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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Janet- Caleb is SO cute- and he has my favorite cake- chocolate! Did you weather the storms ok last night. I saw before shutting down for the night that you were getting horrible storms.
    We finally have sun until Friday and I am going for a walk at some point today- I feel like I mushroom.
    Jeannette- the girls are super cute-
    I am actually hungry already this morning which I am taking as a good sign that I'm burning the excess around my tummy.
    It's the only way for me to get an idea if I'm on plan by how my hunger level is.
    Em is supposed to be coming tonight for another sewing lesson but who knows for sure. I have about 70 pages to read in Ready to Soar and then we'll be closer
    to sending it for the setting of the actual book- inch by inch.
    Need to get going.
    have a wonderful day ladies.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Up early to a beautiful sunrise here on the west coast. Perhaps will need another siesta in the afternoon to log enough sleep hours, but I'll take the beauty of this morning in exchange for another hour of beauty sleep!

    Janet, little Caleb is indeed precious! Thanks for sharing his joy with birthday cake. The images make me smile and I can learn so much from how our little gems seem to thoroughly enjoy every bite of a special treat. They don't measure it's calories, feel anxious or guilty for the little indulgence. Simple little pleasure enjoyed with a big smile! Perhaps eating with cutlery is high overrated? By just digging in with joyful abandon to whatever is on my plate today will allow my 'inner child' to blossom too.

    Bert, I second your feelings. It's great to go with the flow and a lot less tiring than paddling upstream in this brief time on earth.

    Enjoy your flow today, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    What nice posts from all my friends here.

    I am at the hospital with my love Glenn to have this fistula repaired. Please pray this is the end of it. No pun intended. L.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Geez, my long post got cut off. So mad!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sending up prayers, Karla -- glad Glenn healed quickly enough for this to get done fairly quickly. Please keep us posted.

    Cindy, we had one wave of thunderstorms this morning, worse due this evening. Am going to run my errands now, then burrow in and try stuff on to increase donations for Thursday. My aim is to have the back and back seat of my CR-V filled with clothing and accessories to help women get a restart in the workplace and in life. So many Dress for Success clients have struggled in more ways than any of us will ever know, and many are single mothers. They deserve to have a few nice things to give them confidence and project a positive image at work.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    So much positive energy here, makes it a joy to sign on and stop in.

    Karla, praying all went well for Glenn and support your hopes that you will not have to ever go thru this again.

    Janet, thank you for sharing Caleb with us. What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday and cake. He is such a cutie. I know he makes your heart soar.

    Cindy, glad you got a reprieve from the rain, however brief it may be. You are making progress in every corner of your life.

    Mary Lynn, I felt your beauty with your post. Saw the devastation from the fires on the news. Hope my friends from Team Rubicon can came to lend a hand. They are an amazing group of veterans who go where disasters strike, usually before anyone else can get there. They have been helping out in Houston after their flooding. Enjoy your sunshine and I know your work is producing a place you will enjoy long after the hard work is done.

    Jeanette, can't wait to hear how Brian's new job is going. You are sounding so positive and happy these days.

    Great time at Mom's. She was so proud of herself that she did not have any chores for me today. She has her new freezer half full and has a list to fill the rest. She has an appointment tomorrow to talk with a lawyer and paralegal about her will and get paperwork for advanced directives and power of attorney. She has been worrying about it for some time and will rest easier once it is all taken care of. Dinner is simmering in the crockpot and will be ready for when I get home from the gym. The first day back is always the hardest but I can do it.

    Talk with you all later
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Ladies-
    Happy Wednesday!!! Another sunny day and the temps are to hit mid 70's- so happy
    Great news! Ready to Soar has officially gone on to the next step. It is with the graphic artist to get "set"- I was bouncing off the walls last night- I'm not going to share the projected date I should have it in hand- but suffice it to say we are definitely gaining traction. Now I can get back to Ellie- I left her dealing with a poisonous spider.....
    After I went to bed last night I realized I chomped down a slice of danish- didn't even think about it. Guess that is real mindless eating- must find a way to become more accountable to me.
    Karla- How is Glenn today?
    MaryLynn- I loved your comment paddling upstream and inner child. Very nice and poetic.
    Patti- You are just bubbling in your post - so happy you're back.
    Janet- You give so much to help other women- I'm proud to call you my friend.
    Bert- Are you doing with the students now?
    Jeannette- do tell how is Brian doing?
    Need to get going- a busy day in paradise but waving and smiles for everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Cindy, I swear that soon I am going to declare a "vacation day" and read the Loudon series back to back before "Ready to Soar" hits my world. You are pure energy!

