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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Rick and I went to see my GF and her hubby at their lake house this weekend. I haven't gotten out there for 4 years- shame on me- but i have seen her each year and we talk a couple times per week. We had a great time- a pic on FB of the 4 of us at a winery. Guess what is coming up in a new series? ;)
    I got a message saying that someone would like a set of books despite having read them already- signed. Made me feel great- a rough week last week. Way to much to go into but suffice it to say I hope I'm moving in a good direction.
    I've missed you guys so much.
    Suzi love the pictures- keep in touch.
    Janet how is the head? I hope it breaks soon.
    Patti- glad to hear you got the deep clean done- sounds like it was needed.
    MaryLynn- do you like to cook?
    Myra- you made me chuckle with the middle name- lol
    Karla- how is Miss Izzy?
    Meg sent me a very interesting article on full fat dairy last week- said that for the extra calls and the long lasting hunger abatement that one should consider a clean food with full fat while trying to shed. Just something to think about.
    Need to run- but needed to stop by- I know last week I was MIA-
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another weekend filled with friendship, laughter, stories old and new, great food and a full moon. Home in time to watch both my games. So a very happy me here. I have some yummy leftovers for Mom. She will be so happy. There was no peach pie left but I did make pie crust cookies from the leftover pie crust, a favorite of hers. My BIL's lawnmower broke and his grass is super high. Edd has already told him he will help him fix the mower and also is going to surprise him by mowing his grass in the morning. My sis doesn't come home until Tuesday as long as the home eval deems it safe for her to do so. She has 4 steps to get in the house but none inside so hoping it goes well so my poor BIL doesn't have to do so much running. He could use some rest. Just hope she doesn't run him ragged once she gets home.

    Janet, sorry for your migraine, praying it is short lived.

    Cindy, hope you find some peace in your life and some time to decompress. I am having trouble getting your blog to load on my iPad, not sure why but it has been like that for a few weeks and I am behind. Going to try on the laptop later. I need me a "Cindy" fix! Miss your voice here.

    Karla, did you get to NOLA?

    Waving a big high to the rest of the troops. Time to get a few things done before bedtime, which will be early tonight I am sure.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, enjoyed your blog post and loved the photo. Despite the calories, I am trying to add more fat to my diet and given that I cannot abide fat-free cheese, at least I can feel a little less guilty.

    Patti, hooray for a fun weekend. Too cloudy here to see the full moon. I know your mom will love the leftovers.

    Migraine is down to a dull roar but still pretty sensitive to light & sound. Have game on at low volume and about to make myself something mooshy to eat (low-carb, high-fiber tortilla with turkey & cheese, I think).

    Am getting back on track with a vengeance tomorrow. Need NOT to eat before 11A, for starters, and to seriously de-emphasize carbs that don't come from fruits, veggies, whole grains (like oatmeal).
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is upstairs carpet cleaning day. Then the downstairs will be Wednesday. Molly is barking, so he's here to get started. We got a great view of the Harvest Moon this weekend.

    MaryLynn: Lucy is a store that sells active wear. I wear their pants as slacks/crop pants rather than working out. They are a bit pricey, so I wear cheaper pants to exercise in. They have really cute tops and jackets, too.

    Janet: Yes, you can be successful with Project Me! I have so much faith in you! Sorry you have a migraine. I'm trying to eat low carb, too.

    Myra: Project Pee sounds hilarious. Puppies take a lot of work, but they are so much fun!

    Patti: You and Edd take such great care of your family. I'm glad your weekend was good.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, your faith in me means a lot. We really do fare better because of friends' support.

    Migraine hangover day here -- just a mild headache and am a bit fuzzy-brained. Had horrible nightmares but am keeping busy (getting will and other essential paperwork nobody wants to deal with updated). Think I will start laundry soon. Am going breakfastless for at least a week to get my body used to a long fast again -- yogurt & berries for lunch and going to make a big pot of cheater's chicken soup (boxed stock, canned chicken I should use but adding fresh veggies and seasoning).

    Wishing everyone a good start to the week!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, I have been to Mom's and done grocery shopping for both of us. She has a pot of split pea soup in the crockpot for our lunch tomorrow. She was delighted with the leftovers, especially the pie crust cookies. Getting ready to put some chicken enchiladas together for dinner. Lob rotisserie chicken. I know it is a bit higher in sodium but it sure makes some easy and tasty meals. Tomorrow will be salad with chicken. So nice to come home from the gym and have dinner sitting in the fridge ready for me.

