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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! Sorry but this is another quick check in before I start off and running. Tomorrow is the big visit day with my sister,
    her daughter and her 3 grandkids coming from Seattle as well as my two girls, 2 grandkids and one SIL visiting. It will be nice to have us
    three siblings together....doesn't happen often but I know it makes my mom happy.

    Brian thought the ride-along went well, then he had interviews with the higher up manager. He feels good about the job, and it seems like
    they are very interested in him. They just have a couple more little things to do like check his references and requesting a little more info
    from him. We're fully expecting a job offer from them next week some time.

    I hope you are all having a great weekend!
    Grace and peace to you
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Just a quick check in. I've helped with statewide testing this week and also have tried to wrap up with student visits. I also am reviewing/evaluations student portfolios. Then I'm trying to get my flowers planted (a little at a time) and flower beds ready for mulch in mid May. Whew! I'm worn out! Have a great weekend!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Little by little I am getting my outside pool area together. Tomorrow I will paint those cement planters..
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Fabulous picture of your pool, Karla!

    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to be a fabulous day. It will be sunny and warm. Our granddaughter, Jillian, has a soccer game today. I love watching her play. Then I'll come home and work outside. Working in the flower beds is like playing to me! :o)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited April 2016
    Looks like none of us have time for chit chat, but I know we will get caught up soon.
    Progress is being made on the rental, headed there shortly. LOVED Jungle Book. It had some pretty violent scenes, even made mr and my GF nearly jump out of our skin a few times. I do love IMAX3D movies when they are CGI films. Next up, Alice Through the Looking Glass May 27th with the same cast as the last one, another Tim Burton movie. Then Independence Day, Resurgence (I think that is the name) in June, The Dory movie in July and JK Rowlings new movie Magical Beasts and Where to Find them with Eddie Redmayne and Colin Firth in November. My guilty pleasure is that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Ok, off I go
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Have a wonderful and active weekend ladies! Keep it moving forward and logging it works for me. Rainy day Sunday (day of rest) here today will get all the garden growing well, so we will never run out of weeds to pull. Building some stairs and a pathway, so lots of shoveling and pulling yesterday... great for arm strength! Lifestyle of the active in our home, which is a true blessing. We've both had major surgeries in the past and are thankful to be able to do so much at this point in our lives. Enjoy your loved ones and give them a big hug to let them know!
  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    I had a really nice day yesterday. Our annual Ladies tea at church in the afternoon. There were close to 200 there. They have a hostess at each table who decorates her table..it was really beautiful.

    Today is a sunny beautiful day. After we came one from church Fred started mowing the lawn. I am reading things on My Fitness Pal. I only lost 3 lbs this week..not real great for y first week. I have decided I have to get back to tracking this week. I guess I will do calories on MFP. So whoever changes the goals for this week please make mine TRACK EVERY BITE!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Mary Lynn, you are getting so much done and reaping rewards beyond the beauty of the yard. Being grateful for a healthy, working body is something I try to remember every day.

    Judy, what a lovely way to have a tea. 3 pounds is a great loss, first week or not. Your body is trying to heal so it is holding on to fluid, that is what is supposed to do. Please be kind to yourself and do what works best for you in the long run. I am celebrating your awesome loss with a happy dance.

    6 1/2 hours of being on my feet, up and down the step ladder, scrubbing and painting and I am DONE! My feet, knees and back are begging me to stop. I do need to get a load of clothes done. Have to hit Home Depot in the AM to buy blinds and then hope to finish tomorrow. Worst of the cleaning to be down....grease covered cabinets, stove, drop pans, back splash and kitchen floor followed by the bathroom... Eeeewwwww! Looking forward to Tuesday at Mom's where I just need to flip her mattress and help her put on the new dust ruffle and quilt...easy,peasey compared to the last few days.

    Now time for Calling the Midwives.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    I am home. I am exhausted. I ate a lot while I was gone. Tomorrow is another day.

    Bridal shower and time with my best friend and her family were terrific. I got to spend more than an hour with Aunt Pat each day. She knew I was there and today I had over an hour alone with her and said everything I wanted to say, to let her know how much I love her, how very important she has always been to me. It's unlikely she will be with us a week from now so I am immensely grateful to have had this time to hold her hand. So many tears shed already for a huge spirit in a petite body. Praying that her passing will be peaceful -- that is the best we can hope right now. Thanks for letting me get that out.

    It will be a busy week but I will check in as able.

    Time to crawl in. Wishing you all sweet dreams and a week of success and peace.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my last day of testing....I'm happy, and I know the kids will be happy as well. Tomorrow, I have my last two visits. I'm definitely not happy with the student teacher I'm visiting tomorrow. She has not turned in her paper work that is required by the college, and doesn't respond to my emails. I'm going to ask the department for guidance in giving her a grade.

