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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good evening to all. Jeanette, love the family photo. You are posed so elegantly -- dancers have that effortless poise I so admire.

    MaryLynn, enjoy your sunset. We're supposed to be getting storms tonight and tomorrow -- a bit of thunder earlier hae both cats scrambling for cover. Never mind that they are indoor cats who will be safe and dry no matter what -- they just do not like storms.

    Karla, watching JJ with Izzy just has to warm your heart.

    Patti, you must be exhausted! How was your mom today?

    Cindy, your life is a multifaceted whirlwind -- don't know how you do it all so gracefully.

    Lots of errands done today and organizer this evening. She helped me recover a chair seat (desk chair for my dad's antique desk) and it looks nice. We moved some stuff into the garage for sorting later as well.

    Two GOOD eating days under my belt -- had a soft pretzel today for National Pretzel Day but planned for it and tracked it, still stayed within my limits. Feeling like I can get a handle on things again -- though snack foods keep screaming my name while I'm out. Yesterday and today I said no. So that's progress. YES, I certainly deserve a treat, but I cannot have it. That's just the3 way it is and so I try tough love on myself.

    I have to be up an out early tomorrow for my detailed eye measurements for the cataract surgeries to come. So I'll be dilated again. Tomorrow evening my organizer's partner comes to hang the rest of my wall art. Whee!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening. So enjoyed my day with Mom. She is thrilled to have her bedroom "summerized" with a pretty blue dust ruffle and a new blue and white patterned quilt. We chatted away as always. Storms not bad so far and they were kind enough to come through while I was at the gym and then after I got home. Now I am resting up so I can finish the rental tomorrow after a leisurely lunch with my BFFs. Last chance to get together with the three of us before my GFs first round of chemo on May 3rd. Her team has assured her that they will do everything to keep,her as symptom free as possible. Their office is staffed 7 days a week and there is someone on call at all times should she need anything. The one thing they stressed was she should never need to go to the ER, they will manage everything!

    Till morning
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi all! No time like the present, even if it's after 11 pm local time, to check in after a long absence.

    Hellacious thunderstorms in OK his evening, but think the worst is over finally. I think there was either a brief tornado touch down or very strong straight winds out at the farm. The preliminary report is a tree came down and hit the corner of the garage with no ore damage to the house and hopefully the barns too. It was too dark to really tell tonight. Jessi and Dinky are spending the night here with us to be near the storm shelter. The 3rd floor of an apartment building is no place to be during a tornado!

    Patti, Janet and everyone east of here, be weather aware...

    I'll chat more tomorrow,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, glad you checked in - been watching the OK situation. We had an intense but brief storm late last night, more due today. Oh well, my car is dirty from pollen and the weekend road trip and the Mother Nature car wash is free.

    Woke up before 3, hoping to get a bit more shuteye before alarm. I am feeling very hungry but am resisting.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I finally have a morning where I don't have to race around and be somewhere. I'm battling allergies. I think the windy day we had a few days ago put my sinuses under attack!

    Patti: She's great in the classroom, but is weak in paperwork. I do know teachers who are already employed that have this characteristic. It's a hard decision to make.

    Jeanette: Great pictures of your family!

    Janet: I'm with you, refocus and eat right. I like the 21 Day Fix for myself as the containers are right there in front of me. I just need to use them fo EVERY meal as I once did when I first got started. I'm in a plateau once again, so it's time to be more serious with my routine.

    Suzi: We had storms here too. Southeast of us had tornado warnings last night.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, so glad you stopped by. I always worry about you when the storms hit OK. They all missed us, except for the rain, but we needed it.

    Janet, hope you got back to sleep. I know you will be successful back on WW. It just wasn't working for me. I need to find a new plan, something that will get me back in the losing mode. I have been maintaining this current, awful weigh for months now. No movement up or down and I feel like a stuffed sausage in my clothes.

    Bert, creative people are rarely good with the paperwork end of the world. Wish it were otherwise, but we are the least OCD with the greatest ideas. The struggle is real, lol.

    Relaxing a bit this morning then off to lunch and work. Watching the weather in the days ahead to decide which would be the best travel day to hit the least amount of rain. May leave on Saturday, but that just gives us an extra day at my brother's. They would love it if we came tomorrow! I sure hope I get done with the rental today, need to get stuff ready to load the camper. So looking forward to this bike trip.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Mid afternoon check in- so busy right now but we are seeing Rick's son and soon to be wife for dinner and handing over a check to help out.
    Still anxiously awaiting the manuscript back but working hard at Ellie's story- working title- Fall with Me- just something to call it at this point.
    My eating is much better than last week but really want M n M's- just ate a mango - still didn't hit the spot and drinking lots of water.
    For everyone dealing with weather issues- stay safe-
    As a reminder to all
    Today- I'm going to eat like I love myself-
    need to run- hugs and ^5's to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all. I think there is more structure in Weightwatchets too.

    Janet- I knew you would like the new point system.

