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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been awake since 4:45 when Molly needed to go out. I fed her and then tried to go back to sleep; however, she has an upset tummy and has been sick 3 times. So, it was a good thing that I'm up to help her and rescue my carpet. She kept eating grass when I took her out, so that's what I think attributed to her upset tummy.

    Today it is to be unbearably hot! So, it's indoor activities for me. I had a great time yesterday in Indy with my girlfriends. It has been a long time sinces the 3 of us have been shopping. I wanted to take them to a restaurant on a lake that my friend told me about. When we finally got there (15 miles out of the way), it was closed! :( I asked some locals if there were any more restaurants around the lake, and they told me about a place. So mission accomplished! I got 10,000 steps from shopping yesterday!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PATTI !!! Enjoy your day.

    Karla: I hope you get some more rest and will feel better soon.

    Suzi: 2 lb loss is awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Leg is healing but it will take time. Eyes are doing well -- going to the doc this morning, then errands.

    Patti, hope your birthday brings nothing but good news -- eager to hear what it is your mom needs (I have a theory).

    Ate (and wanted) very little yesterday -- a few very spare days can sometimes get me jumpstarted.

    My motorized bed won't flatten (I had it raised at the head this morning to almost sitting). Will be making calls as soon as I get home and hope there is a way for me to fix it temporarily. It's only two years old ...

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Sorry I've been MIA between taking a couple of days off, my Saturday RWA meeting which was great and then back to work yesterday I've been just out of it.
    Our time off was good and I had a long talk with Meg about her company, which hasn't really taken off. Lack of effort on their part- she told me she understands she is holding me back. I have a path forward and she discovered this morning I am serious. I hired a new graphic person for the cover of R2S and it will be live soon. I'm sending the book to Em to proof as Meg hasn't finished that either. After I hire someone else to set it I know have the tools to do it myself. Yeah me-
    Thank you all for the kind posts on my LR facebook page- I hope you are enjoying each blog post. I'm also on Twitter now too- who knew I was going to get this social.
    So much has been happening that I've missed
    Patti- what did your Mom say and Happy Birthday.
    Janet- how's the leg today? Fage FF is the best I can tolerate- but I really like the Fage 2% with honey and nuts.
    Suzi- the gardens are lovely and I never thought of old buckets and such for planters- great idea. ^5 on the loss
    MaryLynn- your Irish setter looks like my old Sammy dog- when the girls were small of course. Now we have Jasper and Griffin.
    Karla- Izzy is too cute holding the gator- she sparkles
    Bert- hopefully the pool is clear and cool soon.
    Not sure if I have missed anyone but if I did 10,000 apologies.
    need to work again
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI!!! You've been on my mind ever since I read your post about the family meeting yesterday afternoon. Ditto what Karla said about yard sales being good places to buy used books.

    Karla - so sorry about the codeine cough med wiring you up. I knocks me flat out! Funny thing, my alcoholic/addict ex couldn't take it at all. It made him violently nauseous. Too bad none of the other drugs he took did that to him!

    Janet - great news on the free oil change! How's the leg doing?

    With an hour of yoga, 30 minutes of weight training and nearly 14,000 steps yesterday, I finished the day with 28 fit points. No problem on my long-standing, but seldom obtained (lately anyway) goal of 100 fit points per week if I can keep up anything close to yesterday's pace.

    Not much but laundry planned here today. It's raining a little and thundering a little, but no lightening. Great morning with coffee on the porch!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Anxious to see what Mom has to discuss. Praying it is nothing horrible. I have my thoughts and few of them give me solace. My gift to myself is to go to TRX tonight. I love that class.

    Will be back later with the "news"
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Birthday Patti! Hoping the news and the bad tooth don't drain all your positive energy.

    Yesterday was a bit stressful, with some sad news from one son, Shea, who told us that he and Andie (his wife) are "done". We just saw them a few weeks ago, so this is a bit of a shocker. Talked at length with Shea who explained in greater detail the reasons, with the main one being that Andie decided about 8 months ago that she now never wants to have children. Although the lack of open communication has been a challenge for sometime apparently, they had a huge argument at the festival in California and when they returned home it came to this outcome. So sad. Please pray for them both.

    On a positive note, Adam is one of the 3 finalists in the Abury international accessories contest. The jury will announce winner on June 20th.

