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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: we went with satellite. I returned the boxes to the cable company and cancelled everything but Internet. In the long run, after the specials run out, we will save about $40 per month. Plus we got unlimited data which was a big perk!

    I'm watching my grandchildren tonight who live locally. Cole had a meltdown when they left, but it only was for about five minutes. When he saw his sister got a muffin for dessert, he decided he would eat dinner! We played Mario on the wii until we had to turn it off because I was getting dizzy watching the screen!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, hope the lack of proper glasses didn't give you a headache. You've been handling travel so well -- we can all learn from you.

    Karla, what did you and Izzy do instead of the salon? Whatever it was had to be fun.

    Killing time before making dinner here -- going to thaw and reheat some homemade black bean chili and have a little salad. Am allowing myself a few extra calories for my birthday, back to low range on the 15th.

    Well, my coat closet is impeccably organized. A couple of coats will move on and everything else is in order, on nice hangers. Hats, scarves and gloves are all put away neatly (and I have many). Have done a few other small things as well. When even a small task is finalized, it feels good. Only a hundred or so other tasks and it will all be done! Don't hold your breath.

    It's supposed to be warmer here tomorrow (but rainy). If it's warm enough and there's no wind, I can work in the garage with the doors open. Tonight I'm going to keep going on my House of Cards season 4 binge-watch. I also have "Amy," the documentary on Amy Winehouse, and "Day for Night," one of my favorite French films, to watch this weekend, along with basketball. Hoping to keep the organizing energy flowing all weekend. We shall see.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Once again, not every preceding post showed up. Karla, what does Izzy's recital costume look like? The little ones are so adorable at recitals.

    Bert, $40 a month is a good saving -- especially with unlimited data. Hope it works perfectly for you. I chuckled at the "well, if she got a muffin, I guess I'll eat now" from Cole. No flies on that kid!

    OK -- moving away from the computer now. See you all tomorrow.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    MaryLynn- My next post in regard to the Beck Diet Solution was going to delve into just what you posted!! So thank you. How to deal with these thoughts and challenges.

    Here are some more tips:

    - choose a nutritious eating plan.
    - Create time and energy for dieting.
    - Plan what and when you're going to eat.
    - Seek support.
    - Deal with disappointment.
    - View overeating as a temporary problem that you can solve.
    - Cope with hunger and cravings.
    - Eliminate emotional eating.
    - Give yourself credit.

    You don't yet know how to do all these things, or how to get yourself to continually do these things, but you will. With the Beck Diet Solution, you'll learn one new skill every day. By the end of six weeks, you'll have learned everything you need to continue losing weight and to be on your way to keeping it off- permanently.

    I found this book when I was decluttering my room and though I'd start putting some points out. I remember we went through it on some of the weight watcher boards. I make my cards on reasons I wanted to lose weight.

    TT: "What are reasons you want to lose weight? What are reason you DID lose weight?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had a good time with the grand kids last night. We read stories and they went to bed without complaining (or for Cole, throwing a fit). I got home around 11 which is very late for me. This morning I fixed breakfast for Mike and me and it is tracked. I'll eat very light the rest of the day.

    TT: Reasons I WANT to lose weight: to keep my A1C under control and not be diabetic, to have a healthy heart
    Reasons I DID lose weight recently was due to the 21 Day Fix with the color coded containers keeping my portion controls in check and making sure I balanced my protein, veggies, etc. and also exercising more regularly.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies, how is your weekend going so far?

    I finished up my papers yesterday much sooner than I anticipated, that is always a nice break. Just kind of did nothing the rest of the day. Now that I have some time on my hands I think I will take a cue from Janet and get some cleaning/organizing done around here as well as slipping some craft projects in!

    Janet - I agree that swing and lindy music are fun to listen to; I love those big band songs that just make you want to smile. Happy Birthday!!! am I a day late? a couple days early? You've been a little hazy on the actual date but it is around here somewhere :wink:

    Patti - I understand what you meant after your hard workout; though you may be tired it is a good feeling of accomplishment. So glad you are seeing such good progress. I am earning my Masters in Public Health (MPH) with an emphasis in nutrition. I didn't have any particular job in mind when I started this program and I still don't...we'll see what comes up when I am done and out there searching.

