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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Diane -- glad you popped in. No worries -- you have a whirlwind life right now. Take care of yourself!

    Myra -- The maternal verbal abuse has such long-lasting effects -- something so many of us have to deal with every day of our lives. Can't recall ever being told I looked nice. That I was smart, yes -- but tempered with apppearance slams. Sad but I know she did her best and thought she was doing what she "needed to" -- I just wasn't the daughter she'd hoped for.

    Bert -- Do you get one-on-one time with each student teacher? You are such a great resource!

    Cindy -- So glad you got updated disgnosis and the inhaler. Hope your office lets you work from home in a sane way (not ten hours straight at the computer). Hoping you can do this for the rest of the week, taking breaks and lying down often. Sometimes you feel better than you are and need to watch that.

    Patti, your mom will love the flowers. Edd is such a dear -- hope to meet him sometime. Have a great time and let me know if you're coming through on your way home. Your story of violation makes my heart hurt. I was almost raped once by a grad school colleague and it makes me extra cautious, one reason I am afraid to try online dating and would strongly prefer to be introduced to men my friends know. So far, nothing on that front.

    Karla, what a trip to see her so pregnant, which probably won't work in her favor. Glad for the continuance, which will let Jason (and you) focus on the newer matters. You NEED to go to UAB -- Jason will be OK for a day or two.

    Glad you're enjoying the eagle cam -- I hsve it bookmarked and check often. Saw both adults and both eaglets yesterday -- glad I don't have to smell the nest with the aging takeout fish though.

    Had quick blood draw this morning. Coming up == vet visit for Theo, organizer here this evening. Lots to do in between. so I must go. Later!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just a quick check in as I have Miss Alanna here today. I wanted to mention that last night as I was cutting out a pattern I realized that not only did I accomplish everything on my list yesterday, I didn't have to push myself to do it or feel sapped at the end of the day. It really wasn't too long ago that any ONE of the things I had planned for the day would have taken all I had. I don't ever want to forget how hard it was for a very long time, or how grateful I am to be able to live rather than exist.

    I hope you are all having a great week
    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, what a cheery report -- AND you hvae the little ray of sunshine that is Alanna with you. This is what I call a good week for you. Brava!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick check in. Appointment got confused but still getting in today at 3:30. Waiting outside his office now. I continue to do tidbits of my credentialing between all this. Thank you all for your prayers.

    Cindy - so glad you are getting better care and feeling better. I know you have to work, our health is so important. I am in a situation too where I am putting mine second.

    Patti- I was also thunderstruck when I read your detail of your abuse. I did not know that part. It was a Godsend as you said in its own way. Bless you. Bundle up when camping in the cold areas and have fun. I hoof no car problems.

    Janet - how is your friend that lost her dad? How is your home shing? How is Theo?

    Jeanette- good news on your stamina level.

    Myra- are you getting a small grin in ?

    My weight is down to 193.4. I am down 17 pounds since January 4th.

    I hope yo have some positive news shortly.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I am so glad that you are "off" work for a few days. Your body needs the rest more than anything else to fight this and get your strength back. So please follow the Dr's orders. Glad you are already seeing some improvement.

    Karla, will continue to pray. Just hate that you are all going thru this. I concur with Janet that your eye appointment is just as important. Jason will be able to get through a day or two without you. You are of no use to him if that eye gets worse.

    Jeanette, what wonderful news! Enjoying your life, not just surviving it. Can't wait to see the dresses.

    Janet, our trip to FL is a straight shot down 75. Would love to make a quick side trip to say hello but no time on this drive which will be about 17 hours. We are going to MS in May and will be going through Louisville, maybe we will be able to stop then.

    The reason I ways always afraid of meeting my daughter was because of how she was conceived. She has never asked about her dad and I keep praying she never will. She suffers from depression and I don't think she needs to know she was the product of such violence. I always hoped that the amount of love I gave her as I carried her would override that fact. I do have an answer of sorts should she ask.

    Our friend in FL has lots planned for our visit. We are now going on a long kayak trip down a lazy river, stopping for lunch and then kayaking back. Long bike ride to Venice for lunch one day. Concert Friday night and watercolor class and that is just the highlights.
    Bought Mom some beautiful multicolored daisies. Told her I didn't want her to forget me while I am gone. She had a few chores for me, then we just chatted the day away. Now I need to get ready for the gym and then finish packing the car. Edd is just getting ready to put the hitch on the car, after putting in a new radiator. All his choice but he is going to be exhausted before we even leave the driveway.

    I will check in before I go to bed tonight but then you may not hear from me for a while. I tend to not post on Facebook when we travel. The world doesn't need to know we are gone.
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi ladies!!! Wowzers, I've missed a bunch!

    Karla, I am so glad Jason is stabilized. How scary. Continuing to pray for him and you!

    Cindy, I found you on FB and sent a request! I'm sure glad you are starting to get better!

    Patti, I know I don't have the history with the group that everyone else does but I admire your strength and willingness to share about your experiences.

    Jeanette, thanks for connecting on fb. How fun!

