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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is training for adjunct professors. I guess it is supposed to be most of the day. (sigh) I have so much to do before leaving for NC on Thursday to visit my brother. Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning. Cindy, you made me laugh. Resting up? Nope -- in a mad scramble to get things ready and am resigned to knowing that my bedroom looks like an episode of Hoarders because I empted drawers and have baskets and piles of stuff all over in there. Ah well -- the rest of the house will be totally livable before they arrive. It will be a brief visit -- under 24 hours -- but fun anyway. Getting the beds set up (two inflatables for the kids, a queen and a twin, and the guest room queen). And moving clutter from living room to garage for now. Tomorrow, primary care visit for routine Rx, grocery shopping for dinner and Friday's breakfast.

    So am extremely busy here and will check in as able. I will use buttons and put "good day" buttons into a little heart-shaped papier mache box with a black cat painted on top. IF I get around to it ...

    Hoping to eat better today but feeling extremely stressed by a number of things, so my mini-goal for today is to STOP AND THINK before I eat something.

    Patti, you have a way with your mom! The quad cane will give you both peace of mind. SO glad she is nearby so you can monitor and help her! Have you written instructions for her if she needs to reset font size again?

    Bert, hope the sessions are worthwhile. We are all with you on your trip to viit your brother.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon busy ladies. I finally got "not bad news" at the dentist. In my mind, and I know Cindy will agree, there is never good news at the dentist. They removed the old crown, cleaned out the cavity that was under it and made a temporary crown. No root canal!!!! Go back in 3 weeks for permanent crown and hopefully that is it until cleaning in Oct. heading to the movies shortly then time for TRX.

    Cindy, will check to make sure I wrote reviews for all the books and will share the new one. If you cry, we all cry! Great litmus test for a romance novel. Men never get it, lol.

    Janet, I know you are wearing yourself out to make sure everything is perfect for your company but remember they are there to see YOU, so do try to have some energy left for when they get there. I am sure you and your GF will be chatting and laughing into the wee hours. I was going to write her instructions but because of her eyesight she cannot see the things she needs to click on, when you increase the font it only increases it for the page content. I am going to look at it next time to see if I can increase the size of her icons and tools. Being less than 5 minutes from her is such a blessing for us both. My sister is only 6 miles away, so she is never without one of us at her beck and call.

    Bert, happy training. I will be doing some research tonight for you and will FB message you if I find something useful. Hate to bring this up but it is very important, you need to discuss healthcare power of attorney, durable power of attorney and advanced directives with your brother. I can give more info on these if you need it.

    Karla, thanks for keeping our mini goals going. I am still in flux, I keep the exercise up because I love it and it makes me stronger. I will work it all out soon because I know it is what I need and want to do. Just struggling with coming up with motivation in that direction.

    Time to go
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patti, my beloved cleaner, Kim, is here today. We got the guest beds made up, including the two inflatable beds for the girls -- the "study" looks like a dorm room! I put fresh towels on each bed and in the guest bath and Kim is cleaning the kitchen, living room, guest room and bath. Her regular day here is next Wednesday, so my bedroom (which really does look like an episode of Hoarders!) and bathroom are fune for another week.

    Tomorrow I will make more time off. Not much advance cooking to be done, and Thursday morning I'll likely find a few last-minute things to do. Can't wait to see them all!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Hello OMG ladies!

    Since my last post, I became obsessed with used car research. for days.
    then, Saturday, I went to see ANOTHER car that had been "commercial". it was at carmax, and I expected to go see yet another beat up mess and go home dejected.
    SURPRISE, it was a very nice looking and nice driving Toyota Yaris (2008) with 70K miles on it. I liked it so much, I called my daughter and woke her up (she works graveyard) and three hours later, she was driving it off the lot. WHEW! She moved elsewhere in NC the very next morning.

    I went out to dinner with her on 7/25 for her 23rd birthday..... when she said: my car is making a noise. I asked my husband to listen to it (he's a self-proclaimed gear-head). It was not good news. Her car had 227K miles on it and it was tired. My mother and my husband (her step-father) very generously pooled their resources, and put her in a more reliable car, just in the nick of time. For that, I am very grateful. and, i'm so happy i won't be test-driving any more used cars any time soon, haha.

