OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning- happy Sunday
    Yesterday was busy being Lucinda- such a wonderful way to spend a Saturday and today I'm also in writer mode- the house is empty of husband so the pups and me are on the couch and I'm getting ready to work on Blue.
    Janet- so wonderful to see you again and hear you're doing fine.Letting Theo command the bed is sweet how is he doing since losing Bella?
    Bert- she is adorable and I'm sure you're very proud.
    Patti- did you get back on track?
    Diane- one blue dot at a time
    Karla- did you arrive home ok?
    We're getting a wintery mix today. My eating was not so hot the last few days but today is a new one, I made a poached egg in the microwave and it came out awesome Nice hack from FB
    Well have a sparking day-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning and welcome to DST, I am one of the lucky ones that is not affected by time changes. I am back on track but unable to track on WW because my payment didn't go thru, thank you hacker another mess to ckean up. hoping they will resubmit on Monday. We have to go to the SSA Monday afternoon and I am waiting for my new password for my retirement account. Doing better with my eating and taking it one mouthful at a time. Edd has the back wall of the tub tiled a d hopefully will get the two end walls done today. work has been fast and at times furious (customers, not staff). I need to find my mojo on exercise again. I really miss my classes. I sent a message to the gym about them filling the tuesday and Thursday class, they are "working" on it.

    Cindy, your mood seems so much lighter. Thank you for starting my day with your smile. Enjoy your alone day and being LR.

    Bert, Penney just makes my heart smile. Such a cutie!

    Karla, how is your Dad's place coming along? Hope you had safe travels.

    Janet, see you tomorrow. Soooo looking forward to hugs, lots of gabbing and even more laughter.

    Diane, hope you are struggling less and finding your waybon this plan.

    I am planning a craft day for me today.

    Springing forward
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - just a quick stop since I have much to get done today. I am working on a Congregational Profile for our church as we prepare to call a new Pastor - I am head of the committee and have set a deadline of tomorrow for each to get their inputs in, so better get busy on mine!

    Eating has been so-so. No blue dot the last two days but didn't miss by much, and still have weekly points left. Yesterday we ate lunch out again. I had a chicken gyro with spinach on it. It tracked as 9 SP - could have been more, but that's all I could find in the tracker. Last night I made a large pot of my chicken chili, which is 3 SP per bowl plus toppings of a little sour cream and a little cheese, and that was all we had for dinner. Not sure what to fix for dinner tonight - I have a church thing from 6-7:30, so will need to eat early or late and possibly leave something for John and Carrie to eat separately from me.

    Bert, Penney is adorable. Drama is so good for all children - it brings the shyer ones out of their shell, and gives the outgoing ones a place for their talents to shine.

    Cindy, have a great day writing and editing. You haven't talked about the day job much lately - anything new on that front?

    Patti, what a pain in the patootie this whole bank thing has been for you! Hoping you get it straightened out soon.

    Karla, have you tried any new good recipes lately?

    Janet, hug Theo for me. We have two strays hanging around - we have dubbed them "interloper" (every day the last two-three months) and "stranger" (far less frequent.) Cleo is afraid of them and has been staying inside much of the time, and is therefore a little cabin-fevered!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends and partners in this journey of struggles to control our eating. lol. No, it never gets easy or a lifestyle, I don’t care what anyone puts out there. I started out well yesterday and had a healthy omelette, made the three bean chili and drank more green tea. But then I remembered the Halo ice cream I had bought before I had left, and ate the whole quart! I went to a couple yard sales and the grocery store.

    Patti - I am so sorry for all the repercussions tied to your banking hack. Geez. Enjoy your time with Janet and give her a hug for me please. You were so spot on about Glenn while I was gone. He moved into the pool house completely while I was gone! Slept evevery night in it. Lol. Him and the dogs. My dad’s house is looking great. Having new posts put up on the front porch today.

    Janet - Have a great visit with Patti. Give her a hug from me for all her banking issues! Safe travels for you both.

