OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Feeling better today, yay! Sometimes my body just needs downtime. Got up turned on the news and Cincinnati is doing a telethon for Dayton. Makes my heart Happy to see that there are still so many caring people.

    Plans are to go down to the house today to do some work. I want to do some sanding and finish getting the corner shelf out, it was built into the wall so it's been a process. This weekend I'm hoping my husband can get plumbing done so we can lay the floors and hang drywall.

    Have a great day!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Molly is at the "spa" today for her bath and nails. They love having her and say that she's always delightful when she's there. I'm spreading the rest of the bags of mulch today to see how much more we need. (I know we need alot!)

    Paula: Glad Kati is doing well. Glad you're resting. I'm not doing well eating wise either. I'm staying within points, but am probably not eating the best combinations. It's frustrating with or without WW.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning indeed! our power came on last night around 10. Still under a boil advisory but that is doable. I feel guilty for all that I have when so many have lost everything. I am still amazed by the outpouring of love and fellowship this town has shown. We have a long recovery ahead but we seem up to the challenge.
    My eating is spotty as well. I really want to get this under control, starting now. I just need to exercise my "no" muscle!

    Paula, glad you and Kati are recovering. Pace yourself!

    Cindy, nice to see you. Hope things slow down soon for you. So happy to hear Jasper is improving.

    Janet, really sorry we couldn't meet for lunch but we will soon.

    Bert, I admire you for being out in this heat working on your yard. My garden is more than enough for me, lol. I have declared if this garden doesn't produce veggies I am done forever!

    until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a beautiful day today! Not a cloud in the sky! I'm heading to the gym this morning and will take the computer to church for Sunday's service as we will be attending Jillian's soccer game that morning.

    Patti: So glad your power is back on. We were out 3 days two years ago when a bad storm hit our area. I need to exercise my "no" muscle, too. My scale hasn't budged for so long.....frustrating.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, I have a bit of shopping, then packing and off to the cabin. We are expecting no company this weekend. Looking forward to cleaning and organizing and enjoying my porch. Boil advisory was lifted so got my laundry done. Eating better yesterday, just need to start tracking again, that is my nemesis but know it is the only true way to success. I am always successful when I track so why do I resist?

    Bert, do you ever rest? You put me to shame with all that you do AND go to the gym. I really miss the gym.

    Have a lovely and happy weekend all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello and TGIF. No time for personals, sorry. The good news: I ate very little yesterday. The bad news: I ate very little because I got hacked and had to cancel all my credit cards and get replacements. It really shook me but bank accounts seem OK. Long, ugly story, but I am changing all crucial passwords. It's all a giant pain in the posterior. But first, I need to get out of the house and run a few errands, just to breathe.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend. Hugs.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi everyone, been a busy day, went to the recorders office to get copy of deed for new house so we can get electric inspection and meter installed, water turn on etc. Then went and signed for a small loan to get the stuff we need for the house. Went to bank and to store for a few things. Heading out in a few to go to my sister's for a get together with her and some friends. Tomorrow we'll be working on the house.

    Have a great weekend!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Mike's and my 35th wedding anniversary. I'm so blessed to have him in my life. After my marriage to the boys' dad ended, I wasn't sure if I would find anyone else again. Little did I know, Mike was attending our church for several weeks and kept changing pews so he could get my attention (I was choir director at that time). Well, he finally got it, and I'm so glad he did. I can't believe it's been 35 years!


    Janet: Sorry to hear about your credit card getting hacked. It's a pain to have to change everything. Mike's was hacked again, too. They sent him a new one. We are so thankful that the company notifed us, though.

    Paula: Good luck with the house this weekend.

    Patti: I'm sure you're going to have a great time at the cabin.

    Waving to Diane, Karla, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning from paradise! My entertainment is watching the birds at my feeders as I drink my coffee on my deck. I feel a bit guilty for leaving town when so many have suffered so much loss from the 15 tornadoes that went thru on Monday.. I am still amazed at how our much maligned maligned town has shown just how much love and compassion there is. Everywhere I go and everyone I encounter is saying the same thing. of course there are looters, but the media has focused on who is helping, where to get help and how everyone can help. Rob Lowe is from Dayton and is doing a benefit show. Dave Chappelle is from nearby Yellow Springs and is also doing a show. waiting to see if Allison Janney steps up too. I have donated dog food to one of the hardest hit areas and money. Wright State U is letting people live in student housing. Will find other ways to help as we rebuild and recover as we go.
    Paula, hope you are packing yourself cuz it sounds like you are working hard. How is Kati? Bet the baby can't figure out why she isnt picking him up. Do take care

    Bert, Happy Anniversary. Mike sure new a keeper when he saw one! you guys seem like a perfect fit.

