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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    edited March 2016
    Here's my daughter in one of her Easter dresses when she was three. Not the best picture of her, but you can see the dress!s97g05h1pxkv.jpg
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    And here is a picture of my daughter with three of her dolls, all with matching outfits I made. All three dolls were different sizes, so I had to adjust the patterns myself. She loved dressing her dolls and herself all the same - we had several sets of outfits like this.6h3kwmxrm7hc.jpg
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    hello everyone, my eye is in bad shape. I am back on the Prednisolone, x4 a day, increased the Erthyromycin x4 a day, which is an ointment for the eyes and I have to return in 4 weeks. We have to start the clock over on the cataract removal too. I was supposed to come back in three weeks but I have that vacation in Destin at that time and she was going to be out tat Friday I was back. She said it wasn't the stress I was under, it was weaning off the Pred, we would have to try again. She advised me to go ahead and file for disability as this was going to take much longer to get my vision improved.

    TT: in 1998, when I first got divorced, my niece and I dressed up for Easter Sunday to go to church together and you would have thought we were celebrities when we arrived. Everyone parted and topped ups and told us how pretty we were and asked how we were. LOL. I had on a gorgeous tangerine two piece pant suit, sleeveless capri slacks with sassy sandals and she had on a beautiful sundress. I was 47 and she was 14. I was so shy and flattered all at the same time. My friend Jean told me when I got to our pew, you are causing quite a stir Karla, did you have a professional fix your makeup and hair? LOL. Of course I did not, but my nice was awesome at hair and makeup and we did take our time doing our best.

    Anyway, the trip today was exhausting and Glenn and I fell asleep as soon as we returned and I just awoke, watched the Big Eyes movie and prepared me a bit of dinner.

    Cindy- You strut you stuff gitlfriend
    Diane- touch love it had to be, but it was it choice to move out this week. I had given him his walking order for April 30th though.
    Bert- the flowers were pretty. My lilies are just now opening..
    Jeanette- pics of those dresses please.

    I better go lay down now,
    See you all in the morning,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone, just wanted to pop in for a minute. Our trip get off to a rocky start. We left at 4am on wed morning, made it to Chattanooga and the transmission starting going out so we turned around and went back home, arriving at 6pm. Loaded everything into the truck and headed back out at 7pm. Made it to Lexington, KY around 9:30 and the alternator went out in the truck. So we found an Autozone and Edd put in a new one. Drove until 4am, slept 3 hours and headed out again. Finally made it to our friend's place in Sarasota at 6:30pm. Totally exhausted but glad to arrive safely. With over 36 hours in the car was so happy to take a walk when we got here, to the tune of 9K+ steps. Yesterday we went on a 13+ mile bike ride and walked all over town in Venice. We also went to Siesta Key and walked the beach. Then we went to Costco, followed by a concert with some dancing. Managed 13K steps on top of the bike ride. Today we are going to a huge flea market then some sightseeing to be determined, so expect lots of steps today. Once the car issues were over, the trip has been great. Lots more planned. Have spent some tearful moments reminiscing about her husband but that is to be expected. He and Edd were friends for,over 50 years and he misses his so much. I only knew him for 30 but a better man, other than my Dad, never lived. Wishing you all a lovely Easter, not sure I will be back any time soon but know I am reading all posts to keep up. If I waited til I got home I would never get through them all!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sorry about your road troubles -- glad Edd is a mechanical whiz and that you arrifed safely and are having fun, including memories of your friend and some tears. You deserve this break strictly for enjoyment!

    Karla -- tough news about your eye but at least you know what to do next. Glad the doc supports disability filing -- tht should help. You cannot do your work without extensive computer use and eye condition makes that extremely difficult. Loved the Easter description -- someday I hope to turn a head or two.

    Diane, what cute dresses -- the pansy print is so sweet and the four matching dresses melted my heart.

    Got Bella to the vet just fne this morning -- she has gained 4 oz. since they changed her dosage and we'll see what today's bloodwork says. It was 13 years ago today that I got my little littermates -- my own holiday, Kitty Pickin' Day (Tony coined the term).

    Met another neighbor this morning -- he came for contact info on my lawn/landscape guy -- so happy to be able to help a real young pro start his own business. With luck, he'll be working with two of my neighbors! I try to patromize individually-owned, local businesses when I can.

