OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've read all, but have been so busy this week! I've decided I'm just not going to attempt to post if I am not on the computer. I have lost way too many posts from my phone or iPad.

    Weather here is cool and rainy. We actually needed a little rain, but not as much as we got overnight! I had hoped for dry today because I have some outside things to get done, but I guess that isn't going to happen. Monday they will start the three-day process of sanding and refinishing our wood floors. So we will be living in the RV for a few days, and I am trying to get it ready. I cleaned yesterday, but then John took out the batteries to clean them and repaint the brackets and compartment. So there is no power in the RV until he gets that done, and he can't get that done if it rains all day! So I am at a bit of a standstill there.

    Eating has definitely been a struggle. The snacks are still what is killing me. The last several weeks WI have been slight gains. NOT the direction to be heading! Today I made the flourless banana pancakes from the WW app. They were pretty good! But a fair amount more trouble than I usually take with breakfast.

    Bert and Karla, thanks for keeping the board active this week. Hope you both have great weekends planned.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Cooking my heels in the mall while stuff loads onto my new phone. Long story, but mine died without warning last night.

    Will be gone the rest of the day for baseball, air show, & fireworks. Thunder Over Louisville kicks off the Detby Festival and it should be great fun.

    My eating’s bern weird the last few days on timing & choices but totals have been OK and I am doing much better on evening snacking. Not really focusing on losing right now but on making decent choices and saying “not now” to cravings. Gotta go but sending you all a hug.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet - Good to see you stop by. I need a new phone something terribly. I’m going to buy some disposer cameras for this trip it’s so bad about living up! Glad to hear you are having a good outing. Don’t overdo it on your back dear. I’ve been cleaning house for two going on three days now? But they are looking good. All three bathrooms are now cleans, all three bed linens are now changed and the main house floors are done.

    My girlfriend and granddaughter are entourage from Nevada! Let this party begin!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi my dear friends. we are home after a short day of driving. Edd is picking up Frankie and I am chilling. Car unloaded, mail sorted and bills handled. Lots of laundry but that may not start til tomorrow. We have had a truly restful and fun vacation. Started with camping and hanging with the Beemer group. Then a whirlwind trip to Pensacola. My brothers place is fabulous. Can't wait to see what it will be like once it is furnished and decorated. A gorgeous state park is across the street and Perdido Bay is within walking distance. He is 2 miles from the Naval Air museum and home of the Blue Angel's. They do their practices on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and it is open to the public. We watched from the stands Tuesday, it was very overcast with storms threatening so it was a low show. No loops or high in the sky stuff. It still was awesome and took my breath away. Wednesday was a full sun gorgeous day so we went out in the boat and watched the show again from an island in the bay. It was the full high show! Was totally stupid and got a nice sunburn, but it is already turning brown. Ate seafood and fish every day. we bought Chilean Sea Bass and Sea scallops on our way out of town so we could treat our friends in KY. The last 3 days we have spent in the hills of southern KY. No cellphone, no internet, no was glorious! My friend is a quilter extraordinaire and her sewing is overflowing, literally, with fabric. We spent all day yesterday organizing a huge closet full, this represents about 1/3 of her stash. once we had it all in piles on tables we started wondering just how much was there. I decided we should weigh it since it is all cotton. So the portion we did weighed approximately 176 pounds. We found that 1 yard weighs 5 oz. So that made it approx 550 yards! Even she was gobsmacked by this. She is going to have one of her finished king sized quilt tops finished for me as a gift for my hard work. I would have settled for a yard or two of her hand dyed fabric. The quilt is so perfect for the cabin. Country blue and yellow calicos. Edd helped them fix a motorcycle and take out a dishwasher that was leaking. he found the problem and the part for them to order
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Did not do well with food this last leg of the trip. She had too many desserts and breads tempting me. I had done so well up til then. Oh well.
    Have read all and glad to be back.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm happy that this past weekend is over. It was a busy one. Our cantata is this Sunday, and I have visits every day this week, so it will be busy as well. We are having our carpet cleaned today and tomorrow. He will do the upstairs today and downstairs tomorrow.