    I took another long walk with my exercise buddy today. blisters still hurt, but it's still well worth it. My goal for this week is to log every bite i eat, and, so far, so good. I'm mulling over the jar idea....... I might need to use it for number of cabinets/drawers cleaned out :)

    Patti: congrats on no root canal :) and continued healing for your bestie

    Janet: enjoy your company and relax!

    Bert: congrats on "hairspray" and safe travels to NC to see your brother.

    if i scroll back to former pages..... i'll lose this post, so I apologize for missing those personals.

    hoping for an uneventful rest of the week,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again, what a great day. Ghostbusters was really good. I had heard some bad reviews but I never listen to them. I am a huge fan of the original and was not convinced that it could be redone. I am going to buy it when it comes out on DVD. I love all the actresses and they did not disappoint me. For me it had many knee slapping moments. The cousins are coming over tomorrow. She sounded very depressed on the phone so we are going to go run some errands and have some talk time without the guys.

    Myra, your daughter sure drove the wheels off her last car. I bet she was so thrilled to have the whole family pitch in to help her with her new Toyota. Good for you getting your walk on, blisters and all!

    TRX really kicked my behind tonight, not sure why but I am whooped!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Myra good for you walking and congrats one car- all is going well by the sounds.
    Patti- I sent you an email - did you get it yet? It was last night. I'm wondering if I have the wrong email address. HMMM
    Though morning I woke up very tired - but had slept like a rock not sure why and the coffee isn't helping.
    I'll be back later-
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Gee -- afternoon already?

    Had primary-care appointment this morning. All is well, except that lab did not do all testing ordered and I had to get blood drawn again. Grrrr. Nurse practitioner looked at the bad foot/ankle and had same reaction everyone does: "How do you walk on that?" She said they can now do ankle REPLACEMENTS and that might be a possibility for me -- the knee replaceent four years ago has been a godsend. I now see the foot/ankle surgeon on the 25th, so we'll see.

    Myra, that car sounds like a gem for your daughter. What a good mom to do the legwork! How far will she be from you now? Car shopping is a personal dread and I hope it'll be a few more years before I have to do it.

    Cindy, those mornings happen -- too bad we don't have the luxury of pulling the covers over our heads again. Eagerly awaiting RTS here.

    Grocery shopping is on tap and a bit more straightening up (clearing off coffee and kitchen tables). My friend is taking the day off to pack everyone's stuff and they'll be leaing their home in WI early tomorrow. Can't wait!

    Am promising myself to get WAY back on plan after their visit, also promising myself a QUIET weekend. Olympics and movies and not a lot else.

    Oh -- if you could please say a prayer for Rose, my ex's mom ... She is starting cancer treatments again today and they're not yet sure where the cancer is. She is such a tough, optimistic, kind woman.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet, Bert and Patti- prayers for all the people you love dealing with health crisis'
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member

    Janet,mi hate the thought of you going through another surgery but would so love to see you have one less painful,issue to deal with daily. Will pray that a replacement will do the trick for you. Won't be long until you are hugging your dear friend and meeting her family. I bet the kids are going to have fun on those air beds!

    Cindy, you must really be hopping, just happy you are stopping by so we don't worry about you.

    Cousins got here about noon. They tried riding some back roads (they were on this bike) and got lost and he is one of those guys who,will not stop and ask directions. Plus he refuses to turn around when going the wrong. She was ready to kill him by the time they got here. So I separated them, lol, by taking her grocery shopping with me. It was actually nice to have someone to chat with while I engaged in an activity I truly dislike. Of course, we stopped for lunch first. Now if only she was still here to motivate me through the laundry! Leaving for the cabin tomorrow afternoon. Another block of corn is ready for us to pick and I want to get to it early Friday morning. Will probably be another 12 dozen or so. Will clean and freeze what we don't eat or share with the folks on the road.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    I succumbed to some ice cream last night- I think my energy is a low and needed the extra energy to push through the last of my day. But I own it and will track it.
    Today is a new day and a new opportunity.
    Patti- so glad enjoy your time with your family.
    Janet- I wish you didn't have another surgery ahead of you- but if it gives you mobility it would be worth it.
    Myra- so glad the car search is over. What are you going to do with you free time? :)
    OK- ready to roll, I'll be back later.
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    HI all,
    Looks like it will be light posting here. Wishing everyone a delightful and fun weekend. Waiting for Edd to get done with a plumbing job and then we are out of here. Made it to the gym for circuit training, so feeling accomplished. Corn picking, cleaning and freezing tomorrow then just enjoying the sun, fun, water, friends and family for the rest of the weekend.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hi. My friends arrived and we're watching "The Incredibles." Terrific family. Having veggies and hummus, will make chicken for dinner.