    Cindy- glad it is working for you too.

    Patti- I don't hardly eat the one lets anymore. Just not hungry in the mornings anymore. Funny on the sausage.

    Suzi- hi there!! Be safe.

    Bert- there is always paperwork!

    Gotta run.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Never got back to sleep so pretty tired -- and desperately want to be awake for the Warriors game tonight.

    Had eye measurements done and cataract surgeries scheduled for 5/24 and 6/7. Fresh adventures ... hoping my cat sitter friend can pick me up (I can get a ride to the surgery center but they want someone to be sitting there, which may be a stretch).

    My Aunt Pat passed peacefully this afternoon, just as her son was arriving. She is free now, with my Uncle Bob and her wonderful parents. There will be a memorial service in early May, perhaps the 7th. I let my brother and nieces know she has left us. I feel sad and empty but immensely grateful that I was able to tell her what was in my heart before she passed. My cousin said that not long after I left on Sunday, she pretty much fell asleep and stayed that way, so I was privileged to be there for some of her last semi-waking moments.

    Another line of storms coming through soon -- nothing severe but enough to get my attention and make the cats hide.

    Karla, I like the protein points but I think they have gone Full Overkill on some things -- demonizing all saturated fat flies in the face of current science. But the protein part is MUCH closer to where it should be. This is my third on-plan day. I try to fast for at least 12 hours each night/morning too.

    Not feeling chatty so will sign off. Have a restful evening, friends.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I am so glad you had your time with your Aunt, but know the void it must leave in your heart.

    Karla, I never get tired of the omelets. It seems to get me started in the right direction for my day.

    Cindy, oh so excited for the new book and the one after that too.

    I am beat. I finished the rental as planned and then went to help on the other one. Got done at 8pm. I plan to hit the gym tomorrow morning and night. My 2 favorite classes. Also need to go to a consignment shop to pick up an item on hold for me and to see if I can find a little something interesting to take to the people we stayed with in Tallahassee. Also want to stop by my GFs garage sale since it is near the consignment shop. Now to relax a bit before time for bed.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Sounds like another busy day all round. Have a good sleep tonight, ladies!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Janet I'm very sorry for your loss but she will remain forever in your heart- (((((HUGS)))))
    Guess we're a busy group this week.
    Anxiously awaiting R2S from Linda aka- copy editor.
    Did I tell you all I entered two Romance Writers of America contest- I am a card carrying member and entered The Last First Kiss-
    Kicking things up another notch. If I win great- but I feel I've already one as I took the chance and my book is out there to a larger reading population from the industry.
    Patti- I bet the apartment shines.
    Karla- how is the eye?
    Need to run- craziness in the corporate world.
    Back at some point
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a gorgeous sunny day today.....I'm going to work in my flower beds this morning. I finally have a day where I don't have to be somewhere at a certain time. It feels good! I turned in my paperwork yesterday. The only thing I have to do is grade my field students' notebooks. That will be a breeze as I have already seen them, and they are very nice. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all,
    Looks like we will be leaving on Saturday instead of Sunday so as to avoid as much rain as possible while riding. Going to be busy for the next two days. Along with planned gym and other errands I want to stop by Mom's tomorrow and take her some flowers since I won't be home until late on Mother's Day. I have a card I will mail from the road too. Edd is taking her to her Dr's appointment this morning. She had to fast for blood work and is a bit dizzy, plus it looks like rain and she doesn't drive in the rain. She apologizing for asking for help and it breaks my heart that she can't do as much for herself as she would like. Physically she isn't doing too bad, it's the eyesight that is hindering her. She is having great difficulty accepting help.

    So nice to see everyone busy and engaged in their activities. Back when I have time, probably this evening after the gym and dinner.

    Carry on.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Well, Brian has signed a "intent to hire" contract and as long as his UA and background check come back clean (which they will) he will start on May 9th....which so happens to be the same day he officially is off the payroll at his former job. We are quite relieved! We are very much hoping this job turns out to be as good a fit as it seems to be.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the picture :smile:

    Judy - Nice to meet you, hope you are recovering well and that your husband finds some relief with the cataract removal.

    Patti - your May sounds full, but like it will be all kinds of fun. It is nice you were able to accomplish so much in order to be able to leave early; hope your trip is dry and wonderful!

    Cindy - you saying you can schedule the dentist "at will" made me chuckle...just depends on what kind of "at will" that would be, right? What exciting news about your writing, it would be great for you to win one or both contests but you are right that just getting your name/writing out there more is exciting in itself!

    Karla - yes this is the job that comes with a work vehicle; it will be such a relief to have two vehicles again! Sounds like you are busy busy busy...and off to Destin today?

    Janet - well done getting back on track. I've done the "I'll start over (Monday, beginning of the month) thing far too often myself. Though it is sad that your aunt is now gone, I was glad to hear it was peaceful and that you feel good about the time you were able to spend with her before she left. You have dates for the cataracts; have you started shopping for sunglasses yet?