    Another positive is that I've lost 2.6 lbs recently, so all our forest clearing and hiking along with general healthy eating has been paying off. Small jeans are my greatest NSV... talk about vanity!! This is not quick, it is for life and better slow and steady, so I was surprised with the larger loss number.

    Glad to see that things are improving somewhat for you Janet and that you are finding ways to conquer the kitchen demons too!

    Karla, hoping that your healing continues as you quickly journey back to a healthy place.

    Cindy, glad to hear so much has been resolved on the publishing front and that your time away seems to have been trans-formative for you too.

    Bert, hang in there with the heat and hope that pool is welcoming for a dip really soon as well!

    Suzi, your images from the yard give a great sense of some wonderful and colorful relaxing spaces that you've carved out. Well done on keeping active and healthy!

    All of you keep me accountable and I cannot thank you enough! Will check back in later for the update on Patti's news from her Mom. Waiting is stressful indeed.

    For anyone I've missed, my apologies. Jeanette, I miss you!! Myra hoping all is going well.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop to let you know the news. It is as I thought, my sister from TN is coming for a visit and will be here this Sunday. Staying for a week, possibly. The discussion was about whether I would come over for my usual Tuesday with her and if my other sister wanted to come at some time during the week. My sis would not commit. I told Mom that I would not be coming. The relationship with her and I ended about six years ago, will not go into details. She and my other sister have not spoken in years either. My sister, that lives here, reached out to her a while back and she never responded to her phone calls or FB messages. The TN sister has been very nasty verbally to my Mom and they had not spoken in almost 2 years. She just recently contacted mom to make up, but refused to apologize for the way she treated her. I think Mom is dreading the visit but felt like she needed to extend the invitation to her. Mom totally understands my stand and is not angry with me for not wanting to see her. She just wanted to let me know she was coming. I truly hope she treats mom kindly while she is here and that the visit is restorative for mom. Her presence in my life was mostly toxic and connecting with her has no value at this point.

    On a good note, I have had a lovely birthday so far. Feeling blessed with so many birthday wishes from friends and family. Pizza for lunch and now headed to TRX? Have a huge salad with shrimp, veggies and fruit waiting for when I get back. Will do personals later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, what difficult circumstances. I only hope the TN sister's visit will be good for your mom. May the rest of your birthday continue to be wonderful!

    MaryLynn, great news about Adam but sad for Shea. Hope the parting will be as amicable as possible. Congrats on the loss. You are all inspiring me as I give this a SERIOUS restart. So far, so good today.

    Cindy, glad you are moving forward. Poor Meg seems just overwhelmed, but she has to figure out how to cope and I am very happy you're looking out for yourself.

    Karla, is the crud clearing out? Don't push it this week -- you've had so much going on lately. Hope you can get to see your dad soon though.

    Eye doc this morning -- 20/20 in both eyes! The funny thing is that again last night I caught myself reaching to remove my specs at bedtime -- a habit that long-lived creates muscle memory. Makes me laugh to remember that I don't have to remove my ability to see anymore. I have the OK for eye makeup too.

    Leg hasn't been too bad today -- I have an invitation to go to SC for the weekend (over Saturday, back probably Tuesday) and think the doc will OK it. Sure could use some time with my friend and the horses, and he wants me there while weather is supposed to be mild for SC in June.

    Spent nearly an hour on the phone with a terrific customer service rep about the bed. A technician can come Friday but she talked me through at least getting it flattened -- which involve lying on my side on the floor, using only my right arm to do intricate stuff under the bed, almost blind -- and I'm a left-hander. I'll probably have a weird ache or two but at least don't have to sleep sitting up!

    POURING here, and very windy, with thunder and lightning -- glad to be home for the night. Take care, all -- hugs.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies, this has been the best day I have felt for over a week, yes!!!

    Patti- Oh what a relief that no one is sick, and tragedy hasn't struck. We have a rift in our family since my mother passed. My one brother refuses to associate with my father or any of us. No big fight, just told us to not contact him. Dad said it was over money between them and not to worry, he was fine with it. I remember you telling me the circumstances of this sister and I certainly don't blame you. Do what is right for you.

    Janet- What foundation do you use? I know you have had some great makeup and your skin looks great. I need some.

    Suzi- so great to see you checking in so often. When Glenn retires next year I would like us to it your farm on our agenda for a visit. Is that cool?

