OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I thought I posted earlier but the stupid "done" button on my iPad must have gotten me again! I should quit trying there - it is amazing how many times I have done that. The interface is SOOO poorly designed.

    I spent today with mom. I took over a little calendar notebook for her to write notes in, hoping that will help her remember things she does and when they happened. This is after she told my sister Saturday she hadn't seen me for weeks, when I was there just last Tuesday! Patti, you made me think of it when you said your mom used to write all sorts of notes to herself, and that not writing them is making her more forgetful. So thanks for the idea, even if your mom is not able to use it anymore.

    I also figured out today she hasn't been using any of her three inhaler medicines correctly! No wonder her breathing isn't getting better. Two of them she hadn't been using at all, and one of them she hadn't installed the cylinder of medicine into! I wrote on each of them when she is supposed to be using them, and checked to see they were all correct. It is just one thing after another.

    On the positive side, we are almost done with kitchen building. John spent today installing drawer slides in all the cabinets with drawers (most of the lowers), and tomorrow we will drill for hinges and mount doors on all the ones that have doors. We did the solid back to the island and the island butcher block countertop yesterday. We have just a few smaller parts left to make.

    My eating has been horrible. I guess I have been active enough that I have only put on 1 lb in the last two weeks of not tracking and not eating well.

    But I went back to my meeting today and the topic of the week was "mindful eating." This can mean planning so you aren't faced with not having good food on hand or eating out and not being prepared with a plan, it can mean eating more slowly and noticing what you are eating, it can mean choosing whether to eat something or not. Someone put it really well today - rather than thinking "is this food worth it?", think "Is this food worthy of me?"

    I tracked everything I ate today, and made some better choices. So hopefully I can stick to that for a few days to give me some incentive and some momentum.

    Personals in next post, in case I mess up again!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, I am so sorry your mom decided against the move. I think it would be so good for her to be around others her age with her problems. But I know how stressful it would be to move somewhere unfamiliar in the condition she is in right now. Maybe if her sight improves you can talk her into considering it again. I'm with you on the constant worrying.

    Cindy, be kind to yourself. You are under so much stress right now. Glad the new editor is working you so hard, though!

    Karla, I keep seeing news stories about the Florida panhandle, and the devastation there. So your area is NOT being forgotten. I think there are just so many catastrophes right now that the current disaster takes over the previous one. I know the flooding that devastated my sister's town along with much of Wisconsin was barely mentioned in the news, and is certainly all but forgotten by almost everyone except those affected.

    Bert, Mike is working so hard! You must be very proud of him, but it must be hard to have him gone for so long. Hope your visit today was made more fun by the car ride with your friend.

    Janet, I think I remember that you are a big soup lover. I am trying a new one in the crock pot on Friday, that Carrie recommended and she made once before. Will let you know how it turns out. Of course, I haven't tracked it yet so I don't know how healthy it is! But the ingredients didn't sound too bad - slow cooker Chicken Parmesan soup.

    I have Elise on Thursday. She started a new daycare today, and they want to ease her into it with short weeks. It sounds like her first day was a success!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, just put the recipe into the WW recipe builder, adn it is only4 SP for a serving! I can't find calorie information anywhere, but here is the link: I will let you know Friday evening how it turns out.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I had three appointments yesterday. Two for the house and one with my dad's hearing aid place. I met with a plumber to get his galvanized steel pipes replaced that had nothing to do with the hurricane damage, but no use getting the bathroom remodeled with these pipes so bad and pressure so low. It was a great price and he is going with that. Then I met with a contractor that is top notch but have another one to meet with today to compare to. Today I have two roofing companies coming also. My dad is all in a tizzy with the amount of work to be done on the house. We both just realized after meeting with the contractor that the whole entire ceiling in the house has to be removed and replaced and dad had a complete meltdown over that. He said he wasn't doing it and we had it out over that. I told him he had to as the black mold would form in the rafters as people are already getting next door. It is just too much for a 90 year old. Such a difficult time for him. Part of it is those checks came in yesterday and he wants to pocket the money!!! Uggghh.

    Diane - It is not how I feel about being forgotten here in Panama City, it is what the people here have expressed. I did see where some Country singer is helping here, but I didn't recognize him. This place is still horrible. If anything, it looks worst to me. Very dangerous to drive around and the traffic is horrific. It took me almost 2 hours to make a 30 minute drive from the beach to my dad's house yesterday. I need to check out that soup!! How was it?

    Patti - Taking my dad this morning for his eye injection. Always thinking of the parallels in our parents eye. Bless them and our times together.

