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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! It is another beautiful day here, we are having a streak of unusually warm weather for this time of year; it hit the 80's yesterday!

    Patti - sounds like a wonderful time with very interesting people! I love listening to people's stories too. So happy to hear about your BFF's results, wonderful news.

    Janet - I'm sure it is a relief to get those taxes out of the way. I do the taxes for us and I am always thankful to be done with them. I completely agree about BMI; not only is it outdated, it is ridiculous to think that height vs weight has anything to do with health. I hope the low iodine diet is going well.

    Karla - I am a "if you ask I will tell you" kind of person so I'll say things are not better. I feel like I am walking around with question marks over my head wondering what is so wrong with me (this is not about my parents....I'm used to that by now). Thank you for your kind words, it does help a little. I am glad you are getting to enjoy your reclaimed office space and getting your life a bit de-stressed. Hope the training goes well.

    Cindy - I think you just need to do what works best for you and it sounds like you have found a way to fit the WW online program into your busy schedule. It's good to hear that they are changing things for the better; sugar cane is addictive and I have thought for some time now that that is why companies put it in their products. When I gave up sugar completely I could always tell if something I ate had sugar in it because I always wanted more, even if I didn't like it all that much.

    Take care ladies, hope you all have a great day
    Grace and peace to you
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from the gym. A great class and had time to talk to all the friends I have missed for the last 2 weeks. Reinforces that I am there for more than exercise. We talked with the trainer to see if she can work a full pilates class in to her schedule for us. We all miss it so much. 25 minutes once a week is just not enough. I know I could do it home but never seem to motivate myself to do so. There is a 2 hour Zumbathon coming up later this month and I think I am going to join in. You don't have to participate in the the entire 2 hours. There will be several instructors, each doing 2-4 songs so you can drop in and out as your endurance allows. Quite a few of my buddies will be going and our trainer will be doing 2 of the songs. Something fun to do if we are in town. Going to Mom's this afternoon to watch the shows she recorded while we were gone. She wants pizza so I will be indulging but try to keep my portions under control. I have not had a real pizza in over a year, so it may get ugly, lol.

    Jeanette, wish I lived near you so we could go for a walk and talk or just hang with each other so you could just let it all out. Sending you the same grace and peace you always send to us.

    Janet, I loved the article and have felt the same for some time. Such an archaic system. So proud of that young lady for doing her research, speaking her mind and finding a way to start being "body proud" instead of "body shamed". There is way too much of the latter in our society. Nobody knows the struggles each of us face in our daily lives and to suppose that we do is beyond ignorant and extremely callous. I wish everyone could read her intelligent and thoughtful words. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

    Hope you all have plans for a weekend that focuses on you.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Nearing the end of my work day and felt drawn to stop by for a quick hello.
    The weekend is on tap for a bridal shower and not sure what Sunday will hold.
    But its a great day overall.
    Jeannette- i too wish you grace and peace. and if you ever a friendly ear I am here.
    Patti- the zumba event sounds neat.
    Need to run-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Nice time and great pizza with Mom. Tomorrow is cards with my girlfriends and lunch afterwards. No other plans so I am thinking time in my craft room since I didn't get there yesterday.

    Cindy, enjoy the shower and hope Sunday is all about you.

    Waving hi to the rest of the crew
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Saturday morning friends.

    One day closer to my vacation. Yeaaaaa.
    I'm watching a new series I am really enjoying, The Catch, very good, on ABC, on Thursday nights , on Demand also.

    I had to have a stand down with Jason's exwife, JJ' s mother, as she was not going to let us have him for this vacation, but she finally let him come. As you know, they are feuding in court over raising the child support.

    Patti- what kind of pizza did you and your mother have? What shows did you watch?

    Janet- I am so looking forward to this trip. Glenn and I know some great hot spots to steal away to in Destin for some live music, drinks and Craft beers. We are taking our bicycles too since they have great trails at this resort too. Plus, there is a PF Changs nearby.

    Jeanette- glad to see you post. You are having dome lovely weather! We were but the temps have really dropped. You are welcome for my genuine words my dear. You hang tough, you hear?

