OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all, it’s the frequent vacationer here. In line for the haunted mansion. Izzy loves this ride. It is really hot today. Another Alumni met us here today. It is so fun.

    Bert- quick grabs and hunger is our worst enemy. Plus not prepping or having fruit on hand.

    Paula- so great to see you here. Congrats on the house. What a deal!

    I better run!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I am actually on the computer tonight instead of my iPad, so hope to catch up.

    Eating has been VERY not good. Too many snacks, but lots of activity. The scale is not moving. WI this week was a maintain, which is still better than the slight gains the last two weeks!

    This week we had our wood floors refinished, so had to be out of the house for three days. We spent the nights in the RV. The cats spent the night in the garage. They did NOT like it! I've been volunteering at the Wetlands Sanctuary two days a week - this week was glorious! he changes in the trees and flowers just since last week are amazing. Today I walked over five miles there. We were short one naturalist, so I ended up taking all four groups on the forest loop, which is about 1.25 miles each time. Yesterday I got even more steps between the sanctuary and all the other stuff.

    John has been focused on our land - getting quotes to clear the front area and put in a road. Whew! It is going to be expensive! We are also trying to plan our summer trip, but not getting very far. We have decided we are probably leaving right after Memorial day, since we didn't get reservations anywhere for the holiday weekend. Heading first for the Fingerlakes region of NY. First, though, a weekend trip the weekend after Easter to Pennsylvania and the Laurel Highlands. Should be beautiful there.

    Patti, sounds like you had a wonderful trip! I would totally collapse if I didn't plan my meals. I write out a list of dinners for the week and figure out ingredients before I grocery shop. Otherwise I would end up eating very weird meals or else run to the store every day. Tonight was chicken fajitas on the 1 pt Tumaros wraps. Tomorrow the plan is for Brown Sugar-Spice grilled Pork Tenderloin (from the WW app - 2 points), Trader Joe's chimichurra rice (4 SP), and broccoli. If all I ate was my meals I'd be doing terrific!

    Bert, I don't have veggies prepped for snacking. I'm sure if I did I would do better.

    Paula, welcome back! I haven't tried the connect much either. I did follow a group on camping and a group on traveling, but they haven't really been helpful. The traveling group is mostly flight attendants, and the camping group posts fun places to stay but no real menu planning helps.

    Janet, our pollen has been terrible. Carrie found something describing the 13 seasons of Maryland, and right now we are in "The Pollening" (other seasons include 1st, 2nd and 3rd winter, false spring, and mud season.) I don't usually suffer much from allergies, but I have a cold this year and I think I am reacting to the pollen along with it.

    Karla I think you are off on another trip. Hope you are having fun!

    Cindy, hang in there. Thinking of you daily.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm coloring Easter Eggs with Jillian and Cole today. I have a visit this afternoon and getting my hair cut this morning. It's quite chilly this morning, but am looking forward to Easter being in the 70's.

    Patti: I try to grab my Premier protein shake for a snack. It has 30 g of protein; however, it doesn't keep me full. I have veggies in the house which I'll prepare at some point this weekend. I'm gone so much that planning is a challenge for me. What zero point foods do you keep around? I have fruit around, so I know that's zero points.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is rainy and dreary and I am staying in until time for work. Did very well yesterday with food and productivity. Edd ate a late lunch so didn't want dinner when I was ready to cook. That usually leads me to not eat well because I don't like going to a bunch of trouble to cook a meal just for me. I am working hard on changing those self defeating habits. I had some chicken breasts thawed so I seasoned them and popped them into my airfryer. 12 minutes to some very tasty, tender and juicy chicken. I did cheat a bit by heating a WW frozen meal, fettuccini Alfredo 7 SP, added the chicken and a bit of Parm for total of 8 SP. could have added more veggies but this was pretty filling.

    Diane, so excited for your new land and home venture. How great that you found a volunteer job doing what you love. Is John still involved with Scouting? I love the Finger Lakes region. They have some awesome wineries.

    Bert, I miss doing the eggs with the kids. It has been too many years since they we that little. You sure pack a lot into a day. I mostly keep fruit and veggies as zero point foods. I am not much of a snacker if I eat 2 good meals a day. When I start snacking I know it is because I am either bored or truly hungry. I try to stop myself and figure out which it is and react accordingly. Not always successful but I am working on it.

    Karla, saw there were storms heading toward your home and your dad's, hope all is well in both places. Sounds like you are having fun at Disney.

    Cindy, enjoyed your newsletter and am so excited for your next book.

    Waving hi to Janet and Paula
    Have a day filled with good choices or at least choices you can be proud of.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Cantata practice is this morning. Our neighbors are have a fire pit tonight, so that should be a fun time. Today is to be sunny and up to 73 tomorrow!

