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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so glad to have you back safe and sound. Coffee sure brings you back to life, doesn't it, lol?

    TT: better answer it now while I am thinking about it. I, too cannot stand Lima beans since childhood. Never liked Brussels sprouts as a child but that was because mom only fixed the frozen kind and they were mushy and tasteless. I love them now. We were not allowed to refuse to eat anything. Always had to at least try anything that was put in front of us. If we didn't care for it after one bite we didn't have to eat more, except the Lima beans (it was an incident I will not bore you all about, lol). Mom kept things pretty basic though because my Dad hated veggies. I love most veggies except asparagus, cooked spinach, peppers and the aforementioned Lima beans.

    TT from today: my salads are boring. Always start with lettuce and spinach, then just add whatever veggies and fruit are in season. Not big on salads made with beans, I like my beans hot. I use to have a recipe for fresh corn salad with tomatoes, red onion and somethings else that was depressed with olive oil and some other seasoning. It was served room temp and was awesome, but I can't find it or replicate it. One of our Drs used to make it for us every summer, hmmmmmmm, I can almost taste it but can't seem to make it like she did,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    A quick check in for a Friday. The shoot went well and I hired great professionals that wouldn't give up until they got the shot I needed- I even had a professional lighting guy who was very interesting and has worked with some major stars- yes I dropped that I am a writer and 4 books published and another due out within a couple of months- hey you never know right?
    TT- I'll eat most any veggie even lima beans when my MIL puts them in her calico bean recipe but not as a stand alone veggie- who does LOL
    I'll eat cooked cabbage as I have a great recipe with bacon and yes bacon grease is part of the recipe too- that is delicious because of the bacon. I made biscuits and gravy for dinner last night so NOT St Paddy's day. But we did that Sunday.
    I'm still coughing and can't take a real deep breath but it is better and I slept good last night until 5 - then tossed and turned. Really looking forward to sleeping this weekend.
    Janet- Happy B-Day to your dear mom who is watching over you.
    Patti- corn salad sounds delicious.... so looking forward to summer crops.
    I too have someone who suffers from horrible depression and I don't know what the future holds but at this moment things aren't looking very positive. It is such a terrible disease and if the person can't see they really need help or aren't honest in therapy, which I fully recommend both the person with depression and the person who loves them do, things just won't improve. Yes this is part of my unrelenting stress. But I will survive- I'm strong.
    Alright- I'll be back later.
    Hugs to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Was under yesterday -- am willing myself into getting my head back into the game consistently and so far it's working. Will be eating out tomorrow night though and will try to make wise choices but it's not always easy, as you know (and with dinner before a concert, no way to take half with me).

    Am supposed to be at the vet with Theo right now. At this moment, you dog lovers out there can rejoice -- getting a dog into the car is easy -- grabbing a cat and putting it into a carrier is hard! Already called vet to let them know we'll be late. Cats re too smart!

    OK -- will make another try at it now. Later!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    Just saw this New York Times article, which has links to other articles about weight loss. Nice to see consistent scientific acknowledgement that when it comes to losing weight, one size does not fit all. Am going to read some of the linked articles I think might help me. Let us know if you see anything here that particularly resonates with you:


    Also, just for fun - and for the little ones and/or animal lovers in your lives, a baby bald eagle hatched this morning at the National Arboretum in DC. There's another egg still intact. I've been checking in on live eagle cams:

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies. I apologize for allowing my insecurities to get the best of me.

    Between my husband and I, I feel like I am generally the more generous one. I am usually the first one to lend something out or will give more than he would etc. (not saying anything bad about hubby, just giving you some background). We have been borrowing a van from Brian's parents because we only have one car right now. His brother, who is usually in California, has been up here and using it a couple days a week; no big deal. Now he wants to take it to California for a few weeks which means I will have to take hubby to work, come home, go to work, come home, pick hubby up, not to mention I will not have a car to do errands or pick up or drop off Alanna. I am NOT looking forward to it and want to tell him "no" he can't use it. But I won't, but only because it isn't our car in the first place. I am learning to share til it hurts, which isn't bad, but I need an attitude adjustment about it that's for sure!

