OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- we did not hire anyone to do my father’s house. It was my husband that led my brothers and a friend of my brother that did it. No contractors anyway. My father did pay everyone something though, as it was hard work and he got paid generously from his insurance company. We were under time restraints, so they worked long hours each day and my husband is a mover and shaker, lol. Pete, the family friend, is still there last week and now this week doing the painting, back splash, and this week, the kitchen and dining room floors. My dad’s kitchen is smaller than your sisters. Congrats on the loss. Any loss is a move in the right direction. Elise is such a cutie pie. Diane, that’s a cool idea about putting party and the 60 points if you ate a lot.

    It is cold again today. I have a pot of chili in the crockpot. Sunny but a high of 50. Cold for us. It looked like it would snow all day yesterday.

    I had my teeth cleaned and they found a small cavity I am going back for on February 12th.

    Cindy- I hope you have either gotten better or made that doctor appointment. Did you send me the notes? I did not find them. I’m doing a plan of calories under 1200 but over 1100, carbs between 40-55 and protein between 80-99. It works for me.

    For Thursday Glenn is taking me to Outback, my request, and I am having steak, shrimp and broccoli. All on program.

    I’m waiting for my sweet Izzy. We are running to the Dance Depot shop for some more jazz shoes and maybe a jacket or top.

    Have a great rest of your day.
    Me again
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another red circle day for me yesterday. Got everything done on my to do list of chores then spent the rest of my day in my craft room. Made another double knot fleece pillow, a reusable fleece Swiffer duster out of scraps and did a lot of organizing. Returning to the gym and feeling a bit sheepish for having been gone so long, 2 months! Hope I am capable of doing this one,,Core and resistance bands.
    Trying to decide when we will be going to Florida. Waiting to hear if the rally in Tallahassee is still on. Have texted and emailed our friends there but have yet to hear back. May need to check with someone else. Want to combine that trip with a visit to my brother's new place in Pensacola. They are 3 miles from Perdido Key. Really looking forward to seeing him and his new digs.
    Tomorrow is WI and I am starving today. Not eating any different so I know this is all nerves. I don't have any snacks in the house so that helps. I have plenty of points left so can have a nice dinner after I work out.

    Diane, do your best and forget the rest. I like that quick add idea. One of the things I will do next time I am at a party is to take a picture of my plate of food to track later. Hoping to make better choices if I have to look at what I have done. So glad you have family with you for the events ahead.

    Bert, I need to get the recipe for those fat head crackers and dough. Is it on Pinterest or WW?

    Karla, sounds like Izzy hit the jackpot at your Dad's, cash and dolls and shopping,oh my.

    Janet, I know you enjoyed your vacation from the cyber world but always miss you when you are gone.

    Need to pull it together and run to the store for Mom before I hit the gym. Tomorrow is her next eye shot. Please pray this one works better than the last one. She is getting mighty low and discouraged.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. I think I am ending the day at a blue dot! I was so hungry when I got home from taking Elise back that Carrie and I ate dinner very early for us. Now trying not to snack before I go upstairs to bed - maybe I'll just go to bed now too.

    I finished the quilting step of the baby quilt. Now I just need to put on the binding and the signature block. I think I'm going to sign it "Pieced by great grandmother Dorie Miquelon and finished by great aunt Diane Segelhorst.". Hoping I can get that done tomorrow morning. Then I can concentrate on the rest of the preparations for the memorial service on Saturday - pictures, etc. My sister is doing most of that but I said I would help on Thursday or Friday. Each of us is bringing something she made for us - I need to find Brad's quilt which is here somewhere, and probably wash ours! We use it on our bed daily. I try not to wash it too often - it is getting fragile. Carrie is taking a wall hanging, and I am also taking some table runners she made for me.

    Elise was such a doll today. She gathered up all the stuffies and was carrying them around in her arms, and was also playing peek a boo and stacking her cups into a tower.

    Karla, I guess I misunderstood. I thought you had gotten quotes from contractors to work on your dad's house, so I assumed they were doing at least the plumbing and the new shower.

    Patti, praying for your mom for sure. Good vibes for WI tomorrow, but remember it is just a number on the scale! More important is taking care of you, and going back to the gym is a big step in that direction. In fact, if you worked really hard you will probably be retaining some fluid in those sore muscles, so don't be too fixated on the scale number.