    Will check back after they leave tomorrow.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Headed to the grocery store and then home - I'm going to try and pick some stuff from the garden and have NO idea what to have for dinner-
    Until tomorrow dear ones
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everyone- yes, sounds as if everyone is in and out quite a bit.

    My BFF's father passed yesterday and we all gathered there yesterday afternoon and spent time together. I stopped by Costco and purchased a luscious coffee cake, tray of cookies and a tray of pannini type sandwiches. Another friend bought a sinful Chocolate cake, and her SIl brought two buckets of KFC. Jason and Izzy came, plus Glenn after work. Jason and Arminda, Monica's daughter, have been best friends since they were 9yo. Plus Elizabeth, her younger sister. Nice to see them all kling together and laugh about old fishing and crabbing times. Even under sad circumstances.

    Today Izzy and I got out my mason jars and decorated them with Rick rack, glitter glue and cotton balls for a fun activity for us. I wrote on top of one " Nana's Pounds to Lose". The other said "Nana's pounds Lost'. I used green glitter glue on the one, indicating pounds to go! Lol. I am using clear plastic bobbins as my units. I use pink glitter glue on the happy jar of pounds lost .
    I weighed this morning and up three pounds from the reunion, but no fear..

    When would be a good time to start?

    Back later for personals.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- I do hope to find some down time to post your reviews and read some more on your last book to refresh myself.

    Patti - Your Ed is always working a job or helping someone. Did you get am that Buick running and decide to keep it? Have you heard from your daughter since she was at the cabin? Is that the silver queen corn you are picking? I am full of questions. Good for you on the tooth.

    Janet- Sounds like a fun visit with your friend and her family. The Incredibles is a funny movie. This foot surgery is a necessary surgery for you to decrease your pain, who knows, maybe you won't need a brace afterwards!! Technology has come so far.

    I had a weird sleeping night and am pretty tired. Glenn and I are going to try and have a chill out slow weekend. Maybe even a marathon binge watching night. It has been a while.

    See you fine folks in the morning.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    I'm on vacation next week so I vote to start the week of the 15th- it will give everyone time to be prepared and figure out what they want to track with the jars.
    The book is right around the corner- Em has to finish the paperback before I can release it to the public- she is checking for any errors- same with the e-books.
    Karla- thanks for checking in on the reviews- anything you can do would be appreciated.
    I'll check in when I can next week- it will be spotting but please remember I can each of you where ever I travel.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning, ladies. I'm in NC visiting my brother and trying to get things done and ready for when he is released. I'm very concerned about his mental state of mind as well as the physical side of things. The physical therapists say he's capable of doing more than he's doing. It's just getting him to believe it.


  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    Wow, this week just flew past and I have been remiss in tracking and posting comments. My apologies to you all. I've been mulling over the idea of the jars for a visual reminder and like the concept very much. Whenever I am at or near my goal, it seems that I begin to revert to unhealthy choices and less activity. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot! With some care and dedication to the goals of keeping tracking and moving throughout the day, those goals can soon become a reality and then I can shift to maintenance. I need to remember to measure portions and choose high quality proteins and produce at every meal. Additionally, getting back to my regular weight training now that the "clearing and hauling" has been accomplished around our property, is of huge importance for toning and metabolism rate. With all that said, the next steps are clear... keep doing what brought me to this point.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Thinking of you all every day!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, sending love and strength your way as you support your brother.
    Karla, you'll have to post pictures of your project with Izzy.