    Janet, hate that you are dealing with the migraine and the after math of it. Love your cheaters chicken soup.

    Myra, so happy you have increased your family by adding some fur babies. Good luck on Project Pee, you are too funny.

    This should be a fairly easy week for me. Going to make some more pepper jelly to clear up some freezer space. There are 5 gallon bags of peppers taking up too much space. Will need to find space for the jars though. Going to stick close to home the rest of the week except for the gym, in case my BIL needs help with my sis once she gets home on Tuesday. Next week I take Mom to Cincinnati on Monday to see the eye tumor specialist and on Thursday I take my BIL to the oral surgeon on Thursday. Not sure what time but pretty sure I will miss at least one of my gym classes. Mom reared up a bit today when she talked about saving her money in case she needs to go to assisted living. It rips me apart to see her cry, knowing I am virtually helpless to stop what is happening to her.

    Karla, are you alright you have been pretty silent here recently. I bet you are excited about getting that cataract removed next week.

    Suzi, bet you are missing the west but glad to be home.

    Mary Lynn, I know you are active and enjoying the beauty of your world.

    Cindy, I changed to full fat dairy some time back. I had my WW leader and my trainer advise me that I should. When we diet we deprive our bodies of some of the basic nutrients and fat is high on the list of things we tend to cut drastically. I don't drink milk but I do eat full fat cheese and real butter, moderation is the key.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi girls- this is a drive by post.
    I wanted to walk out of the office just a while ago- people are so ungrateful and when it comes back at me i just can't deal with it.
    I caved into the stress and ate a brownie from the vending machine- can't remember the last time i bought something that unhealthy and chowed it down. But it sure did taste good-
    Hope all is well with everyone now-
    talk to you soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, being mistreated at work is inexcusable, awful and way too common. Been there and empathizing. Hope you can relax tonight and that tomorrow will be better.

    Karla, a week from now that nasty shingles cataract will be history -- what a positive change that will be.

    Patti, hope your sister's homecoming will go as smoothly as it can and that your BIL's procedure is minimally bad. Still keeping fiingers crossed for doc next week to find a fresh option that might preserve some of her sight.

    Suzi, welcome home -- Dinky must be in heaven!

    Hassle of the day (minor, thank goodness) came when I went to take a couple of aspirin and my water had color. Long story short, FD was working on hydrants to make sure all was working (no advance warning) and I called the water company and they told me what to do. After a couple of hours, the water cleared so I ran all taps and have run a cleaning cycle of both dishwasher and washer. Whew = and now I can take a shower, afrer running water there again. One reason I always keep plenty of bottled water around, just in case.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, just never understood bad manners/form at work. Hope the brownie helped. I hope the story I am about to tell puts a smile on your face for at least a moment.

    Some days when things are going well and you feel relaxed it is best to stop what you are doing right then and there. Seems I am not capable of carrying that one off. I was reveling in how nicely my day had gone. Decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner but had no enchilada sauce. Pinterest to the rescue-7 ingredients thrown in the blender, no cooking and the base was my homemade tomato sauce, it was nothing like the canned stuff (which I have never cared for) and I will never use anything but my own again. See things were just coming together so nicely. So did I stop and enjoy my accomplishments, um no! Feeling unstoppable I decided to make a batch of pepper jelly, the canning jars were on sale so how could I not. Since this was not my first batch it was going smoothly and I thought to myself "could this day get any better". So proud of myself. Was filling the last 1/2 pint jar, lifting the canning funnel up off the jar......it stuck, the jar lifted then fell off, knocked 2 other jars over, splashed on my shorts, all over the floor and a big glob fell on my toes (note to self: don't wear flip flops when dealing with boiling liquids) luckily there is a water spigot right outside the kitchen door and I was able to rinse it off before the burn got too bad. I am done for the day. Will be in my chair until I go to bed to make sure I am safe from myself.

    Hope Edd and whoever I share the jelly with love it.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all.

    Just very busy with work, anniversary and family. I've also taken up reading with the Kindle Unlimited. Reading a cool book now The Memory of Us. Really takes me away. I am making a pineapple upside down cake tonight and riding over to visit my dad tomorrow for his birthday. I finally told him today. He said he was happy it was just me coming. Lol.