    Cindy- I miss weight watchers but am just too busy to do double duty right now. I did go up two pounds this past week and am trying to watch it on this vacation. I know it has been all the stress. I hope to do some walking on the beach tomorrow as it is supposed to be our best day.

    Diane- where are you lady?

    I better get going. Packing to do, work to finish, baking to do, relaxing to do.. Fun to do!!!

    I want to share some funny pictures my grandkids were doing last weekend. Some app called face swap. Everyone was getting in on it. Even Izzy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's cold, but sunny today. So much of a better day than yesterday. There was a mixture of rain, sleet, and snow! I went to my former superintendent's visitation yesterday. I was a huge turnout as I suspected. We stood in line for 1 1/2 hours. He was a great leader and will truly be missed.

    Patti: Thanks for your input on Medicare. I was given a name of a guy who is familiar with what to do, so I'll call him and schedule an appointment.

    Janet: Thanks for your input as well. I'll check it out.

    Karla: Please share some good restaurants and things to do in Destin. We are going in August for Mike's fraternity buddies' reunion. I know they will play golf, so I really need activities to do. I'm a beach walker, but not a sitter for a long period of time. I would like to go dolphin watching while there.

    Today is our grandson's 3rd birthday party. He's really into Captain America. I bought him a shield and mask as suggested by my daughter-in-law. I can't wait to see him open it up. He calls the character Mackin' America! :) Have a good day everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited April 2016
    Bert- on your Medicare options. Does Mike's company offer any secondary coverage? Sometimes that helps make your decision whether to stay with traditional Medicare as your primary or pick one of the Medicare Advantage plans, in lieu of Medicare traditional. Watch out! The MA plans can be very pushy and sign you up in a heartbeat. I do not care for United Healthcare for the beneficiary, you, or the provider. They require you to obtain a referral every time you see a specialist and is a royal pain. Secondly, Humana has started requiring their MA beneficiaries to meet the $166.00 deductible this year, total ripoff, as that used to be one of the perks of going with a MA plan. Study the deductibles, copays and referrals required on all plans you are looking at. Different areas offer different MA plans. Shop around and ask around at your church. Experience of others USING a plan is the best advise. I deal with these buggers everyday and the elderly that are paying copays of $40, $60 and yes, even $90 to see the doctor. Another hidden cost is copays on X-rays that they don't tell you about. Both United Healthcare and Humana are doing it at the Podiatry office I manage. It's nothing for these patients to have a $40 office copay and then an additional $5.49 on each X-ray, left and right foot. Most of these patients are on a fixed income. Anyway, judge your plan by how often you go to the doctor, how much medication you are both on and your hospitalization needs. What some people do is take out an ICU or hospital private policy, which pays you direct and is cheap and supplements your high deductible plan. Good luck, I'm sure you will do you teacher homework.

    Have fun at your grandson's party.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- we walked for 4400 steps of 43 minutes- counting that as a victory.
    Had a great time with Em last night. She's asked me to teach her to sew- she cut out an apron and it took 2 hours.... but she listened and really took it all in. Monday she'll learn how to thread her machine and do some test sewing. She's too cute and has big plans.
    Karla- the pictures are a hoot. I don't track in MFP just WW and then come here for my friends- AKA all of you
    Janet- how are you feeling
    Patti- glad it was great to be with mom
    Bert- We're well below in temps too but the snow is gone
    Judy- if you're out there how is the PT and pain level.
    Waving to all- have a blessed Saturday
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- Yesterday's concert was excellent -- program said they were going to play only two movements of the symphony but they gave us all four. VERY cold here -- planning to stay in and tackle something or other. And "something or other" may include a nap. Back is giving me fits today but that happens -- in a good mood anyway. Might break down and take a pain pill for the first time in nearly a week.

    The low-iodine diet (and not being able to take my vitamins because they might have iodine) is suppressing my energy level but in ten days or so, I can get back to normal life and start getting much more protein than I can these days.

