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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, of course they noticed! That had to put a massive smile on your face. Even though we do this for ourselves, external validation helps. Glad you already have your return planned.

    Staying idle today won't be difficult - trust me. A few ugly days are worth it for me. Back later - going to try to go back to sleep (awoke just before 5). Enforced sloth is the order of the day!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    After a busy Easter weekend, with lots of family and friends interaction, I'm looking forward to the wonderful weather ahead to continue being active outside. Everyone here seems to be finding their rhythm and that balance is so important for continued motivation to keep it up! Heading out the door to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and will check back later.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! It is beautiful here today, nice and sunny with a little breeze. My handy dandy weather button (as hubby likes to call it) on
    my phone says it is about 52 degrees out.

    Today we finish up Brian's class, which means one less thing for me to do! I think I may have found a place for my practicum if the school will
    approve it; sure am hoping so! It is with a Christian organization that does all kinds of outreach programs and it sounds like it will work well.

    MaryLynn - glad you are getting out in some nice weather. It is pretty here, but a bit chilly still.

    Janet - sorry you were having a rough time of it; it is nice you can reason your way through it, that is how I work through most things as
    well. Though I've not been commenting here I have been reading and praying for you. I'm really not much of a seamstress, but my mom was
    which is why I went to her house to sew (well, that and to use her machine). I'm glad I did because she helped me out quite a bit.

    Karla - your trip sounds wonderful and I enjoyed your pics on facebook. Thank you for your kind words, I hope I am included in that. It
    seems like you all know each other from other things and I kind of broke into your group. I am thankful you all have allowed me here.

    Diane - These collars were fairly simple, and I had my mom to help me. I thought the sleeves were the most difficult; I don't know how you sewed
    doll dresses/shirts so small! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

    Patti - your trip sounds perfect, great fun with great friends. Thanks for sharing your painting on FB, you are quite the artist!

    Cindy - sorry about the frustrating time with the child. He will learn, but it will take time and patience. I'm sure it doesn't help that he seems to have
    been unceremoniously dumped on her. It sounds like you are being a great support for her. I'm glad to hear you did nothing when you got tired :smile:

    Myra - hope your Easter went well with baskets and/or egg hunts or whatever you had planned. It is always nice to have all the family in one place
    even if for a little while.

    I have never been as consistent with MFP as I have been since you let me join this group. When I see how many days I've logged in "in a row" I have to smile
    because I log in partly to log my food and exercise, but more to see how you all are doing. Thank you all for including me. I'm very much enjoying
    getting to know you a little on here.

    Off I go to get some things done and I get to watch Avery this afternoon...Andrea has only just started letting us babysit her (though we asked her to for a
    while now)

    Grace and peace to you

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Karla, sending you big applause for your consistent efforts and those wonderful results. So affirming to have a cheering section around you as you march daily towards personal goals! Glad to hear that the eye is clearing up with the drug therapy and praying that this tough road will soon be behind you. Nice to have your home to yourselves and enjoy rearranging things.

    Janet, it is good to hear that you are finding your "inner idle" today and I truly hope that some quiet rest will bring the healing and relief from pain. Those procedures are exhausting and you are so wise to heed your body's needs carefully. Hang in there with the low iodine regime this week - I'm sure I have no idea how many food items need to be avoided during this time!

    Diane, I am SO with you on the start of a new leaf! I still find it a real struggle to take in enough lean protein, so that is my mini-goal this week. You managed well with getting through the Easter holiday feasts and finding out that you can indeed say "no thanks". Please try not to be too hard on yourself in terms of willpower, and allow yourself to be less than perfect. When we incorporate treats into our plans and add some more movement to burn it off, we tend to feel less deprived and more inclined to feel positive about progress. Your schedule doesn't give you much slack and yet you still find ways to get some exercise in too!

    Jeanette, your sewing efforts were such a success, with two happy little girls who appreciated the special gifts. Finding a way to allow your parents to remain in their home is a kind gesture and not without challenges, so hoping that the conversation continues to move forward with them in a positive way. Glad you were able to enjoy time with them and your family over the Easter holidays and finding ways to keep active as well. Looking forward to more sewing project pictures as you explore that new creative tool. You have a great eye for combining colors/patterns and it sounds like you were pleased with the results. Happy belated birthday and enjoy your day today! Dance like nobody is watching!