    My sister texted and wants to go for mexican tomorrow night. Will try to position myself AWAY from the salsa and chips, and probably get fahitas for my meal. And will strive for as close to zero points for breakfast and lunch as I can.

    Good night all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm still trying to pack away the Christmas décor, but I am 95% there! I have been working on it since 4:30 this morning. LOL.

    Diane - I'm sorry, I have been confusing. Yes, we did have plumbers there at the same time replacing the entire plumbing system while Glenn was there doing the kitchen remodel. The plumbers did install the walk-in shower to a certain level, but did not install the glass doors to it. They did not put the sheetrock around the back and sides of he shower or paint the bathroom afterwards, we did all that. It is all quite unbelievable, as was your sister's kitchen. The before and after. I really enjoyed viewing the pictures of your mother through the years on facebook. She was a beautiful lady and appeared very happy and family oriented. It is very nice that she sewed so much and each of you are bringing the gifts she made you to show and tell at her memorial. It really is becoming a lost art. I'm glad so many of us in this group do sew!!

    Patti - My father has his eye injection today also. Prayers for your mother in any improvement she may gain. You take such excellent care of her. Tallahassee did sustain damage from hurricane Michael, mostly trees down, but no where near as back as toward Panama City and Mexico Beach. Luckily it stopped before it did much damage in Apalachicola, which is a super neat place to visit. I'm thinking Ed and you may have visited I on your bike trip? I confer with Diane on your WI tomorrow.

    Bert - For crunch I still use the Cheese Whisp from Walmart in the Cheddar version, I don't care for the Parmesean ones. They are great in salads. I do have a piece of bread once or twice a week and nuts to keep my carbs up. I had cashews yesterday and they have a nice crunch too.

    I really scored for some dance clothes with meeting a lady who has twin daughters in dance for Izzy. For $20 I got a whole bag of clothes and a purse for her. I have to save where I can it is so excpensive to keep her in dance. LOL.

    I better get ready for work and then then wake Izzy for school. I am so ready to end this year and be fully retired. I reminded the doctor that this was my last year working for him and he had a duck, he said I was supposed to give him a 2-3 year notice. LOL. I told him I have been elling you that when I turn 62 I would be out of here and that is next January. How many people give a one year notice? LOL.

    Have a wonder blue dot, red circle or on program happy day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. I lost 2.6 this week. It was a bit of a surprise as I stopped weighing at home because I use the scale to beat myself up so once a week is enough, lol. It was so nice to hop on the scale while everyone had to stop and take off shoes. I was amazed at how many wear tank tops and shorts under their clothes and strip down before a WI. It is very empowering to just weigh and sit down.
    My new class at the gym was a killer. All core work, my weakest part. Will go again tomorrow. Am also going Friday morning to the No Barre class, it is basically core and interval training. Then Monday I am going to try a HIIT class. Hope to make this my new workout schedule for the winter

    Cancelled Mom's eye appointment because there is just too much snow in her parking lot and no path to get to the car. Will try again next Thursday. If we have to go over on Wednesday and shovel we will. She was disappointed but not willing to chance it, not that I was going to take her out in that mess anyway.

    Gotta go to work
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick stop.
    Congrats Patti on an awesome first week loss! I know I said it is just a number, but the affirmation that number brings certainly feels good.

    I’ve kept my eating for breakfast and lunch to just 2 points so I have enough to go out to dinner tonight as long as I don’t go crazy!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Congrats Patti for the scale victory!!!! No matter what we say, it is a measure of some measurement along with the tape measure. Have you taken those yet?

    Diane- Sounds like a plan.

    Going to dog bingo tonight, a fund raiser for ARF with a bunch of friends.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Geez. Several posts hadn’t shown up for me but am caught up now. Patti, brava!!!

    Diane, hadn’t seen your post before your Mexican dinner, but I have been known to take raw veggies with me to dip into the salsa. Gives me crunch with fewer calories.

    Sitting In the theater waiting to see Something Rotten, which is a hilarious riff on Shakespeare and musical theatre. Tailor-made for me! Just head rappers warming up backstage.

    Eating wasn’t great today. Oh well - convenience grabbed me. Planning to sleep in a bit tomorrow (had dentist at 8 today) and maybe make soup.

