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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, glad to hear that Glenn "moved" n the righ direction. Sorry, sick ursine humor. It seems everything in medicine revolves around making sure everyone goes. Seriously, it is a sign of good health and healing. I am sure he will be glad when this whole ordeal is over.
    I have always been an Apple girl but Edd has loved his Droids and the deal was just too good to pass up. So far I am loving it. I actually don't use my phone that much, I do most everything on my iPad. Loving my new TV!

    Janet, when are your cataract surgeries scheduled? Mom was definitely pleased with the little tasks we did. I also took a load of recycling to the trash for her.

    I am beat. Circuit this morning and TRX tonight did me in Edd is leaving in the morning to go camping and trail riding in KY with our son and the son of his BF who passed one year ago Mother's Day. I am going to lunch on Saturday with my daughter and will meet her brother and his family. Hope it goes as well as when I met her. A bit nervous about it. Time to relax and then last episode of Blacklist, going to miss my Thursday date night
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It's finally Friday. When I woke up this morning I was SURE it was Saturday- can you tell I'm really ready for the weekend?
    Karla- so glad Glenn is doing well. Apple cake- yummy
    Patti- tomorrow will be great- how could it not. You gave this man a wonderful sister and that is a great gift.
    Janet- How did you find time to ever work, young lady. You're always on the go! I didn't think your ankle could be repaired- have I missed something?
    We'll be at camp cleaning inside tomorrow. Rick really wanted to go tonight but I didn't help Em sew this week as I was pushing through to finish Ready to Soar- got some fantastic pictures last night- just a little photo shop and I have a cover- I'll give you a hint- Em is on the cover- but just not her face- stunning picture.
    I decided to track in MFP today- the points are so skewed on WW now- I am really not eating as I should. FF milk is now 3 pts instead of 2- making me give up dairy which is bad. As much I liked the old structure of WW it's making me a little nuts this time. So like Janet I'll do dual tracking. I paid for the 3 months so I will stay the course for now.
    Waving to all I have missed- need to run
    Until later dear friends.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF.

    Patti- More of your daughter's family is more family for you. Of course they will adore you and she is obviously proud of you. Go and hold that head up high with that big smile.

    Janet- a vacation of your own is a must. Self preservation. You did have that trip to New Orleans to meet friends. That counts as a personal vacation. Plus you met me!!
    But I know you want some alone time away from home and people too.

    Cindy- Cannot wait to see the cover of your book, plus read it, with your beautiful daughter's body. Have some fun with Rick this weekend getting your retreat ready.

    I did not make it to my Endocrinologist appointment Tuesday due to Glenn's surgery, but the nurse called me yesterday and reviewed my blood work, thyroid 1.6, glucose 84, cholesterol 183, lipids normal, iron normal, calcium normal, all other normal. I am good to go until August appointment.

    I slept 9 hours last night so I best get in the shower and in my office. Glenn's doing well.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, so much excitement in your world....book getting closer to publication, cover shot done, teaching Em to sew and getting camp ready for the summer, all while working full time. Do you ever have down time?

    Karla, blood work looks good and Glenn is getting better, a good way to start the weekend.

    Had to skip the gym this morning, knees and shoulder are killing me. I know my limits and when things hurt like this I give them a break. Have a little shopping to do and will see if Mom needs me to pick up her prescriptions. She got a good report from the Dr yesterday. All labs are within normal limits and she feels great. Not bad for 86.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Glad to read about how things are going in your lives. So much healing and progress!! YEAH!

    Another sunny day here and we're just about done the major bush clean up, but the workouts have really been a boost to weight loss. Sometimes just changing the activities ignites new muscles and moves me off a plateau! Even treated ourselves to ice cream cones on the way home from errands yesterday. What a sweet treat!

    Myron is going on a road trip starting tomorrow morning, so will be solo for one week at least (yikes!) and will have to focus on finding things to keep busy.

