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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Cindy, it is so encouraging to see your marketing efforts resulting in sales. Nice to know that your writing is being enjoyed by so many more, as books tend to get recycled through used book sales as well. Wonderful too, that your enthusiasm and energy for movement and activity is remaining so high! The new 'bar' training equipment sounds interesting and should be fun to try for you. It can get kinda boring to keep doing the same moves with strength training and anything that "shakes it up" is motivating and perhaps challenges some new body parts too. With all our gardening digging and raking and pulling weeds and roots, the arms can feel a difference for us here too. We have some rain today too, so rain gear will be needed when outside for us as well. Keep up the excellent effort, girl. You are doing SO well!

    Bert, it is so nice to see your flower plantings... all that gardening effort is paying some truly beautiful dividends! I love all the color variety you've selected for your flowers. Additionally, your body gets a great all-round workout from gardening which is always a welcome bonus. Cleaning the house sure adds up the calorie burn too and it needs doing anyhow, right? I tackled our baths and kitchen yesterday, so nice to have it smelling nice and looking sparkly again. We have seen some carrots starting to come up in the garden finally and the tomatoes have some blossoms. Lilies are popping up as well, which we just planted not that long ago. When I see on the newsfeed that you are getting out and walking as well, I applaud your commitment to keeping moving. Great that you can soon sign off on the student teachers assessments in the very near future. I'm sure that you will find many new ways to fill time up!

    Janet, great job on keeping with your program and feeling that groove coming back for you! Sure agree with you on the avoiding temptations - lifelong re-programming needed here too. This past couple of weeks, I craved DQ blizzard and have succumbed twice now. The crazy thing is I don't really even like ice cream... just the cookie dough pieces! It would be so much smarter to just get some quality dark chocolate to have on hand for a craving, as that always hits the spot for me. I enjoyed the article from the link you sent, so thanks for sharing that. Some pampering is definitely in order for you after all that dedication, a hair trim and color fits the bill so nicely. Enjoy your organizer appointment this evening! I'm sure you'll come up with a project that needs attention. Please be careful in your travels in the days to come. Well done to be prepared to make a stop if the weather or the sleepiness becomes an issue for you. Your positive attitude always encourages me, as well. Thanks for the gift of your time to be here with us all!

    Patti, nice to hear that the travels are going so smoothly for you and the meal sounds just wonderful. We have some quinoa that would work well in the combinations you suggested. Enjoy the continued time together and keep up that activity level like your LONG hilly walks! Looking forward to more stories about your trip, including the boating and camping. I forget how long you will be away, but so pleased that you are able to get this time to change the scenery and create new and wonderful memories to reflect on in the future. Take care and keep safe from that severe weather that seems to be popping up all around there.

    Karla, pleased that the custody hearing went well for your son, I know you were so concerned for him and glad that is now in the past. Sorry that Glenn's frustration is high today, hope you can find some unwind time to pamper him back to good humor later today. Training can be draining, so hoping that is finished with in short order, for your sake. Keep getting in your nutrition and movements, for your own sanity and health sake and don't forget to drink water. So busy, sometimes we don't feel the thirst before it's dehydration and fatigue catch up with us. Take care and thanks for touching base with us all here.

    Jeanette, hoping you still can get that practicum in and looking forward to hearing more about your plans. SO nice to be able to spend some time with Brian just poking around and enjoying some wonderful sunny weather out there. We have gotten much of the same and do not mind today's rainy conditions, as the plants and forests need it already. Best wishes as you look towards the summer time activities, whatever they may turn out to be. Staying so energized, girl... have you realized how very WELL you are doing? I sure hope so, because I'm applauding you loudly from here. So proud of all you've managed to accomplish already. Keep it up, girl!

    Myra, Beth, Diane, Judy ... you are on my mind and in my prayers, throughout your busy days. Even if you don't have time or energy to comment, it is always great to see you check in and let us know how things are going for you and that you are okay.