    Patti, it is wonderful that you made it to your destination and are having such an active time with your friends! So pleased that and Edd can enjoy the time together, including the challenges of travel that are seemingly inevitable. May you find the recharging of your batteries with the changes of scenery to be a great beginning to springing forward positively. Travel safe on the way home and looking forward to hearing your stories from the adventure.

    Cindy, it sounds like you are well on the road to recovery and looking forward to getting active again. Sorry to hear about the struggles with Meg's family, hopefully they can find a common ground to get the personal counselling help you suggested. How are you finding the sources for writing the upcoming book! It is amazing what you are able to accomplish with words and I admire your skill and dedication to your craft.

    Myra, wishing you a wonderful day and week ahead. Understandably this has been a hectic time and hoping you find a quiet space to enjoy.

    Bert, likely you've been busy with Easter and family and church times lately. Hugs to you!

    Beth, hoping that you are finding the balance back in your life again really soon. Take care of yourself with some special moments just for you.

    Loved all the photos of Easter outfits from everyone!

    Have a terrific Tuesday and get out there and keep moving forward one step at a time. Thanks for being here and encouraging me on this shared journey towards smaller numbers!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    A quick good evening.

    Jeanette, hoping you will get your practicum set up soon - sounds like a good fit - sending prayers up for it.

    MaryLynn, how is your foot? Hope you enjoyed the day and got some lovely fresh air.

    Have really been a slug today - have needed to. Grateful for pain meds and preventive antibiotics. Will unbandage and shower this evening. With more than 2' of incisions on this round, I figure I'm doing pretty well.

    Not much appetite - probably a beneficial side effect on the day before low-iodine diet starts. I will be the queen of produce, of necessity - using it as a springboard to get consistently on track because at least through April 15, I have a narrower range of food options. It will force discipline and "no" upon me with no wiggle room. Silver linings ...

    Primary care nurse practitioner appointment first thing tomorrow, then a quick stop at the produce market and home. It'll be a few more days of rest for me.

    Wishing you all a peaceful evening.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. I had a wonderful visit with my father and two of my brothers. I did a little housekeeping for them while I was there and told Kerry I was going to get a sign made for him saying "Patterson and Son"!! That is my maiden name and a joke from the old sitcom Sanford and Son. They both drag more junk home and have it laying around. Lol. We all had some great laughs and fun memories.

    Jeanette- that is a two-way street of us adoring having you with us my dear. You are a big part of our family and I know I speak for us all when I say we love hearing about your dance classes, your granddaughters, your educations and your family.

    Diane/- why don't you try some of those days from the Bettef a homes and Gardens plan we did? I want to get that back out myself. That salad with the black beans and oranges was good!!

    Janet- sounds like you are on plan. I hope you get a good report with whatever you are seeing your family nurse practitioner for? Keep resting and low iodine my friend.

    Marylynn. I bought the prettiest yellow hybrid us plant today blooming and full of buds. For some reason I thought of you and your joking ..

    Myra- how are you doing my dear?

    Patti- your picture looked very inviting but sounded jubilant to do more than anything.

    I better go lay down. Lots of errands to do tomorrow, pups to the groomers, housekeepers coming, go order my new glasses, drop the bomb on the podiatrst, and come back home after some groceries...

    Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having my whole house back????? Well it is wonderful.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Happy Hump Day- Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I had a day trip for work that started at 630 Am and I got home at 6 PM- busy day but good.
    Ready to Soar will be back from the proof reader today- so excited to get one more step closer to publication- Doing a happy dance.
    Dentist today for a filling- I have to get the metal ones replaced and I can only do one at a time as I get so panicked stricken.
    Janet- please rest and do nothing- netflix is good
    Karla- You look wonderful with 17 pounds less of you and I'm sure it is noticeable to all- enjoy the peace in your home
    MaryLynn- this is a great group of encouraging our journey down the path- We are happy you found us.
    Jeannette- I love the weather app to- and we were lucky the day you found us- you bring a new dimension to our happy little family
    Diane- Thanks for the information about bed wetting. I'll pass along to Meg about the medicine- they have a doctor appointment on Friday. And she is going by herself.
    I told her Randy needs to step in as it is his son- I feel so bad for this little boy.....
    Patti- If you're stalking us a big hello and loved your painting on FB- an artist is born..... I'm not surprised with your creativity.
    Need to run as it is another busy day but I hope you enjoy whatever you're doing and please smile to a stranger today.
    Until next time
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everybody -- A quick post before I plop for a bit. Karla, what did the podiatrist say? I know the whole office loves and depends on you.

