OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......two more shows to go! The fire pit is done! I will complete the bird feeder area next week as well as paint the family room after drywallers finish today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Bert I love the fire pit. Can't wait to start doing ours but that's a long way down the road lol

    Just got in from working on the house. Got all the paper boarder scraped off the walls, move all the ceramic tile from kitchen to bathroom where it will be installed. Hubby and "ex" son in law are installing lower cabinets. I say "ex" because they are still married and get along so well that it seems they are still together just living apart 😂😂😂. I finished mudding the one end if the kitchen and sanded the dry stuff from last time. I left cause I wasn't going to sit there watching the mud dry lol and I was up and down the ladder so much that my legs are screaming lol We are making good progress now, was hoping to get it painted this weekend but not ready for that yet. Still need to mud other end if kitchen and do all the sanding but cabinets are going in so it won't be long. Tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling I want to go sand the dry mud and mud the other end if the kitchen. Oh it's getting exciting now lol

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning. Today is the last show! I'm ready for it to be over, honestly. I love working with my church friends and friends I've made from parents of the cast, but I'm tired and am ready for a new chapter (which is now painting the family room, and bedrooms :o )

    I'm looking forward to floating in the pool tomorrow afternoon. It will definitely be on my schedule.

    Fridge saga: The technician was supposed to come yesterday. I kept checking my email to track the appointments. Around 4:00, my email said that there was not longer a service call. I then went on the technician chat and was told that the service man reported that at 3:10, he arrived and no one was home. Funny, Mike was home all day and the garage door was up all day. Then he stated that he tried to call several times and could not get through. Ha! I immediately called and was irate. The "scheduled" another one for Aug. 8! I yelled that I would be calling Monday. Apparently Mike called while I was at the ticket table and some guy said we should have received a replacement by now as everything is in order. Mike mentioned legal action, and the complaint was updated to manager level. We shall see....

    Paula: I wish I were as talented as you. I tried mudding and sanding a couple of times, and thats' why I hired someone to fixed the areas that looked like a cobblestone street! I'm anxious to get things painted, so I can get thing put back together. I also need to finish things outside.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, my guests just left and I am enjoying coffee on the deck with my birds. Today will be a whole cabin cleaning day. Edd is pouring more concrete in the garage. Food choices not perfect but at least portion controlled. Total beef weekend, lol, Philly cheese steaks and corn Friday, burgers and cabbage Saturday. Lots of water around me and in me, lol.
    We had some sad moments talking and missing Stephanie but it was somewhat healing for Justin to be here, her favorite place on earth.

    Paula, you put me to shame with how hard you work. I hate drywall mud and sanding but live painting. It is so nice when the "ex" is still a working and caring part of the family.

    Bert, I am truly amazed at the blatant lies from the technician! At this point I think they owe you an upgraded fridge and at least $200 for groceries. What a load of crappola. Enjoy the last show and your pool. Love the firepit, it really turned out nice

    HI to all, gonna finish my coffee and get to work. Tomorrow is my last Monday at Joanna.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, I am not talented. I'm learning as I go lol. We are doing everything ourselves due to financial reasons. I took out a loan but that was used on supplies needed like flooring, plywood, tiles, cabinets etc. I'm trying to do it right but it won't be perfect for sure lol

    Patti, it sounds like I work hard, yesterday I did work hard but paid for it last night. It's just a big job and I'm anxious to get it done lol

    Today I went to the house but only weed eated while my husband mowed then I can home lol.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Frozen, Jr is in the books! We sold a total of 798 tickets for all 6 shows. I'm glad it's over as my patience wore thin with the woman in charge. She has to micromanage everything! She's a great friend when she's not on a project. I'm happy to have space between us for awhile.

    Today, I start painting. Then it's "float time" in the pool this afternoon. I'm looking forward to that.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Bert, enjoy your float time today. I will do everything but paint. I despise painting lol. Not to mention I'm horrible at it lol

    Have all three grandsons today, mommy works till 6. I'm trying to get cleaning and laundry done. But right now I'm lazing on the sofa lol

    Hubby is going to put the floor in the laundry room today so it's not open and the we can drywall in there, we need to get an exterior door for the room as well.