    Must get going -- back later!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope your weekend is going well. Hubby is spoiling me this morning; he loves birthdays. He always says Christmas is his
    favorite holiday next to his birthday. Turns out he talked both girls into coming to church with us tomorrow so we will have them and both grandbabies
    with us; that makes me happy. Yes I will definitely be taking pictures of the girls in their outfits! Avery’s jacket did not turn out too well. I made it first
    on purpose because I knew I would likely mess it up and I wanted Alanna’s to turn out nicely (because she is more likely to wear it longer).

    Diane – Thanks for the pics! That first dress is so impressive; I’d never guess it wasn’t store bought. My mom could sew that well too. I love that you
    made doll dresses too. My mom was just saying how hard it is to make things that small and look how well you did….altering the pattern and everything.
    You are one busy lady! Cleaned the entire house! Easter at the last minute! I hope all will come and enjoy. So glad you are building a good relationship
    with your DIL.

    Janet – your concerts sound wonderful! I use Sing Sing Sing for swing dance sometimes. And I love the pic on Facebook of your kitties. 13 years is
    wonderful and they look great. Hope the vet visits are done for a while for you. It’s nice you are having more and more opportunities to meet your
    neighbors, and nice you can help support local businesses…we try to do that as well.

    Patti – Oh goodness for the beginning of your trip!!! So glad to hear from you, though, I was missing you on the board. It sounds like your time with
    your friends is going wonderfully well, so happy you got the kinks out of the trip at the beginning. I look forward to hearing more when you return.

    Karla – I’m so sorry to hear about your eye, I can imagine your disappointment. Thanks for sharing the story of you and your niece’s Easter outfits,
    it sounds like it was a wonderful day, wonderful feeling :smile:

    Cindy – My parents live in the house I grew up in, which is a little over an hour away. My dad has lived in the same area (with the exception of his time
    in the Marines) his entire life. I can’t imagine them finding a place they will both like. What I told them was that if they wanted to just stay in the house
    they were in that Brian and I would be willing to move in with them so they wouldn’t have to move to a smaller one. I hope that the way I presented it to
    them is acceptable; but as Janet says, whatever is for the best is what will work out.

    Well, I have a few things to take care of today. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and Easter celebration.

    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy Easter everyone. Have a Blessed day however you chose to spend it. Jason and his family came and spent the night. We boiled the eggs but they didn't cool enough for us to dye them. We will dye them this morning. Due to the nasty weather we will hide them throughout the house for Izzy today. We will go out for a luncheon as we were all up very late.
    We are doing our church service through the television service this year.

    'Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees
    Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.
    ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Spanish Student

    I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had 3 eggs... but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs. ~Caroline Rhea

    Diane- I sure enjoyed your pictures. You know I love dolls and sewing. Have a great Easter service and dinner with your family.

    Patti- Thanks for checking in. Sorry for the problems with the new car. Sounds like fun times in Florida though and lots of walking.

    Jeanette- Loved the pcs on FB. Happy Birthday again. you hubs is a keeper.

    Myra how s your weekend going?

    Cindy- I am enjoying your pictures too. Especially of you and your father on FB>

    Janet- how s your calm weekend going?

    My eye is looking great!! it really loves the Prednisolone, but it is so bad for that cataract. Today is family day. Enjoy those furbabies, family and friends, around on electronically.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a great day. From the photos I've seen on Facebook, looks like lots of great memories being made. My little great nephew, Caleb, is walking and soooo adorable. My brother and sister-in-law are in OR with him and sent me some cute pics and videos.

    Cindy, loved the photos from your trip -- your dad is adorable and had to be gobsmacked when he saw all of you!


    It was a tough day for me, for many reasons -- lots of memories, most of them unpleasant, flooding through my head. Ate junk, and too much of it. Every insecurity cam out to play at once --Easter memories for me aren't the best. Did laundry, changed sheets.

    The coming week will be intense here, so I may not check in as often as usual. I will be in doc's office much of tomorrow, then home to sleep. Not feeling terribly social right now and in need of sleep. Primary care visit Wednesday.

    The past week drained me for many reasons and my defenses are down, so I need to pull into my turtle shell and regain some strength, with the help of friends.

    Aiming to get back on track foodwise for the next several weeks. Wish me luck -- would appreciate a little prayer if you are so inclined.

    I know I didn't deserve to be treated the way I was but it still hurts -- and on days like this, hurts a great deal, and very deeply. And when those memories from various corners of my life flood back in a major way, it makes for a tough day. I will be fine -- and trust you ladies to let me vent my fear, frustration and feelings of being unlovable then and sometimes now. You know those days when you're just utterly depleted and it's hard to fight the self-doubts? Yeah, that was my today. It will pass.