    Had routine visit with my nurse practitioner this morning (needed to re-up on my few meds). She was thrilled with my bloodwork and at my next visit may close the book on my type 2 diabetes -- sugar has been in the normal range for ages. Then I got some fresh produce, hit the ATM for cash and came home. It's time for a pain pill -- being out and about for a few hours was, um, interesting. I'm doing quite well -- just need to keep ahead of it.

    Low-iodine diet started today -- will be getting myself back into the swing of making everything from scratch and eating lots of fruits and veggies.

    Back later to see what's up with all of you.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi my dear ladies. I feel like I have been passing myself in the hallway here lately!! Today I am home pacing myself in the home office. I hung up my peg board and my clock and elevated my two laptops, paid some bills, faxed some credentialing papers off and have settled down for some eye clinic billing.

    How are you all?

    Janet- Dr B was fine with me stopping by for for hours twice a week. I told him my eye treatments dictated my home therapy and what I did for him there, I could continue at home. He was relieved not to lose me totally. He is taking Glenn and I to Destin the end of next month to that Podiatry convention that I missed last year due to Glenn's surgery. How is your low sodium diet going?

    Patti- I sure miss you but know you are having a grand time.

    Cindy- how are the lungs?

    Jeanette- how is the car challenge going?
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you are all having a good week. I was on the go quite a bit yesterday, mostly for my daughter, Andrea, who
    finally seems to be getting her life in order.

    But I really wanted to tell you about my brother. A little background...he is four years younger than me and we were very close growing up,
    always in close contact until adulthood when we drifted a little due to just living our own lives; but we still talked sometimes and were close
    until he met his now ex-wife Rhonda. She decided she didn't like me, I suspect it is because she saw we were close and didn't like that, and
    so told him I was mean to her. He never asked me about it, just took her word for it and distanced himself. It was hard for me but I accepted
    that he was just drifting further away (I had no idea how she felt or what she had done until about a year ago). I have tried to be in contact with
    him over the years, and after he and Rhonda decided to divorce about a year ago I told him he could always call me; he never did until recently.
    We have talked on the phone a couple of times now, and before he hung up the other day he said "I'll talk to you soon"...emphasizing the soon.
    I am so very thankful, excited and happy to have my brother back!

    Karla - I'm sorry to hear your eye still needs treatment, but glad your boss is so understanding. Of course he wouldn't want to lose you! Sounds
    like your office is coming together nicely :smile:

    Janet - it sounds like you are doing so very well! How is the low iodine diet going? It is so hard to be so restricted!! Thanks for the prayers, they
    are very much appreciated. I've called a couple more places; one seems like they are willing to work with me, but it is a Christian group, not a
    professional group, so I'm not sure my school will accept them.

    Cindy - I am not fond of the dentist either; I always tense up when I go. Hope your visit went well and was less stressful than you anticipated. Sounds
    like you are a step closer to getting another book published, that is exciting!!!

    MaryLynn - Have you tried alternative types of proteins, such as quinoa and/or soy? I'm not a fan of soy so much but use quinoa quite a bit

    Diane - hope you are taking care of yourself; I like to be busy too but some down time is also a good idea.

    Well, today I hope to get some things done around the house. I have been doing what I can to help Andrea and am pleased she is getting things
    together, but the flip side is that I don't have a lot of time for other things.

