OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lovely day with my gf yesterday. I got her serger all set up and threaded for her. I hope she has the patience to figure out how to do it herself. I love her dearly but she is the least patient person I know and gets frustrated easily. On the positive sid I know she doesn't give up and will call my for help as often as is needed and I love that about her. My mom acting was out of control yesterday. Snacking on everything all day and couldn't seem to find what I wanted. Not sure what that was about but hoping I can reign it in today. We had the best beef fillets for dinner. Put them in my air fryer oven frozen on 400 for 20 minutes and they were perfect. Another friend told me she had tried this and was amazed at how well they cooked up. Side of garlic roasted new potatoes and that was all we needed.

    Karla, you do have your hands full but I know when it is family it is never a burden or a chore. How blessed they are that you are able to have them in your home and get them as healthy as they can be. I totally understand your dads reluctance to go to the Dr, especially a new Dr and a whole new VA facility. It has to be so overwhelming for him to leave his lifetime house and home. My mom was only 84 when she moved back and she had lived her for 25 years, and she had a rough time adjusting. Are they staying in the house or the guest house? I be Izzy lights up their world when she is around. Glad you seem to have your medical issues taken care of. Wonder if the pulling in your neck was the narrowed espophagus all along.

    Bert, what a wonderful weekend you will have. Seeing Lyndsey in person has to set you mind at ease about the babies and her. Such an exciting time for everyone.

    Cindy, even when you are not here I feel your presence and am keeping you and Rick in my prayers. Always know "you got a friend in me".... Now that song will be in my head all day and maybe yours too, lol

    Paula, I hope you are able to still get some down time with your ever growing household. Is the new house bigger than your current place? Are you going to sell or rent once you move to the new house?

    Janet, did you see the dates I posted for possibly meeting with Bert? How is Theo? Still smiling from our lunch adventure. My local news station report the explosion in KY but never mentioned where it was. I couldn't get on the computer fast enough and was so relieved that it was nowhere near you. What a tragedy but so lucky there wasn't more injuries.

    Diane, keep on rolling and posting those pics. It is like having a personal guide to each of your destinations. You guys sure know how to work a camera.

    Time to shower and pack and head south. Edd is still sleeping, this has been a very busy 4 days for him.

    Enjoy your corner of paradise and know you are always in my thoughts each day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’ve been asked to watch Dylan and Penny as Annie will be at school , so I’m going to be in a Chicago August 19-22. The next week will now be better for me.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! The sun is out here and it's lovely - as long as you're looking at the sun from inside an air conditioned place. Lots of small tasks to accomplish today but thought I'd check in over coffee.

    Karla, sending daily prayers for your dad and Kerry. Glad your esophageal issue was minor - you've dealt with enough medical stuff for twenty people this year, especially with Kerry. How is Monica doing?

    Patti, is the store a mob scene as people far more talented than I create back-to-school wardrobes? You'll really enjoy getting back to TRX - wish I could borrow a tiny corner of your exercise gene. Of your available dates, the 27th seems to be the only one that will definitely work for me.

    Paula, listening to your body is the thing to do. Your house will be very full, but also full of love - Mateo has matured so much. I remember when he was a kid, not a dad!

    Bert, great news that Lindsey is doing so well. Did Mike The Enforcer get anywhere with Sears? By this point, you should think about sending out a picture of your (soon-to-be, we hope) new fridge as your Christmas card!

    Cindy, I have Borrowed and Blue to savor in the coming weeks. Hope your author signing is a blast. How is Jasper doing?

    Diane, I envy your rambling ways. This country is so beautiful; you and John are seizing the opportunity.

    My life these days seems to consist of a zillion small tasks and errands, list-making, and old movies (Paul Newman was simply perfect!) when I need to kick back. I've had great luck with dovetailing household needs, coupons, and sales lately too. Every dollar counts! James's son is visiting next week, which should be fun. He's going to have to sleep on an aerobed, but he'll manage.

    My eating continues to be suboptimal but in general not as bad as it was. Did chicken breasts in the air fryer last night and they turned out wonderfully.

