OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning,

    Bert have fun at opening night. I'm sure it'll be a success!

    Going to see Mom this morning then coming home to clean. My poor house is a disaster, well I have a lot of extra stuff laying around that goes to the new house so it makes it look worse than it really is lol. Need to start purging before we move and today is a good day for that. Kati is off today so kids are all hers. I'm exhausted lol.

    Have a fabulous day all!!!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One performance of Frozen, Jr. is in the books; five more to go. Dan, Greg, Carrie, Annie, and the kids went to Holiday World yesterday. They had a great time, but didn't get home until 11:30 pm. It was a long day for them, but they had fun. That's all that matters.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Went down early to work on the house. My husband put a window unit ac in kitchen and we got quite a bit accomplished. We were in process of trying to figure out where all cabinets are going to go so it looks nice. Hard cause the kitchen is 10' wide and 19' long so placing things is difficult. Figuring where fridges and cabinets will go do it flows smooth is not easy. We'll figure it out. I told my husband that I was done and needed to go home. If I would have pushed on it would have ended badly. Was hoping to get more done but I have to listen to my body and stop when I need too. Laying in bed now trying to cool off, it was coolish with the window AC but there were still missing floors, which got laid today and the laundry area off the kitchen still needs floors laid that we had to tear up so it's just a wide area opened to the ground so it wasn't as cool as it could have been. I was still sweating like crazy. Oh well another day we'll get it done lol.

    My daughter took the baby to her sister to babysit cause I wanted to get work done at the house today. Just wish it wasn't a billion degrees outside lol.

    Well off to nap so I can recoup.

    Bert, did Frozen go off without a hitch?? Holiday world? Please do tell lol I love the holidays.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Last night's producion of Frozen, Jr. was a fantastic! Penny enjoyed it immensely; she clapped with everyone after scenes/songs. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to take her.

    Paula: The kids had a wonderful time at Holiday World. They rode many water rides in the water park. Dylan loved all of them. They did ride one big roller coaster. Penny wasn't a fan, but Dylan loved it. Jillian and Cole loved the rides as well. So happy Greg, Carrie, Annie and Dan got to share the day with each other and experience fun with the kids.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, how fun! Glad Frozen was a success. Holiday world sounds like so much fun!

    Well today has been horrible pain wise, I didn't overdo it yesterday, to be honest I sat down alot and just watched my husband works because he was laying floors and drywall. Not sure why it's hurting so bad. I did take a 3 hour nap and my hubby kept the baby so that was nice. Need to try to figure out dinner. Going to be something super simple as I'm not going to stand on my leg as it is for very long.

    Hope all are well!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Paula: I can’t imagine the pain you are in. Does the weather affect your pain too? I suffer from arthritis and the weather affects the pain level. You are definitely a trooper staying active. Sometimes the good ol body has a way of telling us when we need to rest.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, the weather sometimes hurts but I'm pretty sure that's just arthritis wise. My MS pain today and last night is serious spasticity. A while back I tore I calf muscle just walking on a treadmill at 2.5 to 3 because my muscles are so tight. Increased muscle tone is common with MS and all the stretching helps but after a night of rest it goes right back so stretching daily is important but not always something I do. Staying active is necessary or I'll not be able to move. Its a constant balance between sitting and moving cause too much of either hurts me. I deal with it, it's the hand I was dealt and I'm playing it the best I can. God doesn't put more on your shoulders than you can handle. I just figure that God knows I'm a strong person 😀🤷
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm off to church this morning to work on my ticket ledger book and answer phones for ticket sales so the secretary and her helper can count money and do the necessary bookwork. Then I'm getting a bigger sample of roof shingles so I can see which ones I like the best. It's also clean up day from the kids. I need to organize everything and then clean up the house. I loved having's so quiet now!

    Paula: You're so right about God not putting more on your shoulders that can be handled. He knows when I'm at my wits end and always helps me figure things out. So sorry to hear about your MS pain.

    Waving hi to everyone! Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, I have had an awesome weekend at the cabin. My gf and her 11 y/o daughter were our only guests. It was miserably hot during the day so we just stayed in the water or the a/c, but mostly the water. Ate light and then able to sit on the deck with fans on at night. We got a suprise visit from a couple we haven't seen in a while on Sunday so we stayed until today. Got up early so Edd could get home to work on his truck. Now I am gearing up to go to work..

    Bert, any news on the fridge money? Your weekend with the family sounded perfect.

    Paula, my cousin has MS and I know how she suffers. I pray for a cure or better treatment daily for you both. You have such a wonderful supportive family. How was your Mom?

