OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sunshine to start my day, that is a positive sign.
    Frankie seems much more spunky, another good omen.
    I am going to get some paint samples today. Have narrowed it down to 2. One is called Mermaids tale, isn't that fun? Edd is not moving as fast as I would like so I am biting my tongue. He did say last night just one more light sanding should do it.
    It was a very snacks, hungry day but I tracked it all and was within my points. I really loved the split peas soup, still can't believe it is only 2 points.

    Cindy, I know you have some difficult decisions coming up and it sounds like you are keeping a positive attitude. I need to get back to my exercise too. I am feeling a bit out of sorts since my classes ended. I was hoping that when I go Medicare the Y would have some good classes but they have even less than my current gym. My trainer had the same surgery that Peyton Manning had, so will be out for at least 12 weeks. Her husband did say he was planning on doing a TRX class again in the near future so will hold out for that and try to do something on my own. I did it before and not sure why I am resisting it now. Good luck to us both. When is your Cincinnati trip, I thought I had put it on the calendar but can't find it.

    Diane, hope you are feeling better. When is your next trip. Any chance you will cruising thru Ohio or Kemtucky so Janet, Bert and I can meet up with you for at least a cup of coffee? How fun that would be.

    Big hugs to Bert, Janet and Karla
    Have a great Friday ladies
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. My cold has been winning the last few days, but I hope I am starting to turn the corner. Yesterday was a blue dot day, but today nothing tasted good but salt. Need to track my afternoon indulgences. Dinner will be a nice OP meal - pork tenderloin, broccoli and roasted garlic red potatoes. I will limit my potatoes to a small helping and that will be fine.

    Patti, we are redoing the church restrooms. Carrie actually had some great design ideas, we went and picked out paint, and I've ordered some of the fixtures. It will be at least a month before we are ready to go in and do demo. John will make the vanities, and I need to order countertops. How is yours coming today? If the Mermaid's Tale is a Sherwin Williams, I like that color.

    Cindy, you are making some great decisions about how to proceed - redoing the bathroom is a win no matter what. I'm' trying too gett more exercise also. If only the weather would cooperate!

    Karla, a maintain after the week you had is a good thing. As my WW leader says, a maintain means you DIDN'T gain!

    Waving to Janet and Bert. My keyboard is acting wonky so I want to get this posted.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Greg's birthday. I'm making him a cake and will take it over at some point today. Hard to believe he's 43! This week is spring break for our local school corporations, so I don't have a visits this week......I guess I'm on break, too. We're supposed to have Dylan and Penny for a few days, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Hopefully will know something today.

    Janet: Are you talking about the Edinburg Outlet mall? That is a definitley possiblity to meet for lunch.

    Have a great day, everyone! Looks like it's going to be a sunny day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Ugh. Iv been awake since 3 am with this cold. So plugged up I just can lie down and can’t sleep. I have some things I have to get done, but maybe later I will manage a nap.

    Yesterday was not a blue dot day. I had salt cravings that could not be staved off. Hopefully today will be a fruit craving day. That’s what I’m having for breakfast because I feel dehydrated, even though I have been drinking.

    Hope everyone’s Saturday is on plan and healthy.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Saturday to you, I am off today and hope to be productive. I am going to get Edd to finish his portion of the job even if it means a fist fight, lol. The two colors were awful. Mermaids tale was way to bright and turquoise and the other was too colonial blue. I wish the sample chips were larger so I don't have to pay $4 for each sample jar. I will use the sample paints on a craft project of some sort. Moving on to the grayer end of the spectrum with just a hint of blue and praying my next sample will be my last. I am going to get the ceiling, trim, cabinets and door painted today since I have the white paint already. Work was pleasantly busy and not overwhelming. Yesterday the local college, Wright State, came in to spend the rest of their arts and crafts budget for the year. They HAD to spend $4500 or they would lose the money and the budget would get cut for next year. It took the store manager and half the staff to pull and ring up their order. It took over 90 minutes to process the order and 10 minutes for the receipt to print! Good day for the store, bad day for the manager as he had to cancel dinner plans with his wife and some friends.

    Diane, so sorry you are still sick. Hope you crave fruit all day, lol.

    Bert, enjoy your spring break! Happy birthday to Greg. I know the kids will be looking forward to time with you and Mike. I always loved having my grands and am looking forward to being able to keep the greatgrands soon.

    Karla, are you back in Florida with Izzy or is that next week?

    Janet, won't be long and you will be out golfing with James again. I know you both enjoy it.

    Cindy, hope you made it to see your dad and that you have safe travels in both directions. Do you take Jasper with you?