    Cindy- that is awful about work. I cannot tolerate ungrateful people. It's exactly why I quit the clinical trial company.

    Patti- I've got a lot on my plate too. Sorry about your toes. I once burnt my tummy baking cookies. lol.

    Janet- thank you for always being in my corner ..

    I'll check in when I can.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a gorgeous morning today. I have a visit today as well as picking up groceries for our day care. Then tonight is a pastor parish committee meeting to discuss pastor evaluations and salary increases.

    I'm not being too successful in the weigh in department. I need to re-focus on making healthy choices.

    Patti: Hang in there. Both of my parents passed young, so I wasn't faced with assissted living issues. I think many sense a loss of independence when faced with having to go to a facility. It's sad. So sorry to hear of your canning disaster. Hope your foot is ok.

    Cindy: I eat full fat cheese as well. My doctor wants me to be on a low carb diet. I'm struggling right now as I'm not planning meals. I want to get back to my 21 Day Fix plan. It really helps me.

    Karla: Have fun with your dad.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, off to Mom's shortly. Can't believe I have no burns on my toes or feet, feeling like I dodged a boiling bullet. Edd came running when I started cursing (how I handle disasters is not for virgin ears, lol) so I was able to wash the goo off quickly. Funny but my first thought was "oh crap, if I burned my foot I won't be able to wear shoes and socks and will have to miss the gym". I think exercise is finally a permanent part of my life in one form or another.

    Karla, I hope you have a wonderful visit with your Dad for his birthday. I am sure he can't wait for you to get there. My mom likes it best when we are one on one, I think all the noise and activity of having extra people in the house is hard on our aging parents. I know mom gets extremely worn out when she comes for dinner when the whole family is here. Don't work too hard cleaning while you are there.

    Bert, is there anything you don't volunteer for with your church? You seem to be everyone's everything. I feel like a sloth next to you.

    Janet, hope today finds you out of the migraine fog and feeling more like yourself.

    Cindy, hope your co workers are kinder today. Amazing how people act in the workplace, as if there are no boundaries on bad behavior. Afraid I would be in trouble because I would be speaking my mind! Think of us and our support when they act like bozos!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Janet- good thing you have a back up water plan- it would have nice to receive a heads up.
    Patti- sometimes we get a reminder to be more careful- you surley dodge one this time. The jelly will be great
    Bert- is low carb tough for you? I'm assuming you can eat real complex carbs but have to stay away from processed.
    Karla- thanks for just being you.
    Things are better today at work- amazing what a few hours away does for restoring the brain.
    Just a quick check in but wanted to say HI
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Karla, I trust you made it to your dad's OK. Mom used to make pineapple upside-down cake and Dad loved it. She had one real diaster with it (when company was coming, of course) but mostly they looked pretty and tasted great.

    Patti, glad you didn't burn yourself too badly. Kitchen accidents happen. Don't push yourself too hard. Did your sister get home today?

    Cindy, fingers crossed that you got a big apology today (but the realist in me isn't holding her breath).

    Bert, you are so busy and such a joyful help to so many. You really are a treasure! I'm still struggling a bit too -- we can do this!

    Taking it fairly easy today == ankle/foot pain has been bad, even when I'm resting so trying to do what I can to calm it. Have a big pot of cheater's chicken soup simmering now and will put it into little containers and freeze most of it. Have been making a list for a Costco trip soon. Need to change sheets either tonight or in the morning before my cleaner arrives and do some laundry.

    Carpenter just called -- he'll be here at 8 Monday morning to start work on my garage built-ins and spice shelves. I'll need to move a few things Sunday to clear the side of the garage I park on, and I'll clean everything out of my car because it will need to be parked outside for a week or so. My neighborhood has had a few vehicle break-ins lately. Nothing big, but might as well err on the side of caution.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning-
    Janet- I almost fell off the chair when I read your post- an apology? I think you've hit your head. No one in business apologizes anymore- ;)
    I've moved on from the nonsense- other fish to fry to speak.
    Post pics of the new built in's.
    I'd like to ask for some prayers for my co-worker Kathy- her husband is losing the battle to ALS and she feel 11 days ago and fractured her hip, which she found out yesterday after SHE insisted on an MRI. They are doing surgery today. Yesterday she was arranging care for her husband at night, as he is almost unable to help himself and the day person leaves at 2-
    She has so much on her plate and could use some prayers.
    Thank you
    I'm still working on our united way fund raiser at work- we're up 20% over last year and today i'm gather raffle items for a paint and sip we're hosting. Hoping to raise a few more thousand from that event. Of course this is on top of the regular job, so a busy chick.
    Gotta run but reading everything that is posted.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wednesday already? Just have shopping, laundry and some paperwork on the list today. My sis made it home yesterday and all is well there for now. Mom and I had a very nice day together. We had some serious discussions about health, wills, assisted living, politics and family stuff. Did a few chores that she cannot see well enough to do without making a mess, lol. She is one smart cookie and avoids situations, when she can, that might create more work for her. TRX was great, never tire of that class. Leftover enchiladas for dinner, just as yummy as the first time. That homemade enchilada sauce is just too good, I could eat it with a spoon! Then resumption of "date nights" to watch the NCISs and Bull. All in all a good day.