    Well, have to get ready for the doctor apointment. My dad stayed with me on the beach. I have the curtains open looking out over the

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The sun is shining brightly; however, it's deceiving. It's only 21 degrees outside! I have a visit this morning, and then it's off to grocery shop. I'll get food for Thanksgiving to avoid the Thanksgiving shopper crowd. We are basically taking dinner to Greg and Carrie's (mostly Carrie's family), but that's ok. We took a 20 lb turkey last year too. She will only need to make the mashed potatoes. Her aunt bakes pies.

    Mike is coming home on Saturday, but I won't see him until Monday afternoon as I'll be in Chicago for Penny's birthday. He couldn't get a flight to Chicago as ARC made the travel itinerary. It will be great to have him home.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Did lots of little things yesterday around the house. Have my grocery list ready and will be shopping for all but a few fresh items today, like Bert. But first lunch at a local Thai place I have been wanting to try with my girls. I am going to get some food prep done today too. Most important is to make my chorizo sausage. It has to sit for at least 4 days. I will make plenty so my DIL and her brother will have some to take home. It is not thanksgiving without cornbread chorizo stuffing. This year I have asked for help, something I rarely do. So I only have to make the ham, mashed taters, deviled eggs and stuffing.

    Diane, glad my tip helped. Mom has said if her eyes do not improve with 2 more shots she will move. So I keep praying for a mini miracle. Luckily she only takes 2 pills a day for her blood pressure and is very good about taking them. You are so right about so many disasters all at once that the media only focuses on the most current. When do you plan to go to your sister's with her new kitchen cabinets?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    The Thai place was very good but very cold. They had just turned the heat on when we got there and it was in the low 30s outside! Helped my gf with a few little jobs and then hit the grocery. Oh mylanta, I totally forgot people lose their ever loving minds when snow or sleet are even mentioned. We are expecting a bit of snow and freezing rain overnight but it will all be gone before noon. Looked like a good portion were doing Thanksgiving shopping like me. My new indoor grill came today, now need to find something to cook on it. It is going to be so nice this winter.

    Karla, hope all your appointments yield good, honest and quick contractors. Looks like the Wyndham resort is a good retreat from the devastation.

    Bert, have fun in Chicago. How sweet that your BFF traveled with you for your student visit. Good company always makes the traveling shorter and definitely more fun. I know you will happy to have Mike back home. I bet he sleeps until you return.

    Chores await so off I go
    Hugs for all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Update to the appointments. We hired the plumber and waiting to hear back from them and got a great roofer we liked today and waiting on that quote. He believes he can repair dad's roof as it is in such good shape in many places. The second contractor kept calling but never showed for his appointment. I had already heard he was unreliable. So we will get the roof repaired and the plumbing done while I am looking for contractors to do the kitchen and bathroom and the ceilings. It at least calmed dad down too. I found him a flip phone also. Making progress!! I will be back for Thanksgiving weekend I believe.

    Bert - I klnow Mike will have a big hug for you and will be so glad to be back around normalcy. It is soooo depressing to be around such ruins. It really shakes you up.

    Patti- My dad eye injections went quick and well. He is back to monthly injections as he has some fluid come back too. His sight and pressure is good though. His doctor stays right on top of him due to his age and only having the one eye. Dr. Pyne is the absolute BEST.
    I'm so glad you found the eye specialist you Mom is going to now.

    Janet - How are you doing and what are James and you doing for Thanksgiving? How is your Niece doing that got divorced? Has she started dating? I hope she finds a loving man that treats her special. Any new pics of your two darling great nicece and great nephew?

    I can't wait to get back home and pick up my Izzy-bug. She has her first public performance with her performance dance team at our local Junior League Christmas Jubilee at the downtown Convention Center. My tiny dancer loves to be on the stage!!

    I am back at the Wyndham condo early tonight to do my billing and chill out. The checks came in the mail late yesterday and Dad and I got them in his credit union savings account today. So we are set to go when the contractors start!!

    Let the back and forth trips begin!! LOL

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Had another good day on the kitchen - all the hinges and doors are installed on the cabinets. It may not sound like much, but it is a very finicky, fiddly process.
    It took John all morning to make templates and figure it out, then about 3.5 hours to do all of the doors. Two more days and we should be done.

    Also a reasonable day eating. My second day tracking everything, and I stayed within points. I am baking a loaf of pumpkin bread right now (from a Trader Joe's mix), and didn't think to put it in the tracker until after it was in the oven. Oops - one slice will be 11 points! I think I better hope John and Carrie eat it all. I need to look for alternatives for baked goods! My WW leader posted a recipe for a microwave chocolate cake that I want to try.

