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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies, are you ready for the weekend? I agree with Karla that it sounds like a busy one! I hope the weather cooperates with you all for whatever your plans are. I'm off here for a couple days to get things done ahead of time and then off and running. Have a wonderful weekend, I look forward to hearing all about it!

    Grace and peace to you
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My first pots for the year, my favorite. Ferber Daisies. Today I am making Chicken and wild rice casserole from the Trisha Yearwood Cookbook. Keeping busy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    There, that's the pic I was trying to find. Lol.

    Janet- where are you?

    Remember- new OMG goal in ALL CAPS...


    Cindy- I saw yours..
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A day of errands and shopping here. I hope I have set myself up for success this week, with a week of good dinners planned, and fruit and veggies, plus yogurts and stuff for snacks and lunches.

    Patti, have fun tomorrow. I wish I could see the look on your mom's face!

    Myra, fantastic news about your daughter. I'm with you, I don't discuss weight with my (very overweight) daughter. She has enough medical struggles going on. I just encourage her to get some activity, and I provide healthy meals. (She lives with us.) It HAS to come from within (I know, preaching to the choir here!)

    Karla, hope the alert on your car was nothing serious. I am enjoying my new car, though it is still taking some getting used to. I drove it to work for the first time this week (we carpool most days, and John usually drives) and I couldn't figure out how to dim the dash lights. They were so bright it was distracting!

    Janet, even if you didn't meet single men, just meeting people in your neighborhood is a good thing! I feel like we have been so busy the last few years that we have lost touch with all our neighbors, and it makes me sad.

    Jeannette, I would be afraid to drive one of those buses, even a mini one. Good for you for volunteering like that.

    Does anyone know much about selling on Ebay? I still have quite a few things from my MIL that I would like to get rid of, but I don't want to just give them away. (Silver, china, crystal, vintage quilts)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Was out most of the day -- nothing exciting, just lots of errands to run.

    Diane, I've thought about selling a few things on ebay too.

    Patti, hope someone is recording video on a phone when your mom walks in. Your sister getting her hair trimmed lends even more credence to the family portrait story.

    Myra and Diane (Cindy too), you are wise in avoiding weight-related conversations with your daughters. Having been on the other end, and with a mom who did not exercise restraint, I know you're doing the right thing.

    Karla, your gerberas are so cheerful! Did they get the car taken care of? My car hit 95,000 this week and still runs wonderfully, but I do envy the technological advances in new ones. If I win MegaMillions tonight I'll start shopping.

    Jeanette, hope you have a great weekend.

    Bert, are you done with the testing now?

    MaryLynn, how are things out west -- foot still healing well?

    Have stayed within range four days in a row (assuming I'm done for today!). Going to bed early and hoping to get a few things done here over the weekend. My first round of several small plastic surgery revisions is now scheduled for the 28th (at the doc's office and I will be able to get my prescription(s) filled in advance and drive myself home -- whew. The doc knows I'm made of sturdy stock. I expect to need a few days of vegging afterward.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Opening night of "The Ballad of Robin Hood" was a huge success. Since I didn't play in the orchestra for this show, I was able to watch it. Written by one of our church members, it is a great musical comedy of the story of Robin Hood with many twists in the story. I absolutely loved it. I was very busy at the ticket table selling tickets to walk-ins. On Wednesday, the total tickets sold was 47, and last night I sold a total of 95! I'm so happy for our composer as he had a great opening night attendance.

    I finished testing, but may go Monday to help test students who were absent last week. I'll call the school on Monday morning to see if they need my help. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity. Starting with Zumba and Pilates at 9 am, then grocery and then prepping and cooking until nearly 7:30. So glad I had put the pepperocini roast in the crockpot, had pre made mashed potatoes and canned green beans to go with it for dinner because by then I had no energy left to cook a meal. Still have plenty to do today. My cousin has been a huge help. Not sure I could have gotten it done without her. I managed to get over 10K steps yesterday, 5K just in my little kitchen! My knee was throbbing by the time I went to bed. So badly that I finally got up and took a pain pill, something left over from my oral surgery 2 years ago but it worked and I am ready to go at it again. Luckily not as much to do and will be wiser about it today. If I can do it seated I certainly will! Back later with the outcome of the party. Will not be able to video Mom because she will know the minute she pulls in the drive that the gig is up. Edd is going to get balloons to put on the mailbox. More because we couldn't come up with a reason for her to come in the house
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick stop - for those of you who "know" Judy Felty from our old WW board, she apparently fell and broke her shoulder. Her daughter's post on her Facebook page says she will need a shoulder replacement!