    Cindy, enjoy vacation! I also like the 15th for a start.

    MaryLynn, you just channeled my thoughts. It STINKS that we can never let up, but ...

    Patti, with the humidity set to drop, hope your river time will be even more of a treat.

    Myra, hope the smile is un your heart today.

    Suzi, how are our travels going?

    Had the BEST time with my friends -- a couple and their three daughters (14, 12 & 9). All terrific people -- smart, funny, kind. It was a major treat to meet Steve and the girls. We watched "Monsters, Inc." after "The Incredibles," had a nice chicken dinner Thursday night and I made french toast, bacon & a big fruit salad for breakfast. They left about 11:30 yesterday morning, and I sent them off with fruit and the rest of the dark chocolate kisses the girls love, ate the last bit of ice cream last night. (It was REALLY weird to be at Kroger, searching for stuff I never buy!) Over the next few days I'll get the linens laundered and today I'll give the stove & kitchen counters a good scrub. Glad my cleaner comes Wednesday. Staying in and hoping for a restful weekend. Had one of the worst nightmares ever this morning -- still trying to shake it. But keeping myself occupied and positive, trying to get back on track to stay.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good afternoon ladies. What a delightful surprise. Jason and Izzy came over and spent all afternoon with me. Glenn has been under the weather with a head cold and holed up in our bedroom. I slept on the couch last evening, as not to get his bug. Jason fell asleep on the couch, as he often does when he comes over. Izzy and I watched tv in "her" room and I dozed too. Later, we all awoke and went out back and talked and walked around the back yard. I was fertilizing the plumerias and he and Izzy were in the swings Glenn had made this year.

    Bert- My thoughts are with you as you navigate through your brother's needs and reaction to his illness. I went through a bit of it when my younger brother had colon cancer last year, but he dodged the worst of it due to the resection catching it before it had broke out of the colon. But he was scared and it kept him shocked for many months. You are a great sister.

    Mary Lynn- You are so correct in that we let up when we get close to goal. I'm glad you are contemplating engaging in our container idea. Visual aids are just that, a visual to remind us.

    Janet- Oh what a wonderful time you showed your quests. You were a gracious hostess and that you were able to shop for things you normally would not, I say was a bonus for you! Plus, you were quite smart to send them on their way with the kiddos!!

    TT: I feel very gratified that most of you are enthused to participate in our container challenge and customize it to your personal needs. It can represent whatever you desire to focus on. Whether it be days on program, inches lost, strength training, pounds lost, days at the gym, grams of protein per day, etc. of course the units may vary depending on the item you choose. I think August 15th is good, however, if you have a weigh in day you are using, it may be different.

    I have really chilled out this weekend. I watched a whole movie last night with Liam Neelson and another movie this morning with Jennifer Lopez. Both, completely through. This is huge for me!!

    Take care my friends, take charge and control of your life, after all, it's yours to live.


