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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from a very good day with Mom. She is exhausted from all the getting in and out of the car with our many stops. She decided she needed 2 bars tools for her apartment. So we made several furniture stops on top of our trips to Walgreens and Lowes. Found nothing at the 3 furniture stores. She hates Walmart but I looked on line and they had some really cute stools so she agreed to one last stop to see if they had anything that would work. We found exactly what she wanted there and they were only $50 each! Then lunch at Steak and Shake. Stopped at her apartment office to pick up a package that had been delivered. A new quilt and dust ruffle. So of course we had to try those on the bed. So pretty and springy. It took about 45 minutes to put each one together. Left her with a big smile on her face. Now getting ready for TRX.

    Myra, wish I could have done your shopping so you could get your cry on! I know you struggle but I hate that insurance makes it so much worse for you. Space camp in Huntsville will be a wonderful trip for your daughter.

    Jeanette, enjoy your dance classes while they last. Good for you for realizing today was not a good day to exercise. So glad those precious girls will always know how much their daddy loves them.

    Better get moving here while I still have some energy.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm back from a student teacher visit and a trip to Fresh Thyme. I'll go back when it's not so crowded to look at things in more detail. I found some salt water taffy for Mike. I don't know how healthy it it, but he loves it. I got a tuna steak that I will prepare for my dinner. Tenderloins for Mike.

    It's a gorgeous day today. I have the windows open! Downstairs carpets are cleaned and drying.

    Myra: what type of lumbar pain are you having?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Very quick check in- I have photographers and video people on site yesterday and today doing a shoot- lots of fun and I'm learning a lot- down side food is suffering and no writing time other than my blog post on Sunday. I will be back - missing you all

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....I'm heading to a doctor's appointment out of town today. My best friend is going, so it's a good day with eating lunch and shopping.We'll make sure she has her credit card this trip!

    My visit with one of my student teachers was okay. She taught factors in a multiplication problem to 3rd grade which is a difficult topic for upper elementary. She says it's "in the book" so it has to be taught, but only introduced at that level......to me that felt like fingernails on a chalkboard because I never taught that way. Oh well, times are changing I guess. Have a great day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop for me. Heading out in a minute take a Zumba class with my BFF at her gym. Then I may have to make a trip to Kohls since I have a 30% off coupon and need some things for FL. Tomorrow is another early day as we go stand vigil at the hospital with my other BFF's husband. I will be back later to see what everyone is up to today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - another quick check in. Seems like a lot of that going on today! Waving hi to all.

    Question (Patti might be the best one to answer): Do you track your exercise in MFP? How do you put in classes that you take? I'm trying to put in the P90X that I do once or twice a week, and I can't find anything like it. I've been listing either "aerobics" (which isn't nearly as hard a workout as I do on those days) or "calisthenics, vigorous efforts (sit-ups, pushups, etc.)" I think is how it is listed.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, best I could find is that P90X burns approx 12.4 calories per minute. So you can create your own exercise and input the calories based your time doing P90X. Glad this came up, I learned something too. My TRX instructor had told me that we burn about 15 cal per minute in that class.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been missing in action here. Worked yesterday and kept my day short as planned. Today I have worked at home and very busy with clients. I'm going to have to hire a friend that used to work with me to help me with all this credentialing. Now my other client has the licenses in on their nurse practitioner, so I have that one to do also!

    I did hear from Janet yesterday. She made it to Toledo safely and will be on the road home early, early tomorrow . My heart is with her.

    Myra- sweetheart, I deal with those bad boy corporation that think they are practicing medicine! They boil my blood too. You keep on smiling your way through it as you can and cry when you need too . Feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just are. We are so very blessed with your presence in our group.

    Fiancé- you have definitely got your exercise on my friend! You go girl!

    Patti- tell your Mom hello for me please. What neat things did you get ar Kohl's?

    Cindy- are you back up to par fully?

    Jeanette- when does your break start? What will you do?

    I booked us a Wingate by Wyndham room in Burmingham for Friday night with our rewards points. We will probably use the Olive Garden gift card Glenn's son gave him for his birthday.

