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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Welcome home, Patti!!
    middle daughter has an orthodontist appointment this morning, so i'm off and running...

    here's our current list of mini goals: (Judy- I added the last goal i had a record of for you :)

    Karlalm58 - Karla - AL(gulf coast)- DO THE STRENGTH TRAINING FOR UPPER BODY X3 THIS WEEK.
    Luzingg - Patti - OH - GET 10K STEP PER DAY
    Smack59 - Suzi - OK - TRACK IT ALL!
    bertevans - Bert - IN - drink water and get 10K steps each day.
    LCUConley - Lisa - ON - Track No Matter What
    68Myra - Myra - NC - EAT 5 FREGGIES/DAY
    Blessed Beyond- Vikki - VA - workout 4 days a week, 4 days cardio, 3 days strength training; come in under calorie goal 5 days this week
    LivLovLrn - Jeanette - OR- EAT 4 VEGGIES A DAY
    JudyAnnsews - Judy, MI - Eat real food, mostly veggies and less of it
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Friends-
    I woke up to more SNOW so it has reverted to January for us the temp was 25- UGH. This won't last long but my longing to play in the dirt is delayed for a couple of days if not weeks.
    Patti- welcome home. SO glad you have a great time. We missed you!
    Janet- some gentle yoga might be a good thing for you- I would check with your doctor. My Emily firmly believes Yoga can be modified for all people not matter what their physical limitations are- she says its not about being perfect in each pose but that you are trying to help yourself- even if all you do is the breathing..... She sent me a link to look at. I can forward it to you too. Some of it is scary but again she said just do the breathing mom... Love that kid so encouraging to everyone she meets.
    Judy- good luck with PT today. I"m still dealing with Amazon to get the pages fixed in Last First Kiss so you can download for free the updated copy. They are VERY difficult to work with.
    Myra- have fun at the ortho- first appt for your daughter?
    Bert- you're right life is precious and sometimes we forget that very important point.
    Suzi- is the garage done?
    Karla- I'm sure you're loving the quiet zone at Casa de Mitchell- :)
    Well need to run- had a great food day yesterday so I did eat like I loved myself and I threw out the oreos. I'll be able to have them in the house again without temptation but not right now.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear OMG pals...

    Cindy- I love the way you write..love your wording. Of course you are a writer!! Yes I am loving the Casa de Mitchell. But I am also worrying about Chris too.

    Myra- Thanks for updating our board yet again. An angel from heaven you are. What is on your agenda for this week.

    Janet- So nice hearing your voice and continuing to recive your support with my turbulent life. Your have no eartly idea how much it means to me my dear friend.

    Judy- I will be praying for you as your start the physical torture therapy, I'm sorry, but that is what it is at the beginning, but it does work it's wonders at the end. Trust me, the insurance companies would NOT pay for it if it wasn't effective.

    Bert- so very glad it worked out with the carpet cleaners. I do not have any carpet in my home. Jut hard woods and ceramic tile. With pets it is just not worth it.

    Patti!!!!! so glad you are back and sounds like you had a wonderful time. Now we have a painter in our group!!! Take you time catching up with us. So glad you are back in the fold.

    I have been working in my office this morning, but will head out shortly to show my face a few hours, 4 actually, at the Podiatry, and then back home for more credentialing. I am pushing myself along so I won't have to drag much with me on vacation. The BC of MS went real well yesterday and am waiting on the providers to get me some documents. I am making some big bucks on this contract.

    I better get a going..

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's very cold this morning, but sunny. I hope I didn't lose any flowers. My rose bushes and mums are above the ground. Mums can take it, but I'm not sure about the roses.

    Karla: I wish I only had hard wood and tile. The next time he comes, it will be half price. So I'm happy about that.