    The kids enjoyed coloring Easter Eggs yesterday. I thought Carrie was going to hardboil eggs too, but she didn't. I'm glad I hard boiled 18!

    Patti: I'm working on snacking too. I'm having a big breakfast before I leave for practice and am hoping that will hold me until mid afternoon. I'm probably going to grill tonight as the weather will be cooperating. I'll grill vegetables and also fix hamburgers. I think I'll put shrimp into the veggies and eat only that.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Wishing you all an early Happy Easter tomorrow.

    My intake has been weird but not awful this week and I'll take it. Speaking of weird, KY weather can't make up its mind. On three different days this week, I came very close to putting the AC on, and early this morning I watched flurries falling before I got up. There's still a dusting of flakes on my deck umbrella after an all-night rain (so heavy it woke me just before 5). It's not going to be pleasant out today, but Easter forecast still looks very nice.

    Saw the endocrinologist this week and we are making a small adjustment in my meds and will recheck in three months; my annual oncologist visit is next month - four years since my thyroidectomy. Thank God for modern medicine!

    No time for personals this morning - lots to do and a pop concert tonight with my friend Meg, so I'd best get moving. You'll all be in my prayers of thanks on Easter (as you are every day).
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning once again. It is still raining here and is cold. Seems so weird that Edd mowed the grass just 2 days ago! Work was not too busy and I only worked 4 hours but my knee felt like I had worked at least 6. It doesn't hurt at all today. Guess I will get out the K tape before I go in tonight.
    Another good eating day but I did not track. I will have to change that starting today. Got the fabric swatches for my DILs cushions and we all agreed on the same pattern. Can't wait to get the fabric and get started on them. Her sisters are coming from CA the first of the month and I really want them done by then.

    Janet, I didn't see any snow here but our weather is weird too. Enjoy the pops.,so jealous and wish I lived closer so I could tag along. Wow, 4 years since your thyroidectomy, doesn't seem that long ago.

    Waving hi to all. Enjoy your day
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Such a glorious spring day here! We missed most of the severe weather forecast for last night. Just had less than half an inch of rain in one or two short downpours and a few hours of drizzle. I mowed the grass today.

    I’ve been busy getting ready for Easter tomorrow. We are having a small and casual dinner, but I wanted to decorate the table a bit at least, and I did some cleaning that needed to be done anyway. Dinner tomorrow will NOT be WW friendly. I did make dip with Greek yogurt for the veggie appetizer, but we are also having cheese and crackers. The main meal is ham, a divine Mac and cheese with four kinds of cheese plus prosciutto and sun dried tomatoes, green beans with tomatoes in a balsamic and goat cheese drizzle, and salad. Then dessert is a strawberry chocolate tart. I think that alone is probably 15 points for a small slice! But there is no Easter candy in the house at all. With eight of us, hopefully there will not be any leftover dessert! My cousin is coming who has celiac, so everything is gluten free. The noodles for the Mac and cheese are rice and corn flour, and the crust for the tart is made from gluten free shortbread cookies.

    Elise’s basket is all toys. I will try to take a picture. We are doing the early church service and then a pastry and fruit fellowship hour, and they will have an egg hunt for the children. I will have breakfast before I go so I don’t eat there except maybe some fruit.

    My eating has not been the best but I’m trying very hard to control the snacks. That is my focus right now. I have met or exceeded my 10k step goal every day for the last 4 days.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, it looks like you and Izzy are having fun!

    Patti, hope the shop is quiet tonight, and you get to focus on just a few customers and getting things orderly.

    Janet have fun at the concert! We keep saying we are going to do more fun outings but never seem to plan them. We are going camping next weekend.

    Bert I’m sure the cantata will be glorious! I do miss singing with the choir, especially at Easter. Luckily Brad and Rossanne requested we do the early service tomorrow to allow Elise to get a late morning nap. That is our traditional service (the late one is contemporary) and we will sing all the great Easter hymns.

    Waving to Cindy and Paula. Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member

    Elise’s basket. She is getting a stuffed unicorn, bunny ears, a new bouncy ball, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, bath time crayons, stickers and a rolling toy.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Me and my sweet girl. To see her animated face of joy at all three Parks we enjoyed brought such joy to my heart. She is at the perfect age now. She could not stop telling Glenn about all the rides, animals and shows.

    I’m blessed to be able to do these things with her.

    I’ll catch up tomorrow..

    Happy late Easter holiday. He has Risen.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Saying goodbye
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    The Slinky Dog at Hollywood Studios..

    She saw a hugeeee Ursula in the Little Mermaid Show and got to dance in the Disney Character Dance Party..

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    And at the Easter Extravaganza in Destin yesterday.