    Mary Lynn- So sorry in regards to the news of your son's marriage. Children is a deal breaker in most couples if not agreed upon. I truly don't understand any woman not wanting children. I had a friend once, it blew my mind. I know your loving son will find a woman that will love him and give him beautiful children.

    I started this last night and finishing this morning. I need to get in my office, but enjoying some special talk with Glenn and JJ at the breakfast nook area. I have both Jason's children today as he takes Angelique to Oshner's Hospital in New Orleans for an appointment.

    Have a great day and focus on today's topic if you can.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning to all before I zoom out (in the rain, of course) to get hair cut and colored. Lots to do today through Friday if I'm going to get into the car very early Saturday.

    Karla, SO glad you are finally kicking the crud to the curb.

    Had a second really good, minimal food day. Am getting yogurt because of the antibiotics and making sure I get protein and stay very well hydrated.

    Gotta run -- was thinking of you all and wanted to say hi and wish everyone a wonderful day!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning, but it's not supposed to last all day. I have yard work to do at some point today. Tickets are already being sold for our musical at church this year. This is the earliest I've sold tickets prior to the performance. That's a good sign.

    I've been looking for vacation rentals for Chattanooga or eastern KY and TN for next summer. Does anyone know of good search sites to find something that is not outrageously priced? Each family will need to pay for one night so I don't want to break their wallets. We've never done anything like this before.

    I need to call Direct TV today as our upstairs tv's pictues "freeze up" every few minutes. Does that happen to anyone else?

    Cindy: Good for you.....sometimes you have to rely on just yourself to get the ball rolling. I know it happens in my life quite frequently.

    Janet: I can't handle plain Greek yogurt. I know it's better for you.

    Suzi: Your "ex" comment is hilarious. My ex never participated much when we visited my family. He just sat in a corner and read Time magazine. When I took Mike for the first time to meet my family, he started looking at Time, and we all made a comment. He quickly put down the magazine and "joined in" the festivities. :)

    Mary Lynn: Sorry about your son. I wonder why Andie doesn't want children. Yea for your 2.6 loss! Our pool is finally beginning to clear a little. :)

    Patti: Sibling relationships can be stressful. My brother and I didn't see eye to eye for many years. He took advantage of my parents while they were living, and it's something that is in the back of my mind. It's somewhat better, but we don't share much. You have to do what is right for you.

    Karla: Glad you're feeling better.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Everyone is sounding so upbeat and happy.

    Mary Lynn, so sorry for The end of Shea's marriage. I am sure it was very difficult for Andie to confess to not wanting children, it is hard to understand but I think it is better to be honest than to give birth to a child you don't want, the child ultimately suffers. I am so excited for Adam. I love his design aesthetic and would buy his creations for myself.

    Cindy, sounds like your seminar was a huge success. It gave you the confidence to forge ahead and make the decisions you need to be successful. I hope this is the push Meg needs, but maybe she just isn't ready at this stage of her life to give her business 100%. You are doing the right thing.

    Karla, glad to hear you are on the mend and enjoying the kids.

    Janet, I am so happy and relieved that you are finally getting too SC? I know how much his friendship means to you. More importantly, I know what it does for your soul to just be with him and be yourself. I got a good laugh about you trying to take off the glasses that aren't there anymore. When you get back let's find the time to get together. It is ridiculous how long it has been. Oh and the visual on you fixing your bed put a huge smile on my face, lol.

    Bert, wish I could help on the places to stay but we always camp when we are in that area and I am pretty sure you are not looking for a campground, lol. In the DTV, have you tried hitting the reset button. That fixes a myriad of problems.

    Suzi, sounds like things are going well in your world. You are so positive and upbeat and following your plan. Keep up the good work.

    I have been exchanging emails with Jeanette. She is doing well but taking a bit of a break from here. She is such a lovely soul and I am enjoying getting to know her better.

    I am having lunch with my Yayas at the Cheesecake Factory today to celebrate my birthday and my GFs 3rd round of chemo being done. One more to go and then radiation starts mid July. We are alike in so many ways, even in some odd ways. Her name is also Patti, her husband's name is Ed, she is from Chicago, we were both cardiac nurses and we are both hilarious, lol. When we take those tests on FB our outcomes are almost always the same. When we worked together we were known as "The Patti's" by everyone and most people considered us interchangeable. So when I ask for prayers on her behalf I am being totally selfish, can't imagine losing someone who is such a part of me!