    Back to bird watching and contemplating my next move, lol
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning all,

    Not much work on the house this weekend. We did go out shopping for the house yesterday and got a bit if stuff. I'll be going out this week for flooring. We got paint so hoping to get that done so we can get flooring laid. Debating on laminate or carpet for livingroom. I want laminate to match kitchen and dining room but carpet will help keep it warmer in winter as where laminate will help keep dig smell out since we have 2 big dogs and a small one. Decisions decisions.

    Kati is picking baby up now, she had surgery last Saturday and hasn't taken pain meds since Tuesday so she's doing awesome!!

    Ok I'll do personals later, ate something yesterday that isn't agreeing with me!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is chilly but sunny, I'll take it. We got lots of stuff done at the cabin, including celebrating Mike's 46th birthday yesterday. My sister and her hubby visited Mom yesterday so that is progress. I think I will pressure wash our deck today and plan to do the deck at the cabin next weekend if it isn't raining. We have a wedding to go to on Saturday because I couldn't come up with a good excuse not to go. It is outside in a barn and supposed to rain....what fun, lol. Just got off the phone with Anthem, tried to change my PCP online but their website kept crashing. After an hour I gave up and called, on the phone less than 5 minutes!

    Paula, I would vote for laminate downstairs. Hoping when our carpet has seen its final days we put in laminate or hardwood. So much easier to keep clean. Just wear slippers in the winter, lol.
    So glad to hear that Kati has bounced back so quickly.

    Waving hi to all, need to get busy here.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. No time for personals except that my refrigerator oi OUT AGAIN 😡. I called yesterday when I got home from being in Indy all day for Jillian’s soccer tournament. I was NOT nice. I apologized to the girl for being upset. She said the next available service call is JUNE 11 if which I stated was not acceptable! She put me on emergency and said I would get a call within 24-48 hours. I had better get a call!

    Ranting over!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Everyone-
    So busy getting ready for the weekend. I had to break down and buy some nice summer clothes that fit properly and are comfortable and cute. Check that off my list. I just found out I'm supposed to be there by 3 on Thursday to help give away gift cards that I sponsored. So now working on how I'm going to make the trip shorter. My friend who is going with me lives 90 minutes west of me and offered to have me stay with her for the night and then we can hit the road at 4 AM- so I'll check with Rick to make sure he's comfortable with that idea.
    I'm excited and nervous all at the same time- with the 3 books coming out there is so much to manage every day with the launch and then the event- but I love every chaotic minute of it.
    Has anyone seen the covers yet- thoughts? And please be honest!
    Bert- I loved the story of Mike creeping up the pews to meet you- so romantic and sweet.
    Paula- sounds like you're coming right along on the house- congrats and its good to see you here.
    Janet- sorry about the heck, mean and nasty people just suck the life of you with all the extra work they put us through. I wonder if they've ever been hacked ;) Karma
    Karla- hope you're doing well
    Diane- How is that sweet baby Elise.

    When I get back - I'm going to be tracking fool and walking machine- well that's my plan.
    I went back for post op and the dr said- you need to get rid of the mid section - that is where hormones are stored so this problem can come back again- incentive I'm not a fan of surgery.

    Any who- off to the day job.
    Waving to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I'm traveling for a visit with my summer school student. I had her last semester, so I know her and she's familiar with my expectations. My BFF is going with me and we will spend the night. I'm looking forward to a getaway, even though it's for work.

    Cindy: Good luck with your books. I'm glad your friend is going with you.

    Waving to all. Have a good day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi again, never got the deck done. Instead I went thru my closet and drawers to find clothes to donate to the tornado victims. I have 8 large canvas totes full to the brim with shorts, tees, tanks, sun dresse, sport bras, jeans, flip flops and tennis shoes. All in great condition, many with tags.

    Cindy, you are packing a lot into a short trip. I know you will make some awesome connections. I love the book covers and am beyond excited to get my hands and eyes on them! Hope Rick is ok with you taking off early.

    Bert, enjoy your mini work trip with your BFF, that should make it fun.

    Janet, hope your hacking woes are resolved. I know all too well what a pain it can be.

    Paula, have you decided on flooring? Wish I could come help paint.

    Waving to Diane as she travels in Charly4, awaiting the next round of photos in her travelogue posts, so much fun.

    It's mom time.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Great day so just had to brag a tiny bit. Lovely time with mom. Then I pressure washed my deck and then 10 mile bike ride with my daughter. We are going to do this every Tuesday as long as we have good weather. Feeling good.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - gotta be quick, as I am soon into the whirlwind that will end Monday.