    Cindy - I hope the sale went well! It sounds like it was a good way to get your books out in front of a lot of people anyway. I'm assuming things in the dance world are done similarly everywhere, so I'll say that you can go to dance lessons with no partner; a lot of places will say "no partner necessary". If you go you may end up with a girl as a lead, but usually they will have you rotate partners the whole time so you dance with a bunch of different people.

    Karla - my name is Jeanette Richards. My Facebook profile picture is a cross with a gray background. Do share a picture of Izzy in her costume for us! And a video when the time comes :smile: We don't send costumes home with the kids here until right before the recital. Not everyone understands not to wear them ahead of time and we don't want to risk them getting ruined before the recital.

    MaryLynn - I guess I am not polite because I have no problem turning down dessert...of course I can't eat sugar cane so that kind of gives me a good excuse. I hope your foot continues to feel better; it looks like you are getting some great workouts in!

    Diane - well done on a successful business trip. I think traveling is the hardest time to stick with it; like a double edged sword against you. Frustrating about the glasses, maybe you need a traveling pair that you keep in your purse or bag or something so that doesn't happen again!

    Myra - I hope all is going well for you and those kiddos of yours.

    Bert - we haven't had tv for years. We watch Netflix and what we can online and other than that a DVD here and there. I'm glad you found something better at such a good savings for you!

    TT: I want to lose weight because the gain was due to illness and to me represents illness. I have lost weight because my body has cooperated and let me exercise....so far. The jury is still out on whether I will get to keep the weight I have lost off...I am at the point where my body usually thinks it is losing something important and I gain it all back so we'll see what happens this time.

    I have been helping hubby with some of his school work; he is taking a statistics class and there is an awful lot of busy work so I do that part of it for him (I've already taken statistics for my degree so I have a little idea of what I'm doing). So I'll work on that a bit today and then get to spend some time with my little Miss Alanna later. Have a great weekend all!

    Grace and peace to you

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning. Jeanette, birthday is Monday but true celebration will likely be next month when I can finally get over to see my friend in SC. (Everyone I'm related to or extremely close to lives in another state, scattered around the map, all 5+ hours away. So I am grateful for phones and e-mail every day!)

    Breakfast is tracked -- oatmeal and yogurt. I have good things ready to fix for the rest of the day. Another rainy/cloudy one here so will do indoor things and perhaps run a few errands.

    TT: My reasons and methods are organic and idiosyncratic. I have lost what I have lost because I was consistent -- trying to grab that mojo fully back now. We each have to learn, often by trial and error, what works and what doesn't for our own bodies and situations. So I'm not a fitbit or motivational type, but I managed to lose anyway. I just need to get my head fully back in the game at least six days a week to relose these last few pounds - a fraction at a time at this point - and keep them off forever. This week has been uneven but not horrible. After some birthday treats (thinking seafood), cutting WAY back to where I know I need to be. Need to get my cooking jones back too.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good nearly afternoon to you all,

    Janet, I must apologize, I had your birthday on my list as the 19th, must have been a typo on my part. So now your card will be late and I am bummed. It should be there by the time you get back from Ohio to support your dear friend. Hope the weather cooperates for you to have the doors and windows open.

    Bert, we have satellite and love it. Hope it works out well. Love having the unlimited internet thru AT&T too. How do you do casseroles with the cups? Glad you had a good time with your grandkids and that Cole was easy to unmelted!

    Jeanette, you must be one smart chickie to be able to just do the busy work for your hubby's course. Hoping your current weight loss is going to stick and that the dietary changes you have made have convinced your body to love you again.

    No big plans for the day. Finished my gift for my cousin and a card to go with it. Also made one for my BFF in Texas. Will put them in the mail on Monday.