    Eating hasn't been the greatest. I need to get my focus back on healthy choices.

    Patti: So glad you had a great vacation.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Welcome home, Patti, and happy Monday, all. Karla, have a fun trip back to Disney (you sure are spoiling that girl - and I know you love doing it).

    Had a lovely weekend. Saturday was Thunder Over Louisville - a very big day that culminates in a giant fireworks show over the Ohio River. It's a mob scene - hundreds of thousands of people (and traffic to match, plus assorted street & bridge closures). I had never been but dipped a toe in this year. The sanest way to do it was to buy baseball tickets for the Bats (our minor league team). That gave us seats and access to clean bathrooms (huge vs. portajohns). We got a baseball game and concert after from a really good cover band. There's a big airshow during the day, which we could see well, and we had an excellent vantage point for the fireworks. Long day but lots of fun, and the weather was perfect - not too much sun, comfy temps. My eating was OK in total but there weren't good choices so I settled for a stadium pretzel and a snack after we got home.

    Eating remains odd but somewhat constrained so that's progress. Busy week ahead.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have two visits today and am planning to watch one of my former students play college baseball. It's supposed to be a beautiful day, so I'll enjoy being outside. The downstairs carpet will be cleaned today.

    I went to the gym yesterday. It felt so good to do something for myself! I'm looking forward to the semester ending, so I can get back into a better routine.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Sounds like a wonderful time. One thing about spoiling Izzy is that it is spoiling Karla at the same time. Lol.

    Bert- How is Molly doing? Izzy has really enjoyed her new Suncay school location they just opened last week. Talk about high tech ang huge.

    Diane and I have been having a fantastic visit reminiscing about old times. She is living our fresh seafood. I have to run to the office for a couple hours this morning and then we leaving for Panama City beach to meet more friends for dinner at 2 this afternoon. We are leaving early Wednesday morning for Irlando and going straight to Hollywood Studios to go ahead and use our hopper ticket for a Park. Disney on Thursday and Animal Kingdom on Friday.. yippeee! Lol.

    I mailed offbclise to $9k in taxes yesterday so glad to get that over with. I have already started a special account I have been putting a $100 a week in for next year. Lol.

    I better get my bags packed for my trip.

    Oh, I am doing well on my eating and have continued to get a blue dot everyday!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Sorry for the MIA- I didn't take a laptop with me last week- food was not so hot but I just spent time tracking all that I remember. Best I could do.
    Work was fine- Meg was great!
    Don't have time for personal but read all.
    Keep up the good fight ladies.
    Welcome Home Patti
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies, remember me?!?! Lol long time no chat. I finally cancelled my ww subscription due to buying a house that needs a ton of work but it was a repo that we bought for back taxes owed. It sat for a long while so needs new everything. Lol. It's a 3 bedroom 2 story home a couple blocks from the one I'm at. With my daughter and her 3 kids living here we just need a bigger place and who can pass up a house for 10 grand. Me and Kati gutted the bathroom, pulled up tiles etc. We already bought kitchen cabinets and I really want butcher block counter tops but he wasn't granite so we'll see lol. Upstairs is not so bad new carpet and paint. Downstairs is another story. I want matching flooring through livingroom, dining room and kitchen so I need to go take measurements to get the square ft so I know what pricing I'm looking at. We got tiles for bathroom floor, walk in shower. We still need a ton of things but a little at a time. Sorry I'm going on and on about the house, but I'm excited cause we get to redo it to our liking lol. How has everyone been? I'll scroll through and read posts to try and catch up a little. I've been gone so long that it'll take me forever to read them all.