    Better turn the phone off. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay I really blew It at dinner tonight. I had carnitas fajitas rather than chicken or fish, and I was so hungry when we got there that I ate lots of chips. I tracked as best I could and I spent about 50 points today. This week is sure to go into the red. I will
    Continue to track though, whereas previously I would have just quit tracking.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I think that is the key to success, keep tracking even when it is awful. Then get right back to plan with the next meal. I did the same thing Sunday. Eating only 2 points before going out to eat led to disaster for both of us. Lesson learned.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch with my BFF today. I'm also picking up my contact order today. I'm definitely going to a make healthy choice for lumch. We'll probably go to Ruby Tuesday as that's one of her favorite restaurants.

    I'm proud of myself for my eating at dinner. I made chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes for Mike last night. I made asparagus for myself and ate chicken, asparagus, and a small portion of mashed potatoes. I love Schwan's Creamy Mashed Potatoes. I "spice" them up by adding cream cheese to them.

    Karla: I might get some Cheese Whisps too. I'm not fond of the parmesan ones either as they overtake the taste of the salad. I do eat tortilla strips which are low in calories. Yesterday, I had celery and pimento cheese spread for lunch. Plenty of crunch there!

    Patti: Here is the recipe and the link to the pizza dough. Mike likes it too which is a keeper in my book. The website shows many ways you can use this recipe, so I'm going to explore.
    It is very filling, so eating only one portion is a good thing for me. Congratulations on your loss! So happy for you! My gym offers classes, but I haven't found one I truly like. I might give the Cardio Band class another try.

    Janet: I hope your enjoyed the movie. Snacking is one of my biggest issues.

    Diane: Eating out is difficult. Glad you'recontinuing to track.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Bert, thanks for the recipe - might try it sometime. Diane, that meal happened; it won't torpedo you.

    The play was hilarious - very clever, and the cast all seemed to be having fun. The audience got totally into it as well. Glad I went. We stayed up late to watch the Warriors game, so I hit the hat a bit after 2. Trying to see if coffee will defog my brain. Just wanted to say hi and wish everyone a good day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and happy birthday to Karla. Enjoy your dinner with Glenn. Will this be a group event or a romantic evening for the two of you? Either way I am sure you will enjoy the celebration of you.

    Bert, thank you for the recipe. I am going to the store today and will pick up the almond flour. 6 points for 1/6 of the recipe sounds good to me. Enjoy your lunch. I love Ruby Tuesdays but haven't been in some time.

    I am VERY sore today. In places I have never been sore before. I need to keep moving so as not to seize up, lol, so I can go to class tonight. Now just waiting for the snow to stop.
    I noticed WW only gives you a blue dot if you don't go over your daily points, I think that sends a conflicting message. They encourage us to use the weeklies as we see fit and that they are built in to the program and you will lose if you eat them. Then they call it not on plan by not giving you a blue dot if you use them. I think I like my red circles better. I reward myself with red circles if I stay on plan for the day. Guess we just have to play whatever mind game works for the moment.

    Janet, I bet the show was great. Hope you had some good belly laughs and enjoyed the whole experience.

    Diane, I know these next few days are going to be super emotional and difficult. Be kind to yourself and try to just eat small portions at regular intervals so you don't get overly hungry. Sending hugs and strength. You have such a strong, supportive family lean on them when you need to.

    Cindy, hope you are getting your words in daily. Any word on when we will be blessed with the next book. I am beyond ready!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    hi again, just wanted to share a find at Krogers, Carbmsster LF cottage cheese with fruit. 15gm of protein, lactose free, 5 sugars and only 3 pts. I am not a huge yogurt fan and actually will only eat cottage cheese with fruit so this works for me. it has tiny bits of fruit throughout, no mixing required.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yes Patti the next few days will be an emotional roller coaster. Today my sister and I went through photo albums - there are literally probably 50 albums there. We just flipped through to find pictures of my mom and tried not to reminisce too much. My mom was a true beauty in her youth, and on into adulthood. My sister is working up a slide show and I will probably post it at some point.

    I brought dinner tonight so much more controlled. I haven’t tracked it yet but I feel good about my eating.

    Almost done with the baby quilt too. I got the binding sewn on about 3/4 of the way around. I will finish it in the morning. Then it is back over to finish up the slide show, photo display and other things we are bringing.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Just brief personals. I’m riding in the car so tough to type.

    Karla happy birthday!
    Patti good for you for going back to the gym. I’m definitely feeling sluggish.
    Janet the play sounded fun!
    Bert looks like an interesting recipe to try.