    Suzi - good to hear from you; glad you didn't suffer too much damage from the storm. Hope you are all safe and that the severe weather has passed.

    MaryLynn - thank you for checking in

    Bert - sure sounds like you are a great mentor to have; I imagine you have "seen it all" over the years.

    Diane....where are you? I sure miss you here!

    At the last minute it looks like I might just have a place to do my practicum! My advisor found a WIC program near me that actually has an agreement with my school! I have been talking to the woman in charge and my school advisor trying to get it all together in time; my deadline was extended to next Wednesday due to some outages in the online program at the school! Even if I don't get to do it this summer (I am really really hoping I do) I still have that contact/possibility of a place to get it done; I am so very thankful! Thank you very much to those of you who have prayed for me for this!

    Have a wonderful day
    Grace and peace to you

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, you have good news all over the place! And you and Brian both deserve it. Hope the job will be a great fit and that the WIC program will set up your practicum -- would you be working both women and their kids?

    i am starting to feel more in control of what I put into my mouth. Eternal vigilance forever will be required -- need to reignite patterns and habits that let me lose over 150 pounds. Dual tracking is annoying but it helps me to see the calories and nutrients here. WW was shortsighted to eliminate the Good Health Guidelines, though.

    Haven't started sunglasses hunt yet but as I see inexpensive ones I will start trying them on. My favorite local boutique is having a sale and I found a beautiful, flowy print silk tunic and a gorgeous scarf. First spotted the store when I came here on business years ago and when I first moved here, wished fervently that they sold clothing in my size (they also sell interesting things for the home). The first time I was able to shop there for things other than a cute spoon rest or fragrant soap, I was over the moon.

    OK, time to lie down -- am seriously sleep-deprived and must be up early tomorrow because I have an 11 AM Coffee Concert, which should be a joy -- Bela Fleck is the guest artist and there will also be Berlioz.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Jeanette, happy dancing all over the place for you and Brian. I hope it all works out for both of you. Will pray you get your practicum in this summer. Sometimes it is just your turn!

    Janet, the morning concert sounds like such a good time and exactly what your soul needs right now. It also sounds like you got your Mojo back.

    Karla, hope you are in Destin safe and sound.,is this another reunion meeting?

    What a day and not what I had planned. Made it to the gym but I am having lots of back pain, can't seem to find a stretch to work it out. Ran some errands, picked up my wall hanging and a gift for our friends at the consignment shop. Dropped by my GFs garage sale, they were having a community sale so I had to check it out. Found a vintage bowl , to match a water pitcher I already own, for a buck. Then found a mini freezer for Mom. She has been complaining that she has so little freezer space. It was very cheap and super clean. We will need to build a stand for it so she doesn't have to get on her knees to see what is in it, lol. She said it can wait until we get back from our trip. I managed to fall on my glasses and pop one lens out, luckily no other damage. So unplanned trip to Sears to get them fixed. I skipped TRX, partly due to my back pain and partly because I just plain ran out of time. Need to do some cleaning tonight. I hate coming home to a dirty house! Will,go,to,the gym in he morning and then to Mom's for a bit with some flowers. Then home to get the camper packed. There is a benefit tomorrow night that Edd wants to go to, not sure if I will go with him. Depends on how much I get done before then.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Whew Patti you had quite a day- but please take care of your back. You only have one.
    Jeannette- doing the happy dance for you and your family- :)
    Bert- I would love to play in the flowers but we will have rain for a week now- but that means flowers are coming
    Janet- you will get back on track and get rid of the few pesky pounds that are the result of the low iodine routine and stress that came with it.
    I was thinking this morning, while whining internally, that I wish I didn't have to pay attention to everything I eat, the amount etc.
    Why can't women have a man's metabolism- most of them just thinking about dropping a few and they do.
    Last night I had two shrimp tacos I made and some salad, Rick had a thick juicy burger with all the fixings. My dinner was tasty but, well you know.
    Need to run- I will be at a craft fair tomorrow with books. If you get a chance check out Shirley Alarie's new book A Home for Dominick. Its a great children's book and she's my BFF- but I'm not biased...
    I also have garnered a few more reviews on Amazon for that I'm grateful- building this brand is a bit tougher than I thought.
    Gotta Run
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous day. I'm having lunch with my best friend today. We haven't been able to get together for a while, so we have much catching up to do. It is supposed to rain this weekend (bthe days), so I'll work in my flower beds when I get home. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Today is just flying by. I went to the gym and then took flowers to Mom and spent some time with her. Finishing laundry while Edd delivers Frankie to our son's house. Just need to load my clothes in the camper and hook it up to the bike. Plan to leave around 8am tomorrow. Found a table in the basement to put Mom's new mini freezer on. She is thrilled and now looking forward to filling it up. Don't know how much I will be able to check in while we are gone but know I am thinking of you all while we are traveling. Really looking forward to this trip.