    Dinner is ready. I made Imperial Chickem tonight, yum.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I got a good report from my female doctor. She replaced my other doctor of 30 years. She is very nice and will be a good fit for me. Next year's appointment and mammo are scheduled. My friend and I had a great lunch: salmon and veggies. Not so good "snack" after shopping though. We split a piece of cheesecake.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Won't have time to stop in the am. Will be leaving early, for me anyway. Been battling a headache all day, something that happens to me rarely. I even took a 1 hour nap without relief. My eating was totally off, not off plan just timing. Yogurt with pecans before Zumba, which was a very fun class with my BFF. Then stopped by Mom's to drop off a roaster for her dinner on Saturday, stayed way longer than I planned and that is when the headache started. But I am feeling better, going to bed early. My GF is making us egg Mc Muffins to eat on the way to the hospital, I will take her out to lunch and then going to Kohl's since I didn't get it done today. Applied for SS tonight, makes me feel old but going to get my money while the gettings good, lol.

    Will check in when I can tomorrow, probably be late.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Just a quick check in from work - got a busy day ahead and don't know when I'll be back. Even a quick check in seems to keep my head more in the game all day - so that's what I'm going with for now.

    Patti, thanks for the info on the P90X calories burned. It was pretty close to what I was tracking as calisthenics, but I have now created a custom exercise. Prayers for your friend today.

    Bert, nice to have that doctor out of the way for another year. At least you only split the cheesecake!

    Karla, with Glenn retiring you need to start cutting back too. I think it is great that you have a friend you can hire and start passing some of the work on to.

    Cindy, hope the photo shoot turned out terrific! I know your last one was a beautiful picture of you - the one you use on your blog posts.

    I didn't see anyone else answer Jeannette's question so I will. I do NOT consider a potato a vegetable, when I am trying to get three veggies a day. I know if you eat the peel there are good nutrients in it, and I do eat the skin of small red or baby potatoes, but not of large baked ones. I just look at them as a starch.

    Gotta run. Back later, hopefully. I want to get out for a walk when I get home - today is our last nice day before it turns colder again for the weekend with SNOW in the forecast for Sunday! I hope Janet didn't have too much trouble on the roads yesterday or today - looked like the Midwest was getting snow too!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. Don't forget to wear your GREEN today!!

    Patti- Prayers for your friend.

    Diane- I don't consider a potato a veggie either and eat them very sparingly myself. I try to stick with sweet potatoes when I have them, or the red potatoes as you mentioned. I feel like such a weakling when you and Patti talk of you P90X and TRX. I just am not up to those types of exercise. I as out watering my new Petunias and beddings plants around my mailbox last evening and one of my neighbors stopped and we chatted. She has lost 21 pounds since November and we are going to start walking together next week. That and the strength training dvds are my speed. LOL. I'm sorry I had forgotten to answer Jeanette's question.

    Bert- Bert the busy bee. Glad you liked your doctor's replacement and your visit and lunch with your friend was so nice. Friends are what rock our worlds!!

    I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning. This is a recheck back with my neurologist that is monitoring the neuralgia medication. I still have some twinges on the area above my eye where I hit the floor, but not too bad. He doubled the dosage of the Trokendri two weeks ago.

    TT: Keeping with the flow of Diane's topic of spring and summer grilling and foods. What are some of your favorite summer salads that you make for your family or group functions? Please share on our group recipe thread if desired.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Karla- still not 100% but I'm going to bed early when I can and the breathing is getting better- very slowly.
    Just a quick check in to see what everyone is doing.
    Patti- hugs to you and your friends today.
    Janet- you are a wonderfully kind and loving friend.
    Need to run but I'm alive.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....I'm back from another visit. This student did a fabulous job and had an activity planned that took much effort to construct. I'm very proud of her. Our daughter is traveling today to attend a funeral for a cousin on her step-dad's side of the family. She will be here for a short visit, but at least we'll be able to see her for a little while. Such a sad occasion, but am thankful for her visit.

    Patti: I'm on SS and have been on it for a couple of years. Now we are getting so much advertisement for Medicare and Supplement choices. It's mind boggling! I'm going to make an appointment with an insurance rep to walk us through how and what to apply for.

