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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My house cleaner is coming this morning. Then I have a dental appointment (not one of my favorite activities). It's raining today, so I'll head to the mall to walk. Today has to be clean eating for me. Too many sweets yesterday.

    Janet: Have fun in SC.

    Karla: I love cheesecake.....I don't make them often as I know I'd end up eating too much. Congrats on your steps. I made it to 7K....not my goal, but I'll take it.


  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    waving hello to all and promising to come back and read later! i drove for an out of town field trip for my youngest..... i had forgotten how completely exhausting doing absolutely nothing but waiting around can be! same child had a meltdown this morning due to jealousy of her sister's social life, ugh. but i'm doing my best to get over it and put my smile on! today is major clean the house day for me, as we are having tweens over tomorrow. the tweens won't notice how clean/dirty the place is, but I'll know! so, two goals for me today: smile and don't be a cleaning perfectionist. hmmmm.. one is much easier for me than the other.
    on a wonderful sunny day, i'd much rather be outside, but this house has been neglected far too long, and i'll use this "tween visit" motivation to my advantage.
    thinking of all of you,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, hope the Zpac gets that infection cleared up quickly. We all have our "dessert" moments, just gotta move on.

    Janet, doing a happy dance for your trip to SC. Was worried it wasn't going to happen. This visit is just th balm your soul needs.

    Karla, sorry you are stressing so much over Chris and now his girlfriend too. I wonder if they will even stay together once she goes to college. I agree that maybe his Dad should step up to help. I also agree that him moving in with Jason is just a continuation of him not taking responsibility for himself. You cannot let him affect your healthy or your relationship with Glenn. It is amazing what kids are able to do when they are pushed. I just can't believe he hasn't worked in so long. I hope it is not a trend for him and pray that he finds his way.

    Myra, smiling while cleaning seems like an oxymoron to me. Hope it works for you, lol. I don't miss the meltdowns, luckily only had a few with my granddaughter. My son never seemed to have them.

    Going to the gym shortly and then home to prep dinner and look for some new recipes. I am in a rut and hating cooking right now, so a revamp is in order. Then TRX tonight. My instructor this morning just went to the Arnold Schwarzenegger expo this weekend. She will be full of new ideas and this usually means an amped up class. Pray for me, lol.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, there's an Arnold Schwarzenegger expo? I am boggled (not in a good way). Getting your TRX routine shaken up will be good for you. So is castor oil though ...

    Karla, didn't even know it was possible not to like cheesecake! Glenn will love it. What did you get him? As for Chris, he needs to fly the nest -- ANY familiar nest. Please don't let this weigh so heavily on your heart. What you and Glenn have done for him is immeasurable and someday Chris will figure that out. Hope you have a good eye day and can relax a bit and think about how you're going to use the check you got for the credetialing kickoff.

    Myra, smiling + cleaning is a tough equation for me to fathom too. But the kids should be fun (if exhausting). What kind of field trip was it? I bet you're a fun chaperone.

    Bert, good luck at the dentist and on your walk.

    My SC trip may need to be postponed -- my best friend's father died during the night, so waiting to hear what the arrangements will be. There are out-of-town relatives who will come, so no idea when things will happen. Obviously being there for my best friend of 48 years and her family comes first. They've always made me feel part of the family and Mary's dad was a great guy -- professor of education, father of four, grandfather of six, great grandfather of 4.5 .

    My cleaner has a horrible toothache and is trying to get in to see her dentist so we'll need to reschedule too. I have a manicure this afternoon which I will NOT reschedule, because I need it for multiple reasons, most importantly that my regular manicurist is back from spending two months in Vietnam with his family -- his first trip to see his adorable baby boy. He's a naturalized US citizen and I hope his wife and son will be living here soon.

    So -- lots up in the air here. Wishing all of you a more grounded day.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies- Running behind today.
    Everyone seems happy for the most part. Karla do not let Chris stress you out. You have been there for him and I agree with the others at some point he'll get it. Stay tough.
    Patti - Are you and Edd camping on the trip?
    Janet- very sorry about your friend's dad- sounds like you have been busy and a manicure is always needed. I'm glad your meeting new people in the sub division
    Jeannette- how was class?
    Bert- that is great news on the 21 day fix update. I have containers but still not really up to being that organized to make it happen - but at least I have them
    Karla- save me a piece of cheesecake. I love it but make it rarely as I'm the only one who adores it- with cherry's or strawberries- yummy
    Myra- where did you go on the field trip- I miss those days.
    Still coughing and I didn't walk last night- another early to bed for me but getting up was a little easier so I am taking that as progress.
    Until later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, my heartfelt condolences to your best friend. It is so hard to lose a parent at any age, as we all well know. Sounds like your day has gone from organized to chaos in one fell swoop. Hope your cleaning lady gets her tooth taken care of. Sounds like a manicure is just the pampering you need, especially when you will have an interesting story to hear from the proud papa about his visit to Vietnam. How sad that he is apart from his family. Hope they can emigrate soon.

