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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning to all,
    Janet, that is wonderful news that you finally had a decent sleep! Great that you found someone to do the cat drawing for you. Not all artists can capture the subtleties of expression in our furry friends. The contrasts in tone are helpful when looking for the right photos. Sometimes it is possible to combine photos for the final art piece, so perhaps there are several that you can provide for the project? Just one more week of restricted eating. YAY!

    Karla, I'm so sorry to hear that Glenn is going through this again and it must be worrying for you as well! Hopefully they can get him in quickly to attend to it and that the antibiotics do their work to reduce some of the inflammation as well. Let us know as you hear any news. Take care of yourself too, this all adds up and you need to be well enough to be there for him. Sometimes the timing of our crises seem to defy explanation and this seems to fall into that category. Will be praying for you all.

    Hugs to you,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so glad you got some sleep and wonderful to connect, in whatever way, with good friends. Love the idea of artists renderings. My grandson has done some beautiful works in charcoal,of my friends' dogs and also one of Edd. Maybe you can share the finished results with us.

    Mary Lynn, as always, your posts and personals make me sit back and smile. What is your professional background? You read like a motivational speaker, lol. So happy you have joined us and share your special brand of wisdom and encouragement.

    Karla, when it rains it pours doesn't it? Will pray that this one heals with oral antibiotics and quickly. Do try to find some sunshine through your clouds. Hopefully you caught it early.

    Have been playing in my craft room. Made a set of cards to send to our friends in KY, the quilter. She does not paper craft at all so I know she will enjoy them. Spoke with my friend from FL that taught me to watercolor, she is now home in KY, just an hour away. I asked her if she was going to be teaching any classes and if I could sit in. She told me to come down anytime and we will paint, no need to wait for a class. The supplies I need are pretty expensive to get started, so not able to buy everything at once. The paper is the most expensive, for the right quality, but Michaels carries it and I can use the 40% off coupon. The rest have to be ordered on-line. The brands that are carried by the craft store are not recommended by my friend. She has been painting for years and has done all the research for me. I will take her advice and buy the higher quality paints and brushes. My list is ready to give to my kids for Mother's Day and my birthday. Until then my friend said I was welcome to use her supplies, but I don't want to abuse the priviledge.
    My sister is going to Vegas in the morning, I volunteered to take them to the airport since I live 15 minutes from it. They will be here at 4:30am. Hopefully I will be awake by the time we get to the airport, they will drive there and I will bring their car to my house and Edd will pick them up Friday at midnight, I do early morning better than late night. Saves them long term parking, so everybody wins.

    I will update the OMGs in the morning. Please put them in ALL CAPS if you wish to change yours.
  • judyannsews
    judyannsews Posts: 23 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA..it has been a horrible week. David does have Guillian Barre Syndrome. He is still in ICU but no longer in the life support section. He had his third plasma treatment today and seems to be getting a little better. He will be in the hospital at least another week and then will have th go to a rehab facility for at least a month...I can't imagine what their medical bills are going to be.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It is Sunday evening and it was a good weekend.
    Janet- LOVE the new picture- thank you for sharing your beautiful self with us.
    Karla- so sorry about Glenn- hopefully you've caught it early
    Patti- its great to have you back with us...
    Judy- prayers for your son! How is your shoulder? Please take care of yourself too
    MaryLynn- congrats on scale movement-

    I was a guest the shower and it was lovely and met a couple of lovely ladies.
    Em learned how to thread her machine tonight but she needs to get bobbins before we get started with practice sewing.
    Had 10 whoppers today- they were delicious but did set off more sugar cravings- funny how are bodies react.
    I need to check my blog and a couple of more things to do before time to sleep.
    Until tomorrow
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    A rainy Monday in Massachusetts today- I'm on plan and ready to rock and roll.
    Hoping you all have a great day- and Janet, one more time- LOVE THE PICTURE!
    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Sitting in the lobby with my love. Trying to keep my man calm, not an easy task. He is very angry at his body for letting him down. I will be calling the surgeon in Mobile at 8a to see if they are open, some open at 8, some at 9, and get the next available appointment. He is uncomfortable, even on the Norco, so I fear it is at the surgical stage. Please pray for him if you are the praying sort, add him to your church's prayer list too. My father really upset me yesterday as he blurted out when I told him about it " this is going to turn into Cancer", I almost started crying, but we were in the car with Glenn right beside me.

    I will keep you all posted.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning and has rained throughout the night. Breakfast is tracked. I'm headed out this morning to help file choir music and get the choir room more presentable. Then it's another visit. These next two weeks are very busy as my student teachers will be graduating the first weekend in May. I also need to complete my evaluations as well. Have a great day everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- You are such a great mentor for these young new teachers. If only they all knew it!! Have a great wet day. lol.

    Judy- So sorry a bout your son. Seems many of us are facing health challenges. God will be with us and see us through.

    Patti- One can only hope this one will be less tragic than last year. Maybe it can be drained in the office. We go on Thursday afternoon to a Board certified Colon-Rectal surgeon in Mobile this time.