    I'm heading out in a while to run errands and then have lunch with a friend. Have a great day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies, it is cold and sunshiny here, way different than the weather we left in FL, but still happy to be back home. Now comes the re entry into my daily life. Going through the mail, paying bills and dealing with all sorts of problems that seem to always arise when you leave home for any length of time, put the travel is still worth it. Today is laundry, grocery shopping (cupboards are seriously bare!) and TRX. Tomorrow I wil go to Mom's and regale her with my travel stories, lol. We have another trip planned for the first weekend in May. MS for another BMW rally and hopefully a couple of days with my brother in Birmingham, if I can catch him at home. We also decided to go a rally in the Smokies in June. All of these will be on the motorcycle and camping in our pop up.

    Cindy, loved catching up on your blog posts and "seeing" your memories.
    Judy, sending you healing vibes and prayers that your pain meds work through your PT.
    Bert, I only have 2 rooms with carpet and would gladly change to hardwood if Edd would let me. I clean my own carpetts and should do it more often. Hope all your flowers make it through the cold.
    Janet, maybe this low iodine diet is just the ticket to get you to goal. I just know that scan will be clear and you can close the book on this chapter. Great news on your recent revisions.
    Myra, thank you for being so vigilant with the weekly OMGs. You are so sweet to us and it does not go unnoticed.
    Susie, love seeing your posts again. I don't go in Edd's garage, it is just too scary.
    Jeanette, I bet you are going to miss your dance classes this summer. Hope it all works out with you to move in with your parents.

    Sorry if I missed anyone, just getting my head out of vacation mode and back into my real life is taking most of my brain power!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    We have a warm and rainy day outside, so some inside activities may be in order, or don the "rain gear" and head back out there.
    Started some topical testosterone therapy today, so it will be interesting to see the impact in a while.
    Will check in again later for more personals, but wanted to say welcome home to Patti!
    Keep focused on your own mini goal today and enjoy yourselves with those you love.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- can't believe you forgot me.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Cindy and Janet- the yoga studio i attend is very gentle. in fact, she calls it "yoga therapy" her style is eclectic, so it's hard to describe. it is not like any yoga class i've tried before.... there are no sun salutations, and very few standing poses (although we've done some warrior 2 and some tree poses) most of it is mat work. we do some core strengtheners, and she seems to like doing "end range of motion" strengtheners. and we always finish class with 10 minutes of mindfulness or meditation. So, to answer your question, Cindy, this class is more stretching and "restorative" for me than toning. my two favorite classes are "gentle" which i attend with a handful of sweet little old ladies :) and "self-myofascial release" which usually attracts a more athletic audience, and we work with foam rollers and strategically placed racquetballs.

    Janet- I encourage you to research "hanna somatics" I was having lower back pain over the holidays that just wouldn't quit, and out of desperation, i searched for "how to unlock lower back" and found a video on Utube by a dude named "James Knight". the immediate relief i experienced after following along (about 12 minutes) made me a firm believer! I have since bought his dvd: Gentle Yoga through Somatic exploration...... i have only tried the lower body section and i like it, although it's slow-paced. slow is what i need, but i don't wanna. BUT.... he has BUNCHES of UTUBE videos of varying lengths, so a purchase isn't necessary.... i just felt like supporting this guy who saved my Christmas ;)

    I am so glad i have reached angel status just by posting OMG's :smiley: and here i was feeling bad that i didn't get to it before i left town the other week ;) speaking of feelings.... remember the medication I had to fight my insurance to pay their "part" of? I finally started taking it on good friday. It is a drug that has helped me in the past, but comes with side effects (don't they all). I'm cautiously optimistic that it is working once again for me. I caught myself smiling the other day, and it wasn't even forced :) I am going to go out on a limb and say I believe i'm really starting to turn a corner. this latest bout of depression has been a dooosy to claw my way back from... so THANK YOU for all of your support and for being such nice people!