    My front flower bed looks pretty good. I got my Gerber Daisies planted and need to get a few more bags of mulch to make that bed complete. That way the lawn care company won't have to do that bed. They will be coming in a couple of weeks and that will take that long to get everything prepared.

    We grilled out last night and also ate on the patio. I was a beautiful day and evening! Have a great day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Monday all,
    Janet, I know your trip was filled with so much joy and love. Your time with your dear Aunt Pat had to bitter sweet, but so glad you had this precious time with her.

    Bert, sounds like your student will not make the best teacher, don't envy you on this one. I know you are in your glory working in your flower beds.

    Time to get it in gear and finish this rental. Doubt I will make it to Zumba tonight but I think I have worked hard enough to justify skipping. Will check in tonight if I can move my arms, lol!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning all,
    Wow! So much getting accomplished by all of you! Well done on that rental property nightmare, Patti! Your body is likely still feeling all that effort and you can be assured it will all add up to being able to do more with those muscles you have been building! Janet, just being there with your Aunt Pat and having the luxury of some quality moments with her to share your feelings and thoughts is such a treasure to hold onto! Being with friends and family is so important to our well-being and letting go is never an easy process. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. Bert, your challenge to assess progress and ability of student teachers is a tough one indeed. Apathy on her part was a choice she made pretty consistently by the sound of it, so she ought not to be surprised with the appropriate grade. Better that she find out now than for students to experience a teacher who seems not to care. Hope you all find an adventure or two this week ahead. Enjoy your Monday, whatever it brings!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope your Monday is going well. It sounds like things are on an upswing for most of us; good to hear all the good news
    going on, though I see some sad things too.

    Brian was asked to get email information for references, give certain information so a background check can be done, and also to
    "find time" (lol, that's all he has right now) to head to their office one more time to look over an intent to hire form. We pretty much
    decided he would take this job no matter what and then he could keep looking if it isn't enough money. I think he'll really like it,
    though, sure seems to be right up his alley.

    Janet - so sorry to hear about this dear woman in your life, but it is good you are getting to spend this time with her. I am praying
    with you that she passes quietly and gently.

    Patti - sounds like you are busting through getting that house clean! It is nice your nephew can rely on you to do a good job with
    getting it well cleaned; not everyone is good at that kind of thing. And I agree that you are definitely getting your workout!

    MaryLynn - thank you for your ever encouraging words! I hope you and your hubby are doing well also :smile:

    Karla - I always enjoy the pictures you share; what a beautiful background for your pool area and it looks like you are making the whole
    thing a great pleasure to be in. I hope all health issues with you and your hubby are going well/healing well.

    Myra, Cindy, Beth - hope you are all doing well and enjoying some good weather where you are. I'm thinking of you and wishing you well!

    We had a good visit with family while my brother was here; I'll post a bunch of pics on FB in the next couple of days. It would have been nice if everyone could have been around for a little longer so the shy ones (my niece's kids) could have gotten used to us a little more, but it sure was nice to see almost everyone together! Here is a picture of the whole group

    Have a wonderful start to your week!
    Grace and peace to you
  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    Nice picture, Jeanette! I love family photos.
    Fred had his other cataract removed today. This was on the eye he inured 26 years ago. This one is bothering him a lot more. We decided to go back to eating the Trim Down Club way. It worked good before. The reason we decided to do it is that Fred's brother and his wife are doing it and they need all the help they can get. His brother has never been on a diet.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Home, showered and laundry going. Was on a roll with the rental and had hoped to be done today but my son called and he needed immediate help on another rental that was going to be shown today. They had 18 people coming to look at it. So I worked there for several hours. Still more work to be done but we got enough done to at least show it. One young couple with a 1 year old said they were so anxious to move in they didn't care if we didn't finish the painting that still needs done. They are living with her mom in a 3 bedroom home, with 5 other siblings!! I home they pass the background check. They seemed like the best candidates. So now I have to try and finish the other rental on Wed as they are turning the keys over to the new tenant on Thursday. Luckily I work well under pressure. But tomorrow is my day off to spend with mom, grocery shop and go to TRX.

    Jeanette, love the pic and I bet your parents were so happy to have you all there. Good news on the job front for Brian it seems. I hope he is happy with the job and the money and won't have to keep looking while he is working.

