OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, I need to shower and pack my clothes then I will be on vacation! My son and DIL are going to be on vacation too, for the first week, love spending time with them. We work and play well together. Not sure if we will be able to get boats in the water but have my fingers crossed.

    Bert, Hope you get your float on today. Pools are nice but sure a lot of work. There are 5 pools on our lane at the cabin, which always seemed odd with us being on the river. I prefer the river, lol.

    Paula, hope you are getting some down time as you continue to rehab your new home. would love to cruise up there when you are ready for visitors.

    Waving a happy hello to Janet, Cindy and Diane.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! You guys, I had dinner with Cindy and her daughter Meg last night - what a fabulous treat!!!! She's just as delightful in person as on the board. Patti, alas, had to work, but we will all get together next time Cindy's in OH. Paula, you too! Animated conversation, much laughter, and big hugs. In short, it was sheer joy.

    That's it from here - everybody please stay hydrated in this heat.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: have a great vacation! I’ll get in the pool this evening as it’s too hot for me right now. I pulled weeds this morning and just don’t want to be outside anymore until later.

    Janet: so nice to have dinner with Cindyvand Meg. I enjoyed when you, Patti, and I met for lunch.

    Paula: how’s the house coming along?

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early as I fell asleep early last night. Tonight is Euchre club. I always have a great time, so I'm looking forward to going. I'm NOT pulling weeds today as I need to have a day off. I'm running errands this morning.

    Have a great day!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Our concrete contractor is here. The new patio has become a reality. They are tearing out this morning, steps will be poured Monday, and the pour is Tuesday!

    Update on the fridge. I went yesterday to the the appliance company that came to "fix" the fridge. They have had it in their shop a week ago Wednesday to work on it to check for any leaks. The service manager checked on it and it was running ok, so they scheduled it for delivery on Monday. Around 1:30, they called and said the freezer temperature was up to 20 degrees! They will call Sears on Monday to declare it unrepairable. Then I will have to figure out what they will do. I'm glad that it went out in their shop, just not in the position to purchase another one, but have no choice. We shall see what allowance Sears will give; cut a check for the new one, replacement? I'm NOT buying if from them! We will get one at our local appliance that came to try to fix the problem. Geez.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all. Taki g a break from sealing the deck and was thinking of you all. Drove thru one of the worst storms I have ever driven in on my way to Colubus. So happy it was only 20 minutes of pure terror at 30mph on I 70. My cousins treated me to dinner at the same place Janet, Cindy and Meg met. So glad I visited them. She is not doing great but was overjoyed I came. It's a beautiful country road drive from their place to the cabin. My gf and her mom were here for dinner and left around 2pm today. Another day of laughter and incessant chatter, lol. Edd and the neighbor left at noon on the bikes to go to a bike race 4 hours away. Too danged hot for me. I am going to finish the side deck, have burgers with the kids and then start on the upholstery. Tomorrow will be my day of rest. Going to spend the day at our friends up the road. They have an awesome pool and great A/C!

    Admit I stepped on the scale today and I made it out of the 190s.....for today anyway. Almost took a picture as proof. I am not tracking but exercising portion control and not eating things just because they are there.

    Back to work, stay cool and healthy
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Congratulations o the loss, Patti! Our new AC upstairs went out! So thankful they could work us in this morning. Plus it was on warranty. There was a storm last night and the neighbor said it caused a couple of his power strips to trip. We were at Greg and Carries. So I’m not sure if they had anything to do with it or not. Geez.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, you have certainly had a string of bad luck with appliances lately. Sure hope this is the last of it for a long while.

    today was another good day with friends. We hung out in the pool until properly wrinkled. Nice breeze, great conversations and lots of laughter. I did not get to my upholstery job last night. wasn't quite prepared to tackle it and that leads to mistakes and tear outs. So instead I cut up my 25 pounds of frozen peaches, bagged them and back in the freezer. Ended up with 20 quart bags, each holds 3 1/2 to 4 peaches. I am helping my gf out by repairing the canvas cover for her Jeep. The back is a big zip out vinyl window which is destroyed. I replaced it with a zip in solid vinyl panel. Pretty proud of how it is coming together. Forgot to take before pics.
    Tomorrow is grocery day, then pressure washing the rest of the deck and/or make some jam and peach hot sauce. I am making peach roasted chicken for dinner tomorrow nite

    nodding off. Back later. Enjoy whatever makes you happy. I am, lol
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. AC is fixed. The motherboard was fried. Patio steps are currently being formed and then will be poured this morning.