    Have a fabulous day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, we got home late last night and up early today so I could have lunch with Janet. Always a joy to spend time with her. Work wasn't too busy and now I am chilling by checking in.

    Paula, wish I could come paint for you. Don't know where my days are going but I don't seem to have a spare second lately.

    Bert, hope you got your float on.

    Sweet dreams to everyone
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I didn't get my float on yesterday as it rained in the afternoon after I got the primer on. I need to paint another coat of primer as I'm trying to cover over dark red with a lighter coat. I'll get done today, though I'm sure. I fell asleep early last night, so I'm up bright and early today.

    Patti: Enjoy your lunch with Janet.....we should have lunch again sometime.

    Paula: I'm sure your grandsons kept you busy. I had all four two weeks ago for four straight days. I enjoyed them, but was totally wiped out.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello - Been very busy around here but have read all. Had a delightful (as always) with Patti yesterday. Just what I needed! Bert, I'm up for a drive to IN for another lunch - late August/early September.

    Lots to do around the house in the next week - just a big push to accomplish a few things. Now to get the energy ...

    More soon, I promise; hugs to all.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    The family room is painted! Greg can over to help Mike put the bookshelves back in the hearth. He just couldn’t do it himself. Pictures will be put back on the wall and then I’m relaxing In The pool until it’s time to go to church for the cast dinner.

    Lindsey and Justin will be in Chicago this week so we are leaving Thursday and return on Saturday morning.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, you sure don't waste a moment when you tackle a project. The fire pit alone would have taken Edd at least 3 weeks, lol. I would be up for an Indiana lunch

    Nice day with mom. No ride with Susie tonight because I had to do something with the peppers I have picked before they go bad. So I make 6 jars of low sugar black raspberry jalapeno jam, 7 jars jalapeno jam, and 4 1/2 jars low sugar blackberry jam. The berries were from my friends down the road at the cabin. The low sugar ones have less than 1 tsp of sugar per tablespoon of jam. I am beat so dishes may have to wait until morning

    Talk tomorrow

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Bert, glad you finished painting! Bet you are excited as well.

    Patti, the jalapeno jams sound amazing!!! I love jalapenos! Wish I was talented enough to make it lol

    Pretty uneventful day yesterday, my get up and go got up and went. My son texted me and asked if they can stay here till they find a house. They are looking for a house to buy but he doesn't want to be house poor so looking for a house under a certain amount. They've been staying with her mom but Mateo got into it with her so this weekend my son, his gf and daughter will be moving in until the find a place.

    Patti, Bert, Janet, I'd love to do lunch! I need some me time and lunch with the girls would be awesome!!! Name the time and place 😃😃😃 well that is if you want me to come

    Have a great day!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning, I'll put pictures, etc. back and then tidy up a little. Mike is tackling Sears this morning. He thought they would call after his talk on Saturday! :D I knew better. I think it's time for small claims court, or some other type of legal action.

    Paula: I'm definitely up for lunch with you, Patti, Janet, and anyone else in the area. Last time, we met in Shelbyville, IN at a Cracker Barrel. Would that work for you? I'm not sure how far that is from your house. Perhaps sometime in late August?

    Patti: Glad you had a nice day with your mom.

    Janet: Late August would work better for me for lunch as I'll be traveling to GA to attend Lindsey's baby shower. I'll also be traveling for student teachers and field students, too in September.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again. Lunch with the girls and then work are all that I have for today. It is the start of a new sale set and I know it will be a big one. I wouldn't mind it so much if the sales changed but most of the time the signs we take down are replaced with the same signs with new dates. At least the sales are lasting 3-4 weeks. My LS blackberry jam is a keeper. Slightly tart with the flavor of the berries the star. Going to try making some low sugar peach next.

    Paula, you are going to have to start stacking the kids two deep soon, lol. How wonderful that you are able to help them out. We did the same for Mike when he divorced my granddaughter's mom. I loved the bonus time with Alex and was happy to give him a chance for a better restart to his life.
    How wonderful it would be if we could all meet for lunch. Shelbyville is about a 2 hour drive for each of us and easy to get to.

