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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Karla, you are really on my mind this afternoon. Are you doing okay? Try to get some rest for your mind and body as well, so that your stress levels come back down a bit from all the worries in your life.

    Jeanette, when I read about the situation with Brian, my heart just aches for you both. Many moons ago I worked in the investment field and had an insurance licence as well, so I can sure understand his feelings about it. I think I talked more people OUT of leveraged investing than into it! Our DIL is in an insurance firm, but on the actuarial side of things, so sales are not part of her responsibilities. Hoping that he finds something suitable shortly and that you find your practicum location as well. Fervently praying for the wisdom and guidance you need now... along with the discernment to know what to do next. Pleased to hear that Miss Alana has the capacity to speak and simply chooses not to. Wish I could learn that one! Take care and big hugs to you my friend. It would be great to connect in person one day, as we are so close by!

    Take care all,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, it won't be long and you can dive into all those goodies you have been craving. Thanks for the update from Karla. So glad they caught it early.

    TRX was a real killer. She went over by 15 minutes and in TRX that is a lot. Don't mind admitting I am totally whipped. Tomorrow is Zumba and Pilates, good exercises when you are done in, lol.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just found out that my BFFs oncotyping came back on her breast cancer. It shows it has a high recurrence rate. So now she has to have chemo every three weeks for 4 rounds, followed by radiation daily for 6 weeks and will be on tamoxifen for 5 years. I am so bummed for her. Prayers appreciated.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am running on overload, absolutely. Ran around accomplishing what I could, both for business and home. My body is revolting and I finally collapsed on the couch after Jason and JJ stopped by to pick up JJ's personal items, as he is returning to his mother's home. Sorry for the running sentences....

    Glenn is more than ready to get this over with, but very apprehensive that it will turn into something worse, as it did last year. Prayers are accepted and thankful for.

    Patti- I am so very sorry about your BFF. All was sounding so very positive until this development. Continued prayers on her behalf for certain. You are rocking your exercise regime girlfriend.

    Janet - Is today the day you will hear of your scan results? We are all crossing our pinkie fingers in hopes this will be the end of your thyroid ordeal. You have been so very diligent in every way possible way to rid your body of this gland's function. The ice cream cone is calling your name, as well as the yogurt and shrimp!!

    Mary Lynn- Thank you for inquiring of my health, I awoke at 3:30a with a terrible coughing fit. I have been experiencing some sinus issues and was having some drainage. Glenn awoke and insisted on getting up and getting my water, although I didn't want him to do it. He said it was probably the last thing he could do for me. Bless his heart. I laid there an hour and couldn't return to sleep, hence, here I am.

    I'm going to try and work in my office until we have to leave for the hospital at 10:15a. We will probably be there until 2:30 or 3:00.

    I will post when I can or let Janet know via text what actually transpires.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies-
    The sun is shining and it will be a lovely day here in Western MA
    Karla- prayers for you and Glenn
    Janet- I had a black bean cheeseburger last night on a deli thin- not quite a cheese burger but delicious none the less. Hang in there it's almost over and great results.
    Patti- hope you are drinking plenty of water and consuming adequate protein to help build muscle mass- you are a shining star to me :smile:
    Jeannette- Hiking is so wonderful. Glad you're enjoying it
    Bert- good doctor's reports- excellent!
    Judy- thinking of you daily
    MaryLynn- how are things in your neck of the woods?
    Need to run but Emily successfully made two pockets last night. She was tickled pink. The machine my mom gave her is a piece of poo- so I used mine- she is going to do great and already making BIG plans for what she is sewing next. I think this week's blog will be Teaching Moments- I'm getting inspired.
    Until later dear friends
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another fabulous day is in store; sunny and highs in the high 60's. I'm planning to pull a few weeds this morning and then spend some time with my local grand-kids. The plumber is also coming today to hopefully fix banging pipes under the house. Mike says he will "fix" them, but never does. (sigh) Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, leaving for the gym in 10 for Zumba and Pilates. I am really tired but this will revive me. Looking forward to a beautiful weekend. No plans for Saturday but plan to spend Sunday with my daughter, yeah.

    Karla, prayers continue for you and Glenn. Hope you have no grandkids this weekend so you can relax and care for Glenn. You need some real down time my dear.

    Bert, enjoy your sunshine. We have the same but highs in the low 70s.

    Cindy, I hear sunshine in your posts. Enjoy every minute of it. Awaiting your blog.

    Janet, any plans for the weekend, or just going to lay low?

    Gotta go, waving hi to the rest of my OMG buddies. Back later
  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    Hello ladies. I thought I would pop in for a minute. David spent 5days in ICU and then two days in a regular room. He had his last treatment yesterday morning and they moved him to a rehab facility yesterday afternoon. He is feeling very good just very weak. He is starting to get some reflexes back in his legs so that is great. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

    I am doing ok. I have slept in bed two nights in a row. PT is awful but it as to be done. She says I am doing great.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. Hubby and I are headed out this morning to my parents' house (a little over an hour away) for overnight to help get it ready for my brother's visit this coming week. Mom can do most of the cleaning, but I thought I'd help her out a bit with it since it is a very big house. He and his two girls will be here Thurs through Sunday with my sister coming to see him on Sunday; we are hoping to get as many of us as possible there on Sunday. My niece is planning on being there with her three kids, the youngest is about Alanna's age (they've never met).

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, not sure I'll be able to check in on you but you will be on my mind and in my prayers

    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A very quick post now - back later.

    My last night's post was written as if I hadn't read ones above it. They weren't there, I swear.