    Hugs to all of you,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good morning Friends-
    I was reading the news this morning and have decided one day a month the news organizations should only post and deliver good news- maybe that would start to change the world we live in. I hate reading about people hurting or worse to children, animals and each other. What the heck - no wonder there is so much horror in the world- we are confronted with it each time to turn on a PC, the news or radio. Rant over.
    I'm doing well on plan this week- the scale and I aren't on speaking terms so it has to stay put away until I am feeling my pants a bit looser. :)
    Janet- I feel exactly the same way about everyone here..... when do you head to the services for your aunt?
    Patti- great you checked in. You should be in the news with all the nice things you do.
    MaryLynn- what is going on in your neck of the woods- You forgot to share....
    Karla- when does Glenn retire? He may be getting the retirement syndrome
    Jeannette- Any news on your MIL?
    Bert- you're rocking the white.... you go girl!
    Need to run- book is progressing I'm about 1/3+ through my read out loud program. Catching a few minor things. It takes more time and I have to remind myself to go slowly so I am really reading and not glossing over it. Patience for me on this one.
    Until Later-
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Yesterday, I decided to try my cardio class again. When I arrived for class, the instructor said it was cancelled until September due to low attendance. So, I'll use the equipment myself the next time I go. I rode the stationery bike instead, but at least I did something. It's rainy today, so I think I'll go to the mall to walk. I haven't done that in a while; I've been so busy with weeding the flower beds to prepare for mulch delivery. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Since I have time thought I would drop in to chat with my dear friends here. The weather was too chilly and overcast yesterday so we did not go boating. Went to lunch with my SIL and her BF, the one I took to the Dr's the day before. Then my SIL and I took a 2 1/2 mile hilly walk with the dog. She is a runner so I know I was holding her back but I think she enjoyed just the walking a no talking. Then the rest of the day we were challenging each other to get out steps in and flights of stairs. We were running around like kids. They live in a two story with a walkout basement. The boys just shook their heads at our antics. In the end we hit out 10k steps and 50 flights of stairs. My brother made the most delicious fried trout. He caught it in the gulf a week before we came and had it cleaned and frozen. We had leftover sides from the week: green beans,,baked beans, broccolini salad, brown rice with couscous and some raw veggies too. We are definitely going out to Smith Lake on the boat this afternoon when my SIL gets home from work. Then tomorrow we leave for Sturgis, MS. It is in the northeastern corner of the state, less than 3 hours from here, right off the Natchez Trace. The weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous for the whole rally and the ride home on Sunday. Going to go check on my brother's strawberry patch, he says he saw some ripe ones, would be nice with my coffee. Not sure if there is cell service or WiFi at the rally so you may not hear from me until I am back home.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Forgot to tell you, my BF had her first chemo yesterday and all went very well. She loves the office and said her chemo nurse is a doll. Will have to wait out the next few days to see what her side effects will be. They told her that whatever side affects she has from this first round will be exactly what will happen with each treatment. That includes day of onset and severity. This way she can plan for it each time and know exactly what to expect.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Wednesday. Things are finally slowing down some and I am home today. Work day with clients, but home projects too. I have already put up the new shower curtain and new plush bath rug. It is fabulous!! I have transmitted the claim for he Podiatry office and have my workout clothes on too. I have faced he scales this morning and was very pleasantly surprised that I did not gain over the Destin weekend. Yeaaa.

    Patti- Are you meaning to say BFF or are you talking Boyfriend for BF there? LOL. I'm glad the BMW rally is this weekend as the weather is supposed to be gorgeous the rest of the week, starting today. Sounds like your and your brother and SIL are having a great visit with plenty of activity and great cuisine. My prayers are still going for your BFF and her chemo, sounds like she has an excellent team and a doll for a nurse is a great asset too. They are one call away to help her every step of the way. You will be back with her before you know it. She knows you are there in spirit.

    Cindy- You are so correct about today's news. Between Prince's family fighting over his fortune left with no will, and the Political backstabbing, people killing people and the foreign front, there is just very little good news, is there? Glenn should be retired by March or April of next year.

    Mary Lynn- It was a modification to the child support hearing, not custody. She was trying to raise the child support and the same judge that divorced them presdied. It all backfired on her as some old debts she never paid was put on my son's credit. The judge was furious with her. Big mess, but worked in my son's favor. We are finally over the rain here. The grass sure needs cutting now. My son is coming over today to work on my hedges that are overgrown.

    I agree, where is Myra, Diane, Judy and our other pals?

    Let's try and put some structure to our group here:

    TT: Two of you ladies have recently migrated back to Weightwatchers as it provided you with more control of you eating, or was a more structured program? Please share with us how it has helped you so far and what we can do on our group board here to emulate that.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hadn't looked at the baby eagles in days. Ohmigosh -- they're HUGE and have real feathers! http://dceaglecam.org/

    Karla, I migrated back to WW to compare tracking mechanisms. You know me -- I have issues with tracking pure calories, and also with tracking where full nutrition info is deliberately withheld. WW has improved the food database, which helps, but they seem to have gone overboard in some of the reassigning of points. Decent foods increased by 50% or more. Haven't looked up anything really wicked yet. The "free" fruits and veggies thing also seems overdone and someone could overdo, especially with fruit, Somehow I seemed to do better at stopping myself when I reached points limit.

