OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's sunny outside, chilly, but sunny. I'll take it. I'm heading to the gym this morning and then will take Molly back to the vet for her check up for her ear infection. It was really bad this time. She's doing much better, though.

    Eating wasn't good yesterday. I didn't have a good breakfast yesterday as I was running late for getting ready for church. Today will be much's tracked, so I'll make it in a few minutes. My students are beginning to hand in assignments, so I'll be working for a while to get things returned to them. Then I have the day to myself as Mike is working today.

    Have a great day, eveyone! Izzy's pictures are adorable!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Quiet day yesterday as we were all busy. I’m poooed still after this weekend of dance! Very enjoyable though.

    So very proud of her!!

    Bert- Thanks for the compliment on Izzy. We all have such gorgeous grandkids.

    I am proud to say I stayed on plan all weekend!!

    At work so gotta go..

    Patti- have fun on your trip.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh what a beautiful morning......
    Lots of little things to do for our trip. Looks like it will be raining everywhere we go and just about every day! I can't remember a time when we took this trip without rain. That's what we get for traveling in the spring, lol. It really doesn't matter, we will be spending time with great people. That is what vacation is all about. Calling the bath officially and finally done.

    Bert, hope your students wow you with the work they turn in. Will you have the summer off?

    Karla's Izzy looks beautiful. Hope she had fun, that is what it is all about.

    Diane, still smiling about your next big venture.

    Janet, it looks like a perfect day for you. Crisp and cold, enjoy!

    Cindy, hope you had a productive LR weekend. It won't be long and June will be here and I will finally get to meet you.

    Enjoy your day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Wow where is everyone?

    I'm proud to say I got on the treadmill and watched half of my FBI series, so 30 minutes!! Finally adding some activity. Tonight I will do a dvd with weights. Doing laundry and paying bills. So very nice to be back home during the day. Its sunny but cool, supposed to be up to mid 70's later on.

    I have decided o sell my Equinox to my dad. He sold hid Mercury and traded his truck for a nice camper!! With me retiring soon, and may be sooner than the end of the year, we dont need three vehicles. This will help with the tax bill too!!

    Patti- Are we going to get any pics of your new bathroom? It is supposed to start raining this weekend, April showers!!

    On the phone to AT&T trying to get my bill straightened out from changes made getting the new alarm system. geez.

    Getting ready soon to go get Izzy for dance.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hope everyone is out enjoying this gorgeous weather. Last visit with Mom before vacation. I had to start her on a new BP med because the other one made her cough (same side affect Dad and I had on that med) and with her history of allergic reactions I made sure I had a new box of Benadryl just in case. She did fine and we had a nice visit. Tomorrow is WI (I have been struggling with myself to go but know I need it like a booster shot before we leave town) then lunch with the girls, hair appointment, Kohls to spend my $25 Kohls cash and finally home to finish packing. We will be leaving at 4am on Thursday. It is a 12 hour trip and we will need to set up our camp when we get there.

    Karla, good for you on increasing your activity. If you retire before the end of the year will Glenn continue to work or will he retire too so you can travel?

    Hi to one and all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Glenn is going to keep working as long as he can to get closer to Medicare insurance, lol. Plus his money and hours are so good. I’d love to see you and meet Ed if we happen to be crossing through Pensacola or central Florida at the same time.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is lunch with my retired teachers' group. It will be fun. It's going to be a gorgeous day today, so I'll take a walk through the neighborhood.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Patti: Enjoy your trip!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. It has been a busy week! A field trip on Monday, CPR training on Tuesday and friends over for dinner, today I have Elise and have to take her to PT. Tonight is Lent soup n sermon, and I am one of the soup makers for tonight. So I have the Skinnytaste crock pot chicken taco chili in cooking. Tomorrow is another field trip. And Friday the real estate agent is willing to take us to see some homes just for design ideas.

    Trying to keep the snack monster at bay with limited success. You would think it would be easier with being so busy! But yesterday I didn’t get home for lunch until almost two and I was Starving. Someone had brought homemade Easter candy to the CPR class and I caved. Then lunch wasn’t the smartest choices either. Oh well. Today is a new day, hopefully with better choices.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Quick stop- need to go for an ultrasound- following up and the endometrial hyperplasy- I think that is right. I've drank to much, I can already tell GRRR
    Patti safe travels....
    Does anyone have any experience with doing a round of progesterone for something like this- lining is too thick. I want to avoid surgery if possible and my last apt the dr mentioned this as a first course of action- concerned about hormones being added to me.
    Janet- thanks for the article....
    Gotta run
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I had a hysterectomy at 50 for hyperplasia. Never been sorry. There are only 2 treatments for EH (endomeyrial hyperplasia) surgery or progesterone. the latter may take up to 6 months to see a difference and no guarantee that you won't end up with surgery. talk to your gyno about your concerns. the cause of EH is the presence of estrogen without progestin. Google treatment of EH with progesterone. lots of good info out there
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, sorry above was so cryptic but I was at the hairdressers and she was ready to rinse the color off. I wanted to get her input on this because she has been doing hormone therapy to treat her female issues. She goes to a Dr who used to be a breast surgeon but now specializes in hormone replacement therapy. My hairdresser has severe RA and is on some power drugs, so she was very much interested in finding a way to treat her symptoms without surgery, which was recommended. She said is has been a game changer. She had a 2 hour eval with the PA and then another hour with the Dr before starting treatment. They did a full hormone panel. There was some hope it would help her RA, but no luck there. My thought is at least hormones have lived in our bodies before so not like cell altering drugs.
    Better eat and then get packed. I miss Frankie already but she is in loving hands with my son's family. My DILs niece and nephew adore her so will be happy to see her there. She will be well and truly loved.
    Like all of you. Not sure when I will be back but know I am rooting for us all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies. I lost 1.2 at my meeting tonight for a total of 11.6!! It sure is slow this time around. But I am getting it down.