    Cindy, I think you need to give your self time to fully recover or you will be fighting this thing forever. Glad you had a bit easier time getting up today.

    Karla, Mom got her card from you yesterday and she said to thank you for your thoughtfulness.

    Circuit was tough and she only added 4 new exercises. It was so hot in the gym that we were all dripping with sweat, even the ones who never sweat. Now I need to rest so I can get thru TRX without passing out, lol.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies :smile:

    Janet - so sorry to hear about your friends' dad; it is good you can be there for her through this hard time, though it sounds like you'll be missing him too

    Karla - sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well, that can add up and really put a drain on you. I'm glad you were able to sit down with Chris and let him know he can't just keep taking advantage of you. I'm sure he'll grow up a lot once he moves out.

    Myra - Good for you smiling through the meltdown I'm sure that took a lot of will power! Turn up some tunes while you are taking care of the house, that will help while away the time and maybe make it a little fun :wink:

    Patti - sounds like a good workout day! I know what you mean about needing to change up recipes; hope you find some really good ones that are easy to make and oh so delicious

    Cindy - classes went well, the kids always love these last styles (swing in one class, lindy in the other) I hope you are feeling better and taking care of yourself

    Have a wonderful rest of your day
    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, any reverberations with Chris?

    Jeanette, swing and Lindy look so fun (for those with more coordination). The best music for them akways makes me happy.

    Patti, it's true - my entire next week has rearranged itself, as happens with a death close to you. And a 48-year history makes it close.

    Just talked with my best friend. She is exhausted but doing well, considering. SC is postponed - will be driving to OH Tuesday for visitation and Wednesday afternoon funeral, leave for home before 4 AM Thursday (10 AM doc appointment). I've booked two hotel nights rather than driving home exhausted and late on Wednesday.

    My SC friend understands. I will get down there in April, I hope. We'll just celebrate my birthday late. My calendar for the rest of the month is very busy - my doc & in-office procedures, two vet appointments, Pink Martini concert on the 19th, and more.

    Tired here too - have stuffed mushrooms to put into the oven and will make a simple broccoli slaw/tomato/carrot salad with tuna or salmon on top.

    Wishing everyone a restful evening.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    TRX was brutal, to put it mildly. I actually could not do the last 40 seconds of exercise, of course it was the hardest one, suspended oblique crunches. Was glad to still be walking upright to get to my car. Zumba and Pilates is going to feel like a cake walk tomorrow. So glad dinner was basically heat and eat to would have sent Edd out for tacos and I don't need those again.

    Numb from head to toe, so signing off for the night.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Thank heavens we have made it to Friday. Slept good last night and not as hard to get up again today. I had thought about going back to the doctor since breathing is still iffy at some points- can't take a deep breath without coughing but I've decided I don't want another round of prednisone if I can help it- so I'm going to wait until Monday and then decide.
    I'm doing a sale tomorrow- the table space is FREE so hopefully I can sell some books. It is outside and the weather should be sunny and 60- Just found out about it last night. So our plans changed for the weekend. I told Rick he has a free pass if he doesn't want to go and lug books- but we'll see. Great location, high traffic.
    Still no publication date for Ready To Soar- but as soon as I know I'll pass it along.
    I'm still fighting with Amazon to let people download the updated version of The Last First Kiss since I had several pages duplicated and it had to be fixed.
    Patti- glad your working hard in exercise class and I'm sure you're having fun and melting those inches away.
    Janet- You are a great friend and I'm sure your old friend will be happy you're with her for such a difficult day.
    Jeannette- Glad the kids had fun- I would love to do dance classes but Rick is too shy for that. Another life time-
    Karla- How did it go with Chris and the girl friend?
    I weighed myself today and a few of the illness pounds came back, which I knew they would. But I will get myself back in the pink and get rid of them very soon.
    Need to run but I'll talk to you all soon.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good morning ladies and welcome to the weekend and the start of daylight savings time. Don't forget to move your clock forward Saturday night, or Sunday morning.

    From the Beck Book: (Think like a Thin Person Theory)

    Cognitive Therapy teaches people how to solve problems, and dieters/eating plan people can have lots of problems. for example, have you ever strayed from a diet/eating plan for any of the following reasons:

    - You finished all of the food on your plate but didn't feel satisfied?
    - You felt upset and thought that eating would make you feel better?
    - You were too tempted by the sight of food when shopping at the supermarket?
    - You were too tired to cook, so you opted for fast food instead?
    - You were too polite to turn down the dessert that your friend baked?
    - You were at a party and felt like treating yourself?