    Cindy- I am bone tired from my trip, but made it home safely. I’ve been a slug ever since though. You absolutely sound so at peace. Happy Lucinda!

    Bert - Penny is the cutest pup ever. Safe travels for you.

    Diane- I am going to look at those 15 minute exercise videos too. Unfortunately my plantar’s facsicitis flared up from all my walking so I have my boot on today. Izzy loved Dr Seuss world. Disney World was the bomb and she met Aerial. She said the Haunted Mansion was her favorite!

    Glenn loved his t-shirt I got him at Islands of Adventure. We really missed each other.

    Izzy and I go back to Disney next month and to the same resort with two of my high school chums. We are also going to Wakulla Springs, a glass bottom boat attraction on the way back that has mermaids!! Fun times.

    Glenn and I are having a low key day watching shows on the bigvtv. Oh, I bough the Queen movie and it was quite good.

    Don’t forget to move your clocks up!

    Have a great day.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All
    Quick stop to track end of day yesterday and beginning of today. Talk to you soon
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Cindy- You are being so diligent in your eating and tracking. So very proud of you. We do need to re-train ourselves to eat more to lose more. So different from the mindset of 1000 calories or less. Patti and I are on the same track.

    I got on the scales this morning and am only up 1.2 pounds. I can get that off by Wednesday night I hope.

    They rushed my daughter in law to the ER. She is weak and mal nourished. She has been losing a lot of weight with severe gastric issues and seeing a gastric doctor but having issues with the meds. She called our mutual internal medical doctor and they told her to head to ER. Please pray for her.

    Janet and Patti- have fun.

    Bert- I hope you can find a nutritionist. It’s worth the investment and your insurance may cover, are you on Blue Cross?

    I better check if she is at the hospital yet.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Hanging onto a blue dot day just barely. Meals were okay today on points, though dinner was not a keeper, snacking was so-so. We had a meeting at church at 6:30, so to make an easy early dinner I made a Trader Joe's premade frozen meal - Chicken with Shitake Mushrooms and Edamame (2 SP), plus rice (4) and roasted asparagus (0). None of us particularly liked the chicken dish - it had a strange taste to it.

    Report on my minigoal for the week - I got 3 out of seven blue dot days (and actually had some rollover points two days when I controlled my snacking well!) I used all my fitness points but almost none of my weekly points. I did two of the mini strength training workouts from the Apptiv function of WW (goal was 3). I also walked the neighborhood 3 times this week, though I only hit my step goal of 10K steps twice. I guess I need to move more during the day. So I feel okay about my minigoals. We will see what tomorrow's WI tells me.

    Karla, I hope your DIL is okay! Please let us know.

    Cindy, I'm trying to check in more often too. I think it helps me to be more accountable.

    Patti and Janet, I bet you had a great time! Still wish we could have made the meet-up work when we were on our way to/from WI in December. We may be heading out there again in May, so another possible chance.

    Bert, are you visiting students again a lot this week?

    Back tomorrow after WI.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm home from Chicago. I had a good time, and Dan and Annie thanked me multiple time for helping them out. That's what grammas are for! We all went to see the Captain Marvel movie on Sunday. It was pretty intense for Penny, I thought, but she loved it. Today I'm gettin my hair cut. I'm definitely going to the gym at some point as I haven't been there since Thursday.

    Diane: Students are on spring break this week. I do have one visit tomorrow (she is an online student), but the rest of the week is free. Next week, however!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, I am hanging on by my fingernails this week. Doubt I will see a loss as I have not tracked. Today is a new day and I am back on line with WW. Janet and I had the best time yesterday, sharing food, laughter, hugs and gossip. I just wish we lived closer so we could do it more often. I was planning to go to the SSA office to update my direct deposit info. I called them to see what info I needed to bring with me. To my surprise they took care of it over the phone! Same thing with my pension account. So now I just need to wait for my new credit card for the circle to be complete.
    Found a base for my upholstery machine and will start my boat seats when it arrives. Off to the grocery and then Mom's. Going to fix us some cod for lunch.