    Have a wonderful day
    Grace and peace to you

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Waving hello to all, and thinking about each one of you. Sending up prayers and positive thoughts. Will come home tomorrow from this little trip.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    With such a beautiful morning beckoning, it's soon time to head outside and enjoy it again. The leaves and blossoms, the colors and smells, the warmth of the sunshine and the simple beauty of the intricate designs of nature warm my heart and motivate me to explore it fully. Having so much to be thankful for in this life, including all of you is what keeps me going. May you find exactly what you need today - despite the inevitable frustrations or a series of disappointments - and rediscover your inner child through playfulness and simple pleasures.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Rick and I walked last night for the first time in weeks- did some coughing and my legs were sore but too much sitting around and not enough movement. Struggling with food this week but that is next on the plan.
    Half way through reading the proof readers comments- need about 2 more hours before it can go out for copy edit.
    Nothing major then I can get back to Ellie in the newest book- :)
    Janet- think positive about the F/V intake- what specifically can't you eat?
    MaryLynn- Did you get a nice walk in this morning?
    Karla- you're very busy setting things up good for you
    Myra- safe travels home
    Patti- in case you're reading - keep having fun!
    Jeannette- how are you doing today?
    Diane- Late check in is always welcome by us
    Need to run but needed an OMG fix-
    Until next time
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi -- Tired so will be brief.

    Karla, glad the doc took the news well and that you and Glenn get to go to Destin on his dime!

    Jeanette, what wonderful news about your brother. Very happy for you.

    Day two of low-iodine (not low-sodium -- I can have salt, as long as it's Kosher salt -- no sea salt or iodized salt, which means avoiding most prepared foods). Too tired to do much cooking so will be eating a lot of raw veggies and making dressings or salsas from scratch. Trying to stay within my limit but get all the nutrition I can (can't take vitamins either). I'll get through it again and will treat myself when it's over in a few weeks.

    I have planned the layout of my 31 theatre showcards in my study for when the guy who will hang them is abe to clear time. Even have room for a couple more if I want. Thinking about that.

    My new Rx insurance is driving me nuts -- I take flexeril for back spasms -- it's a cheap generic. But (because of the deal my insurer has with drug companies) it's not covered under my new plan -- and would cost me nearly $400 for a 90-day supply -- no way I'm going to pay that. So now I have to try something else. Yet another reason why I consider drug companies and insurance companies basically evil. We all have stories like that -- grrrrrr.

    Time to lie down and try to close my eyes. A severe storm is going to pass through in the next hour. Wind has been whipping all day. I enjoy a good storm if it doesn't cause damage, but the cats hide (as if it could get to them inside the house).

    Back later!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Geez -- Three posts before mine didn't show, even though I went out and back in before posting.

    Myra, safe travels.

    MaryLynn, what a sweet blessing you are to all of us!

    Cindy, glad you were up to a walk with Rick last night. Tell Ellie hi! The low-iodine diet means nothing that swam, no dairy, no soy, seaweed, egg yolks, nothing that might contain iodized salt (things like salad dressings, salsas, mustards, baked goods, etc.). As a yogurt and cheese lover who ordinarily eats fish/seafood frequently, it's annoying. I can do it -- just don't have to like it. Of course I can have Oreos because they are free of banned ingredients. Lean protein is limited too and unless I cook it myself (and make sure there's no broth in it), it's off-limits. Need to get some Swanson broth (non-iodized salt) and make onion soup this weekend. I have lists of manufacturers who don't use iodized salt but the best course is to stick with fresh fruits and veggies. Am out of oatmeal and can have plain (adding a bit of maple syrup if I choose). It's just extra vigilence and annoyance, but nothing I can't handle.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Friends-
    It's Friday and I'm ready for the weekend. Tomorrow we have a Jack and Jill luncheon for Rick's son and finance and the ex will be there ready to be nasty if she can get away with it. I've never understood people with such intense negative feelings towards other- so unkind to herself as well as those feelings eat at your insides- but not my cross to bear. I will get through it being my typically sunny self and I have a cute skirt and sweater to wear :)
    I've really been eating too many sweets since Sunday. I didn't think we had that many leftovers but I swear they are multiplying at night when I sleep. After tomorrow total focus is on me and my good health and WLJ- I can't control the food tomorrow and with the level of stress I may feel I'm not going to add to it but worrying about what is on the buffet- I will do the best I can.
    Posts seem light since yesterday- Hmmm
    Janet- your positive outlook is shining through and I'm glad. I didn't realize the diet was SO restrictive but I know you can do it and will rise about the inconvenience. I chuckled at the oreos comment.
    I did tell Ellie you said Hello and that you were anxious to see what she is up to lately.
    I've decided to do a different cover for Ready to Soar- I talked with Emily last night about my concept and she'll help so I need to wait a couple of weeks for the flowers and trees to bloom and then I'll get my camera clicking. The cover I was going to use will be used in the Crystal Lake series I'm planning.
    Need to start the office day- I'll be back when I can.
    Waving to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. This business lady is about to be on the run so she can return and work on the Blue Cross of Mississippi credentialing. I have FINALLY put the Medicare of MS together to mail today.