    I'll wave hello to everyone else, as tomorrow is my hubby's birthday...he's working tonight and I just took his cake out of the oven. Next up is wrapping gifts. I love his birthday, because it's one day all about him! Night ladies!
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Oh....I must check that eagle cam...my kids would love it!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Long productive day for both of us. So happy I made time for the gym and TRX with Tracy. Quick job of catching up with her, she has been gone for 3 weeks and now I am leaving. 3:30 am will be helper quickly, need to hit the shower and then the hay. Will miss you all but don't worry if you don't hear from me. I am looking forward to being active and somewhat unplugged. Not that I don't love you all but need to connect totally with those I am visiting. Really looking forward to a very active and fun filled couple of weeks with people I love being with.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Just wanted to check in tonight and let you know you are often in my thoughts and prayers. Patti, have a wonderful trip and enjoy being unplugged and active as you visit with others. Karla, glad you were able to get in despite the mixup at the doctors... you're in my prayers.
    Cindy, your health and full recovery are your full time job for now... wise to take some time.
    Jeanette, so pleased to read how you are so full of energy to tackle your "to do list" again!
    Janet, thank you for always being such a positive voice in the midst of challenges you face.
    Myra, your advice and helpful transparency shine through your comments... so thank you!
    Diane, what you get accomplished and the balance you continue to reach for has inspired me.
    Beth, how you manage to juggle it all and get things tracked with all the deadlines amazes!
    Bert, you've kept so busy with the Student teachers and still getting moving and tracking too!

    This is pretty basic in terms of personals, but I really want you to know I'm reading and thinking about you all. Had a great hike today and the dogs even got to run "off leash" briefly.

    Loving life,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a gorgeous sunny morning. I'll be busy baking a birthday cake and making dinner for our oldest son. He's 40 today! He wan't meatloaf and cheesed potatoes. Not very healthy, but it's ok. I'm also making a chocolate cake from scratch. I'll get a walk in at some point today. Have a great day everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Bert, you cant be the mother of a 40-year-old! My operating assumption will be that the stork dropped him in your yard while you were in kindergarten ...

    MaryLynn, the mere thought of dogs running off-leash makes me smile. Pure exhilaration. My ex's family dog could run nearly 30 MPH -- we drove alongside her a couple of times. When I think of freedom and joy, that's the picture in my head.

    Very busy day yesterday and another on tap today but wanted to check in before I head out. Had a bit extra but the late snack was really necessary and was a 50-calorie, high-fiber tortilla with a bit of ham, so didn't bust things open nutritionally.

    For everyone: National Geographic compiled a short video of the eagles, cloer up than the cams we can watch live. Enjoy!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. A frustrating commute, due I'm sure to enhanced security following the bombing in Brussels yesterday. So no time for the gym this morning, which starts me off in a bad mood! On the other hand, my day is fairly unstructured so hopefully I will get a lot done. I'm taking a bit of a mid morning break to catch up with all of you.

    Patti, you hit the road this morning before even I got up! 3:30 - wow. Drive safely, and have fun.

    Karla, prayers going out for your family situation, and your eye. Don't let the stress over family impact your self care. You know you can help them more if you are healthy yourself.

    Jeannette, so glad to hear that better health has crept up on you! It does seem like sometimes the small things are the biggest success, but the least noticed. I sewed a lot for my daughter when she was young. I've actually kept a number of the special Easter dresses I made her, hoping someone else would wear them one day. I have a really cute picture of her and my babysitter's daughter (just a bit older) in matching dresses I made for them.

    Bert, you must have a break today from your student visits. Good luck with dinner, both with having a celebration for your son, and on limiting your portions! The weather is finally getting better here, so I am hoping for a walk this afternoon also. I'm so glad for daylight savings time coming back, so it is light late enough to do something after work.

    MaryLynn, you are starting to sound more like yourself again. Yay for hiking - hope your weather continues to improve.

    Cindy, take care! Pneumonia can be insidious, and it takes a LOOOONG time to recover from. Cut yourself some slack, and make sure you get enough rest. One of my co-workers' father is in the hospital right now with pneumonia and a collapsed lung.

    Beth, good to see you back. I too get busy and sometimes check in to read but don't have time for comments, and certainly not always time for personals. Keep coming back anyway.

    Janet, you are on a roll! Hope Theo was easier to get to the vet than Bella was. I look at my cluttered house and think of you, and wish I had your dedication.