    Just so you know, I actively ignore everything else on WW -- the "motivational/best self" stuff is an active turnoff for me (yes, I'm weird and fiercely independent, resistant to somebody else's idea of how I should live MY life), and of couse the "activity" component is problematic. I actually asked a chat rep if they plan to remove the daily annoying messages on the weight-tracker page and she said she has heard that A LOT.

    MFP gives FAR better nutritional info, but the inability to edit one's food list infuriates me. Clearly the boards are much more user-friendly here. And once my fruits and veggies were in the mix, it can get weird trying to balance things; I've found that MFP tracking sometimes discourages me from eating certain things.

    A great deal of this may be well a coincidence of time -- my far-less-controlled period coincided with the thyroid cancer treatment and stress, plus the holidays and other life stressors. I quit WW because it appeared they were doubling their cost, which turned out not to be the case.

    I plan to stick to dual tracking for some time as a way of keeping myself honest, It's a bit more work but I am trying to put more work into the effort.

    Hope that makes some sense to somebody!

    Got a lot of errands run and really need to plop for an hour soon. Was up until after 2. Tomorrow is a very long day and Friday is travel, memorial service, travel. On Saturday, I intend to be a SLUG.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: I totally agree with your input on WW. That is the main reason I quit. I like MFP much better; however, I don't like not getting calories for strength training. MFP has a fabulous data base and items are easy to find.

    I'm so glad that I found all of you ladies on WW but it's definitely MFP for me!

    I didn't walk at the mall today as I helped with setting up our church rummage sale. I got 8000 steps just putting priced items on tables! I'm not a rummage sale fan but my friend who helps me with the turkey dinner chairs the event.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Question: How do I count spinach fettuccine? A vegetable? Carb? Both?
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, the spinach is a relatively minor ingredient -- it's predominantly pasta.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Another rainy day for me- long range forecast for another 13 days at least- yuck-
    Janet I was reading your post about WW and MFP I think there are plus and minus to both systems. But I feel that for me WW is stricter with the new system I have to eat whole foods and not use up valuable calories/points with sweets or junk food. That is the main difference and since I've packed on a few pounds guess I really need to stay away from the stuff.
    I'm also trying to do No S which is no snacks, seconds or sweets M-F
    Hasn't been perfect but I'm striving to get there. :)
    Where is the majority of our "family" it seems quiet here.
    Bert- I concur with Janet, spinach is really pasta. Sorry about that.
    I went to a Paint and Sip class last night- it was a lot of fun and the picture is on FB if you curious. Not sure if you have them where you are but worth the two hours of time spent. LOL think I might do another one as it was a nice departure from my regular routine.
    Need to run but waving to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. House cleaner is coming this morning, and then it's off to lunch with my best friend to celebrate her birthday.

    One of my friends lost her husband to cancer yesterday. My heart goes out to her. Visitation is tomorrow.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning ladies! I had every intention of posting here yesterday when my daughter showed up to borrow the car and reminded me I was watching Miss Avery for a few hours! While watching Avery my MIL called and asked if I could take her to her doctor appt later in the afternoon. This has been a busy week! MIL is doing ok, but has some inner ear issues that may result in complete hearing loss on one side. We are thankful to know what is causing the vertigo issue and are hopeful the doctor can help her so as not to lose all hearing on that one side.

    Brian officially starts work next Tuesday and will be able to bring the van home by the end of the week. YAY! My school advisor has signed me up for the practicum but paper work is still being done and there is still a chance it won't work out for the summer. I am trying to just be patient and wait for it all to fall into place.

    Janet - safe travels tomorrow. I hope your time celebrating your aunt's life is peaceful. Sounds like you are doing VERY well with staying on plan! If WW helps with that then that is great. I think we each have to figure out what works best for us and go with it.

    Bert - Lovely pics and lovely hair. I always hoped I'd go all white but I'm thinking that won't likely happen. I was told gray/white hair comes in stiff and straight and you can't do anything with it but mine seems to be just as curly as my colored hair so I'll have to settle for that :wink:

    Patti - Thanks for checking in while away. It sounds like your trip is going wonderfully well even though you've had to change gears here and there. Your BF is lucky to have you and it is good her first treatment went well. Hope the rest of your trip is as wonderful as the first part, but maybe a little dryer!

    MaryLynn - you are always so poetic, thank you for that alone as well as your kindness and thoughtfulness. I'm sure we would all love to see some pics of your garden you have been working so hard on. It sounds like you live in a wonderful little area. Did you move around a lot? You mentioned living in Mexico and now Canada, were these moves work related or just exploring the world a bit? It HAS been nice having Brian home these past few weeks. He's done a lot around the house, we've had a lot of time just hanging together, and he's just finally remembered to leave me alone in the morning until I've had a chance to wake up. Part of him is looking forward to going back to work and part of him would like to just keep on this way.