    Patti: The peach roasted chicken sounds yummy! I love peaches.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike played golf last evening with Greg and Cole. Cole loves to play golf and eats raisin bran for breakfast, just like his grandpa! Jillian and Cole spent the night last night as Cole wants to see the concrete being poured for the patio. Jillian's not so interested, but wanted to spend the night!

    Today, I'll be calling Sears to fight with them for compensation on the fridge. I really just want money, so I can be done with them.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another gorgeous day here. Yesterday I finished fixing the Jeep top. Have to say I was pretty pleased with how it came out and so was my gf. Grocery run and then I started on the second box of peaches. I made a pie for dinner that only had about 1/4 cup of sugar for the whole pie, the peaches are sweet enough on their own. I roasted 2 chickens with peaches, onions, garlic, rosemary and thyme. When the chickens are done you remove the herbs and then put all the pan juices in a blender with the peaches and onions. Blend until smooth add a bit of salt and pepper and cook down a bit in a sauce pan before pouring over the chicken. I served it like gravy because I wasnt sure everyone would like it. they did.I only served the breast because the dark meat wasnt quite done and we were starving. We made" Peachscatos" while we waited for the chicken. I quart bag of frozen peaches in the blender with 1 bottle moscato wine. I also made a peach bourbon sauce that I am on the fence about. I think I will end up turning it into BBQ sauce. today I have to make jam before the peaches go bad. my son is cooking tonight so all I have to do is roast some tiny potatoes on the grill. Not sure if I will get to the deck until next week.

    Bert, I sure hope Sears does the right thing. you have been thru a ridiculous amount of hassle with them. Amazing how our little boys are so like their male role models. And I bet Jillian just loves being with you. You have such sweet grands.

    waving hi to all and hope to see you here soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, my mouth is watering! Your cabin must smell like heaven.

    Bert, I love that Cole emulates his grampa. He will be adorable watching the concrete crew work - there's nothing like feeding childhood curiosity. And of course Jillian just loves time with you and Mike. Sears had better do the right thing - you have had a summer of insanity with that fridge (and the AC, AND the patio, and ...). If anyone deserves some quiet time to float in the pool, you do!

    Hello to Paula, Diane, Cindy and Karla - hope all is well in your worlds.

    Not much to report here. Had endocrinologist bloodwork yesterday, then treated myself to a couple of summer tops from the clearance rack - so hard to find long-sleeved stuff I like, and my sun sensitivity is nothing to mess with. I need to put a hat into the car as well.

    Read Cindy's new book and it's delightful - she writes characters you really pull for. Not sure yet what today will bring but I am better rested than I was yesterday. Need to do some fill-in grocery shopping and do some laundry & cleaning here. My cleaner seems to have flaked out permanently, which is OK because it saves money, so I need to step it up around here, In the fall, I will probably look for someone to come just once a month - every two weeks is nice but too costly.

    Thinking of you all - hugs.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti and Janet; I just got off the phone with Sears and they said I would have to have the fridge returned to the house and a Sears technician would have to verify the local shop’s diagnosis! I’m beyond mad st this point. I’m going down to the local appliance store after the kids leave to figure out what can be done. 😡
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good grief, Bert! That's truly infuriating. Have you tried Sears corporate? They might be unhappy that their store has been so awful to you - Sears is in danger of shutting down as it is, and this type of customer non-service won't help;

    Had a productive morning of personal planning - James had asked me to look around for a July 4th opportunity (most of the fireworks around here were last weekend, and the big downtown show on the 4th will be much more of a zoo than either of us prefers. So I landed on a very KY thing to do: My Old Kentucky Home state park has an amphitheater and will be doing its Stephen Foster show, followed by fireworks. We've been to the site before - Foster's home is there, and the amphitheater looks nice. Bought tickets and hope he will want to go - reserved seating means crowd control, and it's only a bit more than an hour from home. Hoop skirts! 19th-century ditties! And because it's Foster's birthday, free cupcakes at intermission. It sounds just weird enough to be lots of fun, and you certainly can't get more Kentucky than this. Plus, there's a really nice golf course in the state park and if he wants to golf before the celebration we can go down in the afternoon and make a day of it. I figure he won't still be here next July 4, so an exceedingly KY fourth seems a good idea.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The patio is poured and looks nice. Greg and Carrie came over last night and Carrie dug out flowers and shrubs that I've wanted out for the longest time. Greg and Mike did the heavy lifting. I'm so thankful she did that. I want to put in some type of fire pit/sitting in that area, so I'm researching what I want. I'm sure Greg and Carrie will help with that.

