OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yes I am here, and reading all, but just haven’t felt very chatty. John has been using the computer a lot, and I hate typing in posts on my iPad and losing them! I seem to hit the Done button more on there than the post reply button. I’ve had a busier week too, and am about to dive into some church work for next week.

    I have had a couple of good days this week. Not blue dots necessarily but at least I am tracking everything. As usual, late afternoon snacking is my downfall. Today will be a blue dot if I can stay away from snacks the rest of the evening. I was gone all afternoon so that helped. Tonight’s dinner was the WW greek style chicken and vegetables. I over cooked the veggies but the flavor was terrific. And only two points!

    I do want to say, Patti, that your attitude this time is resonating with me. And the quotes are inspirational! Thanks for that.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, glad you are well. We all need to go silent sometimes. good for the soul, mind and eyes. So glad you are enjoying my quotes, it is fun finding them. Some are so spot on but I can't put them here, lol. I will admit I feel very differently this time around. More relaxed and that seems to be making it a bit easier. Still a struggle but with a different focus.

    I will try to post pictures of 2 things I love.
    Blue Diamond mini Nut-Thins
    I like the Cheddar. the salt and cracked pepper flavor good but rather plain. I have only found these at Meijers but I think you can order online from walmart.
    1 bag is 3 pts

    NuGo Slim bars, 5 pts but 1/2 a bar is pretty rich. all are dark chocolate. Brownie crunch, raspberry truffle and roasted peanut come in the sampler pack. online thru Amazon or check their website for local stores that might carry them.

    From my WW page
    mash 2 bananas
    mix in 1 1/2 Tbsp Dark cocoa powder(I used Hersheys special dark)
    freeze. zero points
    makes a nice sweet treat
    Of course I had to tweak it just for fun.
    I put 1 banana and 5 strawberries in the food processor until smooth. add cocoa powder and blend well.
    This was pretty danged good but then I added about 2 Tbsp sf french vanilla creamer and now it tastes more like ice cream. Still zero points.
    One more variation. If you don't add creamer try sprinkling your ice treat with a bit of sea salt. Delectable! ok, now I am going to eat the other 1/2 of my practice bowl.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is seminar. My one student teacher is sick and won't be able to attend. She has a doctor's note.

    I'm with you, Diane......not very chatty these days.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All,
    Jasper and I walked today for 4000 steps- well I walked he rode-
    all is fine here
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    A very excited Karla and Izzy here. I did not have a good eating day yesterday!! Arrgghghh!! When I got to the office yesterday a patient had bought is each a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts!! I swore I was just taking them home to Glenn, but nooooo, I ate two of them warmed up slightly!! They are to die for. Oh well, it happens! Then I forgot to track and didn’t get my blue dot!

    Patti- My leader said once you blended any fruit into a smoothie type drink it was not zero. I don’t understand that. But she was going over it with Claire and I the first night and wanted to make sure we knew that. How does the blender change it? Makes no sense. I’m going to order some of those nut thins!!

    Diane- Good to see you and understand your stance. I have a big challenge ahead but will do my best.

    Bert- Sorry about your student and quietness too.

    Izzy and I are at Cracker Barrell. I got on the app and checked and chose the Chef salad with ff Italian dressing. It’s here, so I better run.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Not getting a blue dot today. We had friends over for dinner but they brought most of the dinner - lasagne! And I made the appetizers, salad and dessert (I stuck to veggies and dip made with FF Greek Yogurt, except for one slice of summer sausage and one cracker with cheese), salad, bread, one serving of lasagne, and apple cake. I haven't tracked it yet but with two glasses of wine I'm sure I went through all my remaining weeklies. I had only had 7 points earlier in the day, but still sure I went over.

    Karla, the way my leader explained smoothies is that when you drink something, you don't feel like you have had a meal, so you are more likely to go on and eat more after that. Think about it. My smoothies are 1/2 cup plain FF yogurt, a frozen banana, frozen other fruit, and about 1/3 cup orange juice. If I ate all that I would feel full. But if you drink it, you are less likely to THINK full, even if you have had the same amount of calories. Personally, if I drink one of MY smoothies, I feel very full and am unlikely to eat anything else. So I am likely to track it as yogurt, fruit and OJ, NOT as a smoothie. My sister makes smoothies that are much thinner, much more like a beverage, and she does eat a meal along with it. So in that case I see the WW mentality.

    The reason so many things are now zero points is because they are healthy, but they are unlikely to be things you would binge on. Eggs, chicken breast and bananas, for example, still have calories (and eggs even have fats), but you aren't likely to eat a dozen eggs a day. So they are zero points (NOT "free") to encourage you to choose healthy things that will fill you up.

    But also, Patti, I think you were talking about a frozen treat (like an italian ice) not a beverage.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm working on book 3 in my trilogy today until Noon then a walk, shower and Jasper goes to get some work done on his chest muscles- they're very tight due to using the more to get himself around- working on them should take steps off his thoracic region. Doing what I can so we don't have another recurrence.
    I did well yesterday- food wise and I had a 45 minute walk- I pushed Jasper around and he was exhausted- lol all the fresh air and looking at different things made him tired. Needless to say the weather was mild.
    I'm going to try the 2-week free trial of Noom has anyone heard of it?

    I think the blending of fruits have them turn more quickly into glucose - which spikes insulin and that is what ww has against it- but if you're feeling full I'm with Diane- and if you don't need additional food do what works best for you.
    After all isn't this what this journey is really about, finding what works best for the individual not the masses?