    Better get on with my day - grocery run, a bit of cleaning and tidying, etc. Need to get Theo more of his new treats. Poor baby hate the new wet food but does eat the dry stuff pretty readily. A big change for him, but hoping the food swap will diminish the inflammation from the pancreatitis. We'll do testing again in a few weeks to see whether there's been improvement.

    OK, better get on with my day. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick hello. Nice evening spent with the neighbors. I cooked: grilled lime pepper shrimp, roasted new potatoes, sweetest ever corn on the cob and zucchini muffins two ways (provolone, parmesean, bacon with Italian seasoning and pepper jack, parmesean and bacon) they were a hit. WI share recipe if anyone is interested.

    Bert, Janet and Paula, do we want to put the 27th on our calendars to do lunch at the Cracker barrel in Shelbyville?

    Back to my birds and coffee then hoping for a nice long boat ride this afternoon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm in for the 27th!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I think I can do the 27th too. I need to check with St. Mary's to find out when the field student seminar is. They usually aren't on Tuesday's, but I'll let you know.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I hope no one in your family or circle of friends was involved in the shooting. So sad.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    The area where the shooting occurred is just a couple of miles from my house. It is a younger crowd, 20-40 somethings. Names have not been released but all my family and friends are accounted for at this point. I am so sad for those involved and their families. The world is getting scarier and crazier every day!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm watching Jillian and Cole today as Greg and Carrie have a teacher's work day today. We are running errands this morning, and then I'm taking them to a locally owned frozen yogurt place. The owner is the parent of the girl who played Anna in Frozen, Jr. She has gluten free yogurt that I want to try.

    Mike has had itching spells. He didn't itch at all when we were in Chicago, so it must be something here. I sprayed the couch with flea and tick spray although I give Molly flea and tick chews every month. I'm also going to purchase the lotion that he used to use after his shower. I'm hoping that this will help......;.just can't figure out what it causing him to itch. I'm also using the same detergent and dryer sheets that I've used for years.

    Patti: So glad your family and friends are accounted's horrible what happened.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, glad your nearest and dearest are OK but the events of the weekend sickened me.

    Bert, good luck getting Mike's itch under control. Maybe he's allergic to the fridge saga ....

    Karla, following your FB posts. Of course you're doing the right things for Kerry - your work experience around medical people, coupled with your attention to detail and love, will help. Nice that Kerry's new doc has met you by phone - it should help him when he meets Kerry in person tomorrow. Bet you have your list of questions ready and in your purse already.

    Waving to Cindy, Paula, and Diane. Time to unload the dishwasher and sort magazines. Onward!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Nice quiet weekend, disrupted by the horrible tragedy in my home town. I will never understand why anyone NEEDS an assault rifle outside of the military. I don't believe anyone's rights are violated by not being able to own one. If anyone feels they need one they should join the military and sign up for front line duty. End of rant.

    Frankie is having a lot of arthritis pain in her neck. Barely eating, mostly just lying on the couch. Vet put her on steroids and anti inflammatories. Prayers appreciated.

    Just finished my first,i the an long time, TRX class. I did all the moves and kept up, total surprise here. I developed a weird knee pain, did not do anything to it to cause the pain. Took Aleve, rubbed some theraworx and bio freeze on it. Still hurts but the TRX didn't make it any worse. Hoping I can still ride bikes tomorrow.

    Bert, sounds like the flea and tick spray is the culprit. Did he take any benedryl for the itching?

    Hi to everyone else
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: yes, he has taken Benadryl. I bought some lotion for eczema and Aldo bought him fragrance free shower soap for sensitive skin. I put a sheet on the couch to see if it’s the fabric (we’ve had that couch for years, so I don’t think that’s it). If it continues, he will call our dermatologist.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Thank you so much for your kind words of support. It really means so much to me during this trying time. I finally achieved some sleep last night . I will let you know how his doctor visit goes.

    Bert- So sorry for the itching. You are on the hunt for the culprit. Thanks you for your comments on Facebook as well.

    Today is Kerry’s 65th birthday. I wish it were a happier one. I am having him a little party with my brother and family coming. I bought him the peanut butter ice cream cake he requested from Marble slab and the Johnsonville sausage cooker he’s been asking about.

    Cindy - Thoughts and prayers for your circumstances with Rick’s health.