    Time to rouse the beast and get him working

    Have a glorious day
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I am off to work in about 30 and will be stopping to pick up paint on my way home. Why is it that the paint on the chips looks nothing like the paint on the wall. Have sunk $16 into samples and hope I like my choice when I am done. The color is Ocean Swell by Behr, very dark gray blue. Trim and all the cutting in of the ceiling and white walls is done. My bathroom has many odd angles, the only thing with right angles is the tub area. This house was built before city water and had no indoor plumbing. The bathroom was basically built out of a closet and part of a bedroom and some under eave storage. Quite the logistical challenge for storage as no standard anything fits. It does bring out the creativity in me so all is good.
    On a food note, been on plan for several days and pretty proud of myself. Last night I made some grilled green beans on my indoor grill. I steamed them until tender crisp, then tossed them, while still hot, with olive oil, Webers roasted garlic seasoning and crushed red pepper. Threw them on the hot grill until lightly charred and the rest is history, lol. Paired with a salad and pork tenderloin for a quick and delish meal. I have tried grilling fresh green beans before but never liked the texture when done, steaming them first seemed to keep them from shriveling and getting chewy.

    Wishing you all a blessed and happy Sunday
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had all 4 grandkids last night. Greg picked up Jillian around 10:30 as she wasn't feeling well. She has a doctor's appointment this morning. Cole and Dylan are up early this morning. Today will be a fun day.....I'm taking them bowling. Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Feeling a bit lonely here, lol. Hope everyone is healthy and busy.
    Today the color goes on the walls. Then all that is left is caulking the tub, hanging the shower curtain and putting up the new cabinet and towel bar over the commode. Then it is time to start gathering our camping gear for our trip next week.

    Bert, enjoy the kids, hope Jillian is ok and just has a minor bug. Bowling is always fun.

    Waving hi to all and looking forward to chatter here again
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Everyone,
    I rode with my brother and his wife for Dad's- Rick didn't go. Which was fine- I had a good time despite realzing the battle with his declinging health will win- I pray he has a heart attack and goes quickly and doesn't let the emphysema suffocate him. Sorry for being graphic, but I'm freaking angry - and then my step mother is talking to her kids about the freaking cigerettes she bought them- they can get them in NH very cheap and she ships them down into CT- I'm like you're watching your husband die and you're helping your kids die too. They smoke like chimney's
    Rant over.
    I purchase a new step tracker and I'm wearing it. As of right now i have 2200 steps- might not seem like a lot but it is reminding me to get up and move.
    I can't walk after work- Jasper is going to swim theraphy and I am doing a dry run of a presention to my writers group- very nervous - all about author branding.

    Carina sent me a very lovely rejection- but I will pitch the Maclellsn sisters to three publishers at the end of April If still no nibbles I will self pub- Those of you who like to read my books will LOVE them. LOL
    I will be in Cincinatti on June 7-8 the free open to the public signing- of which I think I will be on Friday is from 3-5?
    I'll be leaving before the sun is up on Sunday.... for the long drive back to MA. Would love to see you Patti.....
    Anyway I need to run-
    Diane, fell better
    Bert- its crazy how fast our kids grow
    Janet- thinking of you as always
    Karla- hope all is well
    Patti- the bath will look great.
    Later gators.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I think I am FINALLY getting over my cold. I’ve not been sleeping well at all because I’m am so congested. Today was an Elise day. They had a neurology appointment for her this afternoon and she had to be kept awake all day. She actually did very well until I put her in the car to take her to meet Brad, and she fell asleep about ten minutes before we got there. She has been having “blue” spells where her fingers and lips turn blue and she sort of zones out. So she is getting an EEG today. I hope it is nothing. Earlier we were out in the yard picking up sticks and she was helping. Then she had to help” carry the can down to the street. Carrie took video. If I can get it from her I will post it.

    Cindy, my mom had COPD (the “new”name for emphysema) and it is a horrible disease. I’m sorry your dad is going through this. The step tracker will help! I love setting myself goals. When I worked at the Pentagon, every time I got up to go to the bathroom I would walk around the A ring, which was about 1/4 mile. At lunch time I would do the E ring, which is about a mile!

    Patti I bet the color will look great. I love intense colors in the bathroom. The rest of my house is pretty neutral, but one bathroom is lavender, another is maroon, and the third is green.

    Bert, I bet bowling was fun!

    Waving to Janet and Karla!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Am a bit distracted by activity around me at the moment (loud music not of my choice) but wanted to say hi.

    Cindy, I know seeing your dad was difficult, but it's a good thing for you both. Committed smokers are a different breed. When my beloved uncle was very ill with cancer (largely smoking-induced), my cousin and her husband were smoking like chimneys around him - IN the house. They knew cigarette prices at different places too. Bet you'll find a publisher in the next few months.

    Diane, glad you're feeling a bit better. Don't push it and let your body recover.

    Bert, what fun to have all four kids and facilitate cousin shenanigans (if it's tiring, it has to be a good kind of tired).

    Karla, stay proud of that maintain. How are the kids?

    Patti, glad Frankie seems better - hope she's her usual big, sweet self soon. Did Edd get anything done in the bathroom today?

    My weekend was pretty good. Lots of basketball to watch. Saturday night I went to dinner and a Pops concert with my friend Meg. We had really good fish, and the concert was the Louisville Orchestra with a rock band - the music of Queen. The lead singer has fronted Queen itself - even for the Queen - and he was excellent. The older man next to me slept through most of the first half - not sure how one does that with a full orchestra and rock band playing!