    MaryLynn - I am thankful you feel comfortable discussing a hard topic with us here. I also agree with Patti; that you are talking about it is a huge first step. Other than that I don't have anything to add, sounds like she gave you excellent advise. I'll be praying for the two of you as you work through this rough patch.

    Patti - Will is acting as we would expect him to; we just always hope he will grow up a bit and put the girls first but I don't know if he can due to issues from his childhood that he refuses to get help with. Glad things are going smoothly with your friend and that the hospital was a hospitable environment :wink: umm....are you just wearing t-shirts and undies to Florida? Edd must really be looking forward to this trip!!!

    Cindy - glad to hear you continue to improve, it's hard when it hangs on that long. It sounds like the photo shoot was lots of fun and slipping your credentials in there never hurts, you never know when someone will know someone who can give you a boost.

    Janet - glad you are back safely and that it went well. Andrea didn't really stand up for herself while with Will, but she is learning to do so now; interesting how kids change things like that.

    Karla - thinking of you today and your eye appointment, I am anxious to hear your news both about that and the neuralgia appointment. I am praying for good news for you on both accounts.

    TT salads: the one salad we make only in the summer is Greek salad which we both love (that's saying a lot as hubby doesn't like vegetables). Other than that it is same old stuff, just maybe more often.

    TT vegetables: I didn't like broccoli, spinach or green peppers as a kid. I eat all of them now. For the green peppers the turning point was when I was pregnant the second time; I had bad morning (all day) sickness and couldn't eat much of anything. I worked at a restaurant at the time and green peppers smelled really good, and tasted good too! Since then I eat them all the time. I don't know if I like lima beans or not; I've not had much opportunity to eat them in my life.

    I got Alanna's Easter dress cut out yesterday and will cut Avery's out today. Next week I go to my parents' house and sew them together under my mom's watchful eye. I can sew a straight line ok for quilts but when it comes to clothing I am not the best so wanted her help to do a good job.

    Hope you all are having a nice start to your weekend
    Grace and peace to you

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies..........it's a gorgeous sunny day....chilly, but I'll take the sun! I've returned from another visitation and now am trying to get all my ducks in a row to get evaluations started. I also feel a walk in my future.

    TT Weekend: As a child I wouldn't eat many vegetables....I like Eggplant, Artichokes, Asparagus, but still can't bring myself to eat broccoli.....just don't like the smell and/or texture of it.

    Patti: I'm also with you on Lima Beans and brussel sprouts! You might want to try the Quinoa and Black Bean salad I posted on the recipes. It's delicious! As a matter of fact, I'm making that for our choir lunch on Sunday as well as Pretzel Salad. For the life of me, I don't know why it's called Pretzel Salad, it should be Pretzel Dessert!

    Janet: How fun! Live Eagle hatchings! I'm going to check it out.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, thank you so much for the Eagle cam link, I am now obsessed with it and hate to turn it off. Have always been eagle obsessed. We have a pair that returns every year to the hills above our cabin, have watched the juveniles grow and learn to fish. I think we have been through 3 sets so far. But you have to be in the right place at the right time. Usually dawn and dusk. I watched the cam just now and saw the chick. Then saw Dad come in with food that he and Mom ate together. I think it was a snake. I watched a YouTube video so I could tell mom and dad apart. I also read the article you shared, I can see where the fasting thing might work for you, in some form. I was really interested int the one related to genetics and personalized diet but alas that is still in the research phase and mostly in Europe. I really think my issues with not losing weight have to do with not eating the right combo or types of food for me, based on my genetics, family history and medications I am taking. I totally agree that one size fits all diets really aren't. Thanks for getting my thinking cap buzzing.

    Jeanette, is Brian's brother aware of the hardship it will put on you if he takes the car? Speak up, all he can say is he is taking it anyway. What fun sewing for the girls. I love to make clothes and wish I had a little girl to sew for.