    PS ( Did you watch the Olympic opening ceremonies? Not like China, but good)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning my lovelies! what a wonderful weekend we are having. Start d out a little rough because Edd made me mad, nothing big and I was over it by the time we got to the cabin because I wasn't going to let a small argument ruin our weekend. So all was forgiven quickly. We got up early on Friday and picked about 12 dozen ears of corn. Lots of it was starting to dry out already so I only ended up with less than 10 dozen or so. I froze about 40 cups, we ate 10 for dinner and I gave 18 to my DIL. This year he planted bicolor corn. The kernels are bigger than silver queen and it is lots sweeter. Then I picked a huge bag of Hungarian peppers to split with my DIL. I made Italian beef hoagies with sautéed peppers, onions, and mushrooms to go with the corn Friday nite, plush peach crumble bars for dessert. Dinner was a huge hit. Then we took a nice long, slow boat ride under the stars. We had the neighbors, our son and DIL with us, so nothing romantic happened, lol. Saturday was spent with friends and family on the boat and playing in the sand. Our friend, who provides me with all my fresh produce and eggs,brought his daughter and 11 year old granddaughter. Plus an 8 month old Great Dane who filled my boat with tons of sand, no worries, that is why they invented brooms, blowers and sweepers. The mess was worth watching this gentle giant experience the river for the first time. She acted like the waves were attacking her. And then she started biting the water! When a puppy weighs over 100 pounds it is quite a comical experience. Our neighbor up the road had us for dinner last night. I have known them for 30 years, Edd has known them for closer to 45 years and this is the first meal they have ever fixed for us. They ate with us almost every weekend while we built the cabins and at least monthly every summer since then. I took Hungarian peppers stuffed with Cajun sausage and sharp cheddar and wrapped in bacon, served with homemade (just not by me) jalapeño pepper jelly. They were a huge hit! We followed dinner with another boat ride up to town. It is "Kinfolk Landing Days" in our little town of Manchester, Ohio. This town was the first settlement in Ohio. In fact, on the other side of the road from my cabin there is a marker that commemorates the first house in Ohio that was built on the hillside just above it, the stone steps are still there in the hill but the house is long gone. I think there is still remnants of a chimney, but nothing more. Anyway, they had fireworks at 10 pm. It was about 30 minutes long and they did a really nice job. There were lo.ts of boats, along with ours, anchored near the town landing. Boating at night is a totally different experience. It is definitely more dangerous so you go much slower. The sky was emblazoned with stars and the crescent moon had already slipped over the horizon. There is no ambient light in this neck of the river so it is a light show you only see when you leave all the city lights behind you. Today is already gorgeous with almost no humidity and much lower temps. And by-the-way, can you tell everyone is still sleeping?
    Tomorrow is my youngest grandchild, Alexandria's, 20th birthday! How is that possible? She graduates in October with her AD in medical office management. She is chomping at the bit to move out and be on her own. But is smart enough to stay with her dad until she graduates. All she wants is Amazon gift cards so she can furnish and stock her apartment. I remember that feeling so well. So now I will be stocking up on cool stuff to help her fill her place up. I will give her a gift card too because I know how important it was to me to have stuff I picked out, not all hand me downs, for my first place. Now we just need to pray that she splits with the current loser in her life. He is 33 and works as a cook at Bob Evans. I have met him once and he was nice but I think she is settling. He is 13 years older than her and has no car, lives with his sister and has no ambition or plans to do anything but cook at Bob Evans. She has enough ambition for them both but I hope when she gets out in the real world she realizes she can do better.
    See how chatty I get, worse than usual, when I am left alone, lol.

    Janet, I could see your beautiful smile when you were talking about the fun you had with your friends. Hope they can stay a tad longer on the trip home. Rest as much as you can until then.

    Karla, your weekend sounds relaxing and refreshing, with just the right family moments thrown in.

    Mary Lynn, it is always hard to get back in the groove of planned exercise when you haven't done it for a bit but I know you will find that groove again.

    Been thinking about the jar challenge, trying to pinpoint something visual that will motivate me. Nothing yet but I am not giving up. DIL and I want to take a bike trip next summer to somewhere in New England on the coast. Now just need to get the boys on board and enthused. Would really like for it to be a two week trip, but not sure how much vacation time Mike has since he just started a new job about 3 months ago. If we go I am going to,stop in MA and meet Cindy! It will be in late July or early August I think in case anyone wants to think about joining me o meet her...hint, hint.

    Enough of me, I can see your eyes rolling back in your heads, so off I got to wake up Edd and get this day rolling!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patti, you gave me big grins -- what a wonderful weekend. Would love to have seen the puppy on her first river ride! I am a fan of bicolor and white corn -- the yellow just seems coarse in comparison. I swear I am going to beg you for a lesson on preserving and freezing stuff!

    Bert, did you drive to your brother's? If you're driving back and get anywhere near here, let me know. Been keeping him in my prayers. I know having you there was a gift, both spiritually and practically.

    Karla, glad you are getting some KARLA time. Hope Glenn is much better already -- poor guy has been through so much, as have you. When do you go back to Birmingham and how is your eye doing?

    My friends are not coming through here on their way back. They live in WI and decided the NC trip was a good excuse to take the girls to Gettysburg and Hershey on the way home so they'll take a northerly route, but I let them know what they're welcome if plans change.