    Karla, hope your DIL is doing better today.

    Diane, I need to figure out an exercise program, love my classes and get bored with the DVDs but I have to do something. I think I will check the fire stick for some video workouts.

    Bert, enjoy your spring break. Have fun at the gym. Is t very near your house?

    Janet, still smiling from our lunch and great hugs.

    Cindy, seeing you here makes me happy. Glad to have our little group checking in so often

    Just because it made me laugh:
    "Exaggeration is truth that has lost it's temper". Kahului Gibran

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    That should say Kahil Gilbran
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Karla, hope your daughter-in-law will be OK very soon. Once they figure out what happened, treatment can help quickly. Rotten way to end a vacation!

    Patti, so much fun to see you yesterday - time flies when we're laughing!

    Cindy, knowing you're getting Lucinda time makes me happy. The hunger dizzies are not good for you - glad you quickly found a way to manage it. Hug the puppies for me. Thanks for asking about Theo - he's doing well but is pretty needy (and milking it for extra treats). Once he comes into the bedroom at night, he fuses himself to me, either plastered next to me or on my legs.

    Diane, good luck to the pastoral search committee. It's a crucial choice for a congregation, and what an honor for you. I remember when my dad was on a similar committee - they found a wonderful guy, who led us through my junior high and high school years.

    Bert, enjoy having some free time. My hair gets cut and colored tomorrow.

    I have a quiet day going. My eating hasn't been awful the last few days, but it can (and will) be better. Time to make a list of errands to run after my hair gets freshened. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. WI today was good - I had a nice loss. I've decided I'm going to channel my inner Patti and just report gains or losses, and not fixate on the numbers. But it was nice that my trying last week actually got me somewhere!

    The meeting topic was planning your meals. I already do that, so there weren't many nuggets in there for me. I track my dinner when I track my breakfast, so I know what I have to use the rest of the day. And I plan my meals a week at a time, same as I did when I was working, in hopes of only going to the grocery store once a week. (Less temptation that way!)

    THe only bad part was that the computers were down, so they had to manual record everyone's number and weight, so it took a long time. I don't know when my WI and my workshop attendance will show up on my profile.

    Karla, how is your DIL? Hope she is doing better, and has a handle on what is going on.

    Patti and Janet, still jealous!

    Janet, I'm sure Theo is just so confused. No wonder he needs extra cuddles!

    Patti, glad your SSA and Retirement worked out more easily than you had hoped. I'm sure there will be more things crop up that you need to change, but hopefully they will also go smoothly. Hang in there - just take it one meal at a time.

    Bert, grandchild time is precious. I'm having Elise this week on Thursday and I can't wait. I am lucky to have her so close to me.

    Cindy, hang in there!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon friends.

    My dIL didn’t go yesterday, my son and myself were very upset with her. Due to confusion with the doctors, she messed around and didn’t decide who to see. Tries to self diagnose and self treat. She is supposed to be at the clinic my son goes to now. She is hard to work with medically and doctors have a time with her. Enough said!! Uggh. Thank you for prayers and concerns. I’m terrified for her.

    Diane - Congrats on any loss in the right direction. No one has to report any numbers if they are uncomfortable. No judgement here. I can’t stay for my meeting tomorrow and since I am a planner like you it’s no big deal except I will miss the ladies. I am going to weigh though. I am just hoping to break even at this stage. I’m tracking and getting blue dot but I’m like Patti, I don’t think blue dots are fair or adequate for everyday.

    Patti- I’m with you on eating more points with healthy foods, which will not earn you a blue dot if you eat 28 or above. Makes no sense at all. Why give you the weeklies then have a blue dot program and say you can’t get one if you eat too many of your weeklies!! Ugghhh. So glad you and Janet have each other.

    Janet- Glad you and Patti had such a good time.

    Tomorrow is Glenn’s birthday and I have gotten him a nice shorts outfit and a new bathing suit and flip flops.