    TT: I want to lose weight to look better, yes I am vain. My weight has never really affected my health in ways that might show up on lab tests. It has affected my knees but so has 35 years as a nurse and being on my feet. I want to be more comfortable in my clothes and not feel like I have to constantly cover up my problem areas. I want to be comfortable on the motorcycle for long rides.
    The reasons I lost weight, are the same as above. Just wish I hadn't regained 1/2 of what I lost. Such a battle.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good afternoon ladies. Sheesh, having a continued bad eye day and week. It's been three weeks off the Prenisolone drops so I don't know if it's that, or something else. I'm trying the hot compress, night ointment and cold drop on alternating basis, but still very blood shot and painful. I see the specialist in Birmingham next Friday. I don't look for a good report. I think I will go ahead and file for disability if it looks like a disappointing visit. We weren't looking to even attempt to get the cataract off until July. When she sees the eye I may be put back on a medication. Or who knows, it may clear up. I think the stress of Chris this week possibly set it off too. I had to succumb to Xanax twice, but it was just half a tab both times. It did get rid of the chest pains and let me sleep. I am a chronic worrier, and come by it quite honestly, from my father.

    Patti- I echo you sentiments. I am vain, wish I hadn't regained half the weight back either. Soooooo much harder to lose this time too!!!

    Jeanette- I believe I found you on FB. Please accept my request and you will see my lovely Isabella. You are one busy bee lady. Teaching, dancing, grandmother, driving bus, helping and doing hub's homework and blessing us with you wisdom too!!

    Janet - You got that right, how getting our heads fully back in the game!! Ugggh when we stray! This week has been very challenging for me. I've been off my game so much.

    Bert- You have been on fire with your steps woman!! I am so glad you have kept your housekeeper. I have had mine almost a year now. Cannot let her go. Maybe when Glenn retires and he can do the floors, but not before. LOL. Good for you on the portion control with those containers.

    Diane- I hope you are having a relaxing weekend after you week of traveling.

    I have a list to head out and obtain some things I need for our little get together for Glenn tomorrow. My BFF Monica and her hubs are stopping by, as well as Glenn's daughter and her fiance'. Izzy will be her and my son and wife will be coming back from New Orleans. I am making some light finger foods and the his favorite cheese cake as I mentioned. I want to have it all completed today so I can sew in the morning. I have just been nursing this darn eye today so have not ventured out. It has finally stopped raining.

    TT: My reasons for losing weight are such:

    1- To enjoy my retirement of travel with Glenn and my family. 2- to have good health and live many more years, not being a burden to my husband or other members of my family. 3- vanity, I have always been attractive and want to remain so (LOL) 4- I do enjoy the walking exercise and the strength training too. 5- Glenn and I want to do the kayaking and horseback riding again and I want to be phsyically able. 6- I like nice clothes!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: casseroles are difficult to measure for me no matter what plan I'm on. I do follow the recipes in the Fixate cookbook. It tells me what containers make a single serving

    Jeanette: I mainly watch Netflix for movies as well. No commercials. I like just a few channels and Mike has to have the weather channel. He likes Highway thru Hell. It's a show about trucks getting stranded on a highway and how they are rescued. Thrilling! I did find a weather channel on demand for him on the satellite. Now he can catch all the episodes if he wants.

    I'm taking it easy today. I wo t get my steps in today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    TT: I want to lose because I want to stay healthy for many years to come, and I want to be able to do the outdoor activities I love so much. When I was at my heaviest, I had pretty much quit hiking, and skiing was very hard, and I just didn’t want to slow everyone else down when we did anything outdoors. (At this point I’d also like to fit back into the clothes I bought when I was at my low point!)

    Karla – I saw the picture of Izzy in her costume on FB – how sweet! I’m sorry your eye is giving you such fits.

    Patti how great that you are able to do such hard workouts! I know I have regressed since regaining weight, and am trying to work myself harder.

    Janet you are the queen of consistency. I know you will lose those last few pounds you want to lose. Even your “indulgences” and “treats” sound so healthy to me.

    Cindy, John also hates to dance. He hasn’t danced with me in over 30 years.

    Suzi – How was the sale? With just getting over your illness, I hope it wasn’t too much for you, and I hope the weather was nice.
    Bert my DIL has the containers for the 21 day fix and keeps urging me to try them. I just think I would view it as silly, loading up the containers even for something I am just about to sit down and eat. I’m glad it works for you – as they say, different strokes! We all just have to find that one thing that works for us.
    MaryLynn I have the same problem with preplanning. I do pretty well during the week, but weekends it is too hard to plan ahead.