    Personal note -- had routine bloodwork and got results. Have been off cholesterol and diabetes meds for a year now and my numbers are, to quote my nurse practitioner, "awesome." Still on blood pressure medicine (runs in the family) but dose has been halved for six months and is doing well. Now if we can just stabilize thyroid meds for the long haul, ...

    All the guest sheets & towels are clean and Bella helped with folding. Theo helped a bit too. Trying to make it a reasonably easy day here, watching Olympics and doing little things. Going to read the paper and shower soon. Thinking I can launder my sheets tomorrow. And am thinking about what I will do for our challenge -- have a few ideas, none of which involves a number on a scale. On-plan days, days when I eat tons of veggies, hmmm. Am ready to commit to CONSISTENT work on this.

    Big hugs for everyone! I would so love us all to get together in 2017.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon my dear friends. One of my dear friends, Lisa, put this quote on Facebook and I immediately thought of our group.


    There is no such thing as going back to square one- Even if you feel you are having to start over, you are trying again with more knowledge, strength and power than you had before. Your journey was never over, it was just waiting for you to find it again.

    Unknown author

    TT: Does any part of this quote resonate with you? I hope it empowers you with confidence. We have all learned so much. The journey continues!! We just need to find it again. Well said.

    Patti - Call me a primadona, but I would been leery of the large dog barking and spraying water and sand all over, lol. Especially on a boat, close quarters. You, of course, and your friends and relatives, are accquainted to the Great Danes. The corn sounds very interesting, I've heard of any corn sweeter than silver queen that we grow down here. Nice! You are having a blast on the river!! I would love us all to plan a get together around that time frame. I know Cindy has been wanting this, as well as Janet.

    Janet- Drats! On your friends not coming back through, but definitely is an oppirnity for them to see other areas too. I watched another neat movie this morning. Michael Douglas, Robert Downey Jr, Tobey Maguire.. Very good. Sewing on a doll dress now.

    I best check out, Glenn is watching the soccer olympics.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, LOVE the quote. We are NOT starting over -- we are resuming an ongoing quest, armed with better knowledge of nutrition and exercise -- but above all, better knowledge of ourselves -- what works for us, what pitfalls we tend to cave to. And we resume secure in the knowledge that we have a core group of dear friends who love us and fight alongside us!

    Watching tennis, cycing, volleyball -- anything BUT soccer! I won't be watching boxing, wrestling or martial arts (I absolutely fail to grasp the point of martial arts in any sense -- just a personal failing). But I am an Olympaholic, though I do wish the summer games also had curling.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I arrive home late last night due to a 4 hour delay at the Charlotte Airport. A heavy thunderstorm closed the airport runways down. It was a very long day. My brother is supposed to be transferred today to a VA approved rehab. He will qualify for 21 days. Then he will be returning to his apartment. I know he is scared to be by himself, but hopefully my visit encouraged him to be strong. He is to have chemo today and the last radiation treatment.

    Karla: I think you are right in the respect he's simply scared. I'm trying to get him to focus on the positive side of things and believing on what the physical therapists tell him. I do want to return soon; however, I need to recover financially first from this trip. He will have to rely on phone calls for a while.

    Janet: Lindsey drove from Augusta, GA to be with me for the weekend. She was a God Send! She helped in so many ways. I'm so thankful she came. Congrats on your blood test results! I'm an Olympaholic, too! Except wrestling, and martial arts.

    Have a great day, everyone! I have my seminar for my students today.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Monday morning and happy 20th birthday to my granddaughter. Fun fact about her, she was born 8/8 and weighed 8lb 8oz, Edd's race number was 88 and when sh started racing dirt bikes they assigned her the number 88 (they did not know that was Edd's number).
    It was so nice being at the cabin that we stayed another day and will be going home late morning or early afternoon. Yesterday was perfect. We took a nice long boat ride, just the two of us. Then after dinner the neighbor's joined us for a sunset cruise.

