

    Patti, may your mother's vision continue to clear and her state of mind improve.

    Stayed busy this weekend and today I did a stock-up run to Trader Joe's and Costco so should only need a few fill-in things and fresh produce for the rest of the month. Eating is getting better - indulged in a few tastes at Costco but didn't succumb to serious junk food.

    Hard to believe the holidays are nearly upon us. Time to start making lists!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning, off to work today. Did some early morning billing the office sent me yesterday.

    I found out that the cable and internet won't be restored until 11-21 at my father's house so I did book me three nights out at the Wyndam on the beach where I verified they do have the internet and fax service available. That way I can do my billing in the evenings while I am over here from Monday through Thursday trying to hire the contractors for my family home.

    Janet - Good to hear from you and you are doing well.

    Got to run, on site work today and Izzy dance this afternoon.

    Getting tickets to see Willie Nelson and Friends this Friday for his concert here in February. I'm on a roll.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I talked to Mike last night. He went to Panama City to deliver supplies. He was also at one of the shelters to deliver food. He said the people there are as devasted as their homes. He's going back tomorrow and will also take some pictures. Today I'm getting my hair cut and will also have lunch with my friend who lost her husband a few weeks ago due to a sudden heart attack.

    Karla: Mike said that Marianna has some power. That is where he is staying. He's in a tent and is sleeping on a cot. He said that showers are good, but they only have port o potties. He also saw a whole tree on top of a house in Panama City. What trees left in the ground were bent and facing north!

    Janet: I can't believe the holidays are upon us as well. I ordered a vanity for Penny's birthday. Annie mentioned that she would like to get Penny one. I'll have to ask Annie and Carrie to give me a list for ideas for the kids.

    Patti: Continued prayers for your mom.

    Cindy: Good to hear from you!

    Diane: I loved the picture you posted of you and Elise. It's so cute!

    Have a great day, everyone!