    Much to do today. I have several errands to run -- cable company sent a new modem which gives me faster internet but the setup was, as usual, not without a few burps (now settled). Time to get dressed and venture out, then home to keep trying things on and weeding out, piling donations into the car for tomorrow morning.

    Late basketball game tonight and will do whatever it takes to stay awake this time -- my Warriors hope to close out the series tonight. They are just so much fun to watch and truly play as a team. (Suzi, you must've been thrilled with last night's outcome too -- Westbrook was unreal in the 4th).

    Slipped and had candy yesterday. Oh well -- the road back has a few bumps. Onward.

    Wishing everyone a stellar day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and good day to you all,

    Cindy, so excited to hear that you are making such great progress on the book. My first thought was you are soaring through it, but that was just too puny! Please hurry and save poor Ellie.

    Janet, the women who are graced with your lovely clothes and accessories will be blessed in so many ways, what a great way to get them started on their lives in the working world. Glad you are enjoying your sports. I have never been in to basketball, the squeaking shoes are like nails on a chalkboard to me, lol.

    Bert, hope your weather will be as nice as ours today so you can get out to your flower beds

    Karla, let us know how Glenn is doing, please.

    TRX was the bomb last night. We have a new area with nonslip flooring and lots of room to do our class. We had been sharing space in the basketball gym and have had to carry all our equipment in and out of class every time. The best part is seeing the trainer so happy with the new set up. She is such a gem, gives so much and never complains. I had to read through mom's will and some other papers last night, it was an awful feeling. I know I will have to face it some day but not now, not yet! Edd should be done with the car today. Then the van goes up for sale. Costco has a deal right now on cellphones and I really need a new one. I am sporting an iPhone 4S, yep I am a dinosaur. I have checked the deals at Verizon and if they offer the same deal I am getting a new phone today. Their deal includes a free 32 inch tv, and I need one of those too, lol. Also hoping to pick up some fresh walleye too. But first I need to see my hair magician to get destriped and have my ears and eyebrows lowered, lol.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    My apologies to all of you. I will, in time, go back and read everything. I have been kidnapped and held hostage by an overprotective strawberry bed. I have a new respect for farmers!

    Last year, I didn't get many berries. so, I didn't pull all of the "runners" that was a mistake, hehe. my back is cursing my inability to waste good food! I shall return when they stop producing. and..... I will have half as many strawberry plants next year, LOL.

    I think of you wonderful people every day.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Wednesday, ladies!
    Hope your day brings you a smile as you move through the unique moments you are given.
    One of our sons had some exciting news for us yesterday about an international fashion competition he entered. Adam has been selected as one of the 9 semi-finalists and we are very pleased for him. He's been designing and creating leather accessories for over 5 years and hopes that this is an opportunity for him to be recognized and perhaps even rewarded for his efforts and skills. If you'd like to check out the designers, their creations and vote for your favorite, here is the ABURY foundation link: http://adex.abury.net/2016-semi-finalists/

    Will check back in later and hope to hear more about your adventures. Cindy, you ROCK!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. It was a rough, long day yesterday. The surgery didn't star until almost eleven, instead of 9. We didn't leave the hospital until almost 2p, and poor Glenn was up and down all night in pain. He is so un comfortable. He finally was able to void around 9p last night, but (no pun intended) not the other yet and he is driving himself cray cray, and me too, about it. I told him that the opiates will slow that process down too. He is taking the Citrocil to assist with that and not eating much. Gosh, we are in such a turmoil here. I will be so glad when all of this is behind us, pun intended!!!

    Thank you for all asking and praying for us. I have been locked in my office trying to work and let him rest. The housekeepers came this morning and were quite disruptive with all the noise, but still better than me doing it. LOL.

    Myra- So lovely to see you checking I. I've tried to grow strawberries several times to no avail. Not sure if it is just too hot down here or what. How is your smiling face doing my friend?

    Mary Lynn- Where are my pictures dear?

    Patti- I know what you mean about reading the will. I know she will be fair with you all, but it is bittersweet. My grandmother had her outfit picked out for years in her closet. LOL.