    Sorry -- just needed to unload in hope of finding more peace. Going to go have a good cry in the shower and get on with it. Wish me luck tomorrow!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Janet, I'm sorry you had a tough day of painful memories. safe hugs to you (((Janet)))

    I enjoyed having all four kids here for a meal yesterday. it doesn't happen very often. I just popped in to wave hello and goodbye. going on an impromptu trip and will be back sometime friday. I'm sorry, i can't update goals this morning.... i'm always the slowest here to get ready!
    i'll be thinking about each of you,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Have fun, Myra!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Sorry to be MIA- the trip to Vermont wiped me out and I cooked dinner yesterday for the family-
    Meg is having such a hard time with the step son- he is way behind in school- not for lack of brains but not support in GA- and he has zero manners unless demanded of him
    and he wants his way 24/7- Meg and Randy don't have any idea how to be parents and he fights them on every step. He is also wetting the bed at 10 years of age. My poor girl.
    She stopped at the house yesterday broke 4 glasses by accident and melted down like she was a little girl- my heart aches for her. I reminded her they should all get a professionals help
    dealing with the boy- but her husband refuses. All he has said is your not working he's your job. Please pray for strength for Meg-
    I'm feeling better but last night very tired so after everyone left I did nothing. Busy work week again but overall I'm feeling better. The inhaler is now every 6 hours in stead of 4 - progress
    Janet- I am here if you need anything..... just ping me. Hugs and love.
    Karla- sorry about the eye- but at least you know what you need to do. Stay tough
    Patti- OMG the car issues were a tough way to start vacation- but once again Edd is a miracle worker
    Jeannte- Happy belated birthday.
    Diane- the dresses are adorable one of these days you'll have grand daugthers and be sewing again- dresses and doll clothes
    Myra- enjoy your trip.
    I don't think I missed anyone - I'll be back later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick check in as my host is still resting and the house is quiet.

    Janet, I will be sending you lots of prayers and boosts of self-confidence. My biggest prayer is that you could see yourself through our loving eyes. You are such a beautiful woman inside, outside and most importantly, heart-side, if there is such a thing. I would erase your insecurities if I just had my wand with me. Know that you can always come here for love and support, I just hate that the scars are rearing their ugliness at you right now. Take whatever time you need, we will still be here.

    Karla, sorry about your eye but glad the drops are helping again. Hope your Easter gave you some peace in your household.

    Cindy, what a wonderful,surprise for your Dad. Loved the pics on FB. My heart goes out to Meg. Maybe she could find some counseling or a group of Mother's with troubled children that would help her cope. What would happen if she got a job? I will pray that they find a way to make a happy home for,them all.

    Jeanette, Happy Birthday, a bit late, but no less heartfelt.

    Myra, enjoy your trip and be safe.

    Sorry for the short personals but promised myself I would not be on the computer much this trip.

    We have been having a great time with our friend. Edd has done some minor repairs for her and I have done the cooking for the meals we have had at home. Yesterday she started my watercolor lessons and today is the beginners class that she teaches. Will end up with a completed painting and it's not looking too bad actually. The painting is of sea grapes, which grow everywhere down here, so will be a good reminder of our time together. Last night we went to Siesta Key Beach to participate in "drum down the sun". What a fun way to end the day. People watching at it's best. Lots of very talented dancers, hoopla hoopers, tumblers and the cutest kids trying their best to imitate all of the above. The only music was the constant drumming. We saw a beautiful sunset and watch the cops on horseback patrolling the beach. An all together wonderful day. Today will be laundry, art class, dinner out and the rest is open. Will be leaving tomorrow for Tallahassee.

    Back when I am able but know I will keep the prayers going for those who need them.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies. Here are the pics as promised. I tried but didn't get any good pics of them together. Hope you are having a great start
    to your week! Sorry but I am not up for more than this today
    Take care
    Grace and peace to you

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Jeannette- the dresses and jackets are adorable.
    Patti- enjoy your time off the PC- we'll be here when you get home.- Unplug and relax
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. It is late, and I am tired, but I feel a need to check in.

    Janet, I'll try to get into the NO CHEATING with you! This weekend has been very bad - I had just a bit of Easter candy in the house, and it is GONE. Ditto other stuff I caved to at the grocery store over the weekend. And I did not have the emotional upheaval you have had - just lack of willpower.

    Jeanette, I think the dresses and jackets turned out very cute! Jackets with collars are an advanced skill. Hope you are feeling better.

    Patti, thanks for checking in. Oh my what a rough start! Hopefully you got all the bad juju out of the way, and the rest of the trip will be smooth sailing.