    Janet- Thank you for you undying support, your text yesterday meant the world to me. Did you sleep again last night? Two days in a row would probably be a shock to your system!! I saw on tv earlier about how low sleep causes hunger pangs and thought of you.

    MaryLynn- I agree with Patti, your talent with the pen is astounding, right up there with our resident author! Thank you for your kind words my dear lady. Luckily I have worked as a medical assistant in a surgeon's office for six years and excelled at the medical assisting field in injections, wound care and general patient care. I am actually giving Glenn weekly injections in each arm for his allergies, and if this goes like last year, I may be cleansing and packing his incision and drainage site for a few weeks. LOL.

    I did contact the surgeon's office and we go on Thursday for the evaluation. Meanwhile he is on the Levaquin daily and Norco for pain. He seems more settled now that he has got his work laptop connected to the internet this morning too. LOL. He can't ride his bike with me, which discourages him, but JJ and Caleb and I are headed out shortly for a ride. It is gorgeous this morning and this resort is awesome.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies I hope you are all having a good start to your week.

    Janet, you look so very glamorous in your picture

    Karla, sorry to hear about Glenn, I am praying for him, and you

    Cindy, you are so sweet thank you for your kind offer. I love to hear about teaching your Em to sew

    MaryLynn, I am still without a place for my practicum and running out of time to be able to do it over the summer (when I don't work otherwise). As far as exercise goes; I am feeling like I have fewer bad days and more good days physically.

    Patti, I hope you will share your paintings as you create them.

    I am feeling a bit better, not because my situation has changed but because I am a positive person and I can process and reason my way through most things. I am feeling near to tears less often and am sure I will eventually put it behind me whether things change or not and just go about my life as before. I am so thankful for your kind words and your thoughtfulness and prayers. You are on my mind and in my heart.

    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- Had my first thyrogen shot and it's dragging me out so I expect to be lazy today. Got a bit more sleep but we had storms, so ... More storms due later. But things are gorgeously green and right now I hear several birds.

    Jeanette, attitude is not quite everything, but it's close. You will triumph. Thinking of you.

    Karla, glad you are getting Glenn to the surgeon ASAP but can stay in FL and enjoy the weather. What your dad said was thoughtless and last time I checked, he wasn't board-certified in any medical field -- it was a doltish thing to say and deeply insensitive. But please try to let it go. Hope they can fix whatever issue has caused this again more quickly than last time.

    Bert, I smiled reading about thhe choir room -- walking back into the choir room last summer when we had our reunion brought back floods of memories for everyone -- it was special.

    Cindy, thanks for the kind words. Glad the shower was fun -- I have one in a couple of weeks and am looking forward to it because it also means time with my best friend (her son's the groom). On principle, I loathe showers -- and despise shower games above all else -- but I go for the people. Already have the shower and weddng gifts purchased for these two great kids.

    OK -- time to pay a few bills and stay awake until landscape guy comes to pick up a check for the planting later this month -- he's just starting his own business so I offered to pay him in advance. Then I will seriously contemplate a lie-down.

    May your Monday not be too Mondayish. See y'all later.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Took Miss Alanna on her first hike Saturday. She did really well :smile:

    039.JPG 166.1K
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    She is such a doll -- that smile would melt a heart of stone! Sweet picture of you, too.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just lost a huge post, yikes.

    Karla, sending prayers. Your Dad was just expressing his fears, his generation thinks everything turns to cancer. He needs you to soothe his fears. Enjoy your time as best you can.

    Janet, so hard to think of planting anything with this stupid weather. Hope your guy does a good job once he can!

    Judy, continued prayers for your son. He has such a huge support system, I just know he will do well. On the cost issue, they cannot bill him more than his deductible and out of pocket max. It is illegal to balance bill for more.

    Cindy, you seem to be your chipper self again. Loved your blog, as always. Your writing is a joy to my soul.

    Jeanette, what a sweet girl, and Alana is pretty cute too, lol. Thanks for sharing.

    Bert, hope your students appreciate the time you have invested. Enjoy your beautiful day.

    Well getting up in the middle of the night has really messed me up. Couldn't get to sleep until after 1 am. Was able to go back to bed but took forever to go to sleep. So now my day is a bit off. But I will work it out. Need to get to the grocery, drug store and then do some laundry. But first a shower so as not to offend the world.

    Since there were no updates to the OMGs I did not make a new list. If anyone wants to change theirs, let me know and I will take care of it.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening my lovelies. I am glad to report Glenn is feeling much better. He said a down day and two days of antibiotics seemed to have helped. He is dressed and ready to go out to dinner with the big group. We are headed home Wednesday morning and will see the doctor on Thursday and will know where we stand.

    Patti- Was this a pleasure trip for Susie to Las Vegas? Sorry for the disruption in your sleep pattern.