    Janet: I have not tried Sears corporate; at this point the fridge will be delivered back to the house on Friday moring and the Sears "technician" will be here Tuesday at some point. The time frame is 8:00 - 5:00 which infuriates me. The last two times they have been here, they come around 10:00. I am so done with Sears. They wanted our local appliance/service shop to do some things in order to "fix" the internal leak. The repairman refused to do that of which I totally understand. Mike is calling Sears today, as I just can't handle it anymore. Have fun at the Stephen Foster show. It sounds like so much fun.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All -
    As I take a deep breath and have actually time to post- releasing the 3 books within 5weeks has been a monumental task on top of the biz trip to Columbus- dinner with the New President and now we've been working around the house- updating the bathroom with new paint and vanity- on top of that my Dad has pneumonia and my mom wants to come north for a week but step-father can't travel and his kids won't jump in to stay a couple nights at a time with her.
    But I went back to WW- well not this week with project work food planning has gone out the window but I will be back there soon for my the most part I'm trying to make mindful choices.
    Patti- the curtains are lovely and the cottage must smell like heaven
    Janet- :) thank you for saying how much you enjoyed the book- I was proofing the paperback of Borrowed and I was like I wrote this - several scenes still make me cry.
    Bert- you're pictures are lovely can't believe you're still dealing with the fridge,
    Paula- when do yo move in? so exciting
    Diane- do you have an overall bucket list for the RV life of just where the wind takes you?
    Karla - I hope things have smoothed out for your brother. I've been reading your posts on FB

    Well I need to get going I have to log something into WW today- lol
    Have a sparkling day and July 4th
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Fourth of July! Our patio is finished and looks really nice. I'm going to spray weed killer this morning and will also vacuum the pool. Not much else going on after that.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy 4th of July everyone!

    Janet, love the KY themed celebration. You always find the best stuff to do. Hope it is not too hot and you have a wonderful KY adventure.

    Cindy, glad you had a few minutes to check in. I am enjoying the book in small doses, mostly because I don't have time to read but also to make it last. You are really finding your style with each new book..

    Bert, I am incensed at how Sears is treating you on this whole deal. Just proves that good service, even with a warranty, is hard to come by. Enjoy your pool and whatever else you have planned.

    Wonder where Diane is these days. Haven't seen any pictures in weeks. Hope all is well.

    Paula, hope you are feeling ok and just busy with the house and your family. Miss your posts.

    I got a great surprise yesterday when we uncovered the boat. I had already done the back seats and the side of the motor cover! something you would think I would remember, lol. Yesterday I finished the two long benches. All that is left is one captain's chair and replacing the back of another. All the backrests need done but that will be a huge project because they are attached to the rails of the boat. That will happen another time. We got the dock put in and Edd scrubbed our boat so it can go in the water today once the seats are mounted. My scale hop yesterday shows me right at 190, so not gaining but not losing at the moment and that is a win for me. I am really watching portions and only taking seconds on veggies.
    Back to my view and coffee.
    Let Freedom Ring!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today, our local appliance store is delivering our irrepairable fridge back! They said to let it run, so the Sears technician can verify their diagnosis. Whoever Mike talked to yesterday said that if it "goes out again", they will take it a step higher and involve corporate. We shall see what the Sears "technician" diagnoses.

    Our patio looks nice. I'm wanting to get some new furniture, but will definitely wait until it goes on sale. We are working on landscaping around it.....I'm wanting to do a fire pit in the flower bed off the patio. I think it will look great when it gets done. We have so much yard work to do, it wears me out to think about it.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello, it was another awesome day here yesterday. I have one more seam to sew and then calling it done for now on the boat. we took a nice long ride with the neighbors on their pontoon. we have 6 adults and 2 twelve year old girls coming for the weekend. rib dinner tonight, beef tenderloin tomorrow night with lots of fresh fruits and veggies. the weather is supposed to continue to be awesome.

    Bert, I am still angry on your behalf over how Sears has handled.this whole deal. Do enjoy the weather and don't overdo the work in this heat.

    janet, can't wait to hear about the KY 4th you planned.

    lots to get done before friends arrive later this afternoon.