    Today is gorgeous! A walk is planned for today and also getting church Power Point ready. Have a great day everyone!

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you are all having a good week. I was busy busy busy yesterday; added teaching an extra dance class at the studio I work at to my day and SIL decided to change the time I had Alanna to the afternoon....trouble there! Though the divorce is final and things set, daughter is planning on filing new papers because the dad has just decided to do what he wants without waiting for her agreement. He may just end up in jail for violating the agreement. UGH

    Diane - thank you for acknowledging and answering my question...I was feeling a little invisible here. Growing up we always called potatoes a vegetable but with more knowledge about what they are made of they just don't seem to fit that category.

    Patti - You are such a good daughter :smile: I love hearing about what a great relationship you have with your mom. I have only just begun to have a good relationship with mine; I am a middle child (hold for a dramatic sigh) and was the least favorite (older sister favored by mom, younger brother, favored by....well both) Don't get me wrong, I didn't lack for anything nor was I abused in any way; just always knew I wasn't liked quite as much as the others.

    Cindy - was the photo shoot for a new author picture? Sounds like a lot of fun! Sorry to hear you are not yet 100%, keep taking care of yourself; you are worth the time and energy to do so!

    Karla - thanks for the update on Janet, glad to hear she made it safely. I am on my 8 week break now! I need to intensely search for a place to do my practicum first because I am having a very hard time finding someone to take me. I'll do some cleaning and crafting (making Easter dresses for the granddaugters this week and next) some extra exercising and some relaxing! I hope all gets figured out with your neuralgia and eye, do let us know what you find out tomorrow.

    I must have lost a couple more pounds because a couple times this week I have actually felt comfortable in my clothes; such a good feeling :smile: I hope it is as sunny and beautiful where you are as it is here!

    Grace and peace to you
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I think I need a hug this morning. I know I need some wisdom too. I definitely will speak to the doctor about this personal dilemma. I really hope that this is not "too much information" to post like this, but I do feel like this is a safe place to talk about sensitive matters that affect our lives.

    Between hormone changes and gabapentin (to treat shingles neuralgia) my once healthy libido has cratered in recent months. Very late last night we talked about this for the first time and I'm almost in tears as I type this. Hubby was blaming himself for looking older (less sexy) and this could NOT be further from the truth, which I assured him. We have a wonderful marriage and have always enjoyed every aspect of it. This feels like such a hurdle and I refuse to be resigned to just memories of this beautiful intimacy we've shared.

    Your prayers and wisdom is appreciated.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon all, surgery went very well and she was in and out in record time. Will get final path next week, praying it is good news. No further treatment until,she heals. Most likely radiation and tamoxifen only. The hospital,is small and near her home. The staff remembered us all from a couple of weeks ago and were so kind and accommodating. Being nurses sometimes makes things more difficult with the staff but can say it is not the case at this hospital. Made it to Kohls. Just the basics, t shirts and new undies. Just couldn't let a $10 off and 30% off coupons go to waste. So 5 tees and 3 pair off undies for less than $50, I am set for FL

    Jeanette, so sorry I forgot to address the potato issue. Did not, in any way mean to ignore you. My mind was elsewhere all week. I do not count it as a veggie and do limit my consumption of them but love potatoes a lot, lol. Praying you find a place for your practicum. Sorry to hear the Will,is pushing his luck with his daughters. Would think that he would not want to do anything to jeopardize his access to them, will pray for this situation to come to a good conclusion for those precious girls,

    Bert, how nice to hear that your student teacher is doing so well and working hard to be a future educator, I am sure you presented a good model to follow. Can tell how proud you are of her.

    Diane, glad I could be of some help.

    Cindy, sounds like you are getting your rest and not pushing yourself. I am sure all,your stress has made the healing slower.

    Mary Lynn, glad you feel comfortable enough to share. Talking with your husband is the first step to improving the situation. I think you need to talk to your on/gym for safe treatments. Sometimes hormone therapy can be a big benefit. Sometimes just the use of the stimulating topicals is all you need. But first and foremost, being emotionally intimate by being honest and open is the best first step. Pray that you find your answers, never give up on the love. One more thing, maybe you need a different medication for the shingles neuralgia.