    Patti- i'm so happy to hear of your great people-visiting vacation :) did you read that I grew up in Sarasota? btw, your comment about Edd's garage made me chuckle ;)

    Bert- I'd prefer to get rid of all wall-to-wall carpet too, but alas, it is more economical upfront. I'm lucky to have the hardwood floors I DO have :)

    that's all for now: one kid has tennis class, the other has soccer practice, so it's a divide and conquer and throw dinner together later kind of evening for us here.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra -- Glad the med seems to be working!

    Patti -- Welcome home. Sounds like a wonderful and much-needed trip. I'm ready to drive up after I'm done with the low-iodine routine.

    Bert -- So sorry abut your superintendent -- a good reminder of the preciousness of life.

    Cindy, love your weekly goal. I'm not eating well on this thing but trying ...

    Karla, hope you had a calmer day.

    Judy, how did PT go? Been thinking of you.

    MaryLynn, hope the therapy works. At least you have warm -- my fireplace is going here.

    Suzi, any yard/gardening progress?

    Beth, hope you continue to make a bit of time to do nothing. After the last couple of months, you owe it to yourself.

    Jeanette, you are so graceful with words, as you are with your dancing.

    Looks like the fight to stay on my muscle relaxer (flexeril) is over and I will have to switch to something else for reasons of cost -- SHOULD cost about $9 for three months, but they want to charge almost $400. (Don't get me started -- Karla, I know you're chiming in with a dozen stories from your work!). Soapbox moment: Insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers have NO business practicing medicine, or forcing someone through $ to change away from something CHEAP that works. This is one of the many reasons why I walked away from my job.(stepping off soapbox)

    Ran a few errands - it's cold here and staying that way. I like the crisp air but feel bad for people who have just planted things. Going to have chicken and a sweet potato for dinner.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from TRX and it didn't kill me, so that is good, but it definitely wasn't easy. Have a nice salad with chicken, fruit and veggies ready and waiting for my supper. Got lots of things accomplished today so I can relax with Mom tomorrow.

    Karla, did not mean to skip you. I had in mind what I was going to post and thought I had, still getting my brain back from vacation mode. So happy to hear you have all your rooms back. You will probably always worry about Chris, just as we all worry about those we love, but you gave him what he needed when he needed it. I hope your disability goes thru so you can stop stressing your eye with all the computer work. Have you started the filing process yet?

    Mary Lynn, your post gave me a great chuckle. I read that you were starting "tropical testosterone therapy" and was thinking that is was a great way to describe hot flashes. Reread it and had a good laugh at myself. Hope it works, keep us posted.

    Myra, I did remember that you had grown up in Sarasota. It was a really nice town. Our friend is the best tour guide and she showed us all around town. When we went downtown to see the statue of the sailor and the nurse we found the best little "art in the park". We made it to Siesta Key and drove thru Longbow Key too. The weather was perfect, especially the day we rode our bikes down to Venice. I will keep the prayers coming that the meds give you more smiles every day.

    Janet, when will you be done with low iodine diet so we can put our lunch on the calendar! I a right there with you on the soapbox. One of my jobs when I was a Case Manager was to work for the patient, against the insurance companies to get the meds covered. We can all thank Medicare for the restrictions. So if anyone thinks we don't have socialized medicine in this country, think again. Medicare makes the rules and guess who runs Medicare? I have had to change all my medications in the last few years for my high blood pressure. I'll jump down now too!

    Need to go eat my salad before it gets any later. Tried a new Dannon light and fit yogurt today. Caramel fudge pretzel, caramel yogurt with chocolate covered pretzel bits. Liked the bits, but the caramel did not cut it, plus it was 130 calories. Bummer, it was all things I like.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, if my scan is clear, I will be off low-iodine by the 20th, maybe a day or so earlier. Not sure when you're taking your next trip - I hope to have a few=day getaway in May so we can work around our schedules. Bet Frankie was thrilled to see you and Edd. No more van trouble on the trip home? Haven't seen that flavor but would try it when I get dairy back -- many of my favorite things too.