    Janet- Your house must have been really FULL of absolutely everything. It feels like you have been sorting nonstop. I have just about gone through everything in mine. Plus, Glenn has been going through drawers, closets and cabinets since he's been off and it has been looking great. You have inspired us all, but especially me!! I already have a list going for Glenn when he starts feeling up to it this go around. LOL.

    Cindy- you are indeed a whirlwind!!

    Has anyone heard from Suzi with all the bad weather in Oklahoma? Tornado's and such?

    I better get going here and check on my patient.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies! I hope you are all doing well

    Brian started his job yesterday. He was a bit frustrated because they seem to be very disorganized. He found out, though, that they seem to have recently done an overhaul of staff; quite a few newbies so that may account for the disorganization. He only worked half a day not doing much of anything yesterday and is hoping to do more of what he will be doing for his job today.

    I have no confirmation that all will go through with the practicum but I have been proceeding as if it will all work out. I haven't heard back from either side whether the contract has been accepted, I'm suppose to have a face-to-face interview with the director, and go through a bunch of training as well. Class starts next week!

    Janet – we have been playing with Snapchat and crack up every time we use the filters. I got it to play with with Alanna, but we all have been enjoying it. When hubby and I were waiting for my shots we were using it and cracking up so bad we were crying. Your grand nephew is adorable thanks for sharing the pics. :smile: I think a little candy once in a while is ok, as long as it doesn’t lead to more and more later!

    MaryLynn – congratulations on such success! I’m sure it feels fantastic to be doing so well. Were you able to burn what you needed to? It is exciting news for your son and his business; I hope he does well in the contest (I voted for him :wink: )

    Cindy – thanks, I love that picture of Alanna and I’ve become a little addicted to snapchat for the time being; I’m sure that will wear off eventually. Hope reading is going well and that you are getting close to being able to move on to the next step!

    Karla – sorry to hear the frustration of the day for Glenn’s procedure but praying it will heal quickly and he won’t have to deal with anything like it again! Your yard is looking wonderfully inviting and enjoyable; hope you get lots of time with kids and grandkids in it this summer.

    Patti – Glad to hear you are back safe and sound and back at it. I understand how you feel about your mom’s will. I have been harassing my parents into getting one done. They have not updated since the 70’s and the executor they have named is someone they don’t even associate with any more. I am feeling a bit better emotionally, thanks <3

    Myra – hope you get those strawberry plants well tamed. On the plus side you have fresh fruit and whatever else you decide to do with them; do you make jam?

    Well, I’m off to go about my day. I have been working on an afghan for Rena’s 25th birthday and only have a couple weeks to finish it up. I need to buckle down and get it done! Thankfully it is crocheted (not knit) so it will go fairly fast.

    Hope you are all enjoying your day and week!
    Grace and peace to you
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It's late so I will just say hi to all who have checked in quickly

    Myra, have been wondering where you were. I love fresh berries of all kinds, hope you get to enjoy some of them with all your hard work.

    Jeanette, keeping my fingers crossed for you and your hubby that everything comes together as you want.

    Karla, praying tomorrow is a better day for you both.

    Got so much done today. Met with Mom to give her the papers she needed, caught up on the episode of Grays she recorded for me. Hair done. Costco trip was the best. Got the Samsung Edge, free 32 Inch Samsung TV and a mail-in rebate for $40 Costco card and a great deal on an Otterbox bundle. The phone also came with a transfer cord so I could get all my stuff off my old phone and a free mobile charger. It only took about 30 minutes to get it all taken care of. I love my new phone but have lots to learn and have been spending a lot of time loading apps.

    Back to it

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We were very lucky with the storms last night. Most of it hit north and south of us, so we just got showers with no wind or hail. The mulch is to be delivered this morning. I will put weed killer down in one bed prior to their arrival as I'm out of Preen.

    We are heading to Chicago on Saturday morning to watch Dylan's soccer game and then Penny's dance recital Sunday morning. So much fun!

    Karla: I hope Glen is doing better today.

    Patti: It sounds like you got a great deal!