    Diane- No my retirement isn’t what I had dreams of, but it eventually will be. This is what family does for each other in times of need. Glenn and I were talking of the great Europe’on trip we will be taking.

    Speaking of Glenn, he ended up in the emergency room yesterday with kidney stones. He still hasn’t passed it butcwent to work this morning.

    Things to do, but wanted to thanks those that have been so kind. Good friends are precious.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Jillian's and Cole's first day of school. Jillian is in 3rd Grade, and Cole is in 1st Grade. Both are excited, but Cole is more nervous than Jillian.

    Today, after work, Mike will call Sears AGAIN. I'm SO fed up. It's going on 3 MONTHS! I'm painting the tv room today as the drywallers patched spots for me. I needed to paint anyway as that is where the technicians fell through the ceiling when they installed the furnace. I'm painting it tan this time. It's currently gray, but I think tan is a better choice.

    I have a PT session this morning and Molly goes to the spa today. I need the PT session although I'm getting work outs by painting and doing the firepit. It will be good to work out a different way.

    Karla: Sorry to hear about Kerry.....he's in good hands though. So hoping Glenn will pass the stone and be on the mend soon.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, Edd bought a new motorcycle yesterday, 2005 BMW, it's a big cruiser and ever so comfy. It will be an upgrade from our currents cruiser which he is going to sell. Now I would love to take a bike camping trip. Unfortunately that is not in the cards with Frankie's current health issues. I really cannot ask anyone to keep her while we travel. She finally ate a little something last night so I could get the meds in. Mom and I are going to get our labs drawn then it's taco Tuesday. Bike ride tonight if it doesn't rain. Amazingly not sore from TRX and the knee pain is completely gone, weird.

    Karla, I hope the Dr has some answers to make Kerry more comfortable. Happy birthday and I know he will enjoy all the fuss you will make over him on his special day with a family birthday party. Hope Glenn passes that stone soon. Were you able to get your dad into the VA? Caring for family is a sacrifice we all gladly make, no matter how hard it is or what it takes we be there to make their lives better. What my mom always says to me " I hope when you are my age you have someone that cares for you as well as you are caring for me". That makes it all worth the effort, and I would do it even if they never said a word. Take care of yourself when you can and ask for help when you can't.

    Bert, my gf has very sensitive skin and reacts to products she has been using for years. Sometimes the companies change their formulations or add new fillers/stabilizers that cause reactions. Just a thought. So excited for the kids first days of school. Hope Cole has a great experience as he starts first grade. I always loved school but those first days were scary. We moved a lot and that meant new schools. So it was rare to walk in not being the new kid.

    Janet, I am all over the place on my eating the past two weeks too. Not sure what is going on there but I really need to get a grip and get this weight moving off of me. Give Theo a scratch from me. Hope he is tolerating the new diet better. Frankie would rather eat wet food but the results are not pretty so she only gets a little on top of her dry food to coax her into eating anything.

    Time to get cleaned up.
    Hugs to all

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One more coat to go in the tv room and I can get things put back together this afternoon. Jillian and Cole had a good day yesterday. Cole made a new friend. Jillian's best friend is in her class this year, so she's elated!

    Molly was wiped out last night from her day at the "spa". She also had her distemper and bordadella (sp?) shot yesterday. She will supervise my painting efforts this morning. My workout yesterday is just what I needed; exercises for my shoulders. I will try to get back in a routine of going to the gym after I complete projects here.

    As much exercise as I'm getting, the scale is just not budging. I'm trying to stay within WW points as well as carbs, but it's difficult.

    Patti: I think that's just it, the companies changing their formulas. Mike said the stuff I bought for sensitive skin seemed to help. He's at work today, so I'll find out later if it worked for him last night as well. I have a friend who is sending a sample from the Do Terra line to see if that will help him, too.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Kerry and I both feel so good this morning! He took the Gabapentin his PCP prescribed for the first time last night and says he hasn't felt his shoulder in years and his finger tips are not numb. Progress!! He also sleep over 9 hours which is wonderful for him. I was getting nervous and when in there and checked on him. LOL. I feel good because when he sleeps, I sleep!

