OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My beautiful red haired mother. I found another photo album and box of pictures in her room. I thought I had them all. I always thought the song “Jo-lene” by Dolly Parton fit my mom. Her name was Jo, and she could have any man she wanted with that Red hair and green eyes. Lol

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello, hello, hello!

    Hope everyone is doing whatever makes you happy. I have had a very productive and fun weekend so far. Got the cushions done and delivered but getting my machines to work correctly was maddening. But now all three are running perfectly. Birthday party last night, Mexican style, was a blast. So proud of myself with my food choices. One plate of chicken taco salad with guacamole and sour cream, lots of lettuce and salsa, few chips and that was it! I passed on the banana split cake and did not go near the food table again. 3 of Pam's sisters were in from Cali. We danced our buns off, lol. Got the surprise of my life, my granddaughter sang for us. In total shock,never knew she could sing and she brought me to tears with her voice. She has never shared this talent with anyone but her husband. My son and DIL heard her sing for the first time on Thursday when they went to karaoke night at the Moose. She has a very folksy voice. She promised to record something for me so I can hear her anytime I want, lol. Love this girl/woman more every day.

    Getting ready to go hang with the Mexicans before they have to head back home,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. MFP is acting up this morning. It says that I'm not logged in ......I had to click several times to be able to post today. Yesterday I made tacos, spanish rice, etc. for the kids. When it came time for ice cream (Jillian and Cole count on Grammy to have ice cream), all the containers had thawed. When I opened the freezer, it wasn't cold. So, I contacted Sears Home Service and spent the next 2 hours trying to schedule a repairman! He can't come until THURSDAY!!!!! The only good thing is our refrigerator is under warranty until 2020. I wouldn't have wasted my time with them if it weren't. The fridge is only 4 years old, too. geez! I threw away a lot of food, as I wasn't comfortable with refreezing it. The food wasn't totally thawed, but I don't want to take a chance.

    I'm a little nervous to announce this, but Mike and I are going to be grandparents again! Lindsey is pregnant with twins! She has had a hard time as she has had several miscarriages. She's 13 weeks today. Last week she had her cervix stitched up in order to hold the babies in, then on Thursday, she had a huge discharge. She immediately went to the doctor, and he said he didn't see anything that alarmed him. She's seeing him again today......Mike and I are waiting to hear from today's visit.

    Today is sunny and will be in the 70's. My visits are all done, so I finally can stay home for a change! I'm going to work outside. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, how wonderful! Prayers have started here for safe arrival of two healthy tiny humans.

    Patti, sounds like a terrific weekend.

    Karla, how is Kerry doing today? Is he able to self-administer his treatments?

    Waving to Cindy and Diane.

    Busy, pleasant weekend here. For Cinco de Mayo, we had margaritas, guac and chips, taco salad and burritos. Haven't eaten much today, which is good. My eating has been so-so but oh well. Tomorrow I have a manicure (very chipped nails right now) and rheumatologist. This evening I need to try on a couple of sale tops I snagged over the weekend - can return if I don't like them.

    One big toe had a giant blister across the top so am being extra careful with it while it heals. Pretty sore but it will be fine in a week or two.

    Gotta run but wanted to say hello. Have an excellent week, everyone!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a gorgeous day. It will be cloudy today, but the temps will be nice. Lindsey went to her doctor appointment yesterday and the babies are good! Praise the Lord! She went back to work yesterday. She has also been released back to her regular OBGYN. Please continue to pray for her.

    Janet: Thank you for your prayers. I feel like I'm walking on pins and needles every day. Blisters are no fun.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning one and all!

    Bert, so excited for you and Lindsey. will keep her ,and the little ones as they grow, in my prayers. I would think being released to her OBGYN is a very good sign along with returning to work. Totally understand how anxiety producing these next months will be.

    Janet, sounds like good Cinco was had by us all.

    This week already started off a bit off balance for me, nothing awful, just different than planned. I called mom to get her grocery list which somehow turned into taking her for a haircut, then out to lunch, followed by picking up her groceries. she was exhausted but happy. My sis had made plans to take her but she went into the hospital Sunday night with difficulty breathing. I need to call her husband and see how she's doing. My car was filthy and it looks like a flock of birds dive bombed it, so I gave it a good washing before going to work. today I am going to do the interior plus a bunch of other needed cleaning chores here. Eating has been something I can be proud of lately, hope it continues. Trying to keep busier and away from the kitchen helps. I want to find some time to sew up the material I bought for summer tops. I need to make the cabin curtains but want to do it at the cabin so I can make sure they fit perfectly.

    Lots to get done so I better get to it.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello all,

    Been down for the past week. My husband got a bunch of work done in the house but there's still tons to do. Can't wait to share after pics with you guys.

    Have Dr appt in morning then headed to grocery for much needed healthy foods. My eating has been off the rails. Time to reel it in before it gets too far out of control. Just hard to make good choices when you're feeling so bad.