    I'm going over to my mom's place today, and taking her shopping to get quilt fabric. She is a lovely quilter, though she hasn't had much energy for it since her illness last summer. I'm glad to see her interested again. The motivation is the impending arrival of her first great grandchild - NO not mine! My nephew and his wife are expecting a baby in around September.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Just a quick check in- really need to kick this illness to the curb this weekend. Tired of not being able to take a deep breath without coughing.
    Patti enjoy the day-
    Sorry not much for personals right now but I am reading all and keep up with you.
    I'll be back to feeling like me soon- I hope
    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am so very pleased. I was able to put on a pair of my Chico jeans I have not been able to fit in for a while. Yipee. I've been working on paying some bills, updating to Windows 10 and now going to get a new payer contract mailed off. I also have another client that just needs some credentialing done for a new clinic in Mississippi I need to send a proposal to. I am only taking this on because it is credential and that is it. Not a billing client. I am going to charge high, so she may not even hire me. Mississippi is a bugger-bear to credential in!! My flower look so very pretty this morning!!

    Janet- the car replacement part and installation was $144.00. According to Glenn a complete ripoff. We used to just look at our tires to see if they were low on air, LOL.

    Patti- I am so excited for you big day today. I know you dear mother will be so very thrilled and deeply honored by your celebration of your love for her. She will will take in all the organization and time you have taken to pull the family and friends together, the food, decorations and ambiance. But most of all, the time spent together. What warms my heart the most, after all the time we have shared together, is that her and Edd have buried the hatched and seem really close now. That is so very special to your heart I know.

    Cindy- Enjoy your day with Emily as you celebrate the joy of her birth this weekend also. You have two beautiful daughters that adore you, as well as a wonderful husband. I hope your health is steadily improving and your lung are becoming clear and you are regaining your strength.

    Jeanette- I know you also have a busy weekend with dinner, family and travel. Be safe and have fun!! You are one busy and devoted lady. I, too, look forward to a time when we can all get together and cut a rug together. I can see you and Patti doing some dances!! What a time we all could have.

    Myra- May the sunshine continue to shine on you bestowing that smile however small or wide. We are so fortunate to have you with our group. I look forward to your post each and every time.

    I better get back to my work. I took the day yesterday just piddling around the home. I want to pick up the paint to touch up those cement planters I put those Gerber daisies in. I wanted do it before I planted, but didn't have the paint and didn't want to wait!! LOL. No patience here.

    Back later, on pins and needles about Patti's party.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Just wanted to check in with you all this morning. Hoping your weekend brings some enjoyable activities and that you are continuing to build upon all the positive lifestyle changes as you reach toward your unique mini goals one small step at a time. Keep it up everyone!

    Speaking of small steps, I did take the K-tape off for several hours to gauge it's effectiveness. There was a marked difference without it (weakness), so I then re-taped in a slightly different configuration. Without my regular hiking/cardio program, it's a real struggle to stay under my calorie goals and energy levels are lower than I've grown accustomed to in the recent months. While I have gotten in a couple of longer sessions of upper-body weight training, I really miss the combination of cardio and strength that balance, energize and keep me really motivated.

    For the coming week, my OMG will be REBUILD CARDIO DAILY & LIFTING 3 DAYS.

    Have fun with the party Patti! Cindy get that rest you need! Will check back later for personals.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thinking of Patti and her family. Her mom is going to love the love she's getting today.

    Sorry about Judy -- saw the FB posts -- scary. Glad she has her sweet Fred to help her.

    Diane, have fun with your mom -- nice to see her showing interest again. A baby on the way in the family is a blessing.

    Cindy, please rest and breathe as easily as you can. Let Rick and the girls take care of you.

    MaryLynn, keep being careful as you heal. You'll be back to your old routine soon enough.

    Myra, I can feel that smile!

    Karla, congrats on the jeans. You are so dedicated and are seeing the results. No wonder Glenn is so very proud of you! Hope the move goes smoothly for Chris.

    Went out for grocery stockup earlier, now watching the final episode of Downton Abbey -- one of our PBS stations ran it during the night and my DVR snagged it. No spoilers for you Downton fans, except to say that so far, it's Just Perfect. Have some tissues at hand.

    Fighting hunger today but hoping to extend my streak. May need to make my day a bit higher-calorie (allowing myself 1-2 of those a week so I don't go mad but won't squander them) -- we'll see.

    My dear friend in SC has talked about maybe having me drive over next weekend and spend my birthday there -- with a horseback ride, great music and a most excellent friend. We'll see but if he's serious about wanting company I am totally going to go!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning dear friends. The party was a huge success! Mom was beyond surprised and overjoyed with all the love that surrounded her. There was a total of 17 of us counting Mom. Only wish my son and DIL could have been here but new job was a priority for them. Got to meet my granddaughter's new BF. And my grandchildren got to meet my new grandson and my daughter for the first time. It was a day of celebration for all. My house was filled with chatter and laughter and so much love I thought my heart would burst. My Mom called before she went to bed last night to tell me thank you and said it was one of the best nights of her life. I will say that I am exhausted today. Was on my feet almost all day yesterday and have all the dishes yet to do. But I just piled everything in the dishwasher, notice I did not say I loaded the dishwasher, to hide the mess and it can stay there until I am up to the task.

