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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: He requested chocolate cake. I have a great recipe for chocolate cake, so that's the only thing so far that has been requested.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies- Welcome to a rainy Monday in Mass.
    I sold 4 books at the sale, one vendor said she has one and wants to the others and will call and another lady said based on my post on the tag sale site downloaded Between Here and Heaven and was enjoying it. So the table didn't cost me anything so it was good. I got a sunburn on my face and it's still red so today is full make up. LOL
    I'm so needing to refocus on my plan and exercise but I'm still feeling very tired and coughing. Last night I was ready for bed at 8 and in it by 9- so not me. but I'm sure i'm on the tail end this time.
    Janet- you're card is in the mail- hopefully it won't take forever....
    Everyone sounds happy and doing great- I can't do personals at this moment need to start the day job.
    but thinking of each and every one of you.
    Karla- do take care of the eye until you get to the doctor on Friday....
    I'll see you all later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning OMG ladies. I am having a bad day. Eye had been flared up all week and bad today. Going to stay off computer and work.

    Patti- Can you to the OMG goals please?

    Glenn's birthday was nice. Slow and easy. The cheesecake was the bomb. Izzy was so sweet.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all.

    Janet, Happy Birthday to you my dear friend. I know you have lots to do to get for your trip to Toledo, but do something nice for yourself today. If the repair person cannot come before you leave can you just turn off the ice maker until you return? Wish I lived closer so I could send Edd over to fix it for you.

    Cindy, any sale is a good sale. Do listen to your body, your lungs are precious things and should be treated accordingly.

    Karla, sorry about your eye flare up. Will update the goals board later when I can get to my laptop. It never seems to go well on my iPad. Heading out the door to get some errands done and grocery shopping. The sun is shining and that motivates me to get things done.

    Wishing you all sunshine today
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Karla, i'm sorry about your eye. Patti- i'm posting what I think is the update.... if i missed someone, i humbly apologize. be back later, myra
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    OMG update 3/14/16:

    Karlalm58 - Karla - AL(gulf coast)- Do Scale Peak on Thursday and Sunday
    Luzingg - Patti - OH - GET 10K STEP PER DAY
    Cindy619 - Cindy - MA - Eat and Track 3 Meals
    Smack59 - Suzi - OK - TRACK IT ALL!
    bertevans - Bert - IN - drink water and get 10K steps each day.
    LCUConley - Lisa - ON - Track No Matter What
    68Myra - Myra - NC - PRACTICE URGE SURFING
    Blessed Beyond- Vikki - VA - workout 4 days a week, 4 days cardio, 3 days strength training; come in under calorie goal 5 days this week
    Xjsjaguar - MaryLynn - VI, BC - -Rebuild Cardio daily and Lifting 3 days
    LivLovLrn - Jeanette - OR- EAT 4 VEGGIES A DAY
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! How is everyone doing with "spring forward"? I always get messed up for a few days with daylight savings, though as I get better it seems to be affecting me less (at least that I can tell so far)

    Bert - I had never heard of a "poke cake" before, but my husband had. I too ask my kids/husband what they want for their birthday dinner and dessert; it is a tradition for us :smile:

    Karla - so sorry your eye is giving you such trouble! I sure hope the issue can be resolved quickly and without too much fuss. It sounds like Chris realizes he needs to get his act together so hopefully that stress will be relieved and you won't have that adding to your issues. I don't feel like I am busy; in fact hubby gets real upset when I seem to agree to do too much. I LIKE to be busy but he thinks that is what caused the illness in the first place...I don't think so but I could be wrong. In any case, I am now very careful about how much I do.

    Janet - Happy Birthday! for real this time :smile: I hope you do treat yourself today as you had planned, even though you are needing to pack and get ready to go. I like the idea of using the symphonies as a timer to give yourself breaks! I'm not one for making drafts either, though I will read through and make minor changes here and there....so thankful for computers (easy editing).

    Patti - I love the rain. We lived in eastern Oregon for about a year and what they call rain there we call sprinkling here; I sure missed real rain when we lived there. It has been pouring buckets here the past few days; to me that just means more snow on the mountain (Mt Hood) which means better build up which means less chance of drought this summer.

    Myra - glad the tween visit went well; giggling can be contagious! Hope the urge surfing technique works well for you. I think we sometimes just want to feel done with this "diet" thing when really it is a life long pursuit and we have to remind ourselves that once in a while.

    Diane - sounds like you are really doing well staying on track, way to go! I have one semester left for my program and am hoping to get that done this summer (if I can find a place to do my practicum).