    Janet, how I wish I lived near you so I could come help out. How you do all that you do while dealing with so much pain humbles me. I pray that the new surgeon is able to change that to some degree. My car sits outside, not the best neighborhood, so I keep it empty. Actually I have never lived anywhere that I had a garage.

    Cindy, prayers going up for Kathy. Makes any problems I have seem insignificant in comparison. ALS is such a devastating disease not only the family but the caregiver as well. Have you made your appointment to start hypnosis yet? Will be so interested in how it works for you. I think if you believe it will work it will. Hope you are finding some me time.

    Karla, safe travels if you are returning from your Dad's. Can't wait to hear about the celebrations. My Mom made pineapple upside down cake too. She took them to many a charity event for raffle or cake walk and they were always the first to be snatched up. I make a cheater version you might want to try sometime. I top the butter, brown sugar, pineapple layer with grands biscuits. Then baste the top of the biscuits with pineapple juice, sprinkle with a bit of sugar and bake. I have served these for breakfast and they are a huge hit. Only thing to clean up is the cake pan.

    Suzi, have you recovered from your travels yet?

    Hope we hear from Myra and Mary Lynn soon. Miss their voices when they are gone but I know lives ar busy all around here.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning dear ladies, hope all is well in your worlds. I worry when there is silence here. Nothing big happening here. I did WI this week and saw no change. I think I have been slacking a bit so will refocus my efforts. I have noticed that I have started eating snacks at night, something I have not done in the past. Don't think I am hungry. Most likely that is when I have too much time to think and am eating my emotions. So my plan is to figure out some healthy snacks, impose a closed kitchen time and have a list of little projects to busy my hands and my mind. Off to the gym. Hope every one is well and just too busy to stop by. Feeling lonely.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, glad that your sister is safely home, and that your mom has you to take care of things her vision makes difficult. Snackng monster is going around.

    Very busy day yesterday == going to do quiet things this morning -- have mani and errands later. Not much else to report - slogging along with two adorable cats who purr-snored most of the night (was awake 3:30-7:30 - going to take something tonight for sure).

    Have a great day, dear friends!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Looks as though it continues to be a busy fall for everyone here. May you each find true joy in your life, wherever you have been placed at the moment. Sometimes with the change of seasons, we are given an opportunity to reflect and just be filled with gratitude. While we see apparent chaos and conflict on a global scale, it is good to know that there is One in control.

    We too have kept active and are enjoying some of the fellowship opportunities at our local church. Participated by cooking the burgers at yesterday's lunch bunch and are completing applications for membership. It's amazing how time has flown, we have been back in Canada for 5 years now and feel so blessed to be in such a safe, clean, beautiful and supportive country. While we are not without our own dramas here, we do need to identify who is "falling through the cracks" in our local communities. Participation in a "love in action" day with some ladies at church was a real eye opener for me. So many seniors live on their own and are sometimes just seeking a little more interaction with others. We met briefly with one gentleman whose dementia was so evident and wondered how meaningful our time with him really was. Who knows? With age-related issues that we will all face in the future, I am grateful that we are still able to keep active and provide care for one another.

    Patti, your care for family members and friends really shines a light on how interdependent we all are. Your consistent "service above self" would put most Service Clubs (and me) to shame! Preparing foods that can be shared, rolling up your sleeves to pitch in with cleaning or renovation projects, participating actively at your TRX group, providing a listening ear to your Mom as she considers some truly complex arrangements, arranging your schedule to meet the needs of others and handling those inevitable "curve balls" that life tosses your way with calm. May God bless your efforts and bless you with abundant joy as you go through your day.