    I'm glad I'm participating again- I think it is helping me.
    We'll talk soon
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi everyone, loving the discussions here. My concoction is a frozen treat. 1 banana and 5 strawberries made 2 servings for me. I count each as 1 pt because of the creamer. it is so intensely chocolate that a small dish satisfies my sweet tooth. I want to try making it with ff milk powder. I have tried smoothies but they are too sweet and I don't get any "chew" satisfaction. Have strung some blue dot days together. today is Mom's birthday. I have corned beef in the pressure cooker and will go over when it is done. Her sight was a little better yesterday. she could read some of the streaming news on the bottom of the tv. she is having trouble with the brace so will try to figure out an easier time way for her to put it on. the velcro is very aggressive.

    Diane, you did your best. we have to enjoy life and food as it comes sometimes.

    Cindy, bet Jasper is loving the extra outdoor time with you. and you benefit from it too. win/win. Any idea when we will get our hands and eyes on the new books. It has been too long!
    Karla, enjoy your girl trip.

    Janet, are you getting snow? hope so, then maybe we won't get as much, lol!

    Bert, I am sure you are a busy beaver, as always.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Reporting in- more for accountability I did a LS WATP 30 min/2 mile walk-
    I'm tired- lol this girl has not done much in a long time and now two days back to back.
    Book news- the first book in the new trilogy is still with Carina Press- if I can get a contract for this series it will really help my writing career.
    If you have any reader friends- that a use E-readers I have the full series on Amazon, BnN, iTunes and Kobo- all 7 books strung together.
    Feel free to share the information.
    I've also written a new book, working title The Matchmaker and Mistletoe I'm going to submit this to Hallmark in Sept. They have an open call for authors without agents- Like me.

    So that is the recap- back to editing.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Had a lovely birthday lunch with Mom. She loved the corned beef and cabbage. It was snowing so she didn't want me to say long. I got my laundry done and finished the wedding album. She will be over Tuesday to pick it up. She also said she wanted to talk for a bit, which usually means she is having a problem and needs advice. Glad she wants mine. Eating has been really good this weekend. I have felt like I was struggling this week. Will it ever get so it is not so hard all the time?

    Cindy, keeping everything crossed and sending prayers that Hallmark snatches you up.
    I started to check out Noom but I forgot what I learned about it, lol. If you decide to give it a try do let us know about it. So many ways to go at this whole weight loss/healthy eating thing. We will get there because we keep learning and trying new things.

    Smile to start your week:
    I hate when I go to the kitchen looking for food and all I find are ingredients

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Noom- I signed up for the 2 week free trial- Day One- NO INFORMATION
    Like what the heck- Other than Believe in YOurself you can do this
    I'm like really? Does this mean the first two week the information will be in dribs and drabs?
    Also they said I could get to goal by October- when I entered slow and steady was my choice.
    How the hell do they expect a slow and steady loss of 70 pounds in 7 ish months.
    I have to eat carbs but there was no place to say if you had a health concern.
    I'm skeptical to say the least.
    Anyway- good day to wake up empty feeling- breakfast in another 25 minutes but who's watching the clock.
    Waving to all personals later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be spent doing things for myself. I'm going to the gym and then will organize around the house. Eating was ok this weekend.

    Have a good day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I made the banana flourless pancakes this morning, pretty good. O WW points if you leave out the powdered sugar.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Sunday was a very snacky day. I didn’t even track it all. Today is not a blue dot but at least I tracked all. Tomorrow is WI and I have a feeling I won’t have made much progress.

    Cindy I keep seeing the ads for Noom too, so I will be interested to see what you have to say.

    Patti yes this week has been a struggle. I don’t know if it ever gets easier. Certainly it never did the last time I got to my lowest, as evidenced by the fact that here I am again! Still up 25 from my lowest in the last 20 years. Hope your granddaughter isn’t having troubles in her marriage already.

    Karla have a great trip!

    Bert you deserve a day just for you. You do so much for others.

    Janet, wishing you a quiet but productive day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The sunshine today is deceiving, it's only 10 degrees! I'm heading to the gym today after a serviceman comes to do our annual termite inspection that we have a plan for.

    Eating was pretty good yesterday. Breakfast is tracked and eaten. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a blistering 16 degrees here. Have to get Mom a few things and then I will be basking I her 80degree sauna house, lol. I will take being hot over cold any day of the week.

    Did pretty well with eating yesterday. Dinner with Susie was a fab fest and I only had a few bites of brown rice, but wish I had passed. I don't like rice so habit made me put it on the plate and in attention made me eat it. But I counted it and moved on.

    Off I go. Hope all your choices are mindful and you find something to be proud of yourself fo today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. WW meting this morning and I gained again. I have GOT to get my head back in the game.

    Today’s topic was setting small goals! Something we all have experience with. I am going to start announcing my goals on here again, and reporting on how it is going.

    I usually eat a healthy zero point breakfast, a reasonably good lunch (if I can stay away from John’s chips!) and a reasonably healthy dinner. My downfall has always been my snacking. So for Lent I am giving up chips of any sort, and for my mini goal this week I am going to have a healthy snack every afternoon of five points or fewer.

    As a bonus mini goal I am going to work out one of the WW apptive workouts three times this week.

    Keep me accountable!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all. Quick checkin.

    Not doing so well on vacation in tracking or eating!! Geez, don’t know why so hard this time.

    Today is a cold and rainy day so we are extending our stay another night and going to Universal’s Island of Adventure on Thursday instead of leaving.

    We are headed out now to do something indoor. I did get in the lazy river last night after spending the afternoon at Disney Springs with my girlfriend.

    Back soon.