    Cindy- Good to see you checking in every morning dear. I have a ex-wife to deal with on every family function now that she has moved back to the area. She is not mean though. I just don't like her at the functions. She is the mother and grandmother, so I have to deal with it.

    I don't kow why I am getting red lines under all my posts after the first one????

    We are going to Destin on the 10th of this month for a family vacation for 4 nights. Jason and his four kids are going. That is why I am pushing myself to get this credenting done.

    Janet- How are you doing? You are such a trooper.

    I better get going.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, strut your gorgeous stuff in that cute outfit tomorrow. The ex is clearly what I would charitably term a cow, and her venality must never detract from your sparkle. Have fun regardless -- and know that others will see her for what she is. Moo.

    Karla, you are so productive already. You do such a wnoderful job of navigating the waters of blended family on multiple levels (with yourself and with Jason -- speaking of which, is he settled down?)

    Going to run my errands now -- need to get lots of Swanson broth (no iodine in the salt they use) and some fresh chicken, so I can have more protein. I normally rely heavily on Greek yogurt and fish/seafood, and we all know nuts are yummy but caloric. My sca is two weeks from this afternoon and I'll have to stay low-ioding until I know whether I need another cancer-killing dose of radioactive iodine. Betting I won't but would not want to have to start this diet over and wait longer.

    Feeling not terrible but some pain is creeping in, so going t get out now and will pop a pain pill just before I head home -- will be safely here before it kicks in. Planning a quiet weekend. I SO need some uuiet solo time away from the stress of everything I need to do here -- May with my friend in SC will happen, and maybe in later May (depending on stuff) I can visit my many friends in Atlanta -- but stay in a hotel so I can have some peace-of-mind time too. I just need to do that getaway I keep talking about -- but with medical stuff, a baby shower in three weeks in Toledo and tight funds, it's so hard to prioritize that need -- before summer comes and takes away my will to live for several months!

    Big TGIF hugs to all. Back later.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi y'all! Long time no talk to! I haven't fallen off the earth and at least still have the wagon in sight although the sugar monster has reared its ugly head this week. Today is a new beginning though and if I've flubbed up enough to have a gain this week at tomorrow morning's WI, I'll just have to own it.

    We've stayed busy with chores since we got home from AZ mid-March. Lots of gardening and yard work. We had a load of topsoil delivered last week and spread it in the backyard. Wowza! Talk about work! Then the argument over sod started..... However, after HUGE ruts washed out in our lovely spread dirt during a T-storm downpour this week, I won that fight and sod is being delivered tomorrow. That'll be another chore and good workout along with cleaning out the garage to get prepared for our storm shelter to be installed on Monday.

    I have several days of work coming this month in AR and I'm hoping to drag Dave along for part of that time. I would like to sneak over to Buffalo River country for a few days of hiking if the weathers good. We may have to break down and rely on hotels, though, as Tulip (our RV) is in the shop getting a new A/C and generator. This will be a new project for work and there's quite a bit of prep to get training modules ready for it, so I'll be logging some hours, which will mean good paychecks. That's a very old thing considering its flower planting/buying season!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi! Glad you didn't tumble into the Grand Canyon. Sounds like you have a very busy April mapped out. Glad you won the Battle of the Sod -- good luck with all the yardwork. Prepping the new modules will probably be a welcome break (and lucrative too).

    Waited a bit long before taking a pain pill today but had to get errands run. Am now home, equipped with plenty of produce, a carton of egg whites, fresh chicken and iodine-free broth. I'll cook later. But first, a bit of a veg after some online shopping.