    Janet, I too wish that there was some way to just "drop by" and help you out in some small way. I sure hope that pain can be alleviated with surgery and pray that in the meantime you can discover something that would be helpful to deal with the constant drag on your energy. While there seems nothing pharmaceutical without "side effects", perhaps this is one of those instances where some form of "medical marijuana" could prove helpful? When we lived in Mexico, several neighbors in our rural village shared some with us when I had to deal with some severe and chronic back pain. Following a surgery to repair an exploded disc and the subsequent (long) healing process, the pain is gone and has been replaced with new energy. Wondering how much the synthetic drugs have more negative than positive long term results? Perhaps we need to step back from demonizing a plant that could prove so helpful to many.

    Cindy, congratulations for consistently taking "the higher road" when dealing with those who choose to be ungrateful. Even when that higher road included a chocolate detour, you owned it and truly moved forward. Maybe what would help in an office is a real punching bag - set up in a time out space, as has been done for toddlers - for folks to expend their frustration? So sad that sincere apologies seem to have vanished along with hand-written correspondence. Thanks for sharing the prayer request for Kathy and her husband; ALS is just so devastating, with care-giver stresses that increase almost daily, it seems that the hip fracture just tipped the scales of intensity for the family. May God provide in ways we cannot possibly imagine. United Way is one of the highest quality charitable organizations, from what I understand. Your efforts on the already successful 2016 United Way campaign piqued my interest and I look forward to discovering from you what is a "paint and sip". Please know I'm thinking of you and praying for you whenever you come to mind throughout my day. We can do this!

    Bert, I can almost see your smile as you go about your daily tasks, including getting the groceries for the day care and meeting with student teachers. When I spent some time helping in a day care for a friend who runs one, I realized just how exhausting the duties are! Wonderful that you are taking one duty off their hands, as they focus on interacting with the little ones. Your example has encouraged me to become more involved with our local community as well and look for ways to use time to positively impact the world around me. While expending energy in many directions, we sometimes set aside quality nutrition and activities that get us up and moving. You know what works best for you and are able to find the best pathway to your realistic goals. I'm in your corner with you, cheering and praying.

    Karla, thinking about you as you return from your visit with the "birthday boy" and hoping that all is well in your Dad's world these days. Likely he is also concerned about you, my friend and I'm sure he breathes easier when he can spend some quality time with you and assure himself that you will be okay. Perhaps I was a "Daddy's girl", but as I reflect back on the times we shared, whether online when I was far away, or in person when we got together. Knowing that your surgery is fast approaching (is it the 26th?) it's likely you are trying to get a few more things off your plate as quickly as possible. It is good to just get stuff done, anyhow! Let us know if there is something specific that we can pray for as you go through this week.

    Myra, you are thought about often as I go through the day. As a teen, one of my best friends was named Myra. I guess I often see her image in my mind and reflect on pleasant memories. Trusting that as September moves along quickly that you are doing the same ... running as fast as you can! What I recall may be some of the same things you are currently challenged with: getting kids to sporting events, teacher interviews and notes, back and forth from special shopping trips for some necessity, preparing lunches that won't end up coming back home at the end of the day, cleaning up shoes, boots and clothes that seem to find their way into every corner of the house, cleaning up those pee spots before they permanently set, lastly getting out for a real and personal "prayer run" in the fresh air ... with just you and God... asking Him for just a bit more wisdom with how to handle the life that is set out before you.

    Love you all,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm running errands this morning and also will get my hair cut. I always get nervous to have it cut as my stylist sometimes doesn't understand how I want it to look. I took some selfies (I'm not good at them) to show him. I might also research hair styles and give him a picture if there is a style I will like.

    I have to go to the doctor's office to complete paperwork for Mike. He has "misplaced" the paperwork. Actually, I'm sure he's thrown it away as it is for a colonoscopy for which he feels he doesn't need. He's good at not doing what he doesn't want to do. So, it's me to take care of it.

    Cindy: Low carb is hard at times. I don't eat much bread or potatoes, but I definitely have a sweet tooth. I've realized I need to eat more fish and veggies. I like veggies in salads, but not as a side. It's always a challenge.