    Dinner is done and I am tired -- finished Mozart in the Jungle and hope season 3 will be up soon.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    My eating is going well and portion controlled. As you may remember I'm taking a break from the scale but I do know approximately where I am since the comfort level of my work pants and jeans are the same. Just can't face those numbers and I get very angry with myself which leads to overeating. One meal at a time for me this week.
    Janet- So agree with insurance companies- hang in there and i forgot about sweet potatoes the last few weeks- thanks for the reminder. Rick doesn't eat them so I don't always pick them up.
    Patti- sorry about the dannon yogurt new flavors. I haven't had much in the way of yogurt lately. Need to get back on that train too
    Myra- so glad you are finding your smile again. Doing a happy dance for you
    Bert- I have hard wood everywhere except for our upstairs bedroom- its nice and easy to clean. Maybe you could do one room at a time?
    MaryLynn- enjoy your day
    Karla- when do you leave for Destin?
    Diane- waving hello
    Suzi- I'm getting some plan details today after work.
    Off and running but I'll be back.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Sad news from one of our older WW buddies. Some may remember Olivia, her father was in the cardiac unit last week and has now passed away. She was a real daddy's girl too. A young single school teacher that was in our weight watcher's group for a time. Please pray for her and her family.

    Patti- Did you see where I am down to 193 now? I stayed the same this week as I partied with the grandkids this past weekend with events, but am back on it this week. I know you will get back in the grove, already back on the food and the gym.

    Cindy- We leave on Sunday and it is uncertain whether Glenn will be able to go at all or for part of it as his ship is at a critical stage.

    Jason is finally seeing a psychologist for his issues today, I am so glad.

    Janet - I am with Cindy that you have been so diligent with your therapies that your scan will be clear and you can put all this behind you for good!! Will you try and put that new picture you sent me as you avatar on here? You looked so gorgeous for a true symphony.

    Well, I let the Eye clinic go. I am going to train the staff there to do the billing. I met with them yesterday. It was a mutual agreement. Their numbers have been going down and they needed to cut expenses so it was a win-win for everyone. I will be their consultant and do any credentialing that comes up. This is so much better for me as it was the only client that I actually performed the billing. The others I was just managing. Now I can take on the new client managed with ease. God closes one door and opens another. Always. Glenn is thrilled with this new development.

    I have a hair appointment at 9:30 and then I am going for a pedi afterwards. I have GOT to pamper myself and get ready for the BEACH.

  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    I survived therapy. I really just lay there while she tortures me! Mostly just a massage. I haven't taken pain pills for two weeks now. I was awake all night so I think tomorrow night I will take one. I have to do therapy three times a week until May15 and then they will reevaluate.

    Our son has been very sick please remember him in prayer. He is going to a rheumatologist this morning.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Judy- I will pray for you son. Yes, please take a pain pill, and what about a heating pad?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited April 2016
    Cindy, I'm not caring about the number either. I have my clothes and skeleton as a guide and also find being too dependent on The Number is counterproductive for me. I loathed sweet potatoes as a kid (only had them at holidays and the only part I liked was the marshmallow topping). Like mushrooms, fish, tomatoes and spinach, they are now favorites.

    Judy, you might want to take a pill an hour before OT - might lessen the torture - do use if you need them (something I learned through experience). Praying for your son's health and peace of mind for all. Joint and autoimmune stuff is no fun, and it doesn't always get the respect it deserves. Hoping he gets lasting relief soon.

    Karla, love the photo of the six if you before the concert - you look great. Losing the eye clinic is well-timed and will help your eye (ha!). Will see if I can upload that pic (much as the mere thought makes me squeamish. Parents/grandparents, NEVER let children hear negative words (or full conversations) about any child's appearance or other "differences." It not only scars, it leaves open wounds.)

    Low-iodine means less protein (meat is limited too) and no vitamins (might be iodine in supplements) so my physical energy level is a little low, but my attitude is positive. Looking forward to a productive day and a mani this afternoon.