    I better go, have to do banking and Angelique’s birthday is tomorrow also.



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I love my bank. My new credit and debit cards are here already! 3 working days! Now I will probably check my account obsessively for a while. My hairdresser's check cleared and that was a big concern for me. You never want to stiff your beauty maker, lol.

    Diane, great job on your loss. I don't know how to explain my feelings about letting the numbers go, but it feels like I have more control than the scale. As long as my grade card is mostly Satisfactory I am doing the right things. Give yourself credit for all your hard work. I wish I was a better planner. I want to be but the other side of me needs her freedom. Maybe that should be my mini goal for next week. Plan a weeks worth of meals and follow that plan at least 4 days of the week. Wish me luck.

    Karla, I hope your DIL gets the help she needs. I am sure it must be hard on Izzy to see her mom sick. Fingers crossed for your WI, bet you do better than you think you will. I am not uncomfortable posting my numbers, I have just decided to focus on learning new habits and finding a way to live life as a WW and not be chained to the numbers of it. Just trying to use new eyes.

    Edd finished the tile, it is gorgeous! Tomorrow will be the grout and then a little drywall repair before I pick the paint. He did a great job. Will post a pic when done.

    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Angelique finally was seen by a compassionate doctor that examined her specimen and said she definitely had a parasite infection!! He has written two prescriptions and says he will get her well from this!! Thank the Lord!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Another day in the neighborhood- I walked yesterday after work despite the biting wind- but it was 45 minutes and I was happy I did it.
    I have "given" myself a couple of work days a week I can have chocolate mid day it worked last week and so far this week. Yeah me.
    Diane you asked about the day job- things are quiet but that always happens before the storm- 2 engineers are relocating to Ohio- which is the beginning of the end for this facility I'm afraid.
    the next step- i will have to make a decision to relocate or find something new- really on the fence. But I will find my path.
    I have a meetign in a bit but I'll be back later.
    Pups are well hugged- Janet :)

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla,,glad she finally saw a Dr and it is treatable. Wonder how she got the parasite?

    Cindy, whatever you decide it will be the right decision for you. I think we all need to find a way to get our treats in and be accountable for them. I have really enjoyed the banana, strawberry dark chocolate "ice cream" for 1 pt. now waiting for my bananas to get riper to make some more.

    Time for my WI. I have had a terrible week, stress eating, and have thought of 1000 reasons to not go but there is only one reason to go....I am worth it and if I skip a meeting every time I have done poorly on my plan then I am defeated before I start.

    Lunch with the girls and then work after my meeting.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy-!’m sure Janet and Patti would love you to move closer to them. Would it be closer to Meg too? I know you will want to stay in your home if you can.

    Patti- I know where you are coming from today sista!! I almost talked myself out of going too because I can’t stay anyway, it’s way out of the way from where we are going to eat tonight, plus I haven’t lost anything and it’s been two weeks!! But you are right it does is no good not to go, so go we must. Lol.

    I’m at work, everyone is gone and I am here getting things done. Almost back to normal.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Not a very good day yesterday, and okay today except for a few snacks. Not going to be a blue dot, but I have lots of fitness points. Yesterday we cut down two trees and hauled the logs out of the woods, and today we rented a splitter and got them split. So I have worked off a few calories! Tonight is church soup and sermon, so I don’t know what the soup offerings will be. I may take an apple to supplement to keep me from eating the bread that is always there, or the dessert.

    Patti and Karla, yes i made the mistake of not going back to my WW workshop right after my vacation, and I was off track for another week. Better to go and get your head reset today.

    Cindy I can’t keep chocolate around. I made the mistake of buying a bag of my favorite Easter candy on Monday and it is almost gone. 😬 ( remember my point about snacks the last two days!?! ) I have no control and can’t just eat one piece. Good for you if you can. I bought some Halo Top ice cream and I am afraid to open it.

    I’m sure you will figure out what the right plan is for you going forward - move or look for something else.

    Karla glad to hear your DIL got a diagnosis!

    All now. Have a good evening all.