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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Before and after shots! Hilarious!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Bert- thanks for the pictures!!! they are GREAT! and your grandchildren are precious!

    Janet- I hope your Easter weekend is serene as well :) after a morning egg hunt, I plan a low-key mid-afternoon meal with all four of my kids at the same table. It might be the last one for a while, as the oldest plans to move to Colorado. as a waffle house waitress, she won't be able to afford to come home to NC often, if at all. (i don't know if she understands that, but i sure do)

    waiving hello to everyone else. it's a beautiful spring day here and the weeds in my gardens are thriving! we also have a finch nest on the front porch. messy, but fun!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Myra- you are such a sweetheart and with four kids. My one drives me nuts at .36 years old!!!

    Janet- Glenn and I are going to make a serene weekend happen too! We need it. We drive up and back to Birmingam tomorrow and will sing to the 70's and laugh and talk about our retirement for next year.

    I can't believe how thin I am feeling. Yippeeeer.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I'm in the office today - since we have tomorrow off I had to submit expense reports and attend a couple of meetings. No rest for the weary- but the inhaler is helping and I'm using it as told. I think that is helping.
    On Saturday my brother and I - along with various family members are driving to Vermont- 4 1/2 hours to surprise my Dad for his 80th birthday. He thinks my brother and his wife MIGHT be coming so there will be about 14 of us and it will be quite the surprise for him. We haven't all been together in years- his health isn't the best- I fear dementia but he won't go to the doctor again after the first visit.
    As stated on Monday I have refocused on my WL journey and have had a couple of very good days. I am counting points again- not sure but just adding in foods when I don't have this "target" number just isn't quite right in my head. I like looking at something and saying that has 3 points, etc. But I'm not leaving the group.....
    Need to refocus on the day job- I'll be around spotty over the weekend as I'm cooking for 8 on Sunday- love holiday meals and this one will be easy and then an egg hunt but my eggs are ready to be set outside.
    Karla- ^5 on the scale
    Janet- the oncologist visit will run smoothly- and I'm there with you- just look to your left :)
    Myra- sounds like you're feeling good
    Bert- love the pics
    Jeanette- I love how you sign your posts- make my heart smile
    Mary Lynn- you're sounding happier too
    Patti- I know you're off zooming around the roads- safe travels dear friend
    Suzi- if you're out there -Hello
    Diane- I don't have any congestion just short of breathe- lungs are clear- but if I spike a temp I won't hesitate to go back to the doctor.
    See you all soon
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies. How is your week going? The scale is not my friend this time here; makes me so very frustrated I just want to cry. I'd sure like to get so far from the 200's that no matter what time of day or how much I've just eaten it won't be near that number. I'll take measurements a little later to see if there is progress there.

    Bert - I love the pics; especially the part where the kids are helping....what fun :smile:

    Myra - what we do for our kids that we wouldn't do otherwise...that's just part of being a good parent. I hear you working through your difficulties with grace and strength; I admire you for that.

    Karla - so glad to hear things are calming down a bit and getting back to a little more normal. Congratulations on the progress on your weight loss YIPPEE!!!

    Janet - I'm guessing by now you've seen the oncologist and can be done being nervous. Sure hope it went even better than you had figured it would. I hope your Easter is serene as well. We will take the grandbabies to church on Sunday but other than that have no plans for Easter.

    Cindy - Your surprise party for your dad sounds great; I'm sure he will be tickled to see everyone. Your Easter day sounds like a lot of fun :smile: Glad you are feeling better and taking care of yourself. I'm thankful you like my sign off; I sometimes worry it gets old, but I do mean it every time...it is what I wish for each of you in your lives.

    Diane - I would love to see some "throw back" pics of your sewing creations! I am learning new terms like "layer the seam" and "understitch". I am mostly done with the first dress and it is looking like a dress...who knew? :smiley: I also bought and cut out little jackets that I hope to have time to make while here (I don't have a working sewing machine at home). The eagle spotting sounds wonderful. We don't get a lot around here usually, but a friend posted a pic on facebook the other day of one that had landed on her farm! There are nearby wilderness areas that have plenty of them so we see them there often.