    To successfully lose weight and keep if off, you need to solve these kinds of practical and psychological problems and learn new thinking and behavioral skills- skills you'll be able to use for the rest of your life. You'll not only overcome your current problems, but also learn how to use your new skills to overcome future problems.

    Yes, Dr. Beck has a Ph.D and has the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania.

    Patti- Girl, I don't know why you are torturing yourself so!!

    Janet- My sincere condolences for your dear friend. Your presence will mean the world to her. Your dishes sound divine. I truly dread the day I get the call regarding my father. He just bought another vehicle yesterday. He is having fun.

    Jeanette- Thank you for your kind support. I see my talk and looming exit working already. Brittany told me this morning Chris is hitting the computer applying everyday for jobs. I spoke with him this morning about getting his FASFA sign-on from his father to add the Mississippi college information and get the application submitted. She is going back to Walmart today and letting the Manager there know she submitted the application they discussed, Yeaaaaaa.

    Cindy- Please rest so your lungs can fully heal. Seems you are always on the run. I know it is difficult with a full-time position and a budding writing career and you don't want to miss opportunities, but, rest when you can dear.

    I better get going here. I need to get the Medicare applications submitted online for this new client before they drop my dear Izzy off. We have hair appointments at 11:45 today. Her hair is down to her waist and it needs a trim!!


    OHHH YEA, Glenn received a HUGE bonus from work yesterday!! 10K in bonus and an 8K in stock I am so very, very proud of him. Long overdue for his hard work and dedication. He was beaming from ear to ear when he came home. I know I shouldn't give out money totals like that, but just so proud of him.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are cancelling cable tv and phone today and will have a different set up. We've had cable forever, so I'm looking forward to the change. Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited March 2016
    Cindy, I hope Rick lugs your books before taking a day to himself, then returns for the few that will be left. Wishing you great sales and a day filled meeting new people and enjoying the weather.

    Karla, I am not torturing myself. I may be exhausted but it is a good feeling. I am so proud of how strong I have become. I keep pushing myself to be my very best and it is paying off. When I think back to my first TRX class, I am amazed at how far I've come. It is weird but I now consider my Zumba classes my fun days. I am able to do some short bursts of running, something I never did before and thought I would never do no matter what. Glad your talk with the kids helped, hope they get it together. She sounds motivated and maybe that will be the push Chris needs. Have fun with Izzy, as you always do.

    Bert, congrats and have fun with your new technology.

    Off to the gym for Zumba and Pilates. Then not sure what the rest of the day has in store. Some laundry, maybe some time in my craft room. Need to make my thank you gift for my cousin. Chicken enchiladas for dinner and some Netflix tonight. That should about cover it.

    Later ladies, enjoy your day
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning and TGIF, all.

    Cindy, wishing you good weather and good sales tomorrow! But I agree -- don't push too hard while your respiratory system is still bouncing back.

    Patti, do you ever stop? Are the vehicles all fixed yet?

    Jeanette, saw your FB post -- guess the salsa rueda class was a hit. Yay!

    Karla, sounds like Brittany may be a very good influence on Chris with both job search and higher education. He could also always stop into retail places that are hiring ... but I suspect that's not on his radar yet. Have fun at the salon with Izzy! Mom did my haircuts most of my childhood (Bill went to the barber with Dad), and I had pretty geeky hair, including the annual pre-Easter smelly home perm. Not fun!

    Bert, are you going with satellite or online streaming? Good luck with the changes.

    Haven't decided what to tackle. I do need to go buy a Kentucky bourbon cake to take to Mary's (people will go to her home after the cemetery). She'll get simple food catered but it will be nice to have options. And I'll take some wine and Diet Coke too.

    Please, coffee, start working better! Hmmm -- maybe a shot of espresso in my second cup ...

    See y'all later.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you are all having a good start to your weekend

    Our Salsa Rueda class was successful last night (thanks Janet :smile: ) and we are hoping to continue to get a group coming on a regular basis. Such fun!

    Today is my last day of school work for the classes I am currently in. Then I have an 8 week break and then my final semester. I am having a very hard time finding a place to do my practicum, though. I just don't know what I'm going to do about it....I'm going to try some hospitals in a near by town (no one here wants to deal with me) and hope they will be willing to take me.