    Jeanette- An adorable little Alanna to be sure. My two grandsons, JJ and Caleb are really enjoying the bicycles at the resort. I went biking with them this morning. I told them my Pee-Wee female bike only had one speed SLOW, lol. they left me in the dust. HA. We had a blast. I caught up with them at one of the pools. It was a 45 minute bike ride for me and it was lovely. It is so favorable for children to experience the outdoors and not be on an electronic device.

    Cindy- Yes I see the old Cindy returning and it is wonderful. I know EM will enjoy sewing. Sad to say it is a dying art. I have got to get Izzy's Monster High pillow case made when I get home.

    Speaking of Izzy. She had a fantastic time at the beach today. So did JJ. They have such fun together. JJ buried himself in the sand to his waist, it was hilarious. Boy, did we all need all these laughs. We then returned to our resort area heated pool and the kids played in it. We are now getting ready to go to the Bubba Gump Shrimp Restaurant for dinner. Jason is complaining, because he wants to go to Joe's Crab shack, so really not sure where we are going..lol. AND, I don't really care, as long as we are all together and my love Glenn continues to improve and smile.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sorry you were channeling my sleep pattern!

    Karla, glad Glenn is perking up - what a scare!

    The thyrogen shot drained my energy so I have been watching movies - really liked both "Spotlight" and "Trumbo" and am ending the day with "Inside Out." Up at 6 again to get the second shot. Organizer comes tomorrow evening so I need to contemplate what to work on.

    See everyone tomorrow.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, hope the rest of your trip goes well and Glenn continues to feel better and gets to participate in the activities. The kids sound like they are really soaking up the sunshine and water! My sister and her hubby were going to meet their friends from Australia in Vegas. She was so excited, she hasn't seen them in a couple of years and that was a very brief visit.

    My day turned out grand despite being a bit off from the middle of the night trip to the airport. Got everything done I had planned. Made a lovely dinner of lemon pepper cod, baked potato and salad. Then off to Zumba. The instructor and I have been working on a routine for Uptown Funk that we hope to do on Wed. I love that song and never tire of hearing it. It is a great movement motivator. Way behind on calories today so need to go eat something before I waste away.....as if!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, with you on Uptown Funk -- loe that song!

    Karla, how is Glenn?

    Had second thyrogen shot, ran errands, about to lie down for a bit. Organizer comes later so must build up some sort of energy ...
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    With a rainy day here, started off with my strength training today and will hike later we hope. Tried adding extra weight, but after one set at 40 lbs, decided that going with extra repetitions would be smarter. Since I started, I've been lifting 20 lbs at 10 reps, with anywhere from 4 to 8 sets of those and some abdominal crunches in between as well as some yoga stretching. Upped it to 15 reps and now I'm rather "whipped" in terms of upper body! We've been doing mainly gardening which is great for strength and cardio, but my favorite is still getting out for a hike. Thankfully the foot is feeling 100% and the energy levels remain high.
    Need to grab something to eat before heading out to tackle the hills in the neighborhood.

    Karla, glad to hear that Glenn is managing and hopefully can hang in there this week.
    Janet, sounds like you are listening to your body and resting when necessary. Good job!
    Patti, great to hear about your involvement with the Zumba routines. Music sure motivates!
    Jeanette, love the image from your family hiking... what a great outing that was for you all!
    Cindy, it is so encouraging to be finding your groove with a program you've had success with!
    Myra, hope things are continuing to look sunnier in your world and that your smile continues.
    Diane, thinking about you and hoping to hear that things are okay in your world these days.
    Beth, wishing you a terrific Tuesday and looking forward to an update on things in your life.
    Bert, great to hear how your positive impact in those student teachers training is continuing.

    Will get back later, hopefully check in on how you are all doing. Stay active and positive!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Hectic day but it was a good one- Karla- I hope Glenn continues to recover. I'm sure you'll keep him in line
    Jeannette- Alana is too cute for words
    Janet- rest when you can
    Judy- Prayers for your son.... and you as well.
    Patti- I'm glad you enjoy my little blog- working hard to get Ready to Soar- well ready to soar- lol
    I just realized it's time to go home so I'm going to head out and go for a walk- see you all soon
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, get that rest while you can. I know you won't stay down for long.

    Mary Lynn, perhaps doubling your weights was a bit too much. Maybe try 30 pounds for a set or two, then back off to 20 for a couple of sets. This is how my trainer told me to up weights. Enjoy your hike.

    Missing Diane, Susie, Myra, Lisa, Beth..... Hope you can stop by with and update to let us know you are all doing well.

    Spent the day with Mom. She is a joy to be around. Smart and witty and full of life. She is so excited that the weather is finally getting nice so she can get out of the house at last. TRX tonight and then an evening to myself as Edd is going to play pool. No big plans. When we were in FL we went to a flea market and my friend talked me into buying a ZAP cleaning cloth. Supposedly it cleans without streaking, especially window, using only water and requires no drying. I was a nonbeliever but I just did my all my downstairs windows, including doors, in 30 minutes and they sparkle with no streaks. If you find them, buy them, I paid $10 for 4. You can buy them online for more. Just thought I would share