    Waving to Cindy, Janet and Diane. Need to go look at Diane's pictures. Only skimmed over briefly

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I was on hold for almost two hours today and got a totally different story!! Now the are sending ANOTHER technician on Saturday to take necessary pictures and file the paperwork “correctly”! I was livid on the phone. Mike is going to call our attorney friend to see what to do next.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is absolutely beautiful this morning. I'm going outside to work in the area that I will put in a fire pit. I need to spray more weed killer and try to dig out more flowers. Greg and Carrie will help me put it in, I'm hoping. Have any of you put landscaping fabric down? Is it necessary to use the plastic "nail fasteners" when you put it down? I'm just wondering because I want to lay it before I put landscape rock around the firepit. I want to do it right so weeds won't come through.

    Have a great day!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I hosted Emma's second bday- need to get pics on FB as she was so cute. I found a Minnie Mouse dress and shoes ang sunglasses- she was in heaven!
    Our next appt at the memory clinic is Monday- so some of the wait is almost over- primary dr 8/5 then we wait for the neurologist. I do plan to ask the Dr on Monday about a support group etc in front of Rick- just so he is aware- from what I've read and talking to the ladies at the dr office the paranoia of me cheating or leaving him is VERY common with the front lobe issue. I must remind myself to be patient but I'll confess it is SO taxing on my heart.
    I'm struggling to track on WW and take care of me- the stress sends me to munch land - but so far today I've tracked both B and L and planning an easy instapot dinner so I'll be on track. I have some frozen porkchops = I'll google a recipe and do that with veggies.
    You ALL amaze me with facing whatever challenge life throws at you and Paula- I don't know how you do what you do- Luis must be a very sweet guy to just always know, when he knows.
    Bert- good luck with the lawyer and fridge saga
    Patti so glad the cabin was fun -
    Janet- big waves
    Daine- safe travels
    Karla- if you're lurking - HELLO

    I'll be back again
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning my sweet friends. We had some excitement at work yesterday. 2 ladies tried to make off with over $4000 worth of merchandise. They first ripped some expensive scissors off the peg and then proceeded to cut lots of expensive pens, jewelry and other cutting tools off the pegs. Most of what they were taking had security locks on the pegs. They were watching them on the security cameras and when the cops came the girls tried to make a break for it but didn't get out in time. They had their purses and bags chock full of stuff from other stores in our strip mall. They were taken to jail and we got to spend the rest of our shift repairing packaging and restocking. They had 275 items!
    I have been bemoaning my lack of exercise ever since TRX ended last fall. I keep watching the schedule for a class at a day and time I can attend and nothing has struck my fancy. Yesterday a new post came out from the gym that my male TRX instructor is going to start TRX boot camp. 3 sessions, each 8 classes for $20. Starts August 5th and will be held on Mondays and Thursdays. I have been working Mondays and Wednesdays so decided I am going to cut back to just Wednesdays for the duration of these boot camps. I ride bikes with my daughter on Tuesdays and will continue that as long as the weather permits. Sounds sick but I am so excited to be returning to my favorite form of exercise.
    Enough about me.

    Cindy, I am glad you are going to ask about a support group. I can't imagine what you are going thru and what is yet to come. I know your girls will be there for you every step of the way. Wish I were near you to help as well but know I am just a phone call, text or email away. Never hesitate to connect with me.

    Bert, I am beyond livid on your behalf. I hope your lawyer friend can either light a fire under them to resolve this or at least have some good advice for you. I have never heard of a company putting a customer thru such nonsense with an appliance under warranty. I will never buy from Sears! I have no experience with that fabric.

    Waving hi to everyone else. Time to shower and then go sign up for boot camp before heading to Mom's for the afternoon
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I slept in a little this body was telling me to rest. I worked 4 hours yesterday in the flower garden off the patio getting ready to install a fire pit that will be delivered today. Greg and Carrie will help with the fire pit and landscape rocks today and tomorrow. I took out more lilies that had taken over the area. It looks so nice, but my body was rebelling last night. Oh well, it's done, and I'll recouperate. The weather is so pretty, that it was perfect timing to get it it done before Greg and Carrie go back to school. Mike is working this week.

    Patti: Glad to hear your TRX instructor is doing boot camp. I'm not sure what TRX is. I can't believe the audacity of some people. They thought they would get away with 275 items? It's unbelievable! I'm glad they got caught.

    Cindy: My heart goes out to you. Like Patti, I can't imagine what you are going through.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, Paula, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just a quick check in. We are on the ferry waiting to sail for Newfoundland. It is quite plush! I’m sure once I get there cell service will be a rare commodity.

    I’ve read all. Bert I cannot believe how awful this fridge experience has been. We used to buy our appliances from Sears 20 years ago but haven’t recently. After your story I never will. Loved the pictures!