    Myra, even when you say you are down, your positive nature and smile come through. I admire that very much.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    You bet, Janet! :)

    I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the eagle cams......I watch them every morning and evening. They are so much fun to watch. Thanks for the links, Janet.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Eagles - I've watched the cams too and they are fun. Did I tell you all about the scene down the road from my house this winter? We are right near the headwaters of the South River that enters into the Chesapeake Bay. One day in late January or February, someone posted a dozen or so pictures of the frozen river (sort of wide and spread out at that point), with over a dozen bald eagles perched in trees or out on the ice, eating away at a large fish that had either been caught by the eagles or stranded and died on the ice. Since then, every time I go around that curve, I try to look out, and many times I've seen 4-5 eagles. I'm sure if I stopped I'd be able to see more, but it is a very dangerous curve. We have occasionally had an eagle perched in a tree above our backyard - then I worry about our cats outdoors!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls- A quick check in to say I didn't use a sleep aid last night to see how I would do- It took a bit to fall asleep but I slept until 830- so now I'm up sipping coffee and have my work laptop in my lap. Luckily with a short week people are taking some time off and winding down a bit so the email load isn't as bad.
    reserving energy on personal and I want to unplug for a bit, but I'm all caught up on everyone and thinking of each of you.
    Karla- you must take care of you first- if you lose your eyesight it won't help Jason.... and you have been encouraging me to take care of me first... just a gentle reminder dear friend.
    I'll pop back in later
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another quick check in today but have a few things to do this morning before heading to Mom and Dad's for a few days.

    Karla- I hope things are calming down and getting a bit better; glad the eye is better, what did the doctor say?

    Cindy - glad to hear you are taking it easy/taking care of yourself

    I hope you all have a wonderful day, I'll check in from my parents' house, take care
    Grace and peace to you
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, things are starting to return to normal somewhat now. I am back to my job and half day only. I am riding over to Ocean Springs to get a signature for a credentialing I am working on. So happy to be out of the stress. I have made Jason a psychiatric appointment for next Tuesday. So I have that going. Thank you for all your prayers. It always works.

    I am down 3.6 pounds this week. I know it was due to not eating with this stress, however, I will take it!! I am down to 193.4. Yeaaaa. A silver lining.

    I'll check back this evening for personals.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Cindy- like everyone else, I am happy to hear you are taking it easy and using an inhaler! If possible, work from home as long as you can! I’m glad you are finally doing better…. let’s keep that going :) I agree with Diane about pneumonia. it frightens me.

    Patti is off and running, but I noticed she mentioned Venice, FL….. which neighbors the town i grew up in, Sarasota!

    Karla- even if it is work-related… I’m glad you are getting away from the intense stress for a few hours. sounds like things are somewhat settling down… so sorry you have to go through this with Jason. it’s so very hard to watch our children struggle, no matter how old they are. yes, i’m getting my smiles back, whether genuine or forced. a slow walk after a helpful physical therapy appointment yesterday was just what i needed. i’ve been told no yoga for two weeks, but i’ll survive. congrats on the weight loss, although i KNOW you’d rather lose a different way than most recently ;)

    Janet- my younger set and I just watched the eagle cam and saw the daddy bring them a fresh fish! my youngest, Kayla (9) said: mommy, please tell your friend THANK YOU from me for telling you about the eagles! :) I hope the blood tests and cat dr visits turn out equally positive!

    Jeanette- YAY for having some mojo back! whatever your illness was, i hope it stays way in your past

    MaryLynn- i’m happy to see you are back to your awesome hiking with happy dogs, and i’m glad my comments were helpful in some way. I tend to live my life like an open book, sometimes to my husband’s chagrin, hehe.

    Happy Birthday to Beth’s husband and Bert’s son. I agree with Janet…. must have been a stork delivery ;)

    Diane- sorry about your frustrating commute, but it doesn’t seem to be dampening the rest of your day, so good for you! I am a pessimist by nature, but have actively worked for the last 15 years or so to turn that completely around. so, thanks for the feedback that i come across as having a positive nature! i truly did not know that. (kinda like still thinking of yourself as overweight even after the weight is lost) your comment gives me a genuine smile :)
    WOW to your story about seeing multiple bald eagles at once! i was in my 40’s before i saw a bald eagle with my own eyes in the wild… and i’ll never forget that day!
    We have a pair of hawks nesting in the trees behind our backyard right now, and i’m excited about that too!

    ok, I promised myself i’d go search storage today for my box of Easter stuff. not much in the mood for celebrating Easter, but i do love my 9 year old. the 11 year old “knows”, but she’s a great sport at playing along. :)

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra, please tell Kayla she's welcome == I love animals and this was something special, so I had to share.

    Karla, so relieved things are settling down a bit. Jason is lucky to have you for a mom.

    Diane, long commutes are so frustrating. But what can you do but turn the radio up and sing? Frustration doesn't improve the traffic!

    Cindy, hope work is quiet enough to give you rest intervals.

    Lots of errands here, now going to try to chill a bit. I see oncologist early tomorrow -- there will be no news at this one -- probably a blood draw and discussion about going back onto the low-iodine diet (nothing that swam, no dairy, no egg yolks, no soy, nothing mafer with iodized salt, etc.) and getting a followup scan next month to see whether the radioactive iodine I took in October has killed the rest of the thyroid cells left after removal, and the site of a metastasis in my neck. It's silly to be nervous when I know there will be no results, but ...

    Really hoping for a relatively serene Easter weekend, except for Saturday morning trip to the vet for Bella to get followup bloodwork since her thyroid blocking med was increased. I plan to do grocery shopping for the weekend tomorrow because I am planning to go to morning symphony on Friday. Monday I'll be in the doc's office most of the day so I need chill time and productive solo time over the weekend.

    Have a great evening, everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member