    Patti a question. You said you found some frozen microwave meals for one point? Please let me know which ones. The ones I scanned at the grocery today were all 6-8 points.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good wee hours of the morning. I have got some sort of rash all over my body. I have been fighting it for days. Itching like crazy. I just awoke and had to get a shower and put lotion on. I can't stop scratching. I'm afraid to take Benadryl this late. It's not deep red, but very faint. I thought it was shingles at first! I've had it since returning from my dad's.

    Diane - My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mother was indeed a beautiful lady. Her smile was wide and contagious looking. It was very emotional when we had my mother's memorial also. I broke down when I gave her eulogy. Thank you for the Happy Birthday! It was wonderful. Glenn outdid himself as usual.

    Hi Janet - That play does sound so "you"! Glad you went and enjoyed it with the crowd.

    Bert - I'm taking down the Fat Head pizza dough recipe too. thanks!

    Cindy - always thinking of you.

    Sounds like Glenn and I will have a weekend alone. JJ and his friend will be staying over at his dad's and so will Izzy. I really need this time alone with Glenn and my house!! I have one last small tree to undecorate and I believe I am going to leave it up and decorate it with Mardi Gras decorations.

    The office is shutting down at 12:30 tomorrow in my honor and the doctor is taking everyone to lunch over at the Beau Rivage Casino. Very nice. He also gives each of us $100 to gamble on. I'l probably gamble $20 of it and hit the boutiques! lol.

    I better try and get some sleep.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit this morning with one of my student teachers. Then I'm heading to the gym to get in some cardio and weightlifting. Friends are coming for the weekend to attend an ISU basketball game. It's the 45th anniversary of when they went to NCAA finals. There will be much celebration during the game, and the Larry Bird will be at the closing ceremony. We are expecting snow and some ice tonight and tomorrow, so I hope they will get here from Indy safely.

    I made the No Bake Chocolate Peppermint Squares yesterday. I think it would be better using Lemon Extract rather than Peppermint. It makes 28 servings, so I'll probably have to throw much of it away. I'll make 1/2 of the recipe next time. I do like the crust (unsweetened cocoa, butter, unsweetened coconut, and almond flour).

    Lunch at Ruby Tuesday was pretty good. I had the salad bar, and the only points was the dressing as I made it with all 0 point ingredients. I also had 1/2 serving of their broccoli cheddar soup (3 points I think). All in all, it was a low carb lunch too.

    Greg gave me such a great compliment yesterday. He said he wanted to thank me for always being there for him and for helping him out on short notice. He said he wants express his appreciation more often. That definitely melted my heart! <3

    Karla: I hope your rash goes away soon. I got the recipe from Annie as she makes it all the time. She's lost over 20 lbs, but is doing Keto totally. I can't do that as I need more variety. I'm researching other recipes on the website. You have a great boss!

    Diane: I'm thinking of you this weekend. I know it will be a difficult weekend. Prayers for you and your family.

    Patti: I'll look for the cottage cheese. I agree with you on the WW Blue Dot days. They do encourage you to use them as well as your weeklies. There are some things I don't agree with on WW; however, I feel it's a good program. Almond flour is pricey, but Sam's has a good price on it. I just feel healthier when I'm using it! :)

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Just a quick check in before I start my day. I actually slept all night for the first time in forever, it seems. Going to go finish the quilt before I head out.

    Patti on WW a blue dot day is when you are within 10 below or 5 above your daily point allowance. So they are telling you to eat your weekly points, just not all at once! And I guess the reasoning is that if you are more than 10 below that is either not sustainable, or you aren’t tracking everything.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Bert, nice to have Annie as a fellow struggler and recipe source. Hope this will be a drama-free semester for you!

    Diane, lovely to hear you got a good night's sleep - makes a huge difference. Sending warmest thoughts as you prepare to celebrate your mother tomorrow - she was lovely.

    Karla, hope the rash disappears quickly. Your birthday is a horrible time to have that happen. but I hope you had a wonderful dinner. I know you'll enjoy your weekend. Beau Rivage is beautiful - stayed there on business once.

    Patti, thanks for the tip on the cottage cheese. My best friend told me about Kroger's 100-calorie instant oatmeal, which I've been enjoying. The closest Kroger to me is so vast that I tend to avoid it.

    Cindy, hope the week is treating you well.

    Eating was OK here yesterday. Instead of dinner, we had celery, PB, cheese, hummus and crackers. Going to spend the day doing housework and maybe have a nap - didn't get to sleep until 4 AM (dunno why).

    Wishing everyone blue dots, red circles, and happy times.