OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Just another day in paradise at the Assisted Living facility. Kerry didn't sleep good and he is blaming it on the gabapentin from two days ago. We didn't take it last night because he said it bothered him too bad. Now the first night he slept great, could feel his fingers again and loved it. It's the autism that makes any little change so hard for him. It's the late night coffee that keeps him awake and I have talked to him about that but he won't stop that either. I'm going to sneak in the decaf half and half and see if that helps.

    Patti - Glenn started hurting real bad last night when he didn't take the Aleve to see if he was still having pain. I had my doctor friend call in some FlowMax and hope it helps the stone start rolling!! Can't believe the ER doctor didn't prescribe it. Enjoy your friends. My Bff Gayle's husband will not fly either. They drive to Florida every year from Michigan or anywhere else they go.

    Bert - Good luck on the pool piece. Any news on the fridge?

    Paula - Thank you for your kind words on me being a good sister. It is difficult and I have meltdowns from time to time, but I hang in there.

    Janet - Already have a thyroid med change. Here we go. I hope I like my new endo doctor like you do yours. Is James son there now or this weekend?

    I go to my new Endocrinologist this morning. My PCP office called yesterday and said they needed to lower my Synthroid. I didn't have a chance to call them back as I was at the Social Security office trying to get it straightened out on whom is paying Kerry's June hospital bill. Meanwhile my Endo office called to confirm my appointment and I told them about it and that I wanted them to make that decision and wasn't picking up the medication. My new PCP is young and very aggressive. I like her, but I thought she knew I was going to my Endo for the thyroid. LOL.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Painting is almost complete! I have a few spots this morning, and then I can get the office reassembled. My cleaning girl is coming today, so things will be good by this afternoon. Then I'm going to relax in the pool! Mike will be exhausted when he gets home this evening. He had to be at work by 4:00 am as they had a 5:00 pour for a huge hog farm building. The guy he's filling in for certainly knows when to take his vacation!

    I did hear from Sears! Someone scheduled a technician call, so I called last night to find out who scheduled it. I finally got to talk to a manager, the same on Mike talked to on Friday.
    They are sending someone out on Aug 16, to confirm that it's not repairable. I explained that this had been scheduled several times and they keep cancelling. One good thing out of this is if the technician doesn't show (like he didn't show the last time), we will be moved to replacement. I'm hoping they don't show. He agreed that 3 months is too long. We are considering small claims court to get this matter finished, if it's not resolved soon after the technician arrives.

    Karla: I'm going to have to go to my orthopedic doctor for my shoulder, I think, as my primary doctor will probably send me somewhere else anyway. The xray didn't show arthritis, according to them. Something is definitely wrong......I'm hoping a cortisone shot would help.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early as my joints were saying "Get Up and Move". I need to get the church service finished this morning before heading out to St. Mary's.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    Bert, enjoy your day. Wish I had your early-morning energy (working on coffee now). I sure hope Sears gets their act together - you really deserve far more than a new fridge out of all this.Do get your shoulder checked out.

    Karla, is Glenn getting any relief? I had a very tiny kidney stone 40 years ago and remember how painful those few days were - without Percocet I would've gone bonkers. Is Kerry still doing better? How ia your dad coping with his boy being so sick?

    Patti, should be a great weekend for the lake. The tomato sauce looks impressive. Someday I'm going ro become your apprentice.

    Cindy, wishing you a fun day at the book event. I plan to read "Borrowed" and "Blue" next week. Happy endings are a good thing.

    Diane, how odd that it took you this long to see a moose! Your pictures are such a gift.

    Paula, how are you feeling? Hope you can get some rest with a heavily-populated house. More hugs from little arms are a good thing.

    Been busy here. James's son was here for a few days, then the two of them headed west. They're currently in Denver and will proceed to Idaho to visit family. I'm going to fly out there Thursday (James wants his two sisters to meet his "third sister."). After a few days in Idaho, we'll rent a car and drive back here. Adventure looms!

    My eating's been bad the last few days but today I'm going to concentrate on quality of intake. My rheumatologist bloodwork shows me slightly anemic. There will be green, leafy veggies and maybe even some red meat in my near future.

