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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been awake since 4:30 am! I'm heading to church this morning to help finish up the rummage sale and then will attend my grand daughter's soccer game at 1:00 if it doesn't rain. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies .. It has been a busy, but productive week .. Glad to read up and know that you all seem to be progressing in your lives.

    Mary Lynn- I had seen on the news of the fires in Alberta and immediately thought of you and any of your family .. Do keep us informed of any developments. Horrific.

    Janet- we won't discuss it, glad you are home safely. happy Derby.

    Patti- I know you are enjoying this beautiful weather . It is gorgeous!!

    Bert- I tried to get some black mulch yesterday but it was not available in the rubber so I went with the red rubber. Guaranteed for 12 years for color, hmmm we will see.

    I worked on my back porch this morning and it came out quite lovely. My new cushions from Target came this week and it is like a brand new set. Even Glenn loved the new update. I will post picture below. I mowed the back yard around the pool and Glenn did the edging. The twin are coming in the morning to do the front yard to earn money for summer band camp. We are going out to dinner this evening and then to listen to some Blues bands, fun times

    Happy Mother's Day to all.. For all types of mothers..

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend as you create new memories with friends and families.

    Another active day raking and hauling dead-fall from our forested area. You should SEE the pile of leaves already! Myron is cutting and burning the branches and we are so pleased with the results. The bonus is it looks great and we get a fantastic strength building workout too!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's both bio and fur baby. Patti, I know you are enjoying your BMW rally with gorgeous mornings and sunny days, this would be your first Mother's Day with your bio daughter. I know you will be with her in spirit, text or for sure next week.

    Yard is really shaping up. Glenn's son and twin grandsons are here working on front and the far back yard that I didn't do yesterday. Time for summer fun around here!!

    Have a great day!! Spend it relaxing and doing or being with those you love. People, fur-babies, music, shows, etc. the season season of Grace and Frankie is today, can't wait!!


    Ps, below are my geraniums from last year.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning and happy Mother's Day to all, whether you've given birth or not. Even if you don't have pets, pretty much every woman "mothers" in some way.

    Cindy, your painting was adorable -- looked like a fun time. Hope you get to hang out with your girls today.

    Karla, your outdoor lounge looks so relaxing. Enjoy!

    MaryLynn, you two have been so busy -- am following the Alberta fire -- so awful.

    Jeanette, little Avery is soooo cute! Like a mini-Alanna.

    Bert, hope the rain stays away and the game is fun.

    Beth, hope the new med helps. I had to chuckle about the coffee -- my relief at being able to have my black coffe during low-iodine diet was boundless. So I wish you the best of luck there -- betting your little ones will give you extra hugs today.

    Judy, so glad to hear the medical news. You have been challenged and blessed lately.

    Patti, hope the rally has been a blast and weather has cooperated.

    Suzi, did your girls pay tribute to you today?

    Got better sleep last night but still tired. The last couple of weeks have taken a lot out of me, and Mother's Day is a difficult one for me, for many reasons.

    Basketball this afternoon (Kevin Love, please come over here!!!!!) and evening, will record the finale of The Good Wife (no spoilers, please). Another full week coming up so I am still trying to take a breather today and hoping mostly for quiet and calm.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick check in to let you know we are home safe and sound. It was an 11 hour ride but the weather was gorgeous. Started the day around 65 degrees then up to 85 and down to 60 by the time we got home. Every gas stop we deleted or added clothing. The rally was so relaxing and enjoyable. Met some new friends and hope they will make it to our rally in the fall. It has been a wonderful vacation but I am ready to jump back on plan and into the gym. My daughter sent me a text wishing me a happy 1st Mothers Day. Every day I marvel at how blessed I am. Going to my GFs house for lunch tomorrow. She has been doing very well post chemo, very little side affects thru Saturday. Have not heard how today went. The wonderful thing is that she can expect exactly the same after each treatment.