    Karla, so glad your eye is improving, but darn! on having to go back on the prednisone.

    Cindy, try to rest! Glad you had the fun weekend you had, but that really took it out of you. You are on the right track as far as Meg and the stepson go. They need whatever help they can get. If he has never been taught manners, he needs to learn them now. My son wet the bed until quite late - some time in middle school. I taught him how to do laundry and made it his problem not mine. It didn't "fix" the problem because it was physical, but it took the stress away from me and out of our relationship. The child may truly not have outgrown the deep sleep cycle yet. There are medications that can help.

    Myra, have a great trip! Try to be mindful of what you are eating.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Did not want to forget Bert, MaryLynn and Beth - I'm sure you all had busy weekends and will find time to check in when you can.

    The weekend here was fun but tiring. Sunday I was the reader at the early (traditional) service, but the family wanted to go to the later (contemporary) service, so I did a double plus the brunch in between. Son and DIL plus my sister joined us for dinner, which was mostly diet friendly except for chips and guac for appetizer (and I didn't eat much fo that because I was fussing with dinner stuff), pasta bake and I did portion control, and dessert which DIL brought - mini oreo cheesecakes - yum! I decided it was just an overindulging type day, and I HAVE to get back on track. Tomorrow is the start of my new leaf.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Just a quick evening check in. Janet ... sending you hugs galore and kleenex too. Will be praying that God will hold you gently and comfort you as you work through so much stuff.

    Will get back for more personals tomorrow... busy day here too, so just snuck in for a bit. Often you are in my thoughts, ladies and today was no exception. Take care till later!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, my heart goes out to Meg. Such a tough, unexpected and sudden thing for her to deal with.

    Jeanette, I love that you reversed the fabrics between the girls -- and that Avery's paci holder matches the dress! Those jackets had to be very tough to make -- I envy sewers.

    Patti, what a lovely idea to paint the sea grapes. This sounds like just the trip you need.

    Diane, my today was an eating disaster -- truth is, my reset will HAVE to happen Wednesday at the latest, as I start the low-iodine diet. We can do this together.

    MaryLynn, thanks for the kleenex. I had a weepy shower last night but am pulling myself back together and reminding myself that there are certain things that are Not My Fault.

    Heard from Karla today -- she's at her dad's and the eye is still doing well with the new medication regime.

    Vet called this morning with excellent news about my little Bella. We experimented with a higher dose of her thyroid-blocking pill for a month, and Saturday's bloodwork showed real improvement. She'll stay on this dose and recheck in six months. Best news possible.

    My funk got itself back to some sort of perspective today. Am very tired. Plastic surgeon did six revisions -- both elbows, both breasts, scar tissue removal from inside my belly and evening up a spot on my side. I turned on my intellectual curiosity and experienced having procedures while wide awake -- thank the lord for local anesthesia! Am hurting now, as expected -- just part of the process, and I'll do my best to stay ahead of the pain and intend to be what one of my best friends terms "a butternut" tomorrow. Nothing I can't handle. We had good music and interesting conversation while she worked -- she is very fast, considering what she's doing. She said I was an excellent patient, that with most patients she wouldn't do all that in one session, but she knows me well enough to understand that I would roll with it.

    Major hugs to you all (thank goodness they're virtual, because a real one right now might hurt!) Your love and unfailing support make a genuine difference in my life every day.

    See you tomorrow, likely with a Percocet-addled brain!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. We ar all such a great group of interesting, caring, wise and diverse set over a large range of ages and miles, , and I feel so blessed to be part of ou. Of course Janet says it so much better than I, but thank you fo being a part of my life.

    I had a great day yesterday with my dad and brothers and a fun meeting with my High School buddies. I am up early and going to head over to my dad's to hang out with him a few hours before I have to head home later on. I will be back over here in two weeks and will see him then too. He is 87.5 and is aging, but loved his new hot rod we took a spin in, a Dodge Magnum. I was the only girl of five siblings, so you know I was a daddy's girl, am still am!!!

    Jeanette- the dresses were darling.
    Diane- thanks for the caring comment on my eye. It is what it is.
    Cindy- prayers for Meg. A mothers support group sounds good, step mom at that. Maybe even a self help book?
    Patti- glad you are popping in and having fun there.
    Janet- you rest and chill out with Netgflix today.
    Myra- sounds like Easter was gine with all four. You made it.

    My reunion buddies noticed my 17 pound weightloss and it thrilled me as I didn't mention it. I am finally showing it. Can't wait to hit the 20 pound mark!

    Have a great day and I'm sorry if I missed you it's not that I meant to.