    Patti, what a perfect day!

    Cindy, wishing you safe travels. May the event be all you wish for, and more. And may the road trip be accompanied by good chat, laughter, and tunes.

    Bert, GRRRRRRR on the fridge. I confess that I uttered a couple of bad words when I read that. Hope it's fixed soon.

    Diane, you and John are such intrepid travelers - glad the storms didn't mess with Charly4.

    Paula, please keep pacing yourself. Happy to hear that Kati is doing well - good thing she has a family of willing sitters, but it's nice that she can pick the baby up again.

    Karla, looked like Izzy's dance event was a blast. You are a rightly proud nana.

    My eating has been up and down lately. It's been stressful in both bad and good ways. For the bad, my laptop and all my credit cards got hacked and cleaning that mess up has consumed LOTS of my time since Thursday. I have my Visa and MasterCard replacements in hand, with others (Target, Macy's, etc.) to arrive in the next week or so. Dealing with dumb stuff like giving new card numbers to anyplace with automatic billing to the card takes time (Netflix, insurance premiums, AAA, etc.). My bank seems not to have been hacked, at least, but the scum bought at least $6,000 worth of gift cards across my credit cards, so I had to report those and am watching charges like a hawk.

    Today is WAY busy - hair cut/color, manicure, then something I've dreamed of for years - "Hamilton" has finally reached Louisville! I'll be up very late packing, then leaving home at 5 AM tomorrow for the airport. It's time for my trip to CA to hang out with dear friends and even a few I haven't seen in decades. Flying to LA, where my lifelong friend Lee and his wife will pick me up, then we will drive north to the place we're staying. It'll be energizing and relaxing. I arrive home Monday morning - good thing American Airlines recently added LA nonstops.

    Much to do - have a great rest of the week. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just a quick check in, since I have cell service today. We are on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Follow my Facebook page for updates - Travels with Charly4.

    Eating has actually been better since we hit the road, because I am busy much of the day and I just have a limited variety of food available. This week especially - we are crossing into Canada on Sunday, and we can’t take any fruit, veg, dairy or meat across with us (scepter canned, or frozen vegetables). So haven’t shopped and are trying to portion it out to hit the border with almost nothing. I’m also getting a fair amount of exercise daily. I have dropped WW for the summer, but plan to rejoin in the fall.

    Have read all, but just can’t keep up with personals. Don’t expect me to check in very often. Cell service is very spotty. Today is the first day I’ve had it in almost a week.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. After complaining to Sears Home Repair Service, I finally got the service call moved up to today! I was not a nice person when I contacted them twice yesterday; however, I got results. They had better get it fixed today! The compressor only worked for two weeks!

    I had a good time with my BFF when visiting with my summer school school student. We had a fabulous dinner along the river Tuesday evening. It was so relaxing. I needed it.

    Patti: That is so nice that you had many items to donate to tornado victims.....I'm sure they appreciated it. Wow, a 10 mile bike trip. That's amazing.

    Janet: Wow $6,000! It's so frustrating to know that people have so much time to hack other people's account instead of being honest citizens. I would love to see Hamilton. Have fun with your friends in CA and LA.

    Diane: Enjoy your time in Canada. It sounds like so much fun.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Paula, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Been trying all day to log on but it kept saying unable to connect to server.
    Nothing exciting here. Leaving for the cabin in the morning and back Sunday night. Have an outside wedding to go to on Saturday, praying the rain holds off. Good news is that the wedding is 2 miles from the cabin, so can skip out at any time, lol. I did have a loss at WI yesterday. That was for the last 2 weeks, they were closed because of the tornados last week. Really focusing on better choices and decreasing snacking. Need to track, I just don't want to do it but know I must. My daughter and her BFF joined Noom and it seems to be working for her. She just had her semi annual Dr visit and he told she was pre diabetic and needed to get a handle on her eating. So we are exchanging ideas and food plans. Productive and supportive for us both. Looking forward to next week's ride.

    Bert, there is nothing quite like time spent with your bestie. Hope your fridge wars are over at last. So frustrating.

    Janet, I know you are gone but still thinking about you as you enjoy yourself in CA. can't wait to hear about the trip and Hamilton, lucky you.

    Cindy, good luck in Cincinnati, hope you have time to breath. It sounds jam packed.

    Diane, thanks for the stop by with news from the road. I love following your posts on FB.

    Paula, hope you are doing well and not working too hard.

    Probably won't be back until Monday.
    Peace, love and hugs to all