    Bert, I just cannot deal with cold beans. I don't mind them too much in soups and casseroles but cold, no way, lol. And chickpeas, no matter what you call them, hummus to garbanzo, are right up there with Lima beans in my book. Seems like everything these days has chickpeas in some form and cilantro in it. I will be glad when a new craze comes along!

    Cindy, I am starting to get concerned that you are still not well. I think it may be time to revisit the Dr. You may not have had antibiotics long enough or may need a different inhaler. Please do not let this go much longer without consulting with your doc. Nurse lecture concluded.

    Edd is off riding with the son of our friend who passed away last year. Today would have been his birthday. Spoke with Mom this morning and evidently she fainted this morning and broke a little end table. She was not injured but we had a discussion again about skipping meals. She says she doesn't have much of an appetite but knows that her blood sugar plummets and this is the result. She refuses to use a life alert or any other device that would call for help should she need it. But if she is going to skip meals I am going to insist.....for all the good that will do with this headstrong woman.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Hiya ladies. My brain hasn't had the best week, so I apologize for being truly invisible here. I have time for a few items, and then will come back tonight, as i await the midnight pickup time for my space camp kid.

    Jeanette- like you, I considered potatoes a vegetable when i was growing up. Now, i call it a starch. same with corn and sweet green peas. and i go back and forth with carrots ;)

    Janet- i would LOVE to go to space camp too! they actually do have an adult program!!!! wouldn't that be a hoot! I'm glad you are back home safely, and to answer your question: my smile's been kinda fading this week..... I'm very disappointed that i hurt my lower back again so soon, and this time was worse. that's kinda deflating, and i've spent much more time laying on the floor this week than i ever thought possible. it will pass! i applaud you for getting out of a job you could no longer put your heart into. My husband made a similar decision, which i encouraged. Now he has a 'retirement job' that he thinks is a hoot! (and he's not living out of a hotel every week) on another note: MAN, have i had some interesting times putting cats in carriers. oh my. with one..... i had to make sure ALL the bedroom doors were closed before i even got the carrier from storage, or i'd never get him.

    MaryLynn- I'm glad you felt safe sharing with us. and, wow, there's a lot more experience with depressed loved ones in this group than i had known. i'm actually sorry to hear that. anyway, yes, oh yes, does depression zap the libido. Here's my two cents, and i won't be offended if you think i'm full of it ;) forget about the "being in the mood" thing and just enjoy sex for whatever it's worth. maybe it will be "one-sided" for a while: you pleasuring him. or maybe the activity will help get things going for you too. maybe it will be more of "just" a bonding activity for the time being. maybe you don't think you "need" it.... but on some level you really do. just thinking out loud here. all i can say is..... i never turn sex down. (i'm virtually never in the mood) and i very rarely regret engaging in it. in fact, it can be somewhat stress relieving (even if i don't "feel like it") so, there you go. might be more of a response than you bargained for, if so, i'm sorry, and i'm blushing ;)

    that's all i can remember for the time being. I have a school function to get ready for, and I'll come back later tonight.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......I've been watching the eagle cam this morning! It's fun to watch. Today is rainy, so I might have to go to the mall to walk.....darn! ;) Our daughter is on her way home and will be traveling most of the day. Have a great day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good rainy morning here too.

    Bert, I have been watching the Eagle cam too. So cool. Wish Dad would come roost. Have only seen him briefly when he brought the fish yesterday.

    Off to make cards and laugh. Then dinner tonight at Mom's. Edd is picking up the car in KY. He had a wonderful birthday memorial ride with our friend's son yesterday. A great way to honor a great man who is missed so very much by us all.

    Have a great day everyone. Back later
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello ladies! It's been a while...and a rough couple weeks for me. I've been battling daily headaches and migraines and it's gotten so bad that I've sent my neurologist a message to see if we can't either move my appointment that I have scheduled for May 3rd up, or at least try to adjust my meds in advance of that. The next couple weeks at work are going to be very stressful. Our accreditation site visit is March 30 through April 1. After that, I might need a day or two off to decompress! I'm sure the stress isn't helping.

    Anyway I'll try to go back through and catch up on how everyone is doing!