    Re Medicare -- MA (Medicare Advantage) plans can be either good or dicey in terms of network and copays. You can -- IF it's in your budget -- take original Medicare Parts A & B, then choose a supplement and an Rx plan. I'm taking that route -- I want to be able to see any doc without referral, and to be OK when I travel, so for me it's worth the extra $. Am still paying less than I was for my individual policy -- and that's for the total of Original Medicare + Med Supp + Rx plan. Because I'm not taking Social Security yet, I pay directly. Having worked for a big insurance company helped me understand the options -- premiums don't vary much for each type of plan, so making sure your docs are in-network is crucial (insurance companies are constantly narrowing the network available on a given plan). You might luck into an excellent HMO but make sure you're covered on the road.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Sorry for the prolonged absence, it's been busy with various obligations around here lately. We are so fortunate with healthcare here, the simplicity of a single monthly payment of $140/mo for the two of us. (provinces vary with amounts) We do have to get a referral for a specialist and that can take time, depending on the urgency. But we can get the care we need when we need it at no additional cost. We pay full prices for prescriptions, but can get a tax credit against income for those costs. There are insurance plans for that kind of thing, but at our age that can be a high premium. We are blessed, to be sure!
    Still keeping active outside and getting some downward movement on the scale, which is a nice bonus. Feel energized and hopeful to keep this momentum. The testosterone therapy seems to be a positive on the post-menopause symptoms, including low libido and may be also a factor in dropping 1.8 lbs. this past week. Who knew?
    Have a wonderful weekend all and praying that you find your energy levels increasing with your focus on a healthy lifestyle.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon friends,

    Great day of card making, laughing and then lunch at our favorite Mexican place. Bought a bag of their chips and took them to Mom. She loves them. They are super fresh and super thin, almost like a potato chip but not as salty. She was surprised and ate a handful when I walked in the door. We made 4 really pretty cards and I have some new stamp sets and ink to go play with.

    Janet, so glad you had a wonderful time at the symphony. 10 days will be over soon and protein will be a big part of your diet again very soon.

    Cindy, great job on the steps with your walk today. I know you and Em are having fun with the sewing. My mom bought me my first machine when I was 10 and I made a lot of my clothes well into my 30s. After that I mostly sewed for home dec, furniture upholstery and clothing repair. I think when knits became the wardrobe staple I stopped sewing for myself. I never really did well with them.

    Karla, won't be long now and you will be off to some serious relaxation. Hope you take full advantage of your time away.

    Mary Beth, nice to see you. Being busy is a good thing. So happy the hormone therapy is doing good things for you on so many fronts.

    Off to be crafty
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Saw on FB that Judy's son has Gulliane Barre syndrome and is in ICU undergoing plasmapheresis. There is a Gofundme page to help with expenses. He has a long road of treatment and rehab ahead of him.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, good to see you. Canadians seem to have the healthcare thing figured out pretty well -- you're lucky.

    Patti, knew you'd have fun today with the girls. Glad you had mom time too.

    Cindy, hope you can have a true day of rest tomorrow!

    Just had an improvised chicken stir-fry, mostly veggies. Have calories left for popcorn or nuts later. Going to bundle up in my warmest robe (which I've had on over my clothes much of the day) and watch something. Going to take the evening off, though I didn't accomplish much, except something important -- several great phone conversations with very close friends. Hoping to kick back tonight and get good sleep.

    This mediocre selfie was taken after I'd had makeup done. Figured it was time to lose the sideways penguin-sweater pic.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I love this picture, you are so beautiful (I am hearing Joe Cocker in my head)!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Janet - We are indeed figuring things out here in terms of healthcare. It does vary by province and sometimes waiting times are a trial for some procedures, including scans or elective surgeries, etc. LOVE your new selfie!! Your inner glow is definitely showing and I sure hope you realize how beautiful you truly are ... in every way! Sounds like you are finding your way through the low-iodine program, despite that low energy level. Great idea to enjoy phone time with close friends as that always seems to energize me, too. Just replay that amazing concert in your head as you enjoy your relaxing night and may your sleep be long and deep.