    Time to get on it - see you all later!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Patti- glad you enjoyed my “hometown”…. although I probably wouldn’t recognize much of it anymore. I haven’t been there for at least 15 years. sorry the new yogurt flavor was disappointing. I had given up flavored yogurt until i discovered “triple zero” greek. my favorite is vanilla, which i’ve never liked before. go figure.

    Janet- your never-ending optimism strikes me as truly remarkable. in that way, i see you as my role model :) sorry to hear your insurance company is acting like a nincompoop. as you know, I feel your pain. I went on a strict “anti-yeast” diet in the past. they are not fun, but at least they are also not permanent. i’ve never even thought about “no iodine” foods before. kudos to you for your dedication. Your comments about childhood pain reminded me of a book I once read/studied by John Bradshaw: “homecoming: reclaiming and healing your inner child” have you ever heard of it? He also had a televised series on PBS back in the early 90’s.

    Karla- glad to hear you are pampering yourself this morning. I’m not a mani/pedi kind of girl, but i can appreciate how it’s self-care for others :) my bestie in Georgia just LOVES the smell of nail salons, HAHA. sorry to hear the sad news from your ww buddy. i was a real daddy’s girl too. I’m glad your work-life is moving in the right direction for you.

    Judy- I think Janet is giving you sage advice about pain meds before PT :) I will pray for your son and for guidance for the rheumatologist.

    Jeanette- any progress on the practicum? I remember how difficult it can be to find one, especially if you aren’t “mobile”.

    MaryLynn- I thought about you when i was in western carolina last week….. we visited a national forest and ‘hiked’ a well-travelled trail to see some gorgeous waterfalls! not as tall as what you have on VI, but impressive enough for two little girls :)

    Beth- hope the dentist was gentle, and you continue to enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

    Cindy- I also admire your OMG this week. I might just tape it to the inside of my kitchen cupboard :)

    waiving hello to everyone else! so far, i’m doing ok on my OMG of freggie focus!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I am running late today. Thoroughly enjoyed my EW omelet this am, it has been 2 weeks! I am on the Cindy Plan too. Staying away from the scale, it is just a tool to sabotage my efforts. Using my clothes and the mirror as my litmus test. Not liking where I am right now but am working to change that.

    Karla, yes I saw your weight, congrats, great job, whoot, whoot, way to go, ^5..... Hope that catches me up. Glad you have found a way to scale back. I know Glenn is relieved. I hope he gets some time to join you in Destin. Enjoy your day of pampering.

    Cindy, you are doing the right thing and focusing on baby steps.

    Myra, I don't care for the triple zero yogurt. Good thing they make so many flavors and types of yogurt. Keep smiling.

    Judy, as your shoulder gets looser the pain will lessen. Now is not the time to try to tough it out. Take your pain meds 30 minutes before your session and at bedtime. People worry that they will become addicted, but that will not happen as long as you are taking them for pain!

    Janet, you are so lovely inside and out and I pray some day you will see what we do. Hope you post that new pic.

    Gotta run, back before Blacklight Zumba.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, thanks for the info on Olivia. So young to lose her Dad and I know how close they were. Sending her prayers.

    Judy, sending up prayers for your son as well.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited April 2016
    Myra -- "Freggie!" Thanks for that -- may I borrow it?

    Patti, have fun getting back into the swing of "normal" life.

    I've been reading a lot about the demonization of full-fat dairy lately. Recent studies have shown that it may be better for us than low- or no-fat. (I know Patti shares my disdain of fat-free "cheese.") The more I learn, the moore convinced I become that we just need to eat Real Food and depend less on processed and packaged stuff.

    Which brings me to a question:

    TT: What are your pantry must-have staples?
    Maybe we can learn from one another.

    Mine: Boxed broth, canned beans (especially black beans) and tomatoes (boxed or canned), green chiles, water chestnuts (to add crunch), steel-cut oats, artichokes in water. Not a fan of canned veggies other than tomatoes, artichokes, chilis, water chestnuts.