    Well, off I go to do some more sewing. I hope to hop on my dad's exercise bike while here (it hasn't been used in so long he had to put new batteries in the control panel) to take a break from sewing for a bit.

    Have a great day
    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Quick hello before I head out for a manicure and (I hope) repairing the several split nails (my nails are brittle).

    Bert, the pics made me smile.

    Oncologist visit went well. Cindy, felt you on that shoulder. This was a planning visit -- starting low-iodine diet on the 30th. The week of April 11th is when it all happens. I go to doc's office first thing Monday and Tuesday mornings to get a thyrogen shot. On Wednesday I have to go to hospital to register and get bloodwork and a trace dose of radioactive iodine and on Friday I get my scan. Doc hopes to call with results late that day. Hoping the October radiation killed it all.

    Very tired -- restless night. Back later for more.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies,
    Just got back from a nice long hike at a very quick pace, so sipping water while the breathing gets regular once more. Yesterday we were not able to get out to do much, as we had some vehicle issues that needed attention. This morning the tow truck came to take one to the shop for diagnosis. There is already one older one there already, so we are using our older truck, which is the most reliable and basic vehicle we've ever owned. Ahh well! Myron went off to "Men In Accord" to practice their songs for tomorrow's Good Friday service at church. Seems that we keep busy with activities around here so much, that I have not attended to personal comments for far too long here. With so much happening in all your lives, I'll do my best to catch up.

    Janet - Just going to an oncologist appointment can be so stressful, even if it is for planning a treatment. Hopefully you can relax and grab a siesta this afternoon or get an early night. The months of waiting to measure the success of radiation can take their toll as well, I imagine. So pleased that you are getting such high quality care with those medical professionals. With the April 11th week being filled with procedures, will you still be able to head out to meet with your friend in SC during the month sometime? I know how much you are looking forward to getting together and that sounds like it would be such a "wellness boost" after all you've faced. We too are enjoying the eagle cam! We see them flying around here regularly too, but it is SO neat to see the happenings up close. Anything with animals or birds grabs my attention too and pulls on my heartstrings. I'm fortunate to have had many delightful personal experiences with bird encounters, so thank you for sharing this link with us all! When you consider future travel plans, you could include our place here. We'd love to host you and share some of the local wildlife and pristine beauty that we are blessed to enjoy.

    Jeanette - Glad you are able to celebrate Easter with your folks and have access to the sewing machine and exercise bike too! When it comes to measuring progress, the scale really sucks! Your increased energy and feeling of well-being is often a much better indicator of change. Along with feeling more comfortable in our clothes and able to handle even kickboxing! Well, girl well you have my hearty applause! My scale is not reflecting my efforts to the degree I hoped for either, but I know it will eventually - for both of us. May you feel a sense of peace about the whole issue as you continue to build your fitness and health back to normal levels.

    Looks like I will have to come back for more later, as Myron just called and asked me to get hold of the car manufacturer regarding a recall item that seems to have disabled our vehicle.

    Catch you all later!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi again, all!
    Well, that was at least a start. The car(s) will need to stay at the local shop over the weekend, as we are no longer under "roadside assistance". The file is opened, but we'll likely have to cover the $215 towing cost ourselves, unless some miracle occurs. We bought it used about a year ago and they didn't have us as owners of records, so we did not receive the recall notice and well, now we'll just have to see what happens on Monday. Ah, well!

    Back to personals...

    Cindy - Glad to hear that the inhaler is helping you cope with a busy day at the office attending to those details that require your personal attention. It seems that meetings before a holiday weekend are often a bit more brief, so here's hoping that you are already back at home and taking it easy! The surprise 80th birthday party for your Dad sounds just wonderful - how great to be able to coordinate all those schedules to get together to celebrate the special family time! Your re-focus on the WL journey with the tools you find work for you best sounds very wise. When you understand what has been successful in the past and can adapt it to fit in with the present path, I'm sure you'll find your way through to your own objectives. Your Easter plans are sure ambitious and I hope you find time to enjoy yourself and relax once in a while during the holidays as well. As you continue to recover to full health, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May you find contentment within yourself and a sense of peace as you consistently and positively move forward throughout the weekend and the week ahead.