    My goal this week is to drink 64 ounces of water a day. At least. I have been really remiss in this. I get in about 48 a day.

    I did manage to do 30 minutes on the treadmill yesterday.

    Cindy- I have no experience with endometriosis, but have had friends that have. Prayers my dear friend for a treatment you are comfortable with. I had a hysterectomy when I was 39 for mennorrhea. Bleeding and clots. My hemoglobin was dropping badly every month. So long ago.

    I have to paint Izzy’s ballet shoes for pictures tomorrow, so I have to run.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Quic stop to say hello - have read all. Somehow things have been very busy around here, and I am trying to spend less time on computer and devices, but you are in my thoughts all the time.

    Patti, hope your getaway is fabulous. Karla, congrats on the loss - good idea with the water. Cindy, thinking of you as you tackle the endometriosis - I know from friends that it can be awful (my bugaboo was fibroids). Bert, I know you had a blast with your teacher friends. Diane, glad you are getting out into the fine weather - what did Elise think of the sheep?

    My eating continues to be uneven but oh well. Might go to a golf course with James on this beautiful day, even though I should stay home and plow into taxes. Theo is standing guard at my feet - and now, because it's been an hour since my Boniva, I get to make coffee. Have a lovely day!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all Checking in after yet another busy day. Eating was okay today. I made the Classic Shepherd's Pie from the WW site for dinner, except I used already-made homemade mashed potatoes. It was yummy! Mine may have had a few more points than theirs because I just used up the leftover potatoes I had, but all is well. I've got a blue dot going for today, so I'll take it. I seem to be less hungry in the afternoons - now I just need to overcome the HABIT of snacking.

    Today was another field trip day, so I go in over my 10K steps. I do love the sanctuary! I'll be down there about twice a week all spring.

    Elise LOVED the baby sheep! Here's a picture. She was absolutely fascinated with them. After petting the babies, she wanted to get into the field and follow the mamas around. Got word from our friend that one in the picture had TRIPLETS today!

    Janet, I'm trying to spend a little less time on my electronics as well. I think we all need to disconnect sometimes.

    Patti, have a fabulous trip! How long will you be gone?

    Cindy, sorry I have no advice, but you have reminded me to make my "well woman" checkup appointment.

    Karla, you are so busy with Izzy's dance! Do you take her to all her lessons?

    Bert, how was your lunch and walk yesterday? We have had a few absolutely gorgeous days. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain - guess we have to take that along with the sunshine.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Another day off for me!! Yea!!! It’s rainy down here, not sure if that is clearing up today. It’s not raining now, but wet outside. We are going to get the plumeria out of the greenhouse this weekend.

    Diane- Such cute pictures of Elise and the sheep. Yes, I do ALL the dance classes, Competitions and recital sessions and lessons with Izzy. When I let her mother do it I found out she was missing many classes and late when she did go. Izzy wasn’t getting promoted due to this so I had to take it over.

    I’ve decided not to sell my Equinox to my dad. I am just too sentimental about it and Glenn prefers us to have three vehicles to have a backup vehicle. My dad really wants to buy a truck anyway.

    I’m going to my booth today and meet Brenda for lunch. I need to have a pedicure also. Oh I love being off!!

    Have a great day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Tonight is Cole's birthday party. I can't believe he's going to be 6.

    Diane: The pictures are adorable!

    Not much else to report. Eating has been ok. Have a great day everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Izzy’s low bun for her ballet photo shoot
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Cole had a great time at his party. It was at a new "Ninja Warrior" gym that just opened up about 6 months ago. The kids had a good time playing on the equipment and ate pizza as well as a birthday cookie cake. Definitely not WW friendly. :smiley: Today is a celebration of life service at our church for one of our members who lost the battle to breast cancer. We are also providing lunch for the family.

    Karla: I love Izzy's low bun. The hairpiece is gorgeous.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    After the awards today.. so fun
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I've gotten in a couple of good days of movement - eating has been so-so but I'm still working at it. Giving into the sweets I think cuz I'm in denial that I shouldn't be eating them if that makes sense.
    Business trip to Columbus this week- bonus Dinner and lunch with Meg.
    I leave way before dawn on Tuesday back late Thursday night.
    I gave my first presentation on author branding yesterday to my writing group it went well. Maybe other chapters will ask me to come and speak- the ones I can drive to that is.
    Glad to see the group is happy-
    See you again soon.