    Well, more swing and lindy today; I always love these styles but also it means the classes are soon over, which makes me a little sad. I sure miss doing them over the summer. Take care of yourselves today ladies, you are worth it

    Grace and peace to you

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good afternoon, I'm back from visiting one of my student teachers. It was a horrible drive this morning. Very foggy and I had to leave in the dark. Almost a two hour drive. So glad I'm back safely.

    Karla: so sorry about your eye.

    Happy Pi Day everyone

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Myra, thank you for updating the OMGs. You are such a doll.

    Jeanette, the only time I truly enjoy the rain is sitting on my porch at the cabin. It is raining here again and we have tornado warnings jut to the north of us.

    Bert, glad you are home safe and sound. Leave it to the math teacher to celebrate Pi day, lol.

    Errands done and now I am in until gym time. Edd gets leftovers for dinner and a big salad for me, so no fuss cooking today. Long talk with my BFF. She will have her re resction of her breast cancer Thursday. She has a great attitude and an awesome surgeon. They restated her from a zero to one because of the margins. Still no need for mastectomy. Will be on oral chemo and have radiation. Waiting on the last of the path to see if she will need IV chemo, nothing toxic like the old days. She is super positive, so I will be also. Will be spending the day with her husband at the hospital, along with my other BFF. Prayers always appreciated.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Just a quick check in between workouts here. Patti, will be praying for your BFF and her family as well. Karla, I will be praying for you today, that you will find some relief to the eye pain. Bert, so glad you got home safely, that is so scary at times to drive through fog at night! Jeanette, your progress is so encouraging and it is wise to restrain from over-commitment. Myra, you are creating a positive space around you with smiling through the daily chores! Janet, Happy Birthday! May you find new ways to celebrate this special day as you continue to get things done. Cindy, congratulations on adding to your book sales this weekend. Hope some extra sleep helps speed your complete healing and that you continue to take it easy!
    Will check back later. Hugs to you all!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Myra- Dear, I didn't want to trouble you with it with you focusing on your smiling, but thank you. I will take it back next week, unless someone else would like to rotate in? We used to take turns doing the board duties and it is much less here. I am trying to keep it interesting with goals and topics, quotes and such, but others with ideas and topics is always nice.

    Bert- I thought Pi was for the PIE not Pi as in numbers, lol. Thought it was a typo. Also glad you are safe.

    Janet- So glad you received my card so early last week. It arrived in two days!! I was shocked. I love getting things snail mail with so many things electronically. Izzy was so cute in her cards she did for Glenn and Angelique. I did the broken lines and she traced their names on the outside of the envelopes and her name with "love Izzy" on the inside. Precious.

    I am feeling better. Eye is somewhat better. I did some retail therapy at Tuesday Morning after my hair appointment. I purchased the most charming beach chair for the Destin beach trip next month. A gorgeous aqua color with a head pillow. I also bought a matching beach towel for Izzy and I. We will be over there with Jason and his four kids for four nights. Fun times making more memories.

    MaryLynn/Jeanette- A little history on my eye, I developed shingles on my face in January of 2014 after pushing myself too hard trying to run two households in two States after my mother passed. It went into my cornea up my forehead and into my scalp. The doctors at the ENT center here in Mobile were not equipped to deal with the chronic condition and I finally asked for a referral to the Chandler Eye Institute at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. I have been seeing an excellent physician, Dr. Priscilla Fowler, since July of last year. I have been on Valtrex antiviral meds since then and have just been weaned off the Prednisolone drops in the eye last month. I fear this reaction right now is from being off the Pred. We will see what her examination shows on Friday. Thank you for your kind words.

    Jeanette- Those of us that do a lot of things for others seldom realize how much we are doing. When I was going back and forth between the two homes, running my business and cleaning two homes, applying for my deaf brother's disability, mowing my father's front yard, I just felt it was things that needed to be done. I didn't feel tired and I loved being with my dad and with my family in Mobile. But, it finally took it's toll on me. Maybe it did you too, maybe it didn't. Like I said, to us, whom like to do for others, it doesn't seem like a lot. To others, that don't do for others, it seems extreme. I have four brothers that could have been mowing that grass, but didn't. One didn't live there, but the other three did. The deaf one, couldn't take the sound, the other two, just wouldn't do it. So issues there. But I rather do it myself than fight with them or have my elderly father try and do it, OH, I saw the pictures of your son-in-law with the baby for the first time. Very precious.

    I better see what I can prepare for Glenn. I think I will make the meatballs from the Trisha Yearwood cookbook. Very simple.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla – wow, that eye has just given you fits. I’ve added you to my prayers as requested. AND I have told others of the struggles you have been through. A guy at work got shingles and was trying to work through it, and I told him what stress on top of shingles had done to you, and he stayed home for almost two weeks! I agree that possibly now that you have had your talk with Chris, maybe your stress will decline.