    Jeanette, you are such a fount of good information! Is your school program going to be done any time soon?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Today was NOT the restful day I had hoped for. Son is really ramping up on working on his house again, which is an excellent thing. Today we tore down the drywall along the back wall of the future master bedroom, removed two windows, installed two new ones in different places, and removed then put back siding around those windows. Oh, and I took one load of drywall and other debris to the dump. The siding job is temporary - they are going to get new siding and roof later this spring, but you have to protect the underlying structure until the new siding is installed. I have 45 floors on my FitBit today, though I'm not up to my 10K steps yet and only 15 active minutes. Lots of trips up and down the stairs and lots of standing! Tomorrow I will go back and help him with the last bit of wiring in that wall and the insulation, then it will be ready for the dry wall guy to come back for that bit. I think next weekend will be tiling the shower.

    On the plus side, I didn't snack until I got home, and then only a bit. Dinner tonight was a jumbo fresh lump crabcake and broccoli - yum!

    John is off helping at the second to last night of the middle school musical. They do six shows over two weekends. So tomorrow after the 2:00 show he will help tear down and uninstall all the sound and lighting equipment. This will be his last show, since next year by this time we hope to be on the road! He has helped ever since daughter was in sixth grade, so this is his 13th year.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good evening -- hope everyone has moved the clocks ahead. I always manage to forget one somewhere -- but even remembered to reset the time on my lamp timers.

    Karla, Izzy is so cute posing in her costume!

    Cindy, how was the sale? Hope you sold books and met some interesting, kind people.

    Diane, you are back into construction world -- is there a timetable in your son's mind ti have it all done?

    Bert, glad Cole cooperated withour a bedtime meltdown.

    Jeanette, hooray on getting your papers done early. I always tended to race time. In grad school, when I had a paper I wrote/typed (was never one for writing drafts) to the Beehoven symphonies, in order. If I wasn't done by the time the Ninth was over, I let myself take a break.

    Suzi, how is your trip going?

    Patti, don't worry about the card date -- the actual day won't be a big deal for me, except that I promise to be extra kind to myself all day.

    Had a really busy day and got quite a bit accomplished. Caffeine is my friend! Because it was warm, I spent much of the day in the garage, weeding and sorting. There's a lot left to do but I took a big load of assorted things to Goodwill this evening. Found quite a bit of ink for my OLD printer, so I posted on my subdivision's Facebook page and almost instantly heard from a guy whose mom's printer uses that ink, so I sold it to him cheap and he came by to pick it up. So I made $40 unexpected dollars, which will cover my birthday lunch and takeout sushi. I was in a good frame of mind and blared the "Hamilton" cast album. Was singing along and dancing around the garage.

    I am very sore tonight and pretty tired, so going to turn un soon. Errands and more house-work tomorrow, and need to think about what I need to pack for my Toledo trip.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning, ladies. It's a very rainy morning today and my joints are telling me to take it easy today. I'm making a jello poke cake for my daughter in law's birthday. That's what she wanted. They will come over for dinner tonight to celebrate. Have a great day.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Bert, glad you are listening to your body. I haven't had a jello poke cake in years. What flavor jello are you using?

    (I had a running "discussion" with east coast friends about jello. In the midwest, it's everywhere -- on the coasts, not so much -- they never encountered jello salads in particular. One year I was challenged to make jello salad as a test -- I made two and they went over well, but the one with the applesauce and dissolved red hots was such a huge hit that it got several encores in future years.)

    Rainy here, but I'm about to head out to pick up a bourbon cake to take to my friend, plus a couple of things I need. Chili and pureed squash are thawing here. I will probably a little time in the garage today to organize clumps of things to go through and move them so the car can go into the garage tonight.

    Just didn't feel like leaving until I'd said hello to my friends here. Have an excellent day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A dreary, rainy Sunday here. Despite all the reminders yesterday about springing forward I still forgot and was surprised to find it was an hour later than I thought it was, lol. The time changes don't affect me. I think spending nearly 1/2 my career working off shifts made me immune to the problems that plague other folks when we go back and forth in time. I spent time in my craft room yesterday. Making cards and playing with some new "toys". Will do a bit of housework but plan to go back to my craft room at some point. It is a balm to my soul to be creative.