    Karla, Edd's nickname is pigpen, I got used to dirt in all it's forms many years ago. Dogs are generally clean compared to him. When you spend as much time on and in the river as we do, sand everywhere is just part of the day. The dog's name was Cora and she was just so full of piss and vinegar you couldn't help but enjoy her antics, slinging sand and all.

    Bert, glad to have you back. Sounds like you got the ball rolling for the next phase in your brother's care. Also glad you didn't have to go it alone. You may be the push your brother needed to fight this. How many more treatments does he have?

    Janet, sorry to hear your friends aren't coming through on the way home. I know you were looking forward to it. But totally understand the parents wanting to explore some of the battlefields and what kid would pass up going to Hershey? No lessens needed for freezing. Find good corn, cut it off the cob, put it in freezer bags, freeze. No blanching or cooking. Just fresh, raw corn. The corn we froze last year still tastes as fresh and sweet as when we picked it. The peaches I blanched, just to get the skins off easily, then pitted and sliced. Tossed with lemon juice and laid in a single laid on sheet pans covered with wax paper and put in the freezer over night. Then you just break them apart and put in freezer bags. This way you can take out just a few slices without thawing the whole bag. The only other thing I do is tomatoes and you already know how to do them.

    Karla, great quote and Janet you really nailed it eloquently. I will find something to motivate me, and soon. My eating isn't bad right now, it is just a bit left to chance with very little planning involved, and I know I that doesn't work for me. I have also really scaled back my gym time, need to start doing some exercises at home. I have been in this pattern far too long, time to shake things up!

    Hi to everyone else as you stop by.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Bert, glad you're safely back. I know you were a huge help -- hope the rehab people will be adept at motivating your brother. Travel is wearing and expensive no matter what, but the emotional wallop took a tool too, no doubt.

    Patti, glad you took the extra day at the river. Thanks for the freezng lesson. The only thing I do with tomatoes is to oven-dry them. Can you freeze the peaches with skin? I don't mind the skin and want to keep every bit of fiber and nutrients.

    Karla, is Glenn feeling better? Hope he was able to go to work today -- you don't want him to lose time to apply to travels yet to come!

    Watched lots of Olympics -- as always, disappointed in NBC for not showing a wider variety of sports. Archery and fencing would be fun to watch, among others. But I cheered the men's relay team loudly last night. For those of you who watched the opening ceremony, the flagbearer from Tonga was on the Today show this morning -- a very softspoken, sweet guy who seemed genuinely shocked to have become an instant celebrity by oiling himself up as a traditional Tongan would have 200 years ago. And he has an adorable kiwi accent to boot. He's the only thing that might make me watch Tae Kwan Do, as fighting activities and I are not friends. But he is just a statue come to life.

    Lots to do here so I must get to it. Tossed the rest of the chocolate syrup I had bought for my friends, so the untoward temptations are gone. Now to make consistently better choices, starting today as a warmup for next week.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Very quick check in- a large tree is being taken down in my backyard and I'm at Em's waiting for her plumber then it's back to camp. Glad everyone is feeling the the 15th is a great day to continue our quest.
    Janet- so glad you enjoyed your special time with friends-
    Massachusetts is lovely in the summer... hint hint- just like Patti nudged- or even Maine near the ocean?
    Need to run but wanted to check in.
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, just read an article that said you can freeze the peaches whole. Just wash and freeze on a tray. Then put in freezer bags. I think that would take up too much space so I am going to freeze them whole. Then slice them while still frozen and then put them in freezer bags. Peaches don't get very hard when frozen and are actually much easier to work with than once they are thawed out. If you want to try something besides dried tomatoes, make your own sauce. Just roast the tomatoes with several full bulbs of garlic, olive oil, S&P until the skins blister and the garlic is mushy. I remove the skins and squeeze out the garlic. Then I throw it all in a blender or food processor and voila, tomato sauce. You can other herbs and seasoning, or leave out the garlic, before freezing. I usually add my flavorings when I cook. Or you can just cook down the tomatoes in a big pot. Cut in half and cook them on medium. No need to add anything. Once they fall apart put them in a blender or food processor, skin and all. Season or not and freeze. The sauce has a really buttery feel to it with either of these methods.
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