    Our son Shea and his wife Andie are dropping by to visit her folks on the south part of the island on the 22nd, so I will drive there to see them too. They are taking a road trip from Calgary, Alberta, CA to California for a music festival there. Haven't seen them since Dec 2014, so it will be nice.

    Myron hopes to be home from his trip the night before, so that he can join us for a visit too, but that may be rushing his plans a bit. He is going out to Alberta to help his brother with some construction projects for about a week and I'm staying home this time. Our dogs don't do well at kennels, so better to just sit tight here for now.

    Yesterday after some more clearing work in the morning, we got cleaned up to head into town. When I noticed an old pair of my smaller jeans in a pile I'd set aside, I decided to "try em" and they FIT! Hubby approved loudly and brought more than a smile from me too! NSV!!

    Our son Adam is so excited with the developments in his fashion world and stunned by the support for his work. Nice feelings of validation for him. His passion is creativity and I can relate - as an older visual artist myself - that when someone enjoys your creativity, that is reward enough. If he does get on to the next step for the jury and is selected, he will definitely enjoy the prize of time in Europe with artisans, mentors and designers to design a small collection for Abury. Who knows? This could be the "big break" he's been hoping for!
    Thanks for your encouraging support, ladies.

    Time to get the day started here and hoping you all have a wonderful one too!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Mary Lynn, love Adam's designs. I cast my vote. Looks like he is leading so far. I tried to share the page on FB so I could get my friends to vote for him but so far have not been able to do it. When I get on my laptop I will share the link so they can vote for him. He is quite talented and handsome too. So excited for you to get to see your son. Hope Myron is able to join you.

    Off to shop.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, if I had looked at those designs blind, I still would've voted for Adam -- he has the strongest voice on that page by far. Beautiful things! Keep us posted -- I'd love to own one of his bags someday. Enjoy your solo time in ways you wouldn't if Myron were there. Eat stuff you like but he doesn't care for, sleep at weird hours, crank the music.

    Cindy, don't know if the ankle can be fixed but going to try a different surgeon (recommended by my plastic surgeon, whom I adore). Tired of the constant pain and off-centeredness. I don't know how I worked 50-60 hours a week, on average, for 34 years either -- and had to move to a different state six times too. Hoping I can get the house where I want it and do more relaxing, exploring my area and traveling to see friends and just to get away, $ permitting.

    Patti, right eye on the 24th, left on June 7 (and in between, a little plastic surgery revision of a posterior nature -- to fix a couple of tiny things from the leg surgery).

    Karla -- Hooray for your bloodwork! Excellent news in a week where that's especially welcome. New Orleans was my last vacation -- and it's been more than a year and a half.

    Have spent too much time this week having to swap out my internet modem for a supposedly ultra-high-speed one but am not consistently getting the promised speed. Was on phone with them for two hours today (after early Walmart run for groceries) and someone is coming between 8 & 9 tomorrow morning. There's always something!

    Work on stuff around here will continue. Spare kitchen towel drawer neatened this morning and will plow more deeply into clothing and accessories over the weekend. And need to get CDs into notebooks as well. And burn those I kept to the computer. And, and, and ... it WILL all get done -- just takes time because I am easily distracted and can work only in brief spurts if it involves standing, walking or carrying stuff. Ah well -- have made lots of progress and will keep at it!

    Big hugs to everyone as we begin the weekend -- now off to run more errands before a nap (I hope).

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Quick stop as I added FF milk to my lunch and needed to record it-
    Patti- I was just thinking this morning i have zero downtime. I would relish some alone time but I don't dwell on it.
    Karla- glad the blood work looks good- :)
    Janet- I have 13 years to go if I work till full retirement for me- 67. Unless I get a big break in the author world AND Hallmark picks up a series from me- then I am going to write, read, write, read, walk, garden and maybe get some ME time- I keep putting it out there I want to be a financially successful author of great books that move people. The dream of my life.
    Anyway- need to go back to marketing world.
    Until later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A little shopping, time with Mom and now time just for me. No plans but will think of something to occupy my time. Got a text from my daughter today asking for advice. When I gave it she texted back "Ugh, such a Mom thing to say"! Don't know if she was joking or upset, it really didn't matter, those words were like music to my ears, lol. Will have lunch with her, her brother and his family, and her son ( my grandson, sorry just needed to add that) and his fiancé. Original plan was a pizza place but so glad it was changed to Panera, this I can do. My BFF developed a complete body rash with severe itching. Benedryl was not taking care of it so she had to go in a few days ago for IV steroids and a dose pack. They will give her pre and post steroids with her next dose. Now she is just extremely tired, so her counts are probably getting low from the chemo.