  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Oh, I meant to say I'm on Facebook, Beth Vibbart. My current profile picture is my whole family (husband, both kids, and me) in black and white. I think I have to change my setting to allow for people to send me friend requests though. I stay connected more on fb since I have out of state family there!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Beth, sorry to hear about he headaches and migraines. Hope you get in with your neuro soon. The inspection cannot come soon enough for you I am sure.

    Back from cards and quick trip to Mom's to drop off some stuff. We laughed, we stamped and we had a great time. Very labor intensive cards this time, so class was 3 hours instead of 2. New car is here and now Edd wants to take it on the trip. He is more adventurous than I am but says it will be cheaper to drive than the diesel truck. Just means he has 2 days to get a hitch and muffler put on. With low miles I am praying nothing goes wrong. The car was filthy and he has been detailing it for about 2 hours now. College student was not a neatnik, lol. Now getting ready for dinner at Mom's. Have most of my stuff ready to pack, luckily car has a big trunk and we have the whole back seat too. If it wasn't for the camping gear it would all fit in the trunk.

    Where is everyone today? Miss hearing from you gals.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good.....afternoon! ladies :smile: I have been enjoying my time off and lazing the mornings away! This morning I was doing the same and then realized Andrea (mother to my grand children and 22 years old) needed to practice driving this morning before Brian takes the car. She is going to take her test on Tuesday and our car is a stick shift so she needed to practice a bit. Ended up stopping a Walmart while we were out and about and got Miss Alanna a little bicycle; I'm sure you'll be seeing pictures of her on it soon LOL

    Myra - your advice to MaryLynn was spot on terrific. Thank you for sharing that. I hope things are improving a bit for you, though your smile has slipped I hope you can still find it some times.

    Patti - Brian's brother, Rob, has no car and is trying to get a business off the ground. He has an opportunity to work in California (where his business is) for about $200 a day and I am trying really hard not to be selfish about the whole thing. I always wanted to sew for the girls when they were little but just wasn't very good at it. I made quilts and crocheted and knitted items though, and they very much enjoyed those.

    Janet - well you've got us all cleaning out closets and watching eagles! Can't wait to see what you have next for us :smile: I have perfected the art of backing my cats into their carrier so they can't fight it quite as much but I certainly know what you mean about what a struggle it is to get them in!!!

    Beth - It is good to see you though I am sorry to hear about your headaches and migraines. I sure hope you can get some relief a lot sooner than May. I am Jeanette Richards; cross with a gray background is my profile picture on Facebook.

    Karla - I am thinking of you and praying for you and am anxious to hear your news, though I understand if you need a little time before sharing.

    I think today is a rest and relax day, though it is nice out so I may go pull some weeds. Hubby and I talked a bit this morning about moving in with my parents which would be really hard but may be a necessity. I'll talk to them next week when I am up there sewing the girls' Easter dresses.

    Have a wonderful day
    Grace and peace to you
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Thank you all so much for your encouragement and wise advice. I appreciate it so much and we are enjoying some wonderful conversations and together times. It's given us an opportunity to show one another the depth of our love and yes, we enjoyed renewed intimacy as well! Just relaxing and having some lunch after a long hike together. Will check back in for personals in a bit. Wanted to express how helpful this is to talk to you all. Have an appt. at the Dr. April 4th, but also trying out some of the ideas you've mentioned in your comments.
    Thanks for the hugs and reminders... we are laughing and enjoying our times once again. Prayer has been answered in ways I could never have imagined possible and I'm grateful!
    Hugs back at you all,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, I did not make it Birmingham. I had to reschedule it due to family circumstances out of my control. My eye is actually a lot better. I have a new appointment for next Friday. Which actually works out better for Glenn as he is off for Good Friday anyway. We plan on going up a 5a, the appointment is at 10:30a, eating lunch and driving back down. It is 4.5 hours and interstate the whole way.

    TT: When I was a child I would not eat any GREEN. LOL. My mother was one that made us finish every thing on our plate. I remember once she made me eat chicken and dumplings. I told her I didn't like them and wouldn't eat them. She made me and I threw up all over the table. LOL. She never made me eat them again. I love them now and make them when it is cold. I also love most anything green now too.