    Karla, I made those ham and cheese sliders with the sauce you pour over and bake, I used spicy brown mustard but no poppy seeds. I had saved it from Pinterest months ago and when you said you liked them I knew they would be a winner. They were a huge hit and I was told they are now to be on the permanent request list for the cabin. So yummy.

    Janet, you absolutely should go spend your birthday with your friend is SC. I know how much you become YOU when you are there. It would be the perfect gift to yourself. I have seen how your eyes light up when talking about this friend, I can't imagine the offer would not have given if it was not genuine.

    Gotta run for now, still have company. Back later for sure. Please know I have read all your posts even if I have not responded with personals.

    Huge prayers for our sweet friend Judy. What an awful accident. Shoulders are the worst to repair.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Patti- I knew without doubt, that she would be overjoyed, but was waiting to hear your words!! I am glad you tried those sliders! They are so easy and so delish, I use the spicy mustard too. My reunion group loved them. You have really come full circle with your daughter, mother and family all meeting and having such great bonding times. You rock my friend.

    Judy- I have been praying for you since I read your post on Facebook also. I know Fred and your daughter, granddaughters and son-in-law will all be with you through this ordeal. You a a strong woman of God and he will see you through it. We miss you terribly on here.

    Janet- Yes, a trip to SC would be great for you peace of mind, especially before you start your revisions.

    It is a beautiful sunny day, with highs again in the 70's down here on the coast. Glenn is outside in the back yard, I am in the kitchen, and Izzy just woke up. Yesterday we picked JJ up and went to lunch and then a movie. We enjoyed a guy flick with Kevin Hart, Ride Along 2. Very funny and a good cop story too. Fun times with the grands.

    Chris is not moving out this weekend. He asked could he stay a little longer. Swears he is looking hard for a job. He has this pipe dream that he and his girlfriend can get a job at the same place, so they can ride together. I advised him that most companies have policies against this. He has already run up against this. I am just so frustrated with him. He is coming in around 10p at night, goes to his room, is up at 7a , showers and out the door, in other words, avoiding me. Uggghhh. Please dear Lord, let something crack for this young man.

    I made another dish out of the Trisha Yearwood cookbook. It is to die for. Again, portion control has to be made. It was her Chicken and Wild Rice casserole. We are having it for lunch again today. It is out of this world. The toasted slivered almonds make just the right crunch. I'm going to go to her web page and put some praises on it.

    Remember to post your OMG goal for next week in all caps. "These mini goals will help you get where you want to go if:

    1- you set one each week and
    2- if you really focus on it and try and achieve it daily.

    Let me know in ALL CAPS what it is.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I am trying to take it easy this weekend and the birthday meal will be picnic foods off the girls so zero clean up. I've made coleslaw, mac salad, and tossed salad and later a german potato salad- all leftovers will go with Megan.
    I'll be back later- what happened to Judy? I have missed that.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, read your blog and you made me reach for the tissues. I am sorry I never had that "first love" moment with my daughter. Judy fell in her basement and broke her shoulder blade and dislocated her shoulder. She will need a complete shoulder replacement when the swelling goes down some.

    I forgot to mention I made that candy with saltines, butter, brown sugar, chocolate chips and pecans.......DO NOT MAKE THIS, it tastes just like a Heath bar, so easy and so dangerous. Luckily it was gobbled up and leftovers taken home, but seriously folks, it is like crack! Something to keep in mind if you make cookies and candy for the holidays.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, I can just hear the chatter and feel the love. Dishes can wait. What a special day for everyone, especially your mom. Hope there are great pictures to commemorate -- including one you can blow up for her to look at every day.

    Karla, have you posted the slider recipe? Sounds delicious. Sorry about Chris -- am frustrated on your behalf. Almost n reasonable employer wants two employees who are dating -- especially new ones. Maybe if they worked NEAR one another, but when you're starting out, you can't be picky. They'll be lucky if they can at least nab similar hours.

    Cindy, glad the party won't leave you with a lot of cleanup duty -- you're still recovering.

    Doing much laundry here. The bed is changed -- I have two crazy helpers. HE likes to get under the covers and fight with my hand above them; she likes to roll over and get belly rubs. It takes a lot of extra time but makes me laugh.

    I do hope I can go to SC for my birthday -- was there for his once and we had a great time. Last time I was there, I still had the Rings of Saturn, batwings, turkey neck and flat, downward-pointing chestal triangles. He's been super supportive through all my surgeries, including the knee, foot/ankle and back, as well as the plastics. I admit I want him to see the change in person -- hanging out with him always makes me feel relaxed and we laugh a lot, might consume a bit too much alcohol, stay up too late, play music too loud, watch movies and generally enjoy life. And I get to help feed the horses. I'll buy several bags of carrots and some apples to take.