    Karla, good progress on the hiring of contractors! Let's hope they live up to your expectations.

    Patti, I hope your mom considers moving even if her eyes do improve. I think it would be easier for her to make the move with better vision. Can you go month to month on her lease, rather than signing for a whole year?

    Bert, hope you didn't run into the same grocery panic as Patti! I need to figure out when I am doing my shopping - I need to find the right kind of apples. Maybe Friday morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be a wintry mix here too - schools are already calling for delayed opening!

    Waving to Janet and Cindy.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. I am up early packing up the condo. I found my dad a flip phone at Target and need to try and get it activated. I hope Home Depot is open early so I can stop and get him a HD antenna so I can get him an antenna too. Still no cable here and he wants to just cancel his service and keep the antenna like so many people are doing. These high end antennas pick up 10-15 good channels and we put one on his living room TV and Kerry is well satisfied with it. It even gets the ION channel!! Going to get the advanced one for my Dad.

    Diane - Congras on the tracking and he cabinets are so beautiful. I have to get back to town today as I have some serious shopping to do for Glenn's Man Mansion/ Pool House. He's waiting for me to get back and buy the couch, two chairs and the pool table!! LOL. I also need to look at kitchen cabinet and see about getting those measured and ordered. But that can wait until next week.

    I;m excited about Izzy's first performance too. I have missed my baby girl too.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We got about an inch of snow lastnight/this morning. The temperatures are in the 30's so things should be good. I just had a 3rd HVAC company come to give estimates. All 3 companies are around the same just now becomes a matter of who to choose. I don't want to go into more debt, but I guess that's what we are going to have to do. Scary at our age.

    Karla: Jillian and Penny love the stage, too! Jillian loves the dance recital, but doesn't like the lessons. Penny loves performing in musicals and plays.

    Patti: I hope the next two injections work for your mom. I got Thanksgiving supplies yesterday and will start preparations when I get home Monday afternoon. We decorate the church for Christmas Monday evening. Monday will be a busy day. I certainly hope the roads stay clear for the trip.

    Waving hi to Diane, Janet, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello - no time for personals but have read all. Power was out here from 4:15-10:15 due to a small amount of ice, so am very tired. Had candles and flashlights and burrowed under the covers even when I couldn't sleep. So the time feels wrong today.

    Not much new here - thinking of you all. Karla and Bert, wishing everyone safe travels!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my dr appointment with a local cardiologist. I just wanted to establish a local doctor since I'm getting older. This is just the initial visit. I'm not sure if he will want to run tests or not, but at least I'll feel better knowing I have a doctor if something would happen. I'm on blood pressure medicine, and my family has a history of heart issues, so I'm taking precautions.

    This afternoon, I'm having two electricians come to give an estimate on installing a receptacle for the electric fireplace. We plugged it in to an extension cord, and it worked just fine last winter; however, now the extension cord is warm to the touch and I don't feel safe. I'm hoping it's an easy fix.

    Mike is excited to be coming home tomorrow. We are so grateful that our friend is picking him up. It's so nice of him.

    Janet: Oh my, that's quite a long time to be without power when it's this cold. I'm glad it's back on now.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Sooooo good to be home! I was so frazzled after being in that war zone for four days. My dad was glad to be home though. Kerry was in good spirits. They both have HD antennas on their TVs and get six channels and Dad has a cell phone. I feel better for them. We got a great quote for a repair on dad’s roof and he’s happy about that. It’s hell trying to hire a contractor the demand is so high. The second contractor never even showed up on Thursday! I hired the plumbers to fix the bad pipes and they do install the walk in showers, so waiting to hear what they charge. It’s going to be a long progress.

    It is really sad for the campfire deaths up to 63 now and many still missing. All the homes burned and losses are awful. My podiatry computer company is located in Thousand Oaks, CA which is where the night club shooting was and they also have the fires too and had to shutdown last week for a day it was getting so close. I by no means was minimizing other disasters by what happened by hurricane Michael, it’s just very personal for me of course.

    Janet - So good to hear from you but so sorry for the power outage! Keep warm my friend. Let’s talk soon. I’ve got to hit the furniture stores this afternoon after I work a few hours on site. Bless you my sweet friend.

    Patti- I always think yummy when you talk of your chorizo dressing each year. I bought my dinner fixings a week ago but need to review it again. Pure country fair of course. Cornbread dressing, corn and green bean casseroles and deviled eggs. A big bowl of mashed potatoes and desserts to die for. A big salad too. How is your wonderful mom?