    Big hugs to everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: I’m not an early bird and don’t have energy in the morning until I get my morning coffee in me. 😁. Sometimes my joints hurt badly and I just need to get out of bed to move. Then there’s my racing mind that tries to solve problems. That prevents me from going back to sleep! I’m doomed some mornings! 😳
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to be lovely day. I'm planning to be outside in the afternoon and get some yardwork done. I've neglected some areas due to painting last week. Then I'll float!

    I met with my student teacher yesterday. I have had him for two fields and am happy to supervise student teaching. He is in Chicago and that's a win win for me. I'll get to visit with Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny while I'm "on the job"! <3

    Today is my mom's birthday. I miss her so much and miss talking to her. I can feel her presence every day though and know that she's with me in spirit.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it has been a whirlwind weekend so far. We got here late Thursday, after TRX. Then our friends got here early afternoon on Friday. We had a nice pontoon ride before dinner. Learned a lot about Belize and there was a lot of reminiscing by the guys. They have been friends since they met at Xerox in the early 70s. Saturday was more boating with jet skis added in for them to see if they wanted to buy one after they move. It was hard to say goodbye but we are at least talking about going to visit. It would truly be a trip to paradise if I can get edd on a plane. He hasn't flown since his brother and nephew were killed in a seaplane crash in 2007.
    Today will be a few work projects and then home for a bike ride before meeting up with friends at the Eagles

    Bert, good news on the student teacher and being able to see the kids on "company time"

    Janet, how wonderful for James to have this special time with his son and family. I am excited for your part in the adventure too. Sorry about the anemia but at least it's a good excuse for red meat!

    Paula, hope every living being is starting to settle in at your place and have my fingers crossed you can make lunch on the 27th.

    Karla, praying for all your family medical problems to start getting either better or at least more manageable. Glad you like your new endo.

    Waving to Diane and Cindy.
    Miss you both but understand.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I was able to sleep in a little this morning. I don't have any pressing things to do today, so my mind was able to rest as well. I'm working in a "flower" bed today. Actually it's a weed bed along the side of the house. I sprayed weed killer at the beginning of the summer, and have not cleared it out due to all the work we did for the fire pit. We have rock left over, so I want to prep it for the rock. I will be so nice to have that area cleared out.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The side "weed" bed is cleared and the edging is purchased. It rained last night so it should be easier to get it in the ground. I'll put down the weed fabric and then Mike will shovel the gravel. I'm so happy to get that area done.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello one and all, yesterday was a basic work around the house day. I had a mess of jalapeños that needed turned into something. I candied a pot and then chopped and froze the rest (4 cups worth) for use in more peach jalapeño jam. I am down to 4 half pints, started with 24, I have given most of the rest away. Today is Mom day. Need to get her groceries and pick up tacos for our lunch.

    Bert, you are getting a lot done in your yard. Bet it looks great. The rain was sorely needed here but I don't think it made a dent in our parched yard.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Slept in today and am fine with a late start to errands. I'll keep the run minimal because tomorrow's the first day of school here and stores will probably be busy.

    Bert, fingers crossed for tomorrow's continuation of Fridgegate. Tell them we will all converge and yell at them if they don't give you a fancy new fridge NOW!

    Patti, thinking of you with your mom - Tuesdays rock.

    Cindy, loved the fire pit pic on FB - where was that?

    Diane, will probably go to Arches National Park next week - any suggestions for a quick visit?

    Waving hi to Paula and Karla (hope Kerry is doing well).

    Much to do here - leaving for Idaho very early Thursday and I'll be gone until the 22nd. Cat sitter will come daily - need to arrange everything for her. I fly out and will stay with one of James's sisters; he and I will rent a car and drive home over a few days. Looking forward to seeing mountains and meeting James's sisters and other family. He considers me his "third sister" and says they're looking forward to meeting me as well. Ready for adventure! So I may not be able to check in often, but know that you're all in my heart every day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited August 2019
    Janet: I love your terminology! Fridgegate! 😂. I’m really hoping he won’t show on Friday as then it will automatically go to replacement. Believe me. I’m not telling them anything. He will have to check his orders (assuming they will tell him). The last time he was here (July 9) he had no clue why they sent him! 😉

    Have fun In Idaho. I’ve never been there, but I bet it’s beautiful.

