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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TGIF!!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

    Patti, wishing you fair weather and no mechanical difficulties!

    Cindy, good of you to take your friend's book too. How was your dinner with proofreading BFF?

    Bert, so happy you are finally getting some garden time -- so restorative.

    Not much to report here. The concert was excellent, opening with Henry Mancini's Peter Gunn theme and closing with three of the five movements of Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique. In between, Bela Fleck (the world's premier banjo player) and his concerto for banjo and orchestra was amazing. He got such a massive ovation that he did an encore of about 5-6 minutes that started a classic pickin' and turned into an amazing rendition of "Do Re Mi." the Louisville Orchestra and our very young, exceedingly bold ad talented maestro, Teddy Abrams, are one of this city's major assets. I have renewed my subscription to the Friday Coffee Concerts -- not the full program of the Saturday night concerts, but close. Pest control came this afternoon (have had some tiny ants in the house) -- a petite young woman who was very professional. I do not like critters with fewer than two or more than four legs, period.

    I'm tired but fine this evening. Aunt Pat's memorial service is set for May 6. I've let my family know and my brother, sister-in-law and my niece who lives in MI will be there, and I am glad. They have pretty much ignored her for far too long. It will be good to see them, though under sad circumstances. Thinking I will make it a day trip -- don't have to be anywhere until one and there will be sandwich reception in the church after the 2 PM memorial service, leaving me plenty of time to drive home. And two weeks later I will be driving up there again. Glad gas is heaper than it was a year ago!

    Day 5 of full recommitment here -- hoping to make it through today on plan.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: Have fun on your trip!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, your day sounds divine in every way. Good job on day 5

    Off to bed then off to Birmingham in the morning. Will check in when I can.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good evening. Rainy day today. I got wet three times while running errands. Mike and I went to a fish fry tonight to support our local fire department. People could also vote at the firehouse. Definitely full of calories but hopefully my exercise helped with the calorie intake. It was good to see many people supporting the fish fry. I hope the fire department's profit is a good one.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Fish fry -- yum! Hope the fire department makes a firehose full of money.

    We had a bit of rain too. I stayed home and never put shoes on -- slipper sox are good. Did a few small tasks, watched things on DVR, got laundry done and bed made (Bella the cat helped). I have made it through six consecutive days on plan for what might be the first time since I started the first low-idine round in late September. My system is rebelling tonight so am going to be early. No idea what set it off -- might just be gettung over the tension of losing my aunt and havng the thyroid rescan. (The report from my scan is now in my medical record and I rejoiced to read the final sentence this morning: "There is no evidence of residual or recurrent thyroid cancer.")

    Going to bed early for me (before midnight). Hope everyone is having a good weekend -- Patti, hope the drie to Birmingham was uneventful.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. We had a great ride yesterday. Only 130 miles in the rain and that was around Louisville. Have been relaxing and chatting with my brother and SIL. So nice to catch up at a leisurely pace. Here til Thursday
    All is well
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good to hear, Patti == weather here is why I was concerned.

    Going for a full week on plan today -- wish me luck!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Another sunny Sunday morning here, which is such a blessing...we actually suntanned in the mid-morning on the deck yesterday! We've been busy outside with a variety of activities including plenty of strength-building gardening, some hill hiking and a ride in our little black convertible "up island" for coffee and ice cream. There is a quiet little bay called "Deep Bay" that has a small cafe right on the water. Nice to sit and enjoy the view for a bit, then we got restless and wandered along the piers, stopping to chat with some folks whose lives are centered around their boats and sea-faring friends. It's a different world, to be sure!

    Patti, great to hear you've arrived safely at your first destination, especially considering the rainy conditions! How's the back after the ride? Hopefully you can find some stretches that help relieve the discomfort somewhat. Perhaps adding all that painting and cleaning at a hectic pace contributed somewhat to creating the tightness. Regardless, it is sure nice to have some leisure time to reconnect with family and combine this with your travels. Hoping that the weather cooperates with the remainder of your adventures as you enjoy some quality together time with those you love. It's always fun to discover unexpected treasures such as the bowl to match your pitcher, or the freezer that fits the bill for your Mom. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return. Take it easy, enjoy and come back safe and soon.

    Janet, that coffee concert sounds like such a soothing way to start the day! You are fortunate to have easy access to so many talented musicians nearby. Congratulations on day six of keeping on the plan that has worked so well for you in the past. You know what you need to do and are finding ways to achieve your goals. So many stressful happenings in your life have a way of stacking up too high, that our bodies simply say "no more". Thankfully, you were able to share some precious conversation with her, before losing your dear Aunt. Please accept my sincere condolences as you work through your grief at her passing. It is never easy. With your re-scan providing such assuring results after the stress of preparation, a big sigh of relief can almost be heard from you. What a joy! We have such a limited time on this earth and it is up to us to make every moment matter. You continue to find ways to do just that!