    Please pray pray for my son and his family. He is going through a terrible ordeal and has court on Monday for child support and possible custody change. I will be going with him. He and his family are staying with me now for support. We are all tore up. Please add them to any church prayer list, Diane and Bert, I would humbly appreciate it.

    Since I have had so much stress I have not been able to eat much, when I got on the scales yesterday I was down to 194.

    MaryLynn- Medications are also a culprit on libedo for both men and women. Especially statins for cholesterol among others. Stress being a big one too. When I had 5 companies I was billing for and two employees with my company I had no time for Glenn and growled at him if he even touched me at night. Once my hours reduced I became affectionate again. But like others have said, the other partner always thinks it them, their looks, their desirability. Hang in there my friend. I also like what was said about going ahead and participating even when not in the mood. Being married for 32 years between my two husbands, there where plenty of times I wasn't in the mood but "went along" but ended up enjoying it, just because of the pleasure it gave them.

    Jeanette- Sorry about the stress of sharing a vehicle. I know you probably feel like you can't say anything, but may someone could? What about renting a vehicle for a couple weeks? Some of the rental place have some really cheap options these days for local rentals.

    Myra- Are you days getting a little easier? Maybe just one hour at a time, just one smile at a time..just one day at a time. Did you look at the eagle. Maybe just watching the freedom?

    BethAnn- Good to see you stop in even though under so much stress. I will try and find you on FB. Glad you are hanging in there with work stress even with the headaches..

    Cindy= I agree with Patti that this lung weakness seems to have dragged on too long and different meds may need to get rid of this last leg.

    Janet- Have fun today dear ... you looked gorgeous in the pic you sent me.

    Patti- I know you are having a great time with you mom for dinner today.

    I made some Turkey chili today as it was supposed to get down to the 40's and be rainy this morning. It was sunny and in the 60's. Geez. I hope by next weekend I can take my tropical plants out of my green house and get my pool paradise setup.

    Let me go try and deal more with my situation. I tried not to be too much of a downer. I want you all to know how much each of you mean to me.

  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Jeanette, I sent a message to who I hope is you on FB, lol. Since we aren't friends it may be in your "other" message box from a desktop. If I had the right person I'll send you a friend request!

    MaryLynn, catching up on posts and I'm glad you have an upcoming appt but also that you were able to open the lines of communication with your hubby about intimacy. I struggle being open in that area with my husband and I know it's hurt him in the past, so I have really been trying the past couple years to be more open.

    Karla, I'm praying for you and for your son. What a tremendous amount of stress.

    Everyone else, I'll catch up more soon
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2016
    Oops lost half of my post...I added that I appreciate all of your likes and comments in my newsfeed when I complete my diary, and that it does keep me on track, especially right now when it's hard to get through the day due to my headaches.

    Be blessed...I'll come back again soon ☺
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, sending you strength and prayers. So sorry to hear that Jason is going through this and also pray that it works out well for all concerned.
    He is blessed in having you for his Mom and that will see him through whatever he has to face.

    Mary Lynn, so happy that you seem to be working your way thru this issue with good conversations with your husband. I bet you find a level of intimacy you never dreamed of.

    Had a wonderful,time with Mom, sis and her hubby. Mom made the traditional St Patrick's meal and banana pudding because it is Edd's favorite. We girls sat in one room and gabbed while the boys talked cars and other guy stuff. Mostly we reminisced about all kinds of things. I know Mom really enjoyed the company and conversation. Left her exhausted but very happy.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    A quick good morning. Had a terrific evening - nice dinner with a friend and the spectacular Pink Martini concert with the Louisville Symphony. Their musicianship and joyful spirit are impeccable. Had a nice dinner, including a glass of wine, and stayed within my calorie limit.

    The second eaglet hatched this morning - saw a still photo online. Went to the cam and got the thrill of seeing the mother lift herself up a bit to reveal the two tiny ones huddled under her chest, between her feet.

    Personals later. Cheers!