    Will read all and respond later but wanted to let you know that my scan was negative! No need to see oncologist again for a year. Wheeeeee!!!!! Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, best news this week. So very happy for you. Enjoy your food fest..you have earned it.

    Judy, so glad to hear your son is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery.

    Now just need to hear from Karla than Glenn is doing well and will call it a day of good news, here at least.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla and Glenn are home.

    Wendy's makes a mean cheeseburger.

    Good night and good weekend to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning ladies !. Another sunny day is in store and temps will he in the 70's!. I'm weeding again thus morning and then will put Preen down where i've been. I've arranged for mulch to be delivered in mid May. It will probably take that long to get things ready.

    Janet: Wonderful news!

    Have a great day all!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A beautiful sunny day here in the Ohio Valley, I think I will go out and wash my car, it is a mess from all the rain and mud last week. Then not sure what to do but I will enjoy whatever it is.

    Janet, hope you are not hungover from your cheeseburger. Thanks for the news on Karla and Glenn.

    Hop everyone has a bright and sunny day, even if only in your heart!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    YAY for JANET!!!

  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    Wonderful News, Janet! I remember when Krista had to have those scans. Thankfully she is now cancer free. I have actually made it through one whole day eating basically Simply Filling. Yeah me! My goals for next week are KEEP ON KEEPIN ON! So please put me back on the list.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Judy, will put you on the list. Good to have you back. So glad to hear your son is in recovery mode too.

    Got my car all nice and shiny. Played pick up sticks in the front yard and cleaned the back deck, including getting all the gunk out between the boards. All back breaking work, so am relaxing now. Have been working on some insurance documentation stuff to help off set the taxes I had to pay. Always something. On the bright side, Verizon called and updated my current plan and it will save me over $50 per month. May need to check into getting a new phone. I have an IPhone 4S.....yes I am a dinosaur. However, mine works just fine, so may just keep it until it quits or Edd's is paid off. They gave us such a good deal on his but doubt that plan is still available. Going to drop my Jetpack, since we have the WiFi in the house now, don't really need it any more, another whopping $10 savings, lol. But over a year it adds up and we are in serious budget mode these days. Waiting for Edd to get home and decide what we are going to do about dinner. Cupboards are bare again, Monday is grocery day. So looking forward to spending time with my daughter tomorrow. Still can't get over being able to say those words. My step-son has always been like my own, but this is so different. Today would have been my nephew's 35th birthday. So heartbreaking to think of him not being on this earth to celebrate this day. So glad we will be visiting my brother on the way to the BMW rally in MS in 2 weeks. I know they miss their son every day, but today has to be very hard for them. I posted a pic on FB of my nephew, me, Edd, my brother and his wife. It was taken a few months before he passed, while he was still able to walk a little. Well that certainly was a stream of consciousness post. Thanks for listening and I will return you to your lives now.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Judy, I am so glad that Dave is out of the hospital. G-B is a bear but he'll bounce back quickly, given his age and general health. Your PT can't be fun but is worth it. Being able to sew is important to you!

    Patti, have fun tomorrow. Hugs as you remember your dear nephew. Let's pick a date for lunch up in your neck of the woods!

    Am trying to get relaxed but it was such a gorgeous day that I opened up the garage doors and worked on sorting CDs out there -- am going to sell most of my collection (after digitizing much of it). I have ten banker's boxes packed with DVDs and CDs to go. Progress -- worked with organizer on it the other night and now determined to go through the last of them, decide which I will keep (and put them into notebooks), pack the rest and sell them to iPodmeister.com -- they will give you cash or you can get new devices instead. Got a free iPod from them a few years ago in a purge. This time, I can use the cash.

    Hit the produce market and the fish market, which are almost adjacent. Hoping for a quiet night here. Must go out tomorrow to the mall for a couple of things, then back to work here. Have eye doc Monday morning and my landscape guy here Tuesday to do planting.

    Always more stuff to be done and the cats refuse to do any of it!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday morning my sweet OMG friends. I tried posting yesterday and never finished my ramblings. lol . Glenn is doing well. Very small incision, much less invasive with a T-ston type drain in, for those of you in the nursing persuasion. (Patti) Thank you for your caring thoughts and prayers to you all.

    Janet- your organizer has really kept you on fire and has obviously made some excellent observations and recommendations. I am sure with her, your decorator and your landscaper, your home is fabulous, inside and out upon completion. You sooooooo deserve it all. I am still tingly all over with the results of your scan dear.

    Cindy- I enjoyed your photographs of Rick and your beautiful self on Facebook. What a gorgeous couple. No wonder the ex- witch eats her heart out. <<giggle>>

    Patti- That was indeed an awesome family picture of your brother's family with you and Brian. You were an awesome presence in their life during their crushing time of need. He was a brilliant young man. Now you have a wonderful daughter to learn new things about everyday and make new memories. It gives me goosebumps to read your words "my daughter" also, as I feel I have experienced that opening of that journey. A blessing to be sure.

    Jeanette- I loved the picture of Alana on Facebook with you. What a big smile she had. I have been praying for you and your family and hope all settles in a positive way for all. Sometimes when we have diversity it results in better options than we previously thought were acceptable. That is what I am wishing for with you and for my circumstances.

    Mary Lynn- How is the vegetation up your way? What floral variety do you enjoy?

    Suzi- I saw on Facebook she was at a basketball game was it?

    My baby is up so I best see what I can do for him. He is much more ambulatory this time around and no intensive wound care with only a one inch incision. I do check the drain site. He is sleeping well.

    Hello to all I have missed.


    Myra- are you okay? Trying to smile?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    White Angel Trumpet in Bloom this morning. The blooms last only one day.