    Lots to do for school today as the deadline for assignments is moved forward 2 days. Take care, all, I'll check in and be more "personal" tomorrow :wink:
    Grace and peace to you
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited March 2016
    Patti- You sounded so weak, unable to finish the last of the class, barely making it to your car...sounded torturous to me The Zumba classes have always been fun, we had fun at the one we went to when you were down here, didn't we? The issue I have with hard core exercise is it makes me ravenously hungry for carbs. The same things stress does to me. I enjoy the Leslie Sansone 20 minute circuit strength training. That, coupled with the 10k steps and a nutritional under 1200 calorie meal plan have me losing 1-1.2 pounds per week on a consistent basis. Having said that, I hope I haven't jinxed myself. I see such a big improvement just in the last two days on my two young proteges. I encouraged Chris to apply for admission to the college this morning as I stated and Brittany stated he was applying at stores also.

    Janet- I moved a few things from my closet today in your honor. I am working on the new credentialing client this morning. I downloaded the Microsoft Office online product to my new Laptop. Tired of waiting on Glenn to decide to buy the new CD or what. I need to call Quickbook and get them to walk me through moving my license over to the new Laptop. I had my disc and loaded the program, but they won't let you move the license yourself. Ugghhh.

    Jeanette- What is your Facebook name? I would love to be a friend and enjoy your dancing pictures.

    I better get going again, they are dropping Izzy off around noon,


    Its pouring here so I rescheduled our hair appointments for Monday.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Friday, my friends!

    Thanks Karla for leading me to Dr. Beck's work on cognitive and emotional skills and habits. While I had realized that the results of my habits begin in my brain, I had not found anything as constructive to re-train it. When I ran across an interview with Dr. Beck, the following keys were also helpful and I thought I'd personalize some cognitive skills to share here:

    1) Write a list of the 15 of 20 reasons why I want to lose weight and read that list every day.

    2) Plan in advance and stick to it. (My strong preference for spontaneity fights against this).

    3) Overcome sabotaging thoughts. The scale is not supposed to go down every single day.
    I deserve credit for each helpful eating behavior I engage in.

    4) Tolerate hunger and craving. I experience hunger when my stomach feels empty. Craving is an urge to eat, even if my stomach is full.

    For me, "being too polite to turn down the dessert" my hubby baked is a rut in my road!

    Will take some time to re-wire my brain! Hope you all find moments of peace today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - a quick stop in from work, so no time for personals. I know, I keep saying that! Probably tonight after choir practice.

    I just wanted to say that this latest business trip was mostly a success. I mostly avoided snacking, got my workouts in, ate reasonably healthy. My only real failure was that when I left the office on Monday afternoon, I left my prescription reading glasses on my desk and packed my drugstore readers instead! I've only had the prescription ones for about 6 weeks, but now I can't see hardly at all with the drugstore ones! I COULD NOT read emails or posts or anything on my phone with them. So I did minimal checking in to MFP just to keep my streak alive, but did not track everything. That's why I have been absolutely non-existent here for the last several days.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Class was fun. The other lady who takes TRX with me on Thursdays, as well as the circuit and Zumba, told the instructor this morning if she brought weights for this class we were walking out, lol. She was as exhausted as me last night. I think the biggest part of the exhaustion was from the gym being hot and humid. The a/c was kicking toward the end of class, but not soon enough. Today it was much cooler.

    Janet, I feel like I don't do very much and need to start working more around the house. I have a comfy chair I want to put in my craft room but need to make room for it and that means either getting rid of some stuff or organizing better. I am voting for organizing better, cuz I just don't want to get rid of any of my craft supply. Feel like I am down to bare bones now. Gave up a whole lot 2 years ago at a yard sale with my GF. Haven't missed any of it, so guess I didn't really need it.

    Diane, bummer on the glasses issue but sounds like you did well otherwise. No worries when you can't do personals, you have been extra busy with travel and work. Give yourself a break. We know you are reading and that you support us all, even when you can't tell us individuall. I am just so happy to have you back in the fold.

    Jeanette, so exciting about the dance group. Hope they keep coming back. Enjoy your short hiatus from school. Would you mind reminding me what you are studying? Hope you find a place nearby for your practicum.

    Better move if I am going to get anything done today
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fun times with Izzy today. We made cookies and showered together before taking her to dance. Glenn is inside picking her up now.

    Patti- I have been doing Spring cleaning and going through drawers and closets and my housekeepers were so impressed. My house has been in a time warp!! Lol. I plan to redecorate my Bay window in the back with some pretty window treatments. I'm sure once you get going you will enjoy the difference too.

    Janet- you enthuse us all. How are you?

    Here comes my sweetheart and my Izzy-bug. I am in heaven. Izzy got her costume for her recital in June and it is gorgeous.

    Please put your mini goal in ALL CAPS for me please.