    I have read all your posts, just too beat to respond, lol. Will probably be on a dead run all week too but will make sure to make you all a priority in each and every day.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Mothers Day!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Hectic weekend working on camp despite the rain we got a lot done- yesterday the weather started to warm up and sun but had to get home to make dinner for Miss Emily's 28th bday.
    I just realized I never got a pic of me and the girls yesterday :(
    Just another reason to slow down and enjoy life. Rick and I'll be at camp most every night this week trying to get things settled. So much to do with moving everything but I think
    this site will be much nicer and I'll sunshine- always a good thing.
    No updates on finishing Ready to Soar. But with the sun here we might get the cover shot this week- fingers crossed.
    We all sound very busy and on the run- but we are together in spirit.
    Karla- the porch looks lovely
    Patti- glad you're home safe and sound. Your GF will enjoy seeing you today I'm sure
    Janet- hanging pictures- you're really settling into the KY house. ;)
    MaryLynn- Happy Mother's Day to you
    Jeannette- has the fire been contained.
    Bert- You look So much like your Mom- I saw the pic on FB
    I know I've missed people but need to run- until later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a rainy morning, so I think walking in the mall is a definite possibility. Mulch is to be delivered tomorrow (however, there will be an 80% chance of rain tomorrow), and one more bed is in need of attention.

    Cindy: I always favored my father when I was young, but now I do think I look more and more like my mom in my "senior years". I know I have much of her personality.

    I was able to see 1 1/2 soccer games on Saturday before the rain came. Jillian did a great job. She scored several goals! My older son coaches the team.

    We are headed to Chicago this weekend to watch Dylan play soccer and Penny dance in her recital.............fun times! Have a great day everyone.

    Edna.jpg 565.8K
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning. Up and running. Had to take Edd to the shop so he can start putting the transmission in the car, remember the one from the last trip, lol. Lunch is ordered from Panera and will pick up on the way to my GFs. Then need to hit the grocery as the cupboards are bare. Will spend most of tomorrow, before gym time, with Mom. Then Wednesday I have a hair appointment, so will get my Costco run in. This weekend is my new grandson's graduation party, so no trip to the cabin, really need some River/porch time, but that will have to wait until Memorial Day. My other grandson is getting married the 21st. So lots to do. Dread the thought of dress shopping. I had so hoped to have lost some weight before the wedding but alas, this was not to be. But I will not give up, I am still a work in progress is seems. Luckily I am but one of many grandmothers at this wedding. All parents and grandparents, on both sides, have been married more than once. Makes for a very interesting seating chart. I don't envy the kids having to figure it out. I told them to put us anywhere and we will behave, lol. Need to go start unloading the camper before I go to lunch. Back later.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    With another gorgeous day looming, we hope to continue the forested area cleanup on our property. As the lack of rain continues, it's likely they will be putting a ban on any fires, so getting the rest of the debris cleaned up and burned in the fire pit is a priority. We are surrounded by forests here and with the recent fires in Alberta reminding us of dangers, it's pretty motivating. The situation with those wildfires is improving with the rain they received, so thankful that no lives have been lost!

    Enjoy your week ahead and remember to keep hydrated as the weather warms up!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you all got time with you moms or your kids or both yesterday! We had our girls and grand daughters here (and Andrea's significant other) and had a fun time playing with snapchat. I got it on my phone to play with Alanna with it but the girls had a fun time messing around too :smiley: Brian barbequed a nice dinner and we just had some good visit time.

    I hope you are all having a good start to your week, that weather is cooperating and that any work is going smoothly. Have a blessed day

    Grace and peace to you

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, your photos cracked me up! Saw your FB post -- does this mean your summer practicum is on? Fingers crossed for a yes.

    Patti, glad you're home safely and hope that the new transmission will fix a multitude of issues.

    Kept busy yesterday and today -- going to settle in and watch basketball until about 1 AM -- may need coffee to get me through the Warriors game (they're my team == but west coast games are a killer for those of us on Eastern time).

    Ate better today and am determined. Tomorrow marks my great nephew Caleb's first birthday -- what a doll he is! They'll be back for a week in August -- hope it's not when I have company but even if so, I will find a day to get up and back in a day if necessary (6 1/2 hours each way without traffic but Caleb is worth it!).

    Not feeling chatty so will sign off.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Jeanette, all your girls are gorgeous. I especially love the little ones looking so serious while the older girls are hamming it up. I so hope your practicum is coming thru for this summer. I know Brian must be getting excited to start his new venture too.

    Janet, when are you getting your eyes done? I know you told us but I forgot to write it down. I know you would travel to the ends of the earth if it meant you got time with your sweet Caleb.