    Patti- My father has to get his DD214 from his house in Panama City to enroll in the VA before we can make the appointments there. He is very excited about going there. Kerry did have a wonderful birthday as I got him a really funny card and he loves that. Thank you so much for asking about him and my father. You are so right, it is an honor to take care of them and they so appreciate it.

    Bert - You are enthusing me to want to paint something in my house!! Your home must be very beautiful and clean!!

    Paula - You will have a brand new house for still a song when you finish. You have a beautiful family of loving grandchildren and children. Your Luis is a gem.

    Today I will try and get to the Social Security office to turn in the hospital papers so they will pay for Kerry's June services. I tried Thursday and got the flat tire, I tried Monday and Glenn went to the ER. Jeez, please Lord let me make it there today.

    Have a wonderful day all.


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Things are crazy here. Did I mention my son has a big dog....well my dogs want nothing to do with him, he's only 2 and very hyper and two of my dogs are 8 and the other is 10 so we are keeping them seperated, my Eva doesn't like other animals so I know it'll turn into a fight. My WALL-E and their dog King are both in tact so a power of dominance is inevitable. During the day I put my dogs in the room for an hour let their dog out to run around and the next hour it's my dogs turn. This is stressful but we will manage. My eating is way off the charts but once we get into a routine I should be ok. I hope so anyway.

    Bert, I hope you find the cause of the itching. How's the fridge saga going or did I miss the resolution post?

    Karla, you sure have your hands full girl. So glad it was nothing serious with Glenn! Happy birthday to Kerry! I hope life settles down for you soon. You're such a caring sister, daughter and wife.

    Patti, couldn't agree more on your assult rifle rant. I don't believe all guns should be banned but no one needs an assult rifle! Yay on the new motorcycle glad you like it. Prayers for Frankie.

    Ladies I'm in for the 27th as long as I don't have the kids that day. I won't know till closer to the date.

    Have a fabulous day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late day check in. Yesterday Mom and I went for our lab draws and the orders were not in the system so have to go back. I was not amused and will be changing doctors once we get our prescriptions, with refills. I think the doc is a total flake! I spoke to the PA today and he was very kind and got the orders faxed over while I was on the phone. Made philly cheese steak salads for dinner, so good. Today started at 7:30 with me shampooing the carpet because Frankie had and accident. This was followed immediately with a trip to the dentist for a cleaning and to find out that I need to replace a crown. So I chilled this afternoon doing laundry, dusting and vacuuming. Then to round out a not so great day, did i mention I was grazing all day, work was super busy and super hot? Now getting ready for the weekend. We have friends coming Friday afternoon from KY. He and Edd have been friends since 1969 and even lived together for a time. He and his wife are moving to Belize on 9/1. I am heartbroken for us but elated for them. Edd does not fly so we will hopefully be able to see them when they return to KY periodically
    Tomorrow I am going to IKEA with my GFs and then lunch and the Disney store. Will be going to TRX and thn to th cabin.

    Paula, I can totally feel the chaos with the dogs. They will all figure it out in time but I hope it doesn't take too long, lol. I do hope you can make it the 27th. What a wonderful lunch that would be.

    Karla, glad to hear Kerry is a little better. Hope things settle down. When it rains it pours, that's for sure.

    Cindy, just started book 2. Loving this whole story. Did I ever tell you I am a sucker for Irish and Scottish influence/background?

    Brain is mush so better stop
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning (5:00 am) as I couldn't go back to sleep after tending to Molly. My mind started racing......I've been looking for a pool service man to locate top rails for our above ground pool as one is rusting through. They are like Sears! Everybody is busy, and no one wants to help. The problem is that our pool is 20 years old, and that particular top rail is nowhere to be found. I'm going to investigate seeing if someone could make one to serve the purpose.

    The tv room is painted and looks pretty good. I noticed that there is a big drip mark that dried. I will have to sand that down and then paint it with touch up paint. One more room to go to cover the dry wall patches!

    Paula: We had to separate Dan and Annie's former dog and Molly with gates. It was a royal pain......they stopped bringing him when they visited as it was too much stress in the household. They have two dogs now, so they stay home. I know it's an expense for them to hire a dog sitter, but so be it.

    Patti: Sorry to hear your friends are moving. Enjoy your weekend.

    Have a great day, everyone!