    I'll post tomorrow:)
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This afternoon will be a busy one! I have a visit, I'm picking up Jillian and Cole, take Jillian to dance, and then go to Cole's game! Whew! I'm exhausted already, but am so happy to be able to help out. Yesterday, I attended one of my former student's baseball game. Although he didn't get to play, I got to watch his team get two grand slams in one inning. They played one of our local colleges. It was fun to watch.

    Paula: Welcome Back! So happy for you to get your house and be able to redo it to your liking.

    Karla: Molly is doing much better with her ear infection, but she's beginning to show her age. She will be 12 in May. Brutus made it until age 15, so I'm counting on that. Her stomach issues are a little better as well. Thanks for asking.

    Eating has been so so. I find myself grabbing things instead of planning out what to eat each day. I'm on the run so much that I don't plan. It will be better though when the semester is over.

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Paula, so great to see you again. I was just thinking about you the other day. I am so excited for your new home and all the renovations.
    Bert, you have been super busy. when does the semester end?
    heading out to face the scale and get inspired. Then lunch with the girls, more laundry and work.
    More later
    Hi all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, Paula! So glad you're back. The house sounds like aa big (but fun) challenge. Congrats. Having more room with the little ones in the house will be a blessing. And because it's so close to your old home, you won't have to figure out new local places for groceries, etc.

    Another pretty day here, except for the pollen (Louisville is #6 on the top ten allergy cities list). Had a decent day yesterday and had toast with PB for breakfast and hope to rein things in for the rest of the day. Going to do some straightening up and deal with a couple of tech things this afternoon. Have a good day, all.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, sounds like you've been a busy person. Glad all is going well.

    Patti, where do you face the scale? Did you go back to ww? Sounds like you had a nice vacation.

    Janet, Allergies have been horrible this year. I love spring time but it doesn't love me. Pollen count has been through the roof.

    Babysitting my youngest grandson (6months) today while Mommy is getting her infusion. Doing laundry and cooking dinner. Got my infusion yesterday and have a terrible headache today. We will be working on the house this weekend. Just ordered more stuff for it. I love it but it's going to be costly for sure. Have a great rest of your day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy to report that I lost weight in this vacation. Paula, I go to a WW meeting here in town. I am just starting to make some connections there and really need the accountability. My weight is coming off very slowly but as long as it is going in the downward direction I will be patient. My focus and approach this time is very different. I am trying to do everything differently. I have stopped obsessing over the scale and the numbers. Instead I am focusing on positive behaviors and eating clean. So when I report my WI results I just say gain or loss. I am trying very hard to make tracking second nature since I am sure I need to for life. Every time I stop tracking I gain.

    Need to think about going to work.
    Be kind to yourself and have a lovely evening
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, that's awesome! Ok love the new freestyle plan. I'll go back once we finish the house. Just need every penny we have for that right now. Are you on connect? I'm gettinfit44 I am still active till the 2nd unless I decide I cant do without it lol then I'll renew it 😂😂
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Paula, never got on connect, just stuck with my girls here.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Cole played very well last night and caught for one inning. He ws focused and hit the ball well. So proud of him.

    Patti: Congratulations on losing. I'm trying to eat clean as well. I need to have things prepped, but haven't been doing that.

    Paula: I've not used connect either. I like the groups, and don't find that option on the website.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, first day back to work went well. This is our really slow time of year. However, it seems the only folks shopping are the mean or crazy ones. Starting my summer hours in a few weeks. Just working Monday and Wednesday nights. Today I am cleaning the craft room. I have three big projects that need done and I can't work in the chaos I have created in there, lol. I did great on food and tracking until I got home from work and was starving. Edd had done a mystery shop and there was half a pizza left in the fridge. I heated up a piece, knowing I did not have the points for it and knowing I had zero point foods that I could have eaten. New day, new plan, new attitude.

    Bert, I am the worst planner and that is always my downfall. I know it would make a world of difference if I had more prep work done and a meal plan but just can't seem to work it into my life.

    Have a glorious day everyone