    I'll post tomorrow after my appt and grocery trip. Have a great night!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is lunch with my BFF. I love spending time with her. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Paula, glad to have you back but sorry you have been down all week. Do take care of yourself as you continue the remodel.

    Bert, enjoy your lunch. Nothing beats time with a BFF.

    Time for WI, lunch with the girls and then work. I got lots done yesterday. My car shines like a diamond now. Got all the downstairs windows cleaned, laundry, vacuuming and gathered several boxes worth of treasures for the garage sale. I wanted to paint a desk Edd picked up for $15 a while back but ran out of steam.

    Waving hi to everyone and missing those not posting at the moment. But such is life, we all have times we need or have to step back from the cyber world.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Very small loss but as long as there is a negative sign in front of the number I count it a win
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I know I've been MIA again. Everything is just so busy! Today was my last field trip at Jug Bay for the season. We leave in two weeks on our summer trip, and are trying to get everything done. John has been doing some needed Charly4 repairs, and we finished landscaping the front of the house, except for two rhododendrons that will be pulled after they finished blooming for the year. I think they overheard that, and are both blooming their hearts out this year! But they are 25 years old, overgrown and woody, and simply can't be pruned back away from the sidewalk anymore. So out they will go, probably next week.

    We are also responsible for remodeling the church bathrooms, except for the painting, and that has become a bit of a nerve wracking chore. We thought they would be done last week, but the guy doing the painting didn't start until Saturday, and still is not finished! He has the walls done, but has only painted and brought back the partitions for the ladies room. We will spend tomorrow putting that restroom back together - new vanities (made by John), sinks, faucets, mirrors, lights, instant hot water, and wall heaters. John did the electric work today in both of them, so the lights and heaters are in. So tomorrow is partitions, vanities, etc. and that one will be done. Just hope the other guy gets the mens room partitions painted and back!

    For our trip, we are starting by heading back to WI for Memorial day weekend. My sister is throwing a thank you party for everyone who helped, and we will be attending that. Then across the UP of Michigan, into Canada, and onward from there.

    My eating has been pretty terrible. I just can't seem to get my mind in the game.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, of course I will keep Lindsey and the babies in my prayers. Hopefully things continue to improve. Glad you are done with the semester and can relax for a bit. Much as I enjoy my field trips, I feel the same way. It does take up 1-2 full days each week.

    Patti, you have been a whirlwind! I wish some of that cleaning and organizing would rub off on me. I still have 12 boxes of photo albums from my mom's apartment, stacked in my craft room, waiting to be scanned or something.

    Karla, how much longer will you be staying with your dad? How is Kerry doing? I know you miss your own home.

    Paula, let's see some in progress pictures!

    Janet, weird and so-so eating is better than off the rails eating!

    Cindy, hope your silence means you are getting in LOTS of writing time!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today, the refrigerator repairman is coming......I've waited since Sunday! If it weren't for the warranty, I would have called someone else in a heartbeat. He's to be here between 8 and 5! :D

    Diane: John is so handy! Mike is good at many things, but home rennovations isn't one of them. It's so much cheaper if you can do it yourself. Your church is very lucky to have you and John to be able to do things.

    Patti: You were on a roll yesterday! I got tired just reading what you did! :p

    Eating has been so so. Have a good day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning,

    Bert hope you had fun at your lunch

    Patti, that's right a loss is a loss no matter how small. You definitely got a lot done!

    Diane, with all you have going on I'm surprised you have time to eat lol. You are a very busy bee. I'll post progress pics as soon as there are before and after pics to post lol. We are still in demo mode.

    I didn't make it to grocery yesterday so I'm heading out in a few to do that. Once my husband is done with kitchen joists we'll pull old cabinets and start getting it together, hopefully in a couple of weeks, then I'll post some pictures. I do have some of the bathroom I gutted I can share but I think I'll wait till it's put together lol
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it looks like a bad weather day today so am glad I got so much done the last few days. Asking for your prayers, my Sis is in the hospital and was moved to ICU this morning and is on a ventilator. They are not sure what is wrong with her at this point. She was confused yesterday but ruled out any sort of neurological event. I think she has a raging infection but am not sure. Will go later today to see her. Need to keep Mom in th dark for now, at least until I know more about what is wrong. My sister's son has been estranged from the family, lots of issues, but I was able to get in touch with him.

    Diane, bet you will be glad to get on the road and relax a bit. Hope the church appreciates all your hard work. John is a wonder in the rehab department.

    Paula, can't wait to see the before and afters. So satisfying to see it starting to come together.

    That's all I have the brain for at the moment.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies, The repairman came yesterday and said it's the compressor; however, he didn't have one (of course) and had to order it. It well be installed NEXT FRIDAY! Geez.
    The reason is there aren't enough repairmen in the area. I'm only using them as my fridge is under warranty. He definitely said to purchase another extended warranty as LG compressors aren't that great. He also said there wasn't enough ventilation where the fridge is currently placed. I said that my first fridge lasted 25 years in that same area, so I wasn't sold on his opinion.

    Patti: Praying for your sister. I hope they can get a diagnosis soon.