    Glenn and I had date night last night and saw a band we liked and dinner out. We got back home about 1:15 this afternoon and I laid out by the pool and since we have been watching recorded shows. Glenn is off tomorrow but I am working.

    Life is sweet and I am very happy.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Was a busy weekend working on the new house. Ran into some significant structural problems. Kitchen will need jacked up and new joists laid, then new flooring but in the end it'll all be new. Got all the old carpets, padding, Staples pulled from upstairs and staircase while my husband was finding the damage to the joists and flooring. We'll be busy with that this weekend. There is so much stuff left in the house from previous owners. We filled a 40 yard dumpster and there is still stuff that we need to get rid of. We are doing it a little at a time. Once we fix kitchen floors we'll paint walls and ceiling then I'll lay the flooring and my husband will hand cabinets. Still deciding on what countertops we are going to get.

    Cook a traditional Easter meal yesterday and boy am I swollen from the salty ham. I'll be flushing with lots of water today. My body hurts from all the work I did so not much of anything planned for today.

    Waving hi to all!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone's Easter was happy. It was a very quiet day here, by design. I got several home tasks accomplished and James went golfing. Got caught up on a couple of my shows last night (Killing Eve and Game of Thrones) and of course watched lots of NBA playoffs - basketball players are astounding athletes. Eating was pretty good over the weekend too - Easter dinner was a grilled steak, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, and little red potatoes with rosemary and onion. Baked a loaf of banana bread (only half a stick of butter and under a cup of sugar per loaf).

    Diane, what a cute basket for Elise, and I love that it's not candy-centric.

    Karla, Izzy's smile in every picture just tells us all we need to know about how much she loves you and what fun she's having.

    Bert, how did the cantata go? Which one this year? I miss choral singing (though the thyroidectomy affected my voice a bit, it doesn't stop me from singing in the car).

    Paula, you're getting great exercise! The new house is going to be amazing - you get the joy of designing everything, and it will be a first-rate family bonding exercise to do the work.

    Patti, when does cabin season start? I can picture you sitting outside with your coffee on a morning like this.

    Cindy, hope springtime has fully sprung up there - spring and fall in New England are just the best. I periodically think about moving back to NE but any move is unlikely for me, at least for a few years.

    Wishing you all a most excellent week ahead. Hugs.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi Janet- your Easter sounds lively. Has James decided to permanently reside with you? It will be two years this summer, won’t it? Does he still have the girlfriend in town? Will he be getting his own place? Sorry so nosy! lol.

    At work so off to catch up.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning,

    Janet, sounds like you had a wonderful Easter dinner. I am in the 1% who has never watched an episode of Game of Thrones lol. I am excited that the house will be completely the way I (we, hehe) want it. It's going to take a lot of work but we'll get it done a little at a time.

    Went to see Mom yesterday, she was definitely not with it. More out of it than I've seen in a long while. I'll get back up to see her in a few days to see if it's any better. She has cardiologist appt on 24th so I'll be going to that appt as well. Working up with the sniffles this morning, hoping it's just allergies, already took allergy medication so we'll see. I started a new infusion for my MS that suppresses my immune system so opens me up to catching more illnesses.

    Have a great day !!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Today is a grandma day so I am waiting for elise to wake up. On my phone so won’t try for a long post. Not sure what we will do today.

    Yesterday eating was terrible. We were working at our land. We took 4 loads
    Of brush/logs to the dump and one of trash. We got he front of the lane all cleared. Later this week we have someone bringing in loads of large gravel to start grading the beginning of the lane. It is all mud right now. Went to subway for lunch and did not make a good choice. Dinner was only 5 sp but I was so hungry when we got home that snacking was terrible!

    With Elise today I don’t know that I will make it to WW for WI. Scale hop this morning wasn’t encouraging anyway.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I have a training at the gym. I've been working outside as it's such nice weather, however, I'm looking forward to working out. My flower beds need much attention, but I won't get to them until Friday as I'm busy this week with doctor visits and student visits. The weeds keep growing!

    Paula: I've not watched Game of Thrones either, but think I might start watching from the beginning. Sorry to hear about your mom.

    Janet: The cantata was great. We sang He is Risen. We sang it back in 2008, but it was fabulous. Our director asked a few people to sing with us to help us out. I'm so glad he did. You can see it on if you would like. is Killing Eve? I'm looking for new things to watch.

    Diane: Mike has been working on our lawn. He planted grass seed last fall in the front yard and it's looking pretty good. We have a lawn service, but I'm not happy with their service. Our yard has many places where it is bare. They wanted extra to seed the yard which I felt should be included. Apparently not. Does anyone else have lawn service? If so, who do you use?

    Patti: How are the cushions coming along?

    Karla: Nice pictures of your trip.

    Have a great day, everyone!