    Janet, I will pray that there is something they can do for your foot and ankle.

    Need to find something for dinner. Am very bad when Edd is not around as I don't plan my meals like when he is home. At least there is food in the house so I do have choices, lol

    Mary Lynn, I totally concur with Janet, I would so buy one of his handbags. Love his style, it is so me.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!
    Just taking a little break from activities - 90 min hiking and 90 min. raking up and piling branches and leaves - thoroughly enjoying just being outside and doing stuff!

    Myron left at about 5:30 a.m. First he was cooking at a men's breakfast at our church and then he was driving to the ferry to head east on the mainland to Alberta.

    Big thank you for all the wonderful comments about Adam's entry into the international fashion world! We are pretty biased, of course and I will pass on your words to him next time we speak. He continues to hold the voting lead, but two female fashion designers are pretty close, so perhaps he will get into the finals for the jury to decide (after May 25th).

    Patti, I totally agree with you about solo meal planning! I do enjoy fish more than Myron does, so likely this coming week will include plenty of that. The challenge is to find combinations that include enough lean protein to fuel the furnace. Something to combine with quinoa or beans perhaps? We have plenty of salmon, tuna and snapper on hand and your walleye sounds so yummy!

    Cindy, as you follow your dream of writing full time you continue to demonstrate such dedication to the art and I applaud you! Retirement may indeed be much closer than you think and the time really flies. I retired from investments and energy businesses over 12 years ago and sometimes wonder how I found the time to get it all done. You do need to take a break once in awhile for that "me" time and I hope you can carve out something in the near future.

    Hoping to get creative myself this week and get down to my studio, or take the watercolors outside for some painting once more. Additionally, the keyboard sits patiently awaiting some of my attention. All my life I wanted to play piano and now that I have one, it sits idle way too long. Practice is just not that much fun, I guess. So, now I have some variety of options to select from this week and I should get going at it now.

    Will comment more later when I come back inside.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Janet, you've got me thinking about doing some organizing around here while Myron is away. THanks for that and your kind words about Adam's work.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Mary Lynn, sounds like you have lots of options to occupy your time.

    Lovely lunch with my daughter and her family. Her brother was adopted also and he shared his story of how he found his family. His mother had already passed away but she had told his brother and sister all about him. They had been searching for him for years, so it was bittersweet for him. We talked for over 2 hours learning each other's story. My grandson and his fiancé are such a joy to be around too. Am loving this new family of mine and can't wait to become more a part of their lives.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, I have so far
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Patti, what a fantastic gift to get to know your new family! It is wonderful that you've all found one another while there is still time to spend together.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, more smiles here for you.

    Karla, hope Glenn continues to heal quickly. When does he see doc & return to work? Hope you get some Izzy time this weekend.

    MaryLynn, do whatever you want while Myrin's away.

    Cindy, has the rain stopped yet? Today is our first totally rain-free day in forever.

    Catching up on "Person of Interest" while sorting tees in my strange anal-retentive iterative manner. Hoping to mix productivity and relaxation in the coming week, and to get and stay back on track.

    Next Saturday is the gathering of a few dozen people from my HS class (not a class reunion). I am excited but also very nervous. I was the fat, smart girl and pretty much a social pariah - often not treated the best because I was a weird kid. I truly was. But based on FB reconnections, they seem to have outgrown that stage. And one friend will be there - the only person I've even seen since then! No idea what I will wear (casual occasion at an Italian restaurant). I'll figure it out.