    Or lots done today, best was lunch with the girls. So happy to report that she has had very few symptoms and all of them mild. So nice to know that she won't have to worry about anything more than a mild headache, a tiny bit of muscle aches in her legs and a rash. The rash is causing her the most discomfort, just cuz it is so itchy. I think the radiation will be harder on her, but still not horrible. Got the camper emptied and apeverything put away. Grocery shopping done and all veggies/fruits cleaned and prepped. Laundry going now. So I can relax when I go to Mom's tomorrow. I have a thank you gift for my SIL, just need to find a box so I can ship it.

    Enough from me for today. See you for breakfast
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Busy day here with more cleanup on the forested part of our property. We are cleaning out, clipping out some nasty-spined blackberry bushes, raking thousands of leaves, burning dead branches and cutting up trees. Started early morning and with a coffee break in between walking up and down the hillside all morning, we just kept on going until the fire pit was full of ashes and then had some lunch and a siesta! The arms and legs are definitely getting stronger and can feel the back and obliques as well as the butt muscles. So no other weight lifting needed today at least! So, with all that energy expenditure, I treated us to some homemade chocolate pudding after a dinner salad. WOW are we full!!

    Patti, so great to hear you are getting caught up on all the home matters, including spending some time with your friends over lunch. Wonderful that the reactions from chemo are so mild for her... sounds like such an ordeal nonetheless! Enjoy your special time with your Mom, now that you have the house all in order and organized. Nice to have you back ... you were missed!

    Janet, it's nice to be able to keep busy with activities during the day. We enjoy watching our sports in the evenings (baseball mostly and lately a bit of hockey too, although our favorite in NFL football!) Here's hoping that you get to spend some quality time with little Caleb later this summer. You're doing great with maintaining your focus on the plan you've set out for yourself and that deserves a happy dance at least! It's been an emotional few weeks for you and hope you get a good sleep tonight, my friend!

    Jeanette, what fun to see the pictures from Mothers Day with your some of your girls! Nice to have them all at the house together and wonderful to have Brian handing the cooking detail. Still hoping to hear that your practicum is given the go-ahead for this summer. When will you know? Wondering how Brian's new job is working out so far? Will you have the company van this week? That will sure make a difference in your lives, as you are all kept active with busy schedules. It's so great to have you here and hope that even as you get even busier, you can still find a moment to check in. Your words are always encouraging and I'm grateful to be able to get to know you.

    Cindy, hope you're having a wonderful (albeit rainy) week and getting some of those "to do" items checked off your list. How is the marketing of the book going? Will you be attending any more book selling opportunities at markets, etc? You continue to sound so positive and glad to hear how well things are going in your neck of the woods!

    Karla, thank you for sharing the images from your garden and yard. All that family effort is really paying some beautiful dividends and I'm sure you are pleased with the results, as well. Will have to remember to take my camera or phone outside once in a while to share some of the things we've been busy with around our home. Wondering how Glenn and yourself are doing health-wise? Will you be getting any news about your eye tests in the near future?

    Bert, so great to hear that you're keeping so busy with activities outside, as weather allows, of course! Consistency is the key to making the kind of life changing habits that help us all to achieve our health, fitness and weight loss objectives ... and you are firing on all cylinders! Well done, girl!!

    Beth, nice to have you feeling a bit better and hopefully that migraine medicine continues to do the trick for you. Keeping busy with work and family matters can be tiring enough without the challenges of health issues. Will pray for your complete healing. I can empathize with you somewhat, as in the past I have had migraines from time to time. Caffeine is definitely a trigger, but I hope you can find a happier balance. I am back on caffeine myself and no problems.

    Myra, hope you're doing okay. Miss you here.

    Anyone I've missed, HI to you as well!!
    Hugs and sleep tight, all


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, so glad for your friend's mild reaction (though an itchy rash is never mild, it beats some other possibilities).

    MaryLynn, you are getting great exercise grooming your private Eden. Love hearing about your efforts.

    Well, I fell asleep and missed second half and OT of my late game. Will take a nap Wednesday and hope I do better. And now, of course, I'm wide awake. So here's the birthday boy:

    They took him straight to the shower after cake and hosed him down.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. No mulch delivery today as it is raining. I haven't decided my plans today. That's a great feeling! Go with the flow! Have a great day, everyone.

    Janet: The pictures are so cute!