    Patti: Hope you had a great day with your mom.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike and I got the "weed" bed framed out with the edger I bought. I cleared most of the weeds out ant put down some weed fabric. He shoveled the leftover rock and we have portion of it done. We will take out the rest of the Tiger Lilies and finish out the area with fabric and rock in the spring. I'm so happy to get this area addressed as it has been neglected for years.

    I'm heading to the gym this morning and will take a "day off". I'll sweep the pool this afternoon and then float.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is going to be a nice day. Lunch with the girls then work. A few business things to take care of here but nothing too taxing, lol. Had a lovely time with Mom, as always. She has an eye appointment tomorrow so I will be up early to take her. We still need to get our labs drawn but that will have to wait until next week. She hates going out of the house so once a week is enough.
    After much soul searching I decided to cancel my WW account. I have not been tracking, have not really made a connection with the leader or anyone in my workshop. Am maintaining my weight but know I need to be more focused and involved to see the scales move. Just seems like a waste of money when I am not following the plan. I don't feel the meetings inspire me and there really isn't anything I haven't heard before being talked about by the leader or the members. I lost most of my weight last time doing online only, so I know it is a ME thing. I am NOT giving up on me, just saving some money while I figure out what I need to do to get my mind where it needs to be, meetings aren't the answer I thought they would be.

    Bert, I am hoping the technician doesn't show. You deserve a new fridge just for the hassle of the whole thing. A rock garden sounds like it is just up my alley! Enjoy your float time.

    Janet, enjoy your trip. I have never been to Idaho either but it is on the list for our next long bike trip. Just not sure when that will be. Be safe and have fun.

    Hi to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    In town so I have some cell service. Quick answer for Janet. The drive through Arches is great. If you are up for a short but steep walk, Delicate Arch is spectacular. You can see it from a viewpoint but not as well. There are lots of very short easy walks to good views. Other interesting points in the area are Dead Horse state park and Islands in the Sky area of Canyonlands NP. Again, easy strolls to viewpoints. Moab is your gateway town for all three, and has a great brew pub there which I can’t remember the name of right now. Another place I really like is Capital Reef NP, which may be sort of on your way. Two very separate zones, Fruita the town where settlers had orchards (and you can pick and things are probably ripe now!j petroglyphs just a boardwalk from the parking lot, and spectacular scenery from the drive through. No lodging in the park but a gateway town right near.

    Driving out of town so will post this so I don’t lose it. Hello to all!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet go to the visitor centers at all the parks! Very interesting and informative.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends.

    I think the new level of thyroid medication is finally starting to kick in. I am starting to relax and not be so fatigued. Today is work on my bedroom day. Every time I clean out something in Kerry’s or my dad’s room it ends up I my room until I decide what to do with it. Lol.

    Diane- You and John are having the time of your life seeing all the wonders of our fine country. Your photos are breathtaking. When Glenn and I went on our three week cross country trip in 2017 I was very much amazed at Utah, Colorado and Arizona. We plan another big trip once Glenn retired again. Lol.

    Patti- I’m still paying for meetings and not going too now that you mention iit. One of my girlfriends has made Lifetime that joined back in February. I need to get back on the wagon as I have gained with this thyroid issue and stress going on. I’m proud of you for getting to 190 lady. You can move forward on your own, I have faith in you.

    Janet- Kerry is doing well and went with me to my CT scan yesterday. We then went to the Dollar Store and Goodwill. He loves those two stores. I know you will have a wonderful trip meeting James’ family and a fun road trip on the way back. I’m so glad you have him.

    Paula- I hope your body is treating you well. I can surely relate sometimes. I can hardly wait for you to move into your new custom home.

    Bert- Yes, I like FridgeGate too! Sears really went downhill when the Kmart family took them over in our area. Best wishes for tomorrow. Your yard is really getting a makeover.

    I better get back to my room. Cindy, I hope all is well with you and Rick. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care of your body and soul. None of us are getting any younger, but we can get better!


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Babysitting, cooking, cleaning and home renovations is what my life has become lol. Eating is horrible but planning to get it back under control. Kitchen is coming together. Wish I could get it all into one shot but it's 19' x 10 ft so it's impossible. Tomorrow we'll finish the countertops and backsplash then finish sanding and get ready for paint.

    I'll read posts and reply tomorrow. This mamaw needs sleep.