    Karla, hope you got some good answers from the neuro. Thanks for the update from Janet.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Very quick pop in for me- photos were for the day job not my author photo- maybe a new one of those in the summer when my GF is up.
    MaryLynn- please speak with your doctor and remain open and honest with your husband. Some husbands don't understand they physical changes we go through and conversation is key. Do what you're comfortable with for treatment and please read what side effects there are and choose what works best for you.
    Jeannette- sorry about the potates- I've been so lost for a couple of weeks now I'm really off my game- I track potatoes and actually I try to eat that type of carb, potatoes, pasta, bread for 2 meals per day.
    To everyone else need to run.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - just lost a post. Am home (was in car at 1:40 AM), have been to doc and had a little nap.

    VERY tired but will read all and hop back in after I get recharged. Eating was within calorie limits but nutrition not quite ideal while I traveled.

    Services for my best friend's father were beautiful, including Navy bugler and flag ceremony at the cemetery.

    Hoping for very quiet evening and Friday.

    More later, or perhaps tomorrow. Hugs to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Well, coffee helped me edge back into semicoonsciousness, so I have caught up with the great discussions from the last few days. Missed you all.

    TTs first: Looking forward to the best berries and of course peaches (I am a donut/Saturn peach evangelist -- season is short but when it's a good year, I can't get enough!). I don't consider potatoes a vegetable -- rarely eat white ones. As for salads, I'm an improviser.

    Karla, what did the neuro say? Have a safe trip to UAB -- fingers crossed for an updated plan for your eye. Enjoy the mini-getaway with Glenn.

    Patti, glad your friend did well -- she sounds like a gem. Congrats on the Kohl's scores -- bought some new tees here this week as well and will turn some old ones into rags. Not collecting SS yet but gotta say it was just WEIRD to get my Medicare card.

    Myra -- How's that smile today? As for fighting with insurance, I retired early because I worked for a health insurance company -- doing consumer and provider research -- and disliked how the business is run so much that I walked earlier than planned to save my sanity! How neat to have your own strawberry plants. Can I accompany your daughter to space camp?

    Jeanette -- Precious photos with the little ones -- those girls have such sweet faces and look so bright! Sorry your daughter has such hassles -- wishing her the will and strength to stand up for herself and the kids.

    Cindy, how did the shoot go? Always fun to watch the pros at work -- you can learn stuff. Keep taking extra good care of yourself while you finish bouncing back from the crud.

    Bert, you have to be an excellent mentor to the student teachers. Glad you developed a quic rapport with your new doctor. I have a strong preference for female primary care professionals. Reading about the salt water taffy gave me great memories of a taffy pull when I was in high school -- our church HS girl's group met at one girl's house and we made our own taffy. Her parents were game to let us stretch the sweet, sticky stuff across their living and dining rooms.

    MaryLynn, our resident Nurse Patti has good advice. Glad you and Myron have great communication. (My ex has severe depression and anxiety and his libido dropped like crazy and I was SURE it was because I was undesirable -- he wasn't very open about things and I blamed myself.) Wishing you well -- and glad you know what a godsend this place is as a safe zone for whatever we're going through.

    Diane -- Good advice to the colleague with shingles. When I had them, I took a few days off, then worked from home for a couple of weeks until my face got less awful. We all have days of sub-ideal eating but if we have more good days than bad, we will succeed. By the way, no snow here -- was extremely windy at the cemetery yesterday but the rain had stopped, and I had clear weather for my drive home.

    Today would've been Mom's 94th birthday -- because she was born on St. Paddy's day, my grandparents added Patricia as a second middle name when she was baptized.

    Thought of a TT for the weekend, just for fun: What foods did you dislike or refuse as a kid but love now? What foods can you still not abide?

    (For me, used to dislike tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and root veggies except raw carrots, but really like them all now. I still cannot abide lima beans and cannot be in the vicinity of cooked cabbage because the smell nauseates me. Haven't made my peace with brussels sprouts either.)

    OK -- enough typing for me for now. If you're still reading, you deserve a medal.