    My available dates for August 19, 20, 22, 27, 29. What do you guys think?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning alll. My assised living home is fast turning into a nursing home!! My dad is having dizzyy spells and headaches and I haven't set him up with a PCP here because he has refused to go to a doctor here. I think he is finally seeing the error in his way though. Kerry is having a coughing and cold spelll too, so I called his pukmonary doctor yesterday and they called in some antibitotics and prednisolone. I talked to dad about the new VA hospital they opened up here and he did show an inerest there. We are going to drive over to it and let him see how nice it is and see about getting him signed up there. I don't like these headaches he is having. I can always take him to the urgent care I go to that is very thorough. Kerry is overall very happy here. He loves his room and the TV system I have. He has not had a TV in his room in years and loves that too. He makes no mention of wanting to return to Panama City. Kerry has been established as of yesterday with a new PCP here. He has been setup with a neurologist for the tingling and numbnest in his fingers and hands and his walking difficulties. Yes, I have my hands full here. But I love this and it is a honor to take care of them. Kerry is very appreciiative and always says Thank You after everything I do or hand him. It's endearing. Dad just wants to leave me a bunch of money. LOL.

    I had a EGD yesterday that showed I had a narrowing of my esophagus that may have been the culprit of my issue with food lodging sporadically. I did not have a hiaal hernia that I suspected. He stretched my esophagus. I feel fine today. I am feeling very good from my thyroidectomy and the dosage seems fine from the Synthroid so far. I see my new endocrinologist on 8-8.

    My BFF that took me to the EGD yesterday and never uddered a word of her being in pain or having a medical issue herself, was admited to the hospital and is having gallbladder surgery this morning!! Please pray for my BFF, Monica.

    Paula - You are a miracle lady. Great wife, grandmother and friend. Your house will be awesome and exacly as you wan it. We enjoyed building our pool house, man masion, game room in the back yard last year. It is a retreat for us now. Everyone that see is is really impressed. You always hang in there with your health issues and know exactly how to handle your symptoms. I can surely relate lately.

    Janet - You have been a slient busy bee.

    Patti - I want to learn how to make the raspberry jalapeno jam. Right now I pay $11.99 a jar for the Raven's jam through Amazon. It is awesome and I only treat myself every so often.

    Bert - You are such a whirlwind. Between you grandkis, church and you home you never seem to sit down or float in your pool. But that' is what keeps you young at heart!! I love the fire pit. We really don't have much chance to use those down here on the gulf, althoough I have one but not built in the ground.

    Cindy - I've got to get back to you wonderful book. The health issues took me over. So sorry to read of the issues with rick, but glad it is being addressed. You have your escape with your writing and your girl and US!!

    Diane - You and John are having a wonderful retirement and travel across our country and Canada. Kerry and Dad keep me busy but they both neede me badly. I still have time with my family and am planning on flying to Detroit to visit a 47 year friend of mine and going to the wedding omy GF that passed while visiting me. My niece is coming from Tampa to stay with my dad and Kerry. So I am praying all that works out.

    I better get going.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: Right now, any of those dates are good for me. I don’t know how many students I will have, so the earliest dates are the best for me.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are heading to Chicago this morning to visit with Dan, Annie, Penny, Lindsey, and Justin. Dylan is in FL staying the week with his cousin. We haven't seen Lindsey and Justin since Christmas, so we are looking forward to it. I'll be going to GA in September to attend a baby shower for Lindsey, and then the babies will be born in November. Lindsey thinks it will be October, though.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. Work was as bad as I thought it would be and I am glad I am down to one day a week and getting back to TRX next week. If I am going to be tired I would much rather it was from exercise. Yep, I am weird like that. Going with my gf to pick up her new serger and meet her sewing machine guy. Sewing machine repairmen are hard to find so I hope he did a good job on her other machine. His rates are reasonable and he gave her a deal on the machine and the service of her old machine. Then we are going to a quaint little town for lunch and to visit a fabric shop there that is known across the country for their quality and selection. It is a quilters must stop shop in this area of the country.

    Bert, I am so glad to see you mention Lindsey's pregnancy. I was afraid to ask. Hope she is doing well and I know it will be a joy-filled weekend for everyone.

    Time to scoot. We are not going to the cabin until tomorrow as Edd has too much work to do.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I know. I’ve been on pins and needles throughout her pregnancy. She looks good. We will spend the day with them today. Looking forward to some family time today