    Looks like I'll have to be brief here and close up, as Myron has woken up now and I want to spend some time getting ready for our day with him.

    Bert, that fundraising fish fry sounds like a great event! You've been certainly keeping up with your exercise, so the indulgence can be worked off pretty readily!

    Jeanette, BIG cheers for Brian and yourself! Prayers answered in so many wonderful ways!

    Karla, enjoy your relaxation time in Destin.

    Cindy, you're sounding positively energized and that shows everything you're doing is working!

    To everyone, have a blessed Sunday as well!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls- I sold 2 books yesterday Between Here and Heaven, donated one to a raffle with a bookmark, and had 15 people sign up for my newsletter- so I consider the day a success. Continuing to build my brand- Also discovered I need to have better signage and I think I will do a large sale in August- not sure what else in between.
    I got Ready to Soar back from the copy editor and have made all the changes now I need to read it out loud- getting MUCH closer to publication. YES!
    Dinner with Cheryl was great- we went to Emirls and it was amazing- I didn't worry about points or calories... LOL
    Patti- have a great time
    Janet- concert sounds lovely
    Bert- Fish Fry - yummy
    MaryLynn- Enjoy the sunshine.
    Karla- how things in AL-
    Suzi- hope your weather is calm
    Judy- how is the shoulder feeling?
    Jeannette- things still feeling wonderful with hubby?
    Need to run but I'll be back.
    Until later.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Very quick check in as Monday is nuts already. It's going to rain here for the week but I don't want to let some water stop me from walking- but I think my raincoat is in the camper....
    I need to start getting some movement and I bought from QVC the Marie Osmond resistance bar- despite that I have free weights I don't have anything specific to tell me what to do- this has the exercises right on the bar- no excuses right?
    Bought a dress for the Step son's wedding- it is a purple print and found it at Dress Barn- great price as it was on sale and I had a $15 coupon- win win
    Hope everyone has a happy Monday
    Until Later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be spent cleaning the upstairs bedrooms/bathrooms. I'm actually looking forward to cleaning! I'll have to take the day off from my flower beds as it is expected to rain today. My joints are saying, "Yes, it's going to rain!" Have a great day everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, how pretty! The first of my peonies popped open over the weekend -- haven't checked this morning. My joints and the humidity aren't buddies either.

    Cindy, hooray for a good weekend. The rain pays dividends in green, but it can be annoying too.

    MaryLynn, I love how much you and Myron enjoy one another's company -- does he have a single brother? (I've pretty much given up on finding someone but still hope I run into a good man someday - having looked at who seems available online has only been deeply depressing. I really think the only way I may find someone is through a friend).

    This article shows that we're NOT nuts -- it IS hard to lose and keep it off -- and it's NOT just calories, it's metabolism. Almost feel like I should carry this around to educate people:


    The Biggest Loser has always bugged me because of the artificiality of the setting and the near-total emphasis on exercising more hours than a full-time job takes, which is not realistic. They mention food sometimes but usually to condemn. We all live in the real world and are having success on more realistic terms and not in an absurdly compat time frame.

    Very busy week here -- Toledo on Friday for my aunt's memorial service and much to do before then. Wishing you each a great start to a week of happiness and success in every way.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Hello ladies! Feeling like I am on the go today, though I didn't really plan it that way! Yesterday MIL ended up in the hospital with a severe vertigo attack. She is home and fine but it was a little scary.

    Still waiting to hear back on whether I will be doing my practicum this summer or not; I have until Wednesday to officially sign up for the course.

    I hope you are all having at least a bit of the beautiful weather we are having here. I'm off to spend the day with hubby enjoying the sunshine....or something else! This day just seems to be writing itself :smiley:

    Have a wonderful day
    Grace and peace to you
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my last visit. All I have to do is review my students' notebooks....it will be easy as I've seen most of the assignments they have submitted. Then I'm off to campus to hand in the evaluations. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Tuesday morning ladies. Whew I am finally back, over my son's child support case yesterday, which went very well, and finishing out my Eye Clinic training this week. Glenn is very frustrated with his train and having to deal with it's medical care with being back to work. He was angry leaving for work this morning. My heart bleeds for him so. I am doing fine and am looking forward to life slowing down some now.

    Bert- your walkway looks gorgeous. I see you are using the black rubber mulch? My son uses that too. Glenn wants us to try it this year too, but I am still more of a fan of the cypress color in the rubber.

    Patti- I know you are having fun, although it has been poring rain for days in Mississippi. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, and the rest of the week. I know you are camping outside.