    Karla - Your serene weekend together with Glenn sounds like just the ticket! We enjoy the 70's music as well and sometimes just get up and dance to the tunes. Guess you can't really do THAT on a road trip, but I'm sure hoping you have a safe and serene Easter holiday time. While you continue to recover from the family stress with Jason's health as well as your own, I am trusting you to treat yourself well and allow Glenn to pamper you fully and completely. When you can excitedly make those plans for retirement it is such a wonderful joint adventure! Myron and I met after he was already retired, so we did not experience that transition together but we sure get to enjoy every moment together since July 2004! So many changes in your lives and some wonderful new memories to create ahead of you. May you find a peaceful place to just soak up one another as you enter some new territory. Thank you for your positive attitude and leadership here. The open sharing we can do encourages us one and all!

    Myra - Have a wonderful time with family over the Easter weekend. I know your multitude responsibilities are likely keeping you hopping as much as the Energizer Bunny with all the preparations. We used to hide the treats and eggs and enjoyed watching our son search for these treasured treats. Coloring eggs was something we've even done with our adult kids and everyone likes to get really creative with the process. The weeds are winning in our flower gardens here too, despite plenty of attention to pull them up. At least the exercise of stretching and digging is good for us all! With the spring buds about to form into full leaves and flowers, we are chomping at the bit to plant some veggies as well, but that still will need to wait a bit longer here. Sorry that the yoga is off-limits for now, I know that has been enjoyable for you. At least with some walking you can keep moving. Hoping you are keeping up with whatever movements or stretches that the Physio suggested and restraining from the "too much" levels that are so easy to slip into. You sound very happy and confident and that makes me smile, too!

    Patti - Wherever you are, I'm praying for your safe travels and looking forward to hearing all about the trip when you return. I know you are off grid pretty much, but I didn't want to forget about you. Glad that Edd is so handy with the mechanical stuff, you are truly blessed! Have a wonderful holiday and come back soon!

    Bert - Enjoyed your pictures from the birthday party! Don't these kids grow up so fast... hard to believe, but ours are in their mid 30s at this point, so we're not far behind you. Hope you have a wonderful celebration this Easter season and can enjoy the worship and together times with friends and family at church as well. You've been out there consistently adding steps and upping the pace, so you must be feeling pretty good these days! Wonderful to see how your full recovery seems so evident. Thank you for your positive outlook to start the day off right!

    Beth - Have a wonderful holiday time with your family and friends. I realize it has been so very stressful at work and hopefully a bit of "down time" will be just what you need to restore your balance in life. It is great to have you part of this little group and hear how you are juggling it all as a wife and mother along with full time work. Hope you can carve out some personal time and some together time in continued balance as you continue towards your goals for health and fitness. Glad you feel comfortable to come and go as you need to.

    Diane - Enjoy your time off for the Easter holidays. You've been so busy with work and family schedules and still you find the time to be supportive to the rest of us here. Amazing! Looking forward to hearing how your holidays will be spent.

    Oops, gotta go again here. I think I may have caught everyone, but waving to any I missed.

    Hugs and Happy Easter to all,


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, the trip to hang out with my friend will have to wait until May. I can't really eat out or travel on the low-iodine diet, which (I hope) will end on the 17th, and the next weekend I will be in OH for bridal shower for best friend's son). So May it will be. Louisville has a vibrant and excellent medical community, for which I have had far too many opportunities to be grateful.

    Karla, have a safe trip to the eye doc -- I know it will be a long day but any change of scene is good when you are stressed over stuff near home. Enjoy the drive.

    Cindy, hope you could leave the office early. Glad you're staying on plan with the inhaler.

    I have had several bad snacks today (cookies, cheese popcorn) but a decent dinner. Chalk up a bad day to exhaustion and stress and get back on it in the morning.

    Just too wiped out for personals but have read all. Going to bed early, I hope. Symphony in the morning will be a good break from thinking about too much stuff.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Good Friday to you and yours.

    TT: what was your favorite Easter outfit? Please describe in full detail. Either as adult or child.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    We are on the road to Birmingham and my eye appointment. Glenn told me last night I was his trophy wife. He is soooo sweet and loving. I am one lucky woman.