    Paula: Remodeling is fun, especially when you can see the end product.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, that is ridiculous! My gf has a 2 week old fridge and is encountering the same problems. She got it at Best Buy. At least they are going to reimburse her for the food she lost but they had to wait over a week for the repairman to come, which is today. I hope they insist on a replacement and not a repair.
    Seems good customer service is a rare thing these days.

    Went to see my sis at the hospital yesterday. It was a shock and broke my heart to see her like that. They have her completely sedated because she was fighting them and making it worse. Her CO2 levels were very high and that was causing the confusion. I got to talk to the nurse and the resident in charge of her case. They feel it is severe COPD. They are treating her empirically for pneumonia but don't really see any on her X-ray. They will rule out a blood clot in her lung just to be safe. The plan is to keep her sedated and ventilated for a few days then slowly wake her and get her tube out. I will go this afternoon and see how she is doing. This way they will have all the test results and the Dr visits done and hopefully have more answers for me. I have filled mom in honestly and she seems to be taking it well. Had a long talk with her son and will keep him in the loop. He is an over the road trucker and currently headed to MN. The good news in all of this is that she is still breathing on her own. Then ventilator just assists her own breaths.

    Let my anxieties eat yesterday but knew it was not helping so contained it to a couple spoons of pb and then some French fried onions, closed thing to chips in my house, lol. I did get lots of water in so it was all not bad. Plus we had baked fish, that should negate my bad choices, right, lol.

    Time to do something productive
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good news here, my Sis is off the ventilator and doing so much better. I was able to spend a couple hours with her this afternoon. She is already going the nurses a run for their money. I had to caution her because her smart answers may cause them to think she is confused and that could lead to unnecessary testing and concern. Not sure she got it but I hope they are on to her games. She just thinks she has to be an entertainer all the time. Anyway, I am breathing easier because she is!
    Going to lunch with a group of nurses I worked with at UHC. Haven't seen some of them in over 15 years. They meet once a month and this is the first time I have been able to join them. Can't wait!
    I am making chicken stock and my house smells amazing. Will be fixing baked cod and sugar snap peas and/or corn for Mom on Sunday. I need to find time to research and enrolling a Medicare plan soon.

    Thinking of you all and missing those not posting.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Another day of terrible eating and very busy schedule. This morning we drove to Richmond to get the kayaks we ordered. Another fun addition to the Charly4 inventory, and some new activities for us this summer. But nobody local carries the brand we decided we wanted (Eddyline) so we had to go there to get them. Left home at 7;00, got back around 1:30. (fast food lunch on the road!) Then at 2:30 we left the house again. Tonight was the children's theater production of Marry Poppins Jr. that Carrie directed. They only get one run through in the actual stage, just a few hours before the single performance. We were her roadies: delivered the set pieces to the venue, set up her sound system, and set up the chairs for the audience, then came home for a little while, left again to take her dinner (and ate another fast food dinner - two meals in one day!), then watched the performance, broke down the set and delivered the pieces back to the studio. Then I came home and baked the cookies I need to take to a dinner tomorrow and for Sunday School on Sunday morning. Whew!

    Tomorrow we are FINALLY going to be able to work on the bathrooms at church. We picked up the countertops on Thursday morning, had a few other things to do, and went there Thursday afternoon to reinstall the partitions, but there was a painting crew there. They were finishing up painting the narthex, but had also touched up the partitions for the ladies room so they still had wet paint and couldn't be handled! The men's room partitions still weren't there. I hope they delivered them today and by tomorrow the paint is all firm, so we can get this job finished!

    Tomorrow night is my Mah Jong night with friends - I said I would bring dessert. I had these cookie molds I have been dying to try - sugar cookies that are pressed and end up with a little thumb print that you fill with jam. I don't know what the menu will be for dinner. Sunday we are having dinner here for mother's day. My DIL's mom and granny are coming (here already? Maybe?) for the weekend, so we will have them and her dad, plus my sister. I do have a healthy dinner planned for that except I am making a normal cheesecake for dessert (not a light one - because the store was out of reduced fat cream cheese!) But the rest of the menu is grilled pork tenderloin, broccoli, a quinoa/black bean/mango salad, and some bread (which I will avoid).

    This will be my first mother's day without my mom. I sometimes feel like I am not grieving enough for her, but I honestly feel like she was so unhappy the last few months and in pain that I'm somewhat at peace that she is gone. I started to type relieved, but that is not the right term.

    Patti, so glad your sis is doing better. I'm sure your mom is worried, but you did the right thing telling her what was going on.

    Bert, repairmen NEVER have the right part the first time. I am so lucky that John can fix almost anything.

    Waving hi to the rest.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Mother's Day weekend! We are heading out this morning to watch Jillian play soccer. I'm grateful for the sun this morning as her games have been cancelled twice due to rain.

    Patti: So glad your sis is better. What a relief for her and for you.

    Diane: Yest, you are lucky that John can fix almost anything. Your mom's passing eased her suffering. It's ok to be at peace.

    Have a great day, everyone!