    Now what to eat for dinner. Never had time for lunch. So glad I had a good breakfast.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It has been a very hectic week and weekend and just didn't have a moment to log in- but I was thinking of everyone.
    I'm on track today- yesterday AM was an early dentist. I have two more crowns but nothing urgent so I can schedule at will- lol well you know I have to get my courage up.
    Everyone sounds busy and happy.
    Janet- I'm very sorry about your Aunt- I wish her peace-
    The work trip was good last week and spending time with Cheryl was great.
    Ready to Soar will be in my hands by Friday- YEAH!!!!
    Need to run
    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies, sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but like many of you life had been very busy. We had Izzy and Jj Saturday night and they were so very good and fun. Despite the eight year difference in their ages, Jj is so good with Izzy. He even say with her at her Minnie Mouse table and had dinner. lol. It was sweet. I hit the floor running back in the business world as this is a short week leaving back to Destin on Thursday afternoon.

    Mary Lynn- Yes, we are a bunch of movers and shakers in this groups. All in different avenues of life.

    Judy- I have not heard of that eating plan, but whatever works!!!

    Patti- lady you are all over the place with your cleaning and painting!! But glad you have your priority of your day with your Mom tomorrow. I could not get into that Here Come the Midwives series on BBC.

    Janet- I know you must be tired with your trip and your thoughts of your dear Aunt Pat. How wonderful of your time together. How was the shower? Did they like the gifts? How are you feeling? Did you get any sleep?

    Cindy- glad to see you checking in too. We always know you are out there dear.

    Jeanette- is this the company that provides the work vehicle? That will be a blessing in itself. I hope it all works out. It sounds very promising. How are you holding up? I loved you big family photo too. It would make a great framed gift for your parents at Christmas, Mother's or Farher's Day and Walgreen's does the enlargements nice and cheap.

    Myra- I am always thinking of you and your children. Summer is coming.

    I better get my day started. Glenn is doing well and my eye is hanging in there. The doctor in Birmingham is going to do some special testing on it in June. Actually, both eyes. Glenn returns to work next Monday and sees his doctor May 9th to schedule his next surgery. This getting older is not for sissies!! Lol.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    So nice to see everyone, minus just a few, checking in. I am so glad I am taking the day off. Having some numbness in my right hand and I know it is from lots of over head painting. My calendar is getting to the overload point. May is filled with happenings every weekend. My grandson, Susie's son, is graduating with his BS in chemical engineering and they are planning a surprise party for him on the 14th. My other grandson is getting married May 21st and then it is Memorial Day weekend. I already have a whole crew coming and there will be a big party with all the folks on the road. Sort of like our fall pig roast but with chicken, lol. Music, dancing, friends, food and bonfires......all the makings for a perfect opening season at the cabin. Looking forward to our trip on Sunday. My brother has a new boat, so I think a day trip will be part of the fun. Haven't seen my SIL in 2 years, so hopefully we will get some girl time. Then a long weekend hanging with our "biker" friends at the Vintage BMW gathering in MS.

    Cindy, you sound happy and busy, like the rest of the crew here. Great news on R2S...you know I can't wait.

    Karla, love the visual of JJ at the MM table with Izzy. My brother would never have done something like that.

    Janet, are you rested up yet? I know your trip had to be emotionally draining on both ends of the spectrum.

    Well Mom awaits so better get a move on.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Still tired but much to do today. Am out of salad fixings after last night's dinner so that's priority one. And BB&B for some berry keepers (Rubbermaid has some new produce keeping containers that do seem to keep things fresh quite well), plus a few other errands.

    As of yesterday I am seriously back on track. Might as well tell you that i rejoined WW online yesterday so I can scope out the new points system -- most of the point changes make sense to me -- lean proteins are finally valued properly and they have put exorbitant amounts of points on empty calories, which makes you think twice about tht treat. I will do dual tracking for at least a week or two.

    I've been doing the "I'll get back on track tomorrow/Monday/first of the month" thing for too long. I really need to relose about 15 pounds gained over the last ween months. Yes, two rounds of low-iodine diet, the surgical recovery around the holidays, etc. But mostly it was just me disrespecting myself and stubbornly wanting to be able to eat the way other people eat. I can't do that -- and I know it, so not sure why I needed to prove that to myself again. But I guess I did. So I am stopping that and putting the brakes on shame as much as possible and just moe forward, eating the way I know I must. For good.

    OK -- storms are due later so I must get rolling. Later!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Hoping that you all stay safe if you are in the severe weather areas of the US over the next day or so! While I enjoy watching storms energy from a safe vantage point, I realize that many are in harm's way so very often during the tornado season and I'm praying that no lives will be lost during nature's wrath.

    Finished the hiking hills earlier today, so going to read this afternoon and looking forward to watching the presidential primaries results later this evening. We got into watching US news and events when we lived in Mexico, as we had so many friends from the states that lived in the same small village. Plus, our satellite coverage only showed Mexican and US news... Canada has been our home again for the past five years and we are so blessed that things are going well here in terms of politics.

    Enjoyed the wonderful image of your family Jeanette and congrats on the news regarding Brian's upcoming job opportunity.

    Waving HI to you all - stay well!