    We are having our Thanksgiving potluck at work on Tuesday. I’m making chicken and dressing in the crockpot with cream of chicken soup in it that makes it so moist. So good!

    Bert- I know you are busy, please enjoy yourself this holiday season too and takes care. How are your feet? Also, please hug and tell Mike thanks for me for his help in my hometown .

    Diane- When will you be going to install the cabinets? We will probably wait to put our kitchen together until after Christmas in the Man Mansion. lol Have a great holiday.

    I finally have nails again after having those SNS nails for awhile. I just painted Christmas Red!

    Have a great day and weekend. I’m hoping to put up my Christmas tree on Sunday.

    Tis the Seaskn to be Merry!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is on the plane! Woo Hoo! I'll be heading to Dan and Annie's in about 90 minutes. I need to look at the weather as he said they were to get snow. There's no problem in their area as the roads will be fine; however, between their house and our house is basically a road with open farmland on both sides. Hopefully it will be fine.

    We made $350 on concessions last night for the Children's Theater's High School Musical performance. There are two more performances....hope we do well.

    Boy do I feel dumb! I had an electrician come yesterday about the fireplace. Come to find out, he went to school with Greg since Kindergarten. He told me a few options and then asked if he could look at the unit. He moved the cord to the other side of the unit, and VOILA, it was long enough to reach to the wall unit on the other side of the room behind the tv. He told me to get a new power strip and then plug tv/Direct TV components in the new strip and plug the fireplace into the other receptacle! Problem Solved! He didn't charge me anything, but I think I'm going to send a donation to his business. It technically was a service call, I was so got, that I didn't ask how much I owed him.

    Karla: My feet are still bothering me, but not as much. It's when I lay down and try to rest now. I think it's more than plantar fascitis, but not sure what it is other than arthritis. I have more pain around my ankle and achilles tendons in both feet that throb at night and sometimes during the day. Thanks for asking.

    Need to get things ready for my trip north. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    HI all, I have been here and have even attempted two long posts in the last two days but they got eaten by my iPad and then I didn't have time to repost. Will try doing it in snippets as I go.
    The large tv remote would not work Moms cable box, evidently it works with every cable except AT&T Uverse. So back it goes. Still waiting on the remote handset for her large button phone but at least that worked out great. She is in good spirits and we are both hopeful that with another couple of shots she will get back to baseline. My sister finally spent a day with her and vows to be more attentive. Not holding my breath. She gets sick a lot so that keeps her away. So for now we have our new normal and will trudge ahead.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, praying for safe travels to Chicago and home again. Bet Mike hops in the shower and then into his own bed until you return. Sounds like good profits from the concession stand. You amaze me with all you do for your church and community. You deserved the break on your fireplace, how nice that you want to donate to his company. We can all take a lesson in kindness from you. Sorry your feet are still bothering you but I totally get it. I will say the Kurus I bought have made a huge difference for me. I am still in pain most of the time but it is manageable and doesn't keep me awake at night like before. Have you considered a sports medicine Dr to check out your feet? You don't have to be an athlete to get good advice from them.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, so much progress for you and keeping busy sure has helped you maintain your weight. I wish Mom would have moved into the Independent living when she had her sight this summer, it would have made a huge difference for her but she is stubborn and cannot be budged. She will sign a year's lease because month to month is just too pricey and not worth it to her. However, in Ohio she can get out of her lease with no penalties with a change in health that would make staying in her apartment detrimental. So, for now, we are aging in place.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I do hope Rick makes that appointment for you and for him. I know he must scared and anxious as are you. Will keep you in my prayers. I love hearing the progress on the books and can't wait to put my eyes on the pages. Each book you write has just gotten better and better, holding my breath for the next chapter and beyond. I plan to move heaven and earth to meet you in June!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I hope you are toasty warm and caught up on your rest. How was the Brian Wilson concert? In this dreary weather I bet he was a ray of sunshine. Hope your fireplace gets fixed ASAP and with no cost.

    Karla, sounds like you got the ball rolling at your Dad's house. Did he stay when you returned? We have been using HD antenna on our tvs for years and that is why we decided to get rid of the satellite service. Plus we don't watch that much tv so it seemed senseless to spend all that money.

    Work was slow last night, I think everyone is waiting for the big sales on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday next week. So glad I will have the Sunday after off, my feet will need it since Saturday will be an 8 hour shift of non stop cutting on my feet.

    Have fun whatever you are doing today