    I hope you one and all have a wonderful weekend however you choose to spend it.

    Cindy- tell your sweet daddy Happy Birthday for me. He will cherish you all there.

    Diane- are you rehabbing this weekend? Glenn also gets frustrated on his drive thru work traffic, nothing likes yours.

    Myra- do your younger kids like the peeps? I noticed they had the mystery flavor ones last evening.

    Janet- I have a good feeling about this being the last leg of your iodine dieting. You are a real trooper thru it all. I succumbed to half a Milky Way bar last evening myself. I told the store clerk it was for medicinal purposes!!

    Jeanette- I have a very basic sewing machine that Glenn purchased at Walmart for $79 several years ago. It is a Brother. I have mostly seen throws o. It and pillow cases. A couple sun dresses. So fun.

    Well Chris moved out yesterday. I think they are at a local pay by the week apartment near my house. It was bound to happen. I wished him the best. We will rearranging the furniture this weekend and look for that treadmill for Glenn. I can setup my sewing table too. Gosh, it's finally over.

    I will let you all know what my specialist says today.

    Right Glenn and I are singing to Journey's Lights by Steve Perry. On XM radio. Fun times. Now the Peace Train by Cat Stevans.

    Later pals.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy Easter from Karla, Glenn and Izzy.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's chilly and cloudy again today. I'm heading out today to get something to take to cards tonight. Tomorrow morning is dress rehearsal for the cantata on Sunday. Then we will be coloring Easter Eggs at some point tomorrow. I'll be driving to Chicago on Monday for a few days to help do some small projects with the daughter-in-law. Have a great day everyone. Here's a picture of my red from a previous year. I think this is a great spring picture to share.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I got a lot done yesterday; finished one sun dress, made another, AND made a little bolero jacket for Avery. Gonna make a jacket for Alanna today, ride the bike (I never did get to
    that yesterday) and do a little of Brian's shoolwork then head home this afternoon some time. Tomorrow a birthday party and then Miss Alanna and Sunday church and then Will comes over to spend time
    with Avery. He asked if his mom and grandma could come meet her so it will be a house full, but Alanna usually drags me off to another room to play anyway (I'm not much for being around a lot of
    people, particularly ones I don't know).

    My mom told me I can take the sewing machine home with me as she doesn't plan on using it any time soon. I talked to my parents about us moving in with them, presenting it as an option for them to
    stay in their house (which is much too big for them to take care of) instead of moving. It went very smoothly, I was so thankful for that, and we'll just wait to hear what they say.

    TT: I don't have a favorite Easter outfit because we've never really done that. A church we used to go to would put on these big Easter productions which my daughters and I would participate in the
    dancing part of so I'll say those were my favorite outfits....particularly the part where they put glitter all over us; I LOVE glitter :smiley: The girls and I have fond memories of those times.

    Karla - thanks for the pic. I love the one of the three of you, you all look so happy! Glad to hear Chris moved out; hopefully he will find success and you will have some peace.

    Bert - beautiful lillies! We have some similar to those in our back yard but they won't bloom til a little later

    MaryLynn - you are right; I am feeling so much better and that should be my primary focus. I did end up losing a couple inches, which is probably several because I only took the 3 that MFP asks for. I am
    also probably bloated as it is close to "that time" and I always feel like I gain quite a bit. I'm so glad to see you are out and back at it taking those long hikes in the beautiful area you live in.

    Well, I suppose I ought to get at it. Have a wonderful day, Ladies
    Grace and peace to you

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies- I have 5 hours of ME time today. I got a cut and color then off to buy a new outfit for Rick's son Jack and Jill luncheon next week- for those of you who've been around for a while you know his ex will be there and truly despises me so I need to have something new to feel extra confident. I've baked for Sunday and ready for our trip tomorrow.
    Cooking dinner now-
    The inhaler seems to be working and I'm sleeping which is also good news.
    Jeannette- do you parents live nearby?
    Janet- I am always with you... and will be throughout the coming weeks
    Karla- love the pictures of you, Glenn and Izzy- how was the doctor?
    Bert- beautiful flowers.....
    MaryLynn- good luck with the car issues- I'm positive it will all work our.
    I won't sign in tomorrow but thinking of you all- enjoy your day.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, what did you find? A new outfit is definiteky warranted -- glad you were feeling up to salon and shopping.