    Patti - Thank you for sharing about Judy's son's current status. Praying that the doctors and caregivers in ICU are gentle and wise, as they tend to him now. How frightening and stressful for the whole family! Praying too that Judy finds strength as she continues to face her own recovery challenges. On another note, it was indeed good news about your BFF's results and that a mastectomy can be avoided. Great that you can be there for her as she travels through the therapies ahead. Seems like you are slipping back into your routine nicely and wonderful that you are taking on the extreme challenge at that upcoming Zumbathon! What a goal!! It is really wonderful to have you back and hear about your times with your Mom as well. I'm sure she loves to see you and is delighted with your little surprise treats too!

    Cindy - It certainly sounds like your new WW program is just the ticket for your lifestyle and when I read your comments, I smile as I see your positive smiles coming right through! Wonderful walking workout! Your time coaching sewing to Em sounds like a wonderful way to connect and teaching may be a great fit for you, in addition to all the other talents you have. Hope the Bridal Shower turns out well; it can be a challenge to get everyone together and have activities planned to entertain the guests as well as have food and drinks available for all. Perhaps I am mistaken that you mentioned the shower and I assumed you were the hostess? Phew! Girl, I hope you plan to put your feet up sometime soon as well. It seems that your health is back in full bloom, which is wonderful indeed! Take it easy at least one day, okay?

    Karla - Thank you for sharing your family fun photos with us all here! Grateful that your time away is quickly approaching. Planning and preparations are part of the fun as much as the vacation itself. Sorry for the troubles with JJ's Mom, but pleased that you were able to twist the arm to make it possible for him to join you on the trip. The added stresses of getting it all done can take their toll, so I hope you are finding your inner peace these days, wherever you can find it! Prayerfully supporting you, girl! May you find the perfect weather for beaches and bicycles every day you are away! As you release your "inner little girl" to just enjoy the kids, I will be thinking about you and cheering you on! Your fountain of medical system wisdom seems limitless and it is no doubt a great help to everyone as you provide some helpful insights with a seemingly confusing system of options, co-pays, benefits and plans. Yikes!! Isn't it great to know that we are exactly where God wants us to be right now? I'm blessed to have met you and the rest of this wonderful group of women!

    Bert - Those student teachers are fortunate to have you working with them and I'm sure that one day they will realize how blessed they have been. Enjoy your grandsons' birthday event... Mackin America indeed! hahhaha. Sounds like it will be entertaining and wish I could be a fly on the wall there too. Hoping that the weather starts to improve in your neck of the woods soon, as I know you enjoy getting outside as much as we do. I've noticed you have been keeping active as well and just wondering if you are still experiencing some pain at times? Sounds like some great advice from Karla regarding that wonderland of Medicare there and I truly hope you find a plan that works for you and your hubby. Take care and take it easy, ok?

    Jeanette - You must be enjoying the same warm temperatures we are blessed with here on the Island. Hope you have been able to enjoy some of the time outside with those little ones too. How is the search going for your practicum? I know you mentioned some possibilities that had not yet been finalized. I'm continuing to pray for you as you look for guidance as well, I'm sure. Are things settling down somewhat for your daughter's situation with the girls and Will? I noticed you've been amping up quite a few new activities including kickboxing and spinning... so I'm taking from that you are feeling pretty good physically. That is a victory!! Whatever else is happening that seems to be on the negative side of things can sure be an unwelcome obstacle and I hope and pray that is soon resolved, so that you can continue to move forward with all the positive parts of life! Thrilled to be able to count you as a friend!

    Myra, Beth, Diane, Judy and anyone else I've missed here... hugs to you as well!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, you are such a sweetheart -- and you live in one of my favorite places. Was on the island for several days with a group of friends about seven years ago and it was the best time.

    My body finally said "Uncle!" and let me get decent sleep last night. Yay! And today so far I haver heard from an old HS friend and am commissioning a drawing of my cats (from my favorite photo of them) from a guy in my neightborhood. Thinking I will surprise a friend with a drawing for his birthday this fall, if I can find the right photo.

    Must cook more chicken today and hoping that a week from today I can have currently "no" foods.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi group.

    Sheesh, just when life lets up, another downfall. Glenn has another abbess in his peri-anal again. We went to Urgent Care this morning to confirm. Revived the antibiotics and surgeon to call tomorrow. Uggghhh. Not again!!!
