OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I had a negative at the scale, that was a gift! Enjoyed the lively discussions as always. What I came away with was this: even though I don't plan my meals I am still on the right track by having the right stuff in the house. we all agreed that for some of us that IS planning.
    Found some Kirkland brand protein bars that are 5 points each and don't have a ton of stuff in them. I had the chocolate chip cookie dough for my break at work. Very sweet, 21 gms of protein and 1 gm of sugar. In the future I will cut in half, a little too sweet for me.
    One more good thing about going to my meeting, I saw the most gorgeous and huge owl sitting on a pile of stuff just feet from my car in the parking lot. tried to get a pic but somebody scared him off.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I was up a smidge, onward ho!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Birthday Janet! Have a day as special as you. Do what you want and enjoy what you do. Many hugs and lots of love are coming your way.

    Work was busy and my knee was killing me by the time we left. All better today, for that I am always grateful. Today I must clean! I have some things to take to Mom but will do that a bit later.

    Karla, a smidge is good. We are going to Florida in 2 weeks and it is going to be the biggest challenge. If I can make it with a maintain I will be ecstatic.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy and Bert

    Words for the day:
    "We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions. That we'll screw up royally sometimes-understanding that failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of success"
    Arianna Huffington


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    It took all day but I made it- tracked, walked and drank all my water.
    I have no idea if the scale is moving or not- I haven't been feeling empty so I doubt it.

    Janet- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Patti- congrats on the loss this week. I'll be the owl was lovely and majestic
    Karla- Onward- :)
    Diane- Some day are better than others to control the choc monster - right now I'm in a groove but I SO understand
    Bert- what's new in your world?

    If I moved to Ohio I would work in the same building as Meg- that would be surreal.
    I need to work on a PPT for my writers meeting
    See you all tomorrow
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is gym time and heading to the store. Eating has been ok. Breakfast is tracked and eaten. I'm trying to stay more focused today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI everyone,
    A quick check in- I had boboli pizza for dinner last night after my walk- way to many carbs in one sitting- onward. Felt a tad off this AM- what was I thinking? LOL I had earned it. Lesson learned.
    Today is a new day.
    Hope everyone has a great one.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, working around the house today. Edd started grouting the tile in the bathroom and it is really looking beautiful. I may venture out to BB&B to look for a shower curtain. Also need to go to Mom's for a bit before I go to work. The base for my upholstery machine came yesterday. Will start on boat upholstery when we get back from our trip to Florida. Still working on problems from the bank account hack but at least the money was recovered that they took.

    I have been looking for new recipes and came across a recipe for cream of soup base. I used it to make a chicken, broccoli, mushroom and green bean dish. I have never liked canned cream soups for cooking and the FF versions are even less palatable to me. It is super tasty and worked nicely in this dish. I can see it will be a staple in my pantry.

    The basic recipe for Cream of Whatever soup-this is enough for the equivalent of 8 cans of soup
    2 cups powdered nonfat milk
    3/4 cup corn starch
    Season as you please but here is what I added, I do not measure just keep in mind this is 8 cans worth
    Garlic powder
    Onion powder
    Celery seed
    Black pepper

    To use: mix 1/3 cup powder in 1 1/4 cups water or stock. Heat until thickened.
    If made with water it is 4 points for the entire can's worth. Canned low fat cream of soup is 4 points for 1/2 cup.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, thanks for the useful recipe! Bet the bathroom looks amazing.

    Cindy and Bert, focus can be the hard part. We hang in there together.

    Diane, how was your Elise day? Bet she’s into everything.

    Karla, don’t sweat the vacation smidge. It’ll be gone soon.

    Had a quiet, nice birthday. Talked to several good friends and got a video from my niece, her husband, and the kidlets. Cady didn’t sing but blew me a big kiss. She and Caleb are just the cutest humans I know. James somehow thought yesterday was the 13th so we’ll celebrate this weekend. He made BLTs last night - yummy and fairly healthy. We’ll go out somewhere tonight or tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. My niece arrived from Tampa, my brother came over and I picked up JJ from school yesterday. We had a nice family reunion dinner last night.

    I am tracking and staying on course. Her and I were talking about WW recipes this morning. I am making the Three Bean chili tomorrow as it is going to be cool. We are all going to the Fairhope Annual Arts and Craft festival. It is a huge event.

    Patti- Good for you on your loss, See, you thought it was a bad week and it wasn't.

    Bert - Good to see you.

    Cindy - I am moving along.

    Janet - Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great weekend.

    We are going out to eat to Kravers. A seafood restaurant.