    Karla, cute pics -=- Izzy is such a cutie. What did your ophthalmologist say?

    Jeanette, hoping your folks will consider your suggestion -- whatever happens will be for the best for all. Good luck with the houseful -- will be thinking of you.

    Bert, gorgeous photo. Just ordered peach-colored lilies for my mom-in-law (OK, not legally, but of the heart). She's recovering from a knee replacement and very intense cancer surgery, with complications and finally got home today -- her birthday is next week.

    MaryLynn, hope the car stuff is resolved without huge hassle or expense.

    Morning symphony concert was wonderful -- opened with "Sing, Sing, Sing" and ended with Copland's clarinet concerto (commissioned by Benny Goodman). Music is my soul food -- renewed my subscription to the Friday morning Coffee Concert series -- they were amazed at the great seat I have (row F, dead center: "This is the kind of seat people inherit" -- but I simply lucked into it when I bought the last half of the season). They also premiered a three-piece suite by a Kentucky woman that was just lovely. Then I ran errands, so was gone most of the day.

    Had my annual Filet O'Fish and Micky D's fries. This meant a banana for dinner, of course, but ... what can I say? When that itch hits and stays, I scratch it -- but only once a year.

    Tired and weather (never even hit 50 today) playing with my sinuses so going to bed early. Bella to vet in the morning for blood recheck and I hope this will be the last vet run for at least a few months. Need to get things in order before Monday.

    Wishing everyone a magnificent and safe Easter weekend.

    TT: No Easter outfit stands out -- in fact, I'd have to dig out old pics to remember any. Mom clothed me in whatever fit, so nothing special, and I stopped buying Easter outfits as an adult. I do remember a little circle hat with a tiny veil once though, when I was maybe 10-11.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. I was off work today and spent the whole day doing domestic chores - planned the menu for the week, grocery shopped, then this afternoon cleaned the ENTIRE house. Last minute I decided to fix Easter dinner after all, even though nobody but me seems in the spirit. I asked son and DIL, and my sister, to come. Then church again tonight - our church has services for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and I feel like if I miss the middle ones I've missed the meaning of the season.

    Loved the story of the hawks in the backyard, Myra. Today I saw our piliated woodpecker for the first time this spring! We have a pair that lives in our back woods.

    Jeannette, I'm sure the dresses and jackets are turning out lovely! And they are all the more special because grandma made them. My mother loved sewing for my daughter when she was little (only granddaughter!) I sewed special clothes for her, and LOTS of doll clothes. I'll post a couple fo pics for you.

    Janet, I've never heard of a morning symphony series! What a delightful thing - glad you had a great day of it. Hopefully that relieved some of your stress from the medical stuff this week.

    Cindy, I'm glad you are feeling better, and hope your office excursion wasn't too wearing. It doesn't matter what the ex thinks of you - look who Rick is WITH, and it isn't the ex!

    Bert, sounds like you are looking forward to the time with your DIL. I am working to establish a good relationship with mine - successfully so far, I think. I loved my MIL dearly, and want to have that same closeness. And I loved the birthday cake shots! You brought back a memory I hadn't thought about for years - My dad ALWAYS tried to catch us mid-blow, and it became a game to fake him out, start to blow then smile for the camera, and then blow out the candles really quickly when he was cocking it again or waiting for the flash to recharge!

    Karla, hope the eye appointment went well. Thanks for the pictures of Izzy, she is at such a darling age! I know you are glad Chris finally moved out, but you did a wonderful thing with him for quite some time. At least he graduated from high school, and I know he gained some skills from you. Maybe he will get himself in order, and this tough love is just what he needs.

    MaryLynn, ouch! on the car trouble!

    Myra, enjoy this Easter with one "believer" left. I thought it was sad when we had none left. We still had Easter baskets even while the kids were in college, though they contained very different things!

    Beth, happy Easter with your family!