    I've tracked breakfast. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning dear friends
    It is my Lucinda day and I'm at the computer after doing a few household chores but I must stay disciplined and write. So I did a few minutes of FB, unloaded the dishwasher and sheets and whirling through the washer. With coffee on my desk I'm ready.
    MaryLynn- your posts are thoughtful and heartfelt. i'm so pleased you found us. :)
    Karla- How was Dad? I'm a daddy's girl and treasure each phone call and visit. Surgery is Monday?
    Patti- the night time beast must be tamed- I have told myself no snacking after dinner and most nights it works. I've taking a glass of seltzer with a splash of organic lemonade as my after dinner drink. I think the tartness helps.
    Janet- tell your fur babies momma needs rest... but I'm sure they were so happy to be snuggled in with you.
    Bert- I chuckled when you said Mike "Lost" his paperwork- so true of men. Just don't want to take care of themselves.
    I think it would be better for me to cut some carbs- I was traveling yesterday for work and discovered it was a carb heavy day. Today woke up hunger and put some eggs on for hardboiled so I can work at the desk and snack. I'm going to pick up some nuts too.
    Need to run and focus creative writing skills on book 7-It's Dani Michaels focused. Stay tuned.
    Hugs to all- btw 3 more weeks of camp if the weather holds and then i'll be around on weekends! I'm ready
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Friday morning,

    Cindy, I have a big smile on my face thinking of you getting your Lucinda on. I bet you get totally transported.

    Bert, hope you find the style you want. I am constantly looking for a new do. I have been toying with the idea of letting it grow out a bit. I missed my last hair appointment because of family drama and now have to do some root touch up to get me through until my next visit. My hair. Grows like a weed and the stripe comes out rather quickly, lol.

    Mary Lynn, thank you for your kind words. You give me far too much credit. I am blessed to have my mom and sis near me, and to be healthy and active enough to assist them in whatever way I can. I still feel like I don't do enough for others. My mom volunteered for most of her life and I feel like I am slacking in comparison.

    We are meeting my son at Costco on our way to the cabin. He doesn't have a membership and there is something he wants from there. This means Edd will be eating lunch there! We are going to see the band Exile on Saturday with our friends. The concert includes dinner and you stay at the table to enjoy the music. One of their biggest hits, "Take me to the River", has been our theme song forever. So nice to not have to cook this weekend. We will be taking out our 3 docks, pressure washing and winterizing the pontoon this weekend. I will be back to catch up on Sunday night,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- TGIF.

    Bert, how did your hair tuen out? I snickered because my best friend had her colonoscopy today. The prep is no fun for anybody ...

    MaryLynn, you are right about different ways to pan relief. If medical use were legal here, I'd be all over it because a friend share some legal stuff from WA and it helped tremendously. Too bad we're so backward down here!

    Cindy, hope Lucinda had a good day. Looking forward to the next one!

    Patti, enjoy the concert. You need it!

    Myra, how's our smiling lady doing?

    Suzi, got your laundry done yet?

    Karla, glad you are safely home.

    Very busy today -- getting will and other legal docs updated, got safe deposit box and generally adulted way too much this week. The weekend brings prep for the carpenter to arrive early Monday. I'll do garage stuff (not to much to do, and no heavy lifting) early in the day because heat and air quality remain a challenge. And I am going to build in decompression time -- next week is already going to be a blur!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Now this is eerie! No posts since Friday. Hope all is well with everyone.
    In case anyone stops by I will let you know about my weekend. I had such a fun weekend with family and friends. It was especially nice to have my son and DIL there. They have been so busy with the old and new houses they haven't had a chance to relax much. Neighbor put his pontoon in and we went for a starlight boat ride Friday nite. All was wonderful until we were swarmed by mayflies. Then sat up til the wee hours on the deck and laughter ourselves silly. Lot of projects done on Saturday. Dinner concert was a very different event. The food was catered from the local IGA, while not gourmet in nature it was well cooked and not inedible, lol. The opening act was a local group of cloggers aged 15 to 93! They opened with Bad Moon Arising and closed with Michael Jackson's "Bad". They did about 6 songs and only one was what would have been considered traditional clogging music, but they were so energetic and enthusiastic that we couldn't help but enjoy the performance. The second act was a family Bluegrass band. I am not a fan of Bluegrass and bad Bluegrass....well there are no words. The banjo player was quite talented, though, so I focused my hearing on him and tried to ignore the vocals. The leader and father of the group also owns the concert/banquet hall and that tells you why they were on the stage, lol. Then Exile came on and played for about 90 minutes. The bands been around since 1963 and a few of the original members are still in the band. They did all the songs I knew, plus a medley of songs that they wrote that other artists made number 1 hits. They also did a medley of music from Aerosmith to George Jones and their rendition of "He Stopped Loving Her Today" gave me chills. They did the most beautiful a Capella gospel song that they wrote. They encored with a Motown medley. All in all a truly great concert. Today we took 2 of the docks out. We had a bit of trouble as the axle of the largest dock had rusted and the wheels fell off. Our men put their heads together, came up with a way to get it back to the cabin and all is well. It will get repaired next year. Then got to watch my Broncos beat my husband's Bengals. Home and still smiling about how much I enjoyed the weekend. Tomorrow is Mom's appointment in Cincinnati.