    OK, back to work.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good evening, ladies,
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend so far. Before I forget - again - please make my OMG for this week FOCUS ON STRENGTH TRAINING.
    Sleep well tonight, all. Please remember that you are loved just the way you are.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Seems most everyone is busy enjoying the weekend. I have been cleaning and straightening, going through my stack of magazines and clipping what I want. I take them to the hairdresser once I have been through them. Tomorrow is dress shopping day for grand son's wedding. Totally dreading this. Maybe this will be the thing that gets me back doing the right things to get this weight off. Been feeling very much like a stuffed sausage these days. Still in Onederland but so want to get the 30 off I've gained and then see where I wan to call goal. Just seemed to have lost my mojo and the amount I need to lose, again, seems more daunting this time. I need a jolt and I need it soon.
    Today is my son's 6th anniversary. One of my luckiest days is the day they were married. She is so perfect for him and I love her so much.

    Hope everyone has a moment to check in tomorrow. Missing the gang being here in full force, but understand life calls and we must go.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Dear Friends- I have a challenge for each of you- and I did this today
    Take two mins- put a timer on and sit in the moment- no fidgeting, not phones, nothing just be still. I have to confess at 20 seconds I was wanting to straighten something on my desk but I resisted the urge. The longest two minutes of my life. :) I'm going to try and do this daily as I have zero time to just be me.
    I stepped on the scale today and it wasn't as bad as I had feared but like Patti I must find my mojo again and just do this- I'm not in onederland any longer :(
    MaryLynn- you are sounding so happy and relaxed. I too have piano that calls to me but alas no time to tickle the ivory - so to speak.
    Janet- time and distance has a way of making people grow into decent people- well at least most of the time. Kids are tough when young as we were all trying to figure out who really were. I think this will be good for you as you're no longer the girl you were and the old schoolmates aren't either.
    Patti- so glad lunch was fun and your love has found more people to share yourself with- I'm so happy for you.
    I got the blog up yesterday but didn't visit Loudon over the weekend- I need to get back to Ellie and my hero- Pad Stone. Yes that is his name and he has amber eyes that you can easily fall into - LOL
    I'll be back and on a more regular basis so I can track and take care of me!
    Please do try the two minutes of just being in a silent moment- it's harder than it sounds.
    until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had a great time in Chicago. We got to see Dylan play in a practice game (He's number 22) and also attended Penny's dance recital. It was a quick trip, but we were able to visit. Dylan is in the orange shirt playing short stop. Today, I'm helping with a funeral dinner for one of our church members who passed away. We will prepare a meal for the family. Then tonight is the first night for auditions for our church musical. This year they are doing Hairspray. There has been much interest in this musical, so I think there will be a huge turnout for auditions. Have a great day, everyone.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    This is from Mother's Day. This is our oldest son and our other two grandchildren. 3 Generations!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Monday morning,

    Cindy, I think your 2 minute challenge is a good one. I am pretty good at taking time for myself, but it hasn't always been that way. Once you realize the benefits of being there for YOU, you can enjoy the things you do for others with a different attitude. When your needs are met you will give to others with more charity and without feeling deprived. Keep up your two minutes, once you get consistent with doing it daily, go to twice a day. Once at work and once at home. The perfect time for home meditation is when you walk through the door. Glad you are trying to find YOU.

    Bert, thank you so much for sharing your pictures. What a lovely family. Especially loved Penny in her tutu with her flowers. So glad you were able to be there for their events, however briefly.

    Today is the dreaded dress shopping day. I will get through it, need to keep a positive attitude and remember I am not the star of this show and as the grandmother, will be very much in the background. Just praying there will be no drama at the wedding with all the exs. Waiting for my orders from the bride to help setting up the reception. The bridal party and all the moms will be in hair and makeup for most of the day so I offered to help.
    On plan breakfast to start this day off right and hope to keep it that way.