    Cindy - I can feel your excitement about your book through your posts! Please keep us updated on your progress. How is it going with the new resistance bar? My MIL kept passing out and dry heaving; it just seemed the best option at the time.

    Myra - how are you and your little ones doing? You've been on my mind lately and I am hoping you are doing well.

    Well, I have some things to do today and then tonight hubby is going to go to salsa rueda with me!!! I was so surprised he was willing to come with me. I'm hoping he enjoys himself enough to want to come with me every so often....this is a huge huge huge deal in my life :smile:

    I'll leave you with a pic of a precious 7 month old. Have a wonderful day, ladies
    Grace and peace to you


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  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Just a quick check in to say HI to all and ask for prayers for families affected by a huge wildfire in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. 80,000 evacuated, almost 2000 homes destroyed by fire already. Still not contained and dry conditions with high winds threaten new areas, causing more evacuations south of the city. Our son and DIL live in Alberta (near Calgary, in south) but thankfully are not in any danger from this. Losses will be huge and emotions are chaotic. Firefighters coming in from all over to help, along with military. Red Cross is in place to help and Albertans are all donating space, food and time at evacuation centres and nearby cities.

    P.S.: Jeanette that is one CUTE 7 month old!!

    Hugs to all,
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello friends :) as usual, I have some catching up to do. Work has been busy (so much for a slower season!!) I've been quite busy with that, and honestly rather exhausted! I started a new medication for migraine prevention that has side effects (drowsiness, tachycardia, etc). My heart has a tendency to race anyway, and I saw my neurologist this past week. He recommended increasing this medication (because he thinks it's helping) but he wants me to either completely avoid caffeine or switch to decaf. Sigh. I do enjoy coffee. But I do know I need to cut back. Hoping this change with the medication increase will help with my headaches and migraines.

    I will catch up with your posts but wanted to say hello!
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    My my, I've missed much...

    Janet, my heart is with you, and prayers are with you and your family during your time of grief.

    MaryLynn, I will be praying for your family with the wildfires. So frightening!

    Cindy, good work on building your brand...it's hard work! I have a cousin who has written a few books. Getting a broader audience base is a challenge.

    Everyone else, loved seeing your beautiful flowers, pictures of new glasses, adorable kids and families. Thanks for sharing!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.........it's going to be a beautiful day today. I'm working the rummage sale today and then will go to visitation for my friend's husband. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Another day of rain but we are so dry from a lack of snow this year that we really need it- all the rivers and streams are very low too.
    It will be a busy weekend in the rain but that is why i have a raincoat.
    Hope all is well and each of you enjoy the time.
    Happy Mothers Day to all if I don't get back
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    As we continue to be blessed with ample sunshine and warm temperatures, it is fun to be outside and continue tidying up some of the neglected areas of the yard. For some reason, this year we have thousands of tiny maple saplings trying to take over every nook and cranny! We are already surrounded by cedar, fir, maple and birch trees, so those courageous little maples just have to go into the compost heaps out back! The lilies are popping up quickly and the tomatoes have blossoms. Carrot and parsnip plants are finally pushing through the soil to reach the sunshine too. We were able to gather much of the dead fall from past years and burn a portion of that in the fire-pit. As it gets drier, the water restrictions will kick in and the fire-bans will increase, so now it seemed wise to get some of this cleared away too. Fruit trees and shrubs continue to blossom and hopefully this will lead to some productivity later in the year.

    Took some measurements yesterday and was pleased to have lost an inch on top, which makes a total of 6" in 5 months. While the scale is ever so slowly moving to lower numbers, it seems that we are finding out that our consistent daily activities are making a positive difference. I find that logging has kept me mindful of food selections and how important my portion sizes are. Perhaps most vital is the commitment to a variety of activities that challenge the whole body with stretching, strength and cardio movement throughout the day. I'm grateful that we are able to enjoy life with all it's colors and hope to be fit enough to enjoy whatever days I'm given here on earth.

    Enjoy what today holds for each of you. Please know that you continue to be in my prayers and thoughts as you paint your own canvas of life.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Home after a long but important day. My aunt's memorial service was lovely and my cousin's eulogy was a fitting tribute to a true gem. Left home before 6:30 this morning, home a bit before 10 tonight. Am bone-tired and may need tomorrow as a recovery be-a-hermit day. We won't discuss my eating today, OK?

    Got the last of my pictures hung last night, including 35 small Briadway musical posters in the study. They bring the room to life. Also had a few other things put up.

    Tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby - I don't have a pick but there are four grey horses in the field and I hope one of them wins, just because.

    Going to attempt sleep and have no alarm set.

    As we say here in Louisville, Happy Derby!