    Cindy: I have one student this summer. She owns her own daycare and is working on her degree. I've never evaluated infants and toddlers, only experience them as a grandma! It will be tricky as she is the owner of the daycare.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Glad to see so many faces today.
    Karla- how is your patient this morning?
    Patti- good luck learning the new features of the Samsung- our work phones are converting to Samsungs although I'm not up for a new phone yet so I still have the iphone for work and the 6S for personal- its great with the square for bookfairs.
    Jeannette- I'm sure the newbies do create a bit of confusion but they are all in the same place. Tell Brian to be patient- it will work out.
    Janet- you need to take your "vacation day" soon- I'm hoping to get Ready to Soar out mid June. Don't forget to post reviews..... ;)
    I haven't heard from Suzi either... hope all is well.
    MaryLynn- Tell Adam to keep entering contests and getting his name out there. I'll check out the link- NO guts NO glory! is my motto and doing scary stuff is okay too.
    Today is picture day for the cover of Ready to Soar- it is a beautiful day here- tomorrow and the weekend will be rain again and I'm concerned the buds that are coming out will be gone quickly due to rain so its today or bust- I'll make it work.
    My eating has been awful and I have to find away to turn my thinking back to being a loser- lol
    I can do this I've done it before- I must take off what I've gained and keep going.
    Sigh- I wish I had a personal chef and just brought food in at meal times.
    Off and running but Ellie will be saved at lunch- maybe
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to a better day with Glenn. He had a "movement", so he is happy!! Lol You know how men are about regularity. Ha. He was really strange acting yesterday so I notified Dr B I was staying home today to watch him, but he is much better than I expected. I will still hang around though and work remotely and ensure he takes his meds properly.

    Patti- my nephew, Jake, just purchased that phone, and he loves it. I can't abide android and always stick with Apple products myself. It is nice it is waterproof. Im sure they will all head in that direction. So glad to have you back. How is your BFF?

    Cindy- your books are so you and your girls, I adore them and you!! How is the stepson situation going?

    Janet- when is your next pleasure trip? Something just for you?

    Myra- what is your favorite strawberry treat or recipe?

    Bert- Izzy's recital is June 5 and we are all so excited. Her pictures were adorable.

    Jeanette- sounds like Brian will have chance for advancement with so many new. Cute pictures of your grands.

    I made the bomb of an Apple bundt cake yesterday. Trying to keep Glenn's appetite up. Today I have some ripe bananas am looking at a plain yogurt recipe of a nut bread to make with walnuts. Yum.

    I better get busy. May today be what each of you need in your life to have peace and prosperity.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning to one and all. Off to the gym in a few, then to Mom's so Edd and I can watch last week's Blacklist. Will also hang some decorative items she just bought and put together the flag display box for my Dad's flag. She swears she has only one more order coming, lol. She left so. Icy behind in Texas and has been buying all sorts of things from catalogues to make her apartment more her home. She and my sister are going to the Dr's and then shopping, so hope we get it all done before she gets back. Shhhhh, it's a surprise. Hoping that the weather cooperates with me tonight so I can cook my fresh walleye on the grill. Really enjoying my free TV, it replaced an off brand 19 inch that I had in my kitchen, what a huge difference.
    Times up, I am outta here.
    Beautiful thoughts for a beautiful day
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi -- Dropped things off at Dress for Success, ran errands, had screen door installed onto deck (he still needs to do latches). Tired (was up until after 2 watching my Warriors win in a nailbiter of a game). Going to declare myself off-duty soon, have something to eat and watch TV (hoops and DVR'd stuff -- will catch up on Grey's and Blacklist tomorrow).

    Karla, glad Glenn is so much better today. My mom had a nursing instructor whose motto was (and I am NOT making this up == she was kind of an old prune) "To be happy is to have a BM every day." You are SO funny. A trip just for me? Ha. Going to Toledo for a dinner the 21st with people from my HS class -- should be interesting. Once the cataract surgeries are done, I hope to look into a better, more lasting fix for this foot and ankle. But at some point (early fall, maybe) I do hope to get away by myself. Might get to SC next month and desperately need to get back to Atlanta (been nearly two years) to see friends. There's a reception for my best friend's son and bride end of July, and Caleb will be in MI sometime in August. I honestly do not know what a real vacation is like anymore! But I do hope to reacquaint myself with the concept before the year is out, at least for a couple of days, somewhere cheap and under circumstances of my choosing -- nobody else's event, just time for myself away from the day-to-day.

    Patti, glad the new TV is working. How did it go in your mom's place? Was she blown away by your thoughtfulness?