    Diane, I miss home rehabbing. It is hard work but so satisfying when you see,the results. Edd is talking about buying a cheap house to either flip or rent for some extra income. Still in the talking phase right now. Bet they are really going to miss John at the school when you retire, but oh what fun you will,have on your travels.

    Janet, wow did you get a lot done yesterday. Now I have a picture of you writing your papers to Beethoven. I am still a lover of jello in all it's forms. My Mom would put just about anything in jello. One of my faves was green jello with grated carrots and served with a dollop of mayo.

    Karla, tell Glenn happy birthday from the gang here. I know you have a day of pampering in store for him.

    Cindy, hope your sales went well

    Waving hi to the rest of the crew as you stop by
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    wow, i'm so behind on this thread! perhaps i'll catch up with you all tonight when my body isn't ready to sleep when the clock says to ;) ( i really hate time changes)

    just a quick check in to say.... well.... my house is cleaner. and i survived tween visitors. THEY were actually great (lots of giggling) it was the very jealous younger sibling who gave me lots of grief. (THIS TOO SHALL PASS)

    When i joined this group, I was within 5 pounds of my goal weight. I won't step on a scale, but my clothes don't fit anymore. i'm guessing i now have 20 pounds instead of 5. and guess what? this over-eating pity party i've been on hasn't made me feel any better. shocker.

    My adult daughter recently explained a term i was unfamiliar with..... "urge surfing" so I looked it up. and i'm going to try it. it was something she learned from a counselor I sent her to after she dropped out of college and was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

    so, that's where my brain is. laundry is calling me (janet is right, it NEVER ends) at least my hands will be on clothing instead of food :smiley: oooooh, that reminds me... i haven't been smiling much today.... time to fix THAT!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Myra, smiling is so contagious, thanks for not giving up on it. Interesting info on "urge surfing". A much different way of dealing with addiction.

    Lazy day but that is what happens to me when it is yucky out. I tend to reflect the weather. Made a date with Mom for Tues. to shop for a new microwave, a stop at the drug store and then Steak and Shake for lunch. She was so disappointed we didn't go last Saturday and has been craving it ever since. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. Edd found us a new used car today. Will be selling the van. It has over 230K miles and no longer worth putting more money into it. He has to figure out why the back tire on the truck is leaking and fix that this week. We are leaving on the 23rd for FL. My friend teaches a beginners watercolor class and I have always wanted to give it a try. Need to get ahold of our other friends and see when we are expected at their place. The rally is the weekend of the 1st and I will be helping with the cooking for all meals from Friday dinner thru Sunday brunch. Not sure how many people will attend but I think it will be near 50. I believe there will be 3 or 4 of cooking. Should be fun.

    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Today I made the jello poke cake for my daughter in law's birthday. She also wanted broccoli cheese soup and hot ham and cheese sandwiches. So that's what I made. I had the soup frozen so all I needed to do was heat it up.
    Her mom has frontal lobe dementia which is such a sad story so I try to be the mother figure for her as much as I can. Next week is our son's birthday, so I'll do it all over again. So happy to be able to cook for them and the grandkids.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    Bert, your daughter-in-law is so fortunate to have you in her life. Has your son made his birthday dinner request yet? Always interesting to see what each half of a couple chooses when they're on their own.

    Didn't get a lot done today but a few errands and making a packing list for my trip to OH. Watched college basketball and have had an icemaker malfunction of some sort -- plumber came out and discovered it's not the plumbing, so I need to contact appliance repair tomorrow. I have somehow managed to turn the icemaker off, (update: no, I haven't ...) but professional attention is required. Hoping I can get someone here tomorrow or VERY early Tuesday because I need to leave by 10:30 at the latest.

    Ah well -- there are far worse things, the fridge is keeping things cold and I'm thankful that it's not (so far) creating a major issue.

    Had a weird night last night so going to bed before midnight. Wishing everyone a genuinely good week ahead.