    Patti your BFF and her hubby are blessed to have you as a friend. Her attitude will take her a long ways – I think cancer, in particular, responds at least in part to the person’s reaction and attitude. What kind of car did Edd find? Will it be primarily for you to drive or for him? I’m sure you’ll be happy to have something more reliable than your van.

    Janet Happy Birthday, and have a safe trip tomorrow. I’m sure your friend will remember that you were there for her when she needed you. I wish I could be there to help diagnose your ice maker problem!

    Cindy it sounds like you enjoyed your day at the sale. I know you enjoy talking to people about your writing, so I bet it was an enjoyable day for you. Me, I would hate having to make conversation with total strangers! Different strokes…

    Bert how nice that you were able to cater to your DIL’s birthday requests so easily. I was blessed with absolutely wonderful in-laws, and I am trying to follow that model with my DIL.
    Myra you are indeed a source of some interesting thoughts. I looked up urge surfing, and it sounds intriguing! I need to try to practice it, and see if it will help me control my unnecessary snacking. I will report back.

    MaryLynn, sounds like you had a busy (and active!) day.

    Jeanette I had to laugh when you said I am doing well staying on track, since yesterday was a HORRIBLY not on track day – I felt like I ate everything in sight! I saw the pictures of your SIL meeting the baby – they were so sweet! I hope your willingness to be the intermediary will lead to a healthy co-parent relationship for your daughter and her ex. The children are what is important.

    Where in the world is Suzi? (And that was NOT a rhetorical question!)

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So I feel like I have been horribly out of control for the last two days. I have no willpower and am eating everything in sight! Yesterday didn't show up on the scale today, but I'm sure it will in the next few days. I have a busy week at work, so preplanning and packing filling breakfast and lunch for the office to keep me away from the horrible options will be crucial.

    John is traveling the next few days so it will just be daughter and I here at home. I try to fix dinner because that is the only healthy meal daughter eats most days - other than that she just surfs. It is also my opportunity to interact with her for an hour or so. For those who don't know, my daughter has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, anxiety and debilitating insomnia. Working on her mental health, but those daily interactions are critically important. Otherwise she hibernates in her room when not at work.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    How about a topic for tomorrow: what healthy foods are you looking forward to as Spring approaches?

    My answer - grilling! We don't grill that much in the winter, and I am really looking forward to it more as the weather warms. The things I grill tend to be leaner proteins and veggies, so nice healthy options.

    I'm also waiting for berries to be local, more affordable and tastier! Winter berries seem to cost a fortune at the grocery store, and just aren't that good.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late night check in before I head to bed. Want to be up early for my date with Mom.

    Jeanette, the smile on your SIL's face while holding his daughters broke my heart. I applaud you for being there to help him. I am sure it cannot be easy for you, but he obviously loves those girls.

    Diane, I know your struggle well. I fight the munchies too. Enjoy some seafood while John is away.

    TT: great question Diane. I am with you on looking forward to grilling and having more choices in fresh fruits and veggies. Sadly we don't seem to get very good fruit here any time of the year. Can't remember the last time I had a truly fresh, sweet, juicy peach and they are my favorite fruit. Looking forward to blackberries from my friend at the river who has at least an acre of wild berry bushes. Hoping our new store, Fesh Thyme, lives up to their hype and has some great fresh choices.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies... boy did I enjoy my day of rest and down time yesterday. I feel so refreshed this morning and mind clear. And yes, my eye looks and feels better too!

    TT: Absolutely I am looking forward to the grilling, which we could have been doing the last couple days as we have been in the low 80's here!! It has been gorgeous. We are all in shorts and flip flops. lol. I love to make the veggie foil packs with shrimp in them on the grill too. We get fresh fruit year round down here on the gulf, as well as seafood. I am quite spoiled there. Thanks for the pitch in on the TT Diane!!

    Diane- I had a out of control eating, for me, on Glenn's birthday on Sunday too. I never really ate a meal. I just snacked as I was preparing the snacks. I also did not concentrate on my steps or do my strength training dvd over the weekend. Just too much going on. I managed to get 7500 steps though, each day. My heart bleeds when you speak of you daughter. I'm glad you have some one on one time with her this week. Thank you for adding me to your prayer list!!

    Janet- Safe travels to you today. Prayers to your friend as she proceeds through this circle of time we all must pass through. Very sad and heart wrenching. Your presence will mean the world to her. Looking across the room and seeing your face several time over the next couple days will keep her calm to a point.

    Patti- I thought cherries were your favorite fruit there for awhile? Have fun with your mother tomorrow. As if you couldn't!! Do tell of you new vehicle.