    Karla, you have been on my mind. Have missed you here but understand there are times when it just isn't possible to check in and times when you need a break. You know I am praying all goes great tomorrow. The beauty of cataract surgery is quick recovery!

    Hi to all and hope you are all happy and healthy.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sounds like a fun weekend (except maybe the bluegrass group, save for the banjo.

    Karla is getting her cataract removed tomorrow in Birmingham and I know she'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers for her to regain vision in her shingles-affected left eye.

    Stayed busy all weekend and watched lots of football too. Carpenter arrives at 8 tomorrow morning to start work on my garage built-in storage and my spice shelves. It's going to be a bit of a chaotic week and having someone here every day will be a bit stressful, but for good cause. The carpenter is a really nice guy and I feel free to come and go while he's here. Thursday I will go downtown and sign my updated will and other appropriate legal docs -- something we all dread doing but need to (my ex-boyfriend of 18 years was still in my will and I hadn't updated it since my nieces married either. So ... it was time.

    Wishing everyone a good week ahead. I am planning to focus full force on healthy eating.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thanks for thoughts and prayers. I am ready to head over to the hospital. I have completed due diligence in my eight drops yesterday.

    Sad news, my father's only sibling, my Aunt Wilma, passed yesterday morning. I'm hoping to ride over to pay respect this evening or tomorrow after my appointment with the doctor. My dad is pretty shook up. She would have been 90 in November.

    Patti- Good luck with your Mother today in Cinnci. I just know they will have some sort of help for her. I appreciate your thoughts. I will say my feelings were hurt with your comment of me cleaning while visiting my dad for his birthday. He and Kerry are unable to do it for their own reasons. The floors were atrocious and my heart bled when I saw them, just as yours probably were when you noticed your sister's baseboards.

    Hello to all, I will let you all know how I am doing and seeing!!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, good luck and my prayers go out for your Dad. Sorry that I hurt your feelings, certainly not my intent. I know you always clean and the reasons why, I just meant I hope you didn't have to work too hard and could spend more time doing fun stuff.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I went to the store yesterday to buy things for Mike to "eat" today. I made two flavors of jello and also had clear juice for him. He took nothing to work today. He can have popsicles, so he said he would go to the store from work to "eat" lunch. His prep is tonight.....wish him luck!

    I had my hairdresser layer my hair more and keeping the length. It always looks good the day they style it! The actual test will be when I have to style it myself. I tend to style it the same way no matter how short or long it is!

    Janet: What will the carpenter be doing? I'm traveling to NC to visit my brother on Thursday. We will address legal things, too. He doesn't have a will, and that is something he needs to get done.

    Patti: Your weekend sounded great. So glad you were able to do the things you did. I absolutely LOVE a capella singing. It shows true artistry, in my opinion.

    Karla: I hope your surgery went well. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Hang in there.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Just a brief stop to say hello and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Anxious to hear how things went with your surgery Karla. Condolences for the passing of your Aunt and hope you are able to be there in support of your Dad, in his personal grief.
    Will check back later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2016
    My surgery went well!! Glenn took me out to lunch and now back to hotel for a nice nap before we go to visitation of my dear Aunt. I asked the doctor and she said I would be fine.

    Patti- Life is not all fun and games. There a hard issues to address that we can't run away from. Did you get the life alert for your Mom? Like Cindy said, well worth the pennies a day.

    Bert- Thank you dear. I am doing well.

    Mary Lynn- Thank you also for your caring words.

    Janet- Your text meant a lot this morning. You are a very devoted friend amongst others on this great board.

    I better get going.

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