    Patti what a story! So glad they were caught. My son used to work retail and they were not allowed to do anything about shoplifters until they stepped out of the store, and then they couldn’t pursue them. Glad the police were there in time.

    Paula you need to listen to your body! I know how badly you want to get the house in shape to move in, but it will happen sooner or later.

    Cindy my heart is breaking for you. I hope you find a local support group. Just remember it is the disease talking, not your loved one.

    Karla how are your dad and Kerry doing? Not the easy retirement you had hoped for!

    Janet I’m sure you are keeping busy indoors in the heat. At home we had a heat wave of about 12 days with the “feels like” over 100. Glad we weren’t there!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The fire pit is built! Tomorrow, Greg and Carrie will return and we will get the landscaping rocks placed around it. Carrie dug out the lilies in the other bed, and Greg and I cleared out. We put landscaping fabric down and Greg shoveled the rocks in that area. It's looking beautiful! I'll take pics when everything is done. Today, I'll go back to Lowe's to get the edging for Greg to build around the bird feeder and my hummingbird feeder. This morning, I'll trim some bushes, weed a small flower bed, and spray other weeds. I'm so thankful for the cooler weather to be able to be outside and get this done. I'm also thankful for Greg and Carrie for their awesome help.

    I'm taking Jillian and her best friend to see Frozen, Jr. on Saturday. I know they will have a good time, just like Penny did this past Saturday.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, had a great WI, great to see movement in the downward direction. It kept me in a good mood all day. My hairdresser introduced me to a new hair straightening brush. I have enough curl in my hair that I can't just wash and go and I have always hated how hard the flat iron is on my hair. The brush is so much easier and quicker to use. She has RA and says it is a game changer for her hands. You dry your hair then just run the brush thru big sections of hair from the underside. It gives you volume while it straightens. I ordered one as soon as I got home. About $40. Getting my laundry and grocery shopping done so we can head to the cabin this afternoon.

    Diane your pictures are stunning. What a fabulous trip you guys are taking. Bet Elise is missing you though. Keep them coming when you have service. Be safe, enjoy and stop by as often as you can.

    Bert, I hop your body is being kind to you today after you gave it some rest. Can't wait to see pictures of the finished product.

    Janet, have you taken advantage of our cooler evenings? I know they won't last so enjoy them while you can.

    Paula, I pray you are feeling better too. Your Luis is such a gem, but I know you treat him just as well. Keep us posted on the progress. I can't wait to come visit your new digs when you are ready for inspection, lol.

    Much to do, so better get busy. Looking forward to the weekend with our friend and his daughter. It will be bittersweet and there will be lots of hugs going around as they spend their first weekend there without Stephanie. I think this will make it more real than anything. The cabin was her favorite place on this earth.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Forgot one thing. Cindy, you made my eyes leak with this first book in the trilogy. Just read the last few pages this morning. Will start book two very soon
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I've been down this week. I think Saturday did me in. I was on muscle relaxers every 4 to 6 hours around the clock just to keep my muscles loosened enough to walk. My leg and hip went to hell in a hand baskest. Started feeling better yesterday so stopped the meds, well I ended up with chills and vomiting, withdrawals I'm guessing. Today was a very good day. Went to the grocery, did some cleaning and finally figured out how we are doing cabinets in the kitchen. Took some rearranging but figured it out. My daughter works third shift tonight then she is going to concert Friday night so I'll have baby Luis and Alex, Diego is going camping with a friend so he won't be here. We are going to the house Saturday to hang cabinets and do some sanding in the kitchen to prep for painting. Once we finish me and Luis are having date night. Not sure what we are doing or where we are going but we'll figure that out Saturday. Heating up again Sunday but would like to get more work done, really want to get kitchen together so we can start working on the bathroom. Once those are done the rest will be relatively easy, paint and flooring. There is more structure work to do in our bedroom. Really getting impatient lol. Luis is definitely my rock. He is always there for me when I need him even though he's such a busy busy man.

    Personals later, have a great night all!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It was a rough sleeping night. Up and down most of the night. Tonight is the 4th out of 6 shows of Frozen, Jr. Ticket sales have been great! We are sold out for Sunday afternoon.

    Carrie found ground hornets in our wood pile last night. We saw about 15 hornets go in the nest, one right after another, around 8:00 pm. I'm so happy no one got stung. Our monthly technician is coming today, so I'll show him where the nest is. He will put something down, and I'll have him return to make sure it has done it's job. Mike has gotten stung the past two summers while mowing. Has anyone had a problem? If so, what did you use?

    Sears comes tomorrow! Wish us luck, and that I don't throw a massive fit when he arrives. :o

    Paula: So sorry you're not feeling well. Happy to hear you're doing better though.

    Patti: Thinking of your this weekend.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, Cindy, and Karla.

    Have a great day!