    I took Lainie to Rouses, our Louisiana grocery store. She loved it. We went to my antique booth and picked up my check. I sold over $200 my first month. I am so glad. Much better than my last place.

    I am still so very tired, I just can't get caught up on my rest from that trip.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, I don't know if I'm watching the kids today or not. Greg has not been informative like he usually is. He's probably not happy that I was noncommital about watching the kids last night and today as he had the flu last weekend, and I wanted to wait to make sure no one else got sick and the germs were out of the house. If that's the reason, then so be it. I told him I would do it if everyone stayed healthy. I don't want to be exposed to the flu bug, especially at my age. He's never been like this, so whatever.

    Eating has been ok. Have a great day, everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It was a very busy day at work and I forgot to change into my good shoes. I was up half the night with my knee killing me. It is better but will tape and wear the proper shoes tonight. I found the perfect shower curtain on clearance for $7.20. I am having a good eating week and want to keep it up, so easily distracted. I bought a bag of frozen cherries at Costco and made chocolate covered cherry ice cream. Blended a cup of cherries, still frozen with 1 banana, 2 tbsp dark chocolate cocoa powder and 2 tbsp sugar free sweet Italian creamer. Froze in 2 small containers, 1 point each. I have a batch of strawberry, banana, chocolate ice cream freezing now. So decadent!

    Bert, your request is beyond reasonable. At our age we need to avoid those bugs at all costs.

    Janet, I bet that was the best Happy Birthday song you ever heard. Cady will be singing to you soon.

    Karla, score on your sales. Enjoy the craft show. Maybe you should move into the guest house for 2 days and don't tell anyone you are there so you can get a break, lol.

    Diane, I hope you are finding your way on your plan. Bet your Elise time was special as always.

    Tax papers ready for the accountant. Need that taken care of before vacation.

    Have a fab weekend
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been busy with church efforts. We have a Pastoral vacancy right now, and I am chair of the committee getting some documentation together for our Call committee. That is ready to go to the congregation for comment tomorrow, so I will have a bit of a break for a week.

    Tonight we are going to see the middle school production of "Singin' in the Rain." Our MS does a great job putting on a musical every year. Singin' in the Rain was the first one Carrie was in, back in 2004! And it was a terrific show, with kids who went on to star in HS and college productions. So it will be interesting to see how the current version compares.

    Eating has been not so good. I made the chocolate/strawberry/banana treat, Patti, and it is pretty good! I did not use the creamer since I didn't have any in the house - all we keep in stock is full fat half and half because that is what Carrie likes in her tea. I froze it in half cup portions. But I went on to have way too many snacks today. I do very well at zero point breakfasts, low point lunches and low point dinners. It is the darned snacks that are killing me! I need to get out of the house so I am not tempted. John is traveling this week, so I will have to figure out things to do out of the house and away from food.

    Patti, I tried an exercise routine last week that tweaked my bad knee, so I have been taking it lightly except for walking. I can't imagine being on my feet all the time like you are at work.

    Karla, you are just on the go all the time. No wonder you are still tired from your trip. You need a Karla day - no company, just a pamper day.

    Bert, I would feel the same. You can't be exposed to those germs.

    Janet, belated birthday wishes coming your way. Hope you and James go somewhere fun to celebrate this weekend.

    Cindy, I've been focusing more on water too. I don't want to totally give up my diet green tea and diet coke, but I am trying to limit them to one or maybe two a day.

    All for now. I have Skinnytaste Crockpot Chicken Taco Chili in for dinner before the show - zero points!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    Today my eating is way off... just tracked and I'm like really chick- what the heck are you eating today- half a turkey sandwich for breakfast and 3 cookies for lunch. SO not balanced.
    It is an LR weekend- can you hear me squeal?
    Rick is off doing some race thing and I have the house to myself- He'll be home to sleep then gone again before I wake up- house is silent and I'm in author heaven.
    Going to make someone for dinner- shrimp and pasta I think - or a shrimp taco- def shrimp.
    See you all later
    Keep on, keeping on
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I did watch the kids yesterday. I took them to a birthday party, and Greg and Carrie were home early. I still don't think he feels good, so I'm attributing it to that. He sounds like he has a chest cold now.

    Patti: I'm going to try your ice cream dessert. It sounds yummy.

    Cindy: Hope you enjoyed your day to yourself. Mike worked a few days this week, and it was nice.....

    Diane: I'm chairman of our pastor committee, too; however, my term will be over the end of the year. I'm happy about that as I'm wanting someone else to take that leadership role. I need a break.