    Janet- blessings to you as you travel this Fridayvto your Aunt Pat's memorial. Will sweet Caleb be there?

    Mary Lynn - We are both blessed with men that we enjoy spending time with and have so much in common with. Thank you for sharing such vivid descriptions of your environment.

    Jeanette- it would be so wonderful if a site pops up for your practicum this summer my friend. I am keeping my pinkie fingers crossed for you. Any word for Brian on the position?

    Cindy- Sounds like you are really back in the swing and move of things! Congrats on selling two books and RTS on the way too. You rock. I loved the picture of you and Meg on Facebook. You both looked so happy and favored each other so much in this photo.

    I better get going here. I have GOT to get some color on this hair today. I'm almost blonde!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: It's jus black wood mulch. I prefer the black as I think it helps display the flowers' colors better. I was told by my hairdresser over the weekend that my hair in the back is catching up with the front! So, I'll be totally white like my aunt and great-grandmother! My mom always wanted the white, but wasn't blessed with it. So, here's to you, Mom! <3:)<3

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Another rainy day in Massachusetts but despite wanting to stay in bed I'm at work and doing my marketing thing.
    Making good headway reading Ready to Soar for one last time before it goes to the girl who will set my book- need some sun to take the cover photo - tomorrow would be good if the apple blossoms bloom.
    Janet- thank you for sharing the article- it confirms many things but is also discouraging a bit too.
    Jeanette- I'm glad your mom is home- vertigo is awful. I've dealt with it a few times but never to be hospitalized.
    Bert- lovely pictures
    Patti- If you're checking in have a great camping trip
    Karla- how is Glenn doing? Lovely picture of you too on FB
    Need to run but hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey ya'll, could have sworn I posted yesterday. Guess that danged post gobbler got it. Yesterday the boys went boating, my SIL had to work, and I stayed behind. It was too cold for me and it was going to rain again so it didn't sound like fun at all. I took their dog for a 2 mile walk, they live in a very hilly neighborhood so it was a good 50 minute workout. Their next door neighbor/BF, had knee surgery on Thursday and needed to go to the Dr so I volunteered to take her since the surgery was on her right knee and she can't drive. We had a great time and she repaid my kindness with a cranberry martini. I also but a roast in the crockpot with some pepperocinis, cleaned and prepped some beautiful,fresh green beans and did some dishes. So when everyone got home we were good to go for dinner. Just added some brown rice with quinoa, precooked and seasoned so just heat and eat. We had a lovely evening with tons of laughter. Today we are going to go boating in the afternoon as my SIL has a 1/2 day of vacation. Then tomorrow it will just be the boys and me on yet another boating trip. Can you tell my brother just got a new boat?

    I have read all your posts and think of you each day. Today my BF is having her first round of chemo, so hate that I am not home for that but with all the prayers and love I know she will do well. I will contact her tomorrow and I know the other BF will keep me informed of her progress.

    Happy trails and tales to you all.
    Until we meet again
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, friends.

    Jeanette, things are coming together so nicely for you -- still hoping for the summer practicum.

    Karla, so glad the hearing went well -- Jason needed that, along with your unwavering support.

    Patti, do you EVER kick back and just relax? Sounds exhausting (fun, but exhausting). Hope the boating weather gets much better for tomorrow! Thinking of your BF today -- hope her experience is like what my ex's mother had last week -- her first chemo made her tired but anti-nausea meds worked wonders.

    Bert, hope you can take some fun time once you turn in your evaluations. Congrats on helping to launch three new teachers.

    Cindy, dinner at Emeril's sounds like a perfect reunion meal -- sometimes you just need not to worry, just for that occasion. We all need to enjoy life and if we mind our nutrition reasonably well at least 90% of the time, no worries. Hope the rain lifts for the weekend. You'll look divine in purple at the wedding.

    Suzi, I fell asleep before the end of the Thunder game -- you must've been jumping out of your skin.

    Busy day here -- errands, hair trim & color, then organizer this evening -- not even sure what we will tackle. Did a quick scale hop this morning and look forward to tracking a loss on Thursday. Have stayed on plan for eight days now and am starting to feel back in the groove. It's awfully hard to pass up temptations but I know Friday will be a nightmare foodwise (travel, plus the spread after the memorial service will be all carbs, all the time) and need to stay on the beam all week. Have packed a little bag in case I feel too beat to drive all the way home Friday night. If I worry about it, I'll stop and get a room to sleep, even if just for a few hours. I'd hate to spend the money but getting home safely is the priority, of course.

    OK -- must get a shower and get going, so I can make a few stops before 2 PM hair appointment -- will get home just in time for organizer to arrive!

    Hugs to all -- you help me daily in more ways than you know. Here's to you!!!!!