    I had a slog of errands today - a long wait at the Social Security office to get a new SS card, which I need to get the new travel-approved driver's license. My current license & passport aren't enough. Of course I'll find the old one as soon as the new one arrives - Murphy's Law. I still need to renew my license this month and will go back when the new, fancy licenses become available. Made an appointment for routine car service on Friday. Ah, the joy of expenses you hate to have to pay for but need.

    My eating has been up and down again - hoping to savage today with a light, heathy dinner. Hugs to all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning and welcome sunshine. I am done painting the bathroom. Edd has some caulking to do and a few minor fixes then I can clean the tub and hang my shower curtain. should be usable by tomorrow. It's a Mom day so I am off to the grocery soon. 2 more work days and then I am off until the 17th. Really looking forward to seeing my brother in his new home in Pensacola. My SIL is taking some vacation time to be there. She still lives in B'ham and drives the 4hrs every other weekend. House just went on the market last week. once it sells she will retire.

    Diane, hope they find out what is going on with Elise, I am sure it is scary when it happens. would love to see the video if you can post.

    Cindy, sorry for the rejection, but pray your pitches find you a publisher. I want to read those books! I have the June dates on my calendar and will def be there!

    Janet, who sleeps thru Queen, lol! Glad you had a good time. I wish you were going to be in town to meet Cindy in June, I will just have to hug her doubke time.

    waving to Bert and Janet. time to get moving here
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Pensacola is only an hour away from me as you know when I picked you up at that airport years ago.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, that video was priceless - Elise is no longer a baby! Hope they figure out what's up with her medically and that it's nothing to worry about.

    Patti, how's your mom? Your getaway will be a blast, I'm sure.

    Not much new here except that I managed to get my driver's license renewed with such a short wait that I never even opened the book I had with me. So I bought an extra pick for the big Powerball drawing tomorrow.

    James just got home, so I'll sign off. Take care - waving to everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We've had a good time with all the grandkids. I meet Annie today to take the kids back. Will be back later.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, I’ve had a great weight watchers week and the scale peek is looking good. I hope my buddy Claire does good in class too. Glenn is still upset about the $8k we have to pay in taxes but I say just pay it and get it over with! It is what it is. We made over $50k more last year than the year before. It put us in a higher tax bracket. Like I told him, I need to quit working! Lol.

    Bert- I know you had fun with the kids.

    Janet- Does James not like you on electronics? Is he staying indefinitely? Have you pucked out any flowers yet?

    I put some ribs in the crockpot for my sweet Glenn before I left this morn.

    Have a great day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh I forgot, good wishes on your meeting Patti!!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Quick drive by- for the first time in my entire adult life I'm paying taxes- grrr
    I hate the tax changes-
    Anyway, all is status quo here. The tracker isn't syncing to my phone and it said yesterday I didn't walk at all- I went cheap on Amazon and it will be going back. No time for personals but thinking of each of you.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, nice day spent with my gf. She inherited all her daughter's Stampin Up inventory. Her daughter was a consultant for more than 10 years and now just doesn't have time for it anymore with her efforts being dedicated to her GF bakery. Anyway, my gf had to clean out closets to store it all so I went to help her pack and sort and take a truck load to our local charity. We always have fun no matter the occasion.
    Finished the bathroom last night. Was hemming the shower curtain at midnight after we hung the new cabinet and towel bar. Such a luxury to take a shower in a full sized bath as opposed to a 32in shower stall.
    Had a gain this week, own it as I tracked poorly and that gets me every time. One to better choices and not dwelling on the gain.

    Karla, good luck at your WI tonight and hope your friend did well this week too. We haven't gotten our taxes back from the accountant yet but am steeling myself for the check I will have to write. The bottom line is I would rather owe, that means I had my money to play with all year instead of the government. I think I manage it better than they do, lol.

    Waving hi to all as I get ready for another fun day at work. Huge sale starts tomorrow so will slog back over there and pick up some good deals on the foam and batting to make new bench cushions for my DIL's new kitchen booth.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Its been a busy couple of days.Yesterday was WW in the morning, some errands, then in the afternoon we finally moved around some furniture to incorporate some things I brought back from my mom's apartment. I need to sell a few pieces. I've tried Craigs List without much luck. I think I'll try Facebook marketplace for one of the smaller items first to see how that works. Today I went to the Wetlands Sanctuary for a First Aid training class (required for all volunteers who work public programs) then went for a hike on some of the trails I've not been on before. The weather has finally turned nice! I'll be there again tomorrow for the first field trip of the season. Not much blooming or hatched yet, so it will be challenging to keep the children interested and focused.

    WI was a small loss which was okay for the week I had. I only got two blue dots all week. I need to focus on the afternoon snacking. Today I had an apple and some pretzels. If I get hungry again before dinner my plan is to have a hard boiled egg. Tonight I don't know what I will have - our church does "soup and sermon" on Wednesdays during Lent. There are usually two soups, plus crackers and bread and sometimes some dessert. I've been doing well at selecting what I think is the lower point option of the two soups, and passing on the bread and desserts, and only having about 4 crackers. But I won't know until I get there what will be available. Next week I am one of the soup makers, so at least I'll have some control that night.