    Waving hi to Karla and Janet.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    The day ended as it began- not stellar but the funny thing I came WAY under in calories go figure. Eating better today already.
    Need to start editing. I was finally able to get the Loudon Series ad live on Amazon- took weeks but I'm persistent.
    Now back to Blue- and still waiting on Carina, To be honest I think they overlooked me the first time and now its going through the process. Sigh. But I have a conference at the end of April so there are three publishers there I want to pitch to them.
    I need to be traditional published to help the other books.
    Any way-
    Waving to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Slainte' dear friends. Hope this day brings you nothing but good luck and blessings galore.

    Last night at work was brutal. Don't know why everyone was shopping as we did not have much of a sale. It was almost as bad as Black Friday but we weren't staffed for it. Was so glad I had taped my knee and wore the proper shoes or I do t think I would have been walking by the end of my shift. We left tons of fabric on the counter as we were told to be out by 10:30 no matter what was left undone. We close at 9 but my last customer at 8:15 had 50 bolts of fabric! To her credit she wanted everything on every bolt, so no cutting required, but every bolt had to be unrolled and then re rolled onto the cardboard. She checked out at 9:25pm and spent nearly $700! She is a regular and one of the nicest ladies. She helped by doing most of the rerolling. She also had me stop her order so I could cut for customers that came up with just a few things. I work closing again today and am praying it is not as bad as the last two days. Luckily we close at 6pm. Then I am swinging by my GFs house to help her with some sewing pattern instructions that don't have pictures and she can't seem to figure out.
    Edd started the drywall work yesterday so I may get my painting done before we leave after all. So picking the paint out is on tomorrow's to do list.

    Cindy, as I read your post it struck me how much you have grown, as a woman and an author, since we first met you. You speak with more confidence and authority. Funny how the word authority has no relationship to author. one meaning the right to exercise power and the other meaning creator. Not sure why that popped into my head but I do love words, just not able to string them together as masterfully as you. What an absolute joy it is to watch you grow into LR. You know I am secretly praying you move to Ohio, what fun it would be to have you so near.

    Diane, I simply cannot have salty snacks in the house. Not sure I can ever conquer that demon. Luckily Edd is not a big snacker of salty things but he does have an insatiable sweet tooth. I am easily satisfied with very small, infrequent amounts of sweets. I can only do proportioned chips/crackers, the kind that are sealed! If I have to proportion my own snacks it never goes well, lol. Hang in there we are figuring this out for good this time.

    Karla,,hope you had fun at the craft show in Fairhope. We really loved that little town when we stayed there.

    Janet, I know James treated you like a queen for your birthday. Enjoy these last few cold season is fast approaching, lol.

    Bert, sorry Greg is sick but glad there was nothing else brewing and you had some fun times with the kiddos. You amaze me with all you do for your family and your church. I am such a slacker in comparison.

    I will leave you with words from a sign that hangs in my dining room:
    There is an old Irish saying that says just about anything you want it to.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang - I typed up a long post earlier on my iPad. Must have hit the stupid "done" button instead of "Post." Not going to repeat it!

    I will have Elise tomorrow because she was running a fever this afternoon. I hope it is just teething - she drooled up a storm on Thursday when she was here.

    Eating pretty good today - I'm about to go to bed with a blue dot!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.

    Diane- I hate when I hit the incorrect button after a long post! Sometimes you can hit the back arrow on your browser and get it back though. I did have that Karla day yesterday you were mentioning!! After my niece left and my son came and got JJ I hit the couch. Watched Netflix and fell asleep. Went to bed at 9:30 and slep until 5:45!! Needed it! I feel great this morning.

    Cindy- How was your wonderful LR weekend? I concur with Patti in your growth as an Author and eloquent way with words. I’m going to look for your ad on Amazon.

    Patti- Your Store was certainly very busy. We are back in the 70’s this week with cool mornings in the upper 40’s. I bet you will have beautiful weather in Florida.

    I am at the hospital with a friend, Maria, who is having a colonoscopy. Her daughter didn’t want to take off work. Sad, pitiful really. But I am there for her even though Brenda is off at my office. Friends in need are more important and the office will survive.

    Waving hello to Bert.

    Having a wonderful day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Banking nightmare continues. Now I am starting to get angry that some unknown person can create such havoc in my life! Work as better last night and time spent with my gf and helping her made the whole weekend fade away.

    Karla, amazing how a day at home and a good nights sleep can revive your soul.

    Diane, sorry about the post. I have done that way too often and it really burns me when I do. Hope you have many blue dot days in your future. Prayers that Elise is just teething.

    Out the door on errands,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My girlfriend did well, no polyps, took biopsies to make sure to other issues in upper go.