    Cindy- Glad to hear you are slowly getting better and also making headway on your book sales. I will be re-reading your books while I am on vacation next month on the beach. I want to really relax and enjoy them all over again. We are taking our bikes and doing bike rides too. This resort has great bike trails all through it.:30

    I have decided to cut my hours at the podiatry off to half days on sight. I will advise the doctor today. What's he going to do, fire me? That would be fine too!! I will go in at 7:30 abd leave about 1230. That is about all the florescent lights my eye can take.

    Have a great day,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having my carpet cleaned downstairs this morning, and visit a student teacher this afternoon. After my visit, I'm heading to Fresh in Thyme.....it opened here last week. I'm hoping to get some healthy food today that won't be too pricey.

    Patti: We get great peaches here, but only in July.

    TT: I'm also looking forward to grilling outside. and attending our Farmer's Market each Saturday from June-October.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I head out. The car we are getting is for Edd to drive. The van is just not reliable and needs to go. He found a 2001 Buick Regal in excellent shape with very low miles, 100K. No rust or dents and it drives and handles like a dream. It needs a muffler, but otherwise a great car for only $1000. When you live with a guy who can fix just about anything on a car and have a best friend who is a mechanic with his own business you don't have to buy new or expensive. We had a Regal and loved it. My son drove it for about 10 years, then we drove it for another 5 and sold it to a guy who drove it for another couple of years. Edd goes to pick it up Saturday.

    Karla, glad your day of retail therapy and rest has renewed your mind, body and eye. I think the more you can cut back on office and computer time the better you will be in all areas.

    Bert, I love Fresh Thyme. They are only in OH and MI I think. Their prices are the best, produce very fresh. They make the best ground fresh daily sausages and have a nice variety of fish. Plus the bulk bins, make your own nut butters and dispense your own oils and vinegar stations are pretty cool. Can't to see what you think of it.

    Just got my SS info in the mail and will be making my application to start getting it this year since I will be 62. I have no confidence that the money will still be there 3 years from now, so not taking any chances. Also found out I get a small annuity from my years at MetLife, this was a total surprise, but glad to have the extra income. Off to have fun with Mom. I wish you all could meet her. She is such a card. Great wit and extremely smart as well as up to date on current issues, except in the world of technology, lol.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Hello to everyone. I'm reading, but not up to catching up. I do say happy belated birthday to Janet :-)

    We had bad thunderstorms last night that kept me awake, and I'm having a tearful day. It's a shame that I had to be in tears on the phone with my insurance company before I could get my psychiatrists prescription approved. I've been trying for over a week and the game they play is just so frustrating. I'm glad I voted before I called the pharmacy. Vent over.
    It's a beautiful sunny day as I sit in a grocery store parking lot trying to stop crying long enough to purchase a few things I need for dinner.
    I woke up with the same lumbar spine pain I had a few weeks ago. That's probably the true source of my tears. I'm trying to smile! People who live in constant physical pain have my sincere admiration!

    TT: I have flowers on my strawberry plants! I enjoy eating fresh berries out of my garden every spring! I also have blueberries, but unless I get some netting, I won't get to eat any of those THIS year either! Critters!

    Already looking forward to tomorrow. My 6th grader leaves for an extended field trip in Huntsville, AL (space camp) She is So excited!


    Oh: someone asked: the field trip last week was "battle of the books" competition. Our team came in last, but my baby girl read 12 books picked by librarians, so that's a Win in my perspective!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm a little off today, guess that time change got me after all. Was going to exercise this morning but am not sure I'm up to it....I teach tonight, though, so will still get my exercise in.

    TT: Our weather is pretty mild here so we can barbque any time of year, really, though we do it more in the summer time. I am looking forward to all kinds of fresh fruit and veggies but watermelon in particular! I have been known to consume and entire melon on my own! (over several days, of course)

    Patti - it must be nice to have such a handy husband :smile: I am the one who is more mechanically inclined of the two of us, but I never learned about cars or "fix it" stuff. Yes, Will does love those girls, and they deserve to know and spend time with their dad.

    Karla - wow, 80's already? how nice!!! I hear what you are saying about time, and I have been saying "no" a lot; it is one of the many lessons I learned through the duration of this illness. It sounds like you are making a wise decision with cutting your hours back, I hope it helps with many things, your eye included.

    Diane - well you WERE doing well :smile: and I'm sure you'll get back to it. It isn't easy and it sounds like your work and traveling make it that much harder to stick to it. I'm glad your daughter has you to be there for her. It is hard enough dealing with such things without having a supportive person in your life to just connect with like that.

    MaryLynn - it seems like you are back to your old antics with long walks and strength training! So glad the foot is better.

    I have a question, do you consider a potato a vegetable? I don't generally count it as one of my veggies when I eat any because it is more starch than anything...just curious
    Have a wonderful day!

    Grace and peace to you