    My WOB, Tracy came back tot the gym last night. I have really missed her company. We are committing to upping our game. I have been skipping my Monday and Wednesday Zumba, partly because I was bored with the workout and partly because 6:45 and 6:30 seem so late (it didn't used to feel that way). So we are going to Zumba tonight and then on Monday we are going to the gym at 4:30 and do 45-60 minutes on the machines, treadmill, elliptical, bike and rowing machines. We need to shake things up a bit. We do tend to push each other and I need that sometimes.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, forgot to answer your question -- MAC and Chanel are my favorites. Not cheap, but long-lasting and they cover my not-so-great skin.

    Bert, nice that the tickets are selling so quickly -- word must be getting out about the quality of your productions. Sorry I can't help on rentals for your vacation - if you come through or near Louisville on your way, I'd love to meet you!

    Patti, I bet your lunch was great fun. So glad to hear your alter-ego Patti is doing so well with her treatments.

    Going to chill a bit here -- eyedrop time!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone- sorry for the late check in- another hectic day in the life of me.
    Patti- maybe your sister wants to make peace with your mom- i pray that is the case for her
    Janet- Have a great time in SC- glad you're feeling much better and can see
    MaryLynn- so sorry for the trouble your son is going through but he will have the opportunity to be a dad now. Hugs and Prayers
    Karla- how is your eye- I am sure I've missed something along the line.
    Need to run- hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi group. Having lunch with Izzy and JJ at Chick-Fil-A. Izzy loves their play gym. We love their food. I had their new southwest salad and it was so spicy.

    Cindy- my eye is fine, albeit dry, I've had the sinus drainage crud. I'm doing better, up to 90%.

    Janet- I don't care for cheap makeup either, have used MAC, and have had Chanel perfume, but never their makeup. Thank you.

    We are off to Tuesday morning.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Bert - try VRBO - vacation rentals by owner. My cousin Jodi, the one Karla knows, found the house we stayed in at Key West that way. Kelly, my sister/cousin, and her family have had great success with AirBNB. We haven't tried that ourself, because we're normally camping..... Good luck with the hunt!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Had a great lunch with my girls. Light Chinese chicken salad was undone by the birthday hot fudge Sunday courtesy of the restaurant. Wish they would have given me a small slice of cheesecake. I would have brought that home to Edd, as I don't care for cheesecake. Luckily the Sunday was served in a small coffee cup....I ate every bite of that, lol.we ran into one of the nurses we dearly loved from the Heart Hospital where the three of us worked. What a pleasant surprise. Edd worked on my car to get the top to work, one more day and it should be done. Poor guy has really been putting in the hours on the car maintenance the past few weeks. Next up is boat repair.
    Unfortunately, everything with my sister is suspect. She is in it for herself at all times, bordering on sociopathic personality. Just hope she treats Mom well, that is all I want. I am going to stop and buy Mom some flowers tomorrow so she has something to make her smile.,she dearly loves flowers,,they always make her day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......I've been awake since 3:30 am! Molly woke me up and was very restless after I took her out. A nap is in my future at some point today. My cleaning lady/friend is coming this morning. I clean right along with her as she is only here for a couple of hours (that's all I can afford). She does the floors, bathrooms, ceiling fans, etc. I dust and tidy up other things.

    Patti: I was on the phone with DTV for almost an hour trying to "fix the problem" :) She finally told me there was a problem with the receivers upstairs not getting the signal from the main tv.....DUH. A repairman has been scheduled for Saturday.

    Suzi: I have been looking for places using VRBO. I've emailed the owners at several properties, but haven't heard from them. I know we won't know much about the property until we actually rent one, but I'm just not familiar with the areas we are researching. I have my kids researching as well, so maybe we will find one that we can afford.

    Karla: I use Bare Minerals make up. I use No. 7 tinted moisturizer and then apply Bare Minerals foundation and tinted Mineral Veil (powder). I really like it.

    Our pool is clearing up, but I'm headed to the pool shop at some point today. Has anyone heard of White Algae? My repairman said that is what was in the pool. The filter baskets have a "snotty slime" on them, so I'm sure it's in the new sand again as well. I need to figure out how to get rid of it for good.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good morning ladies. We are supposed to hit 100 today in heat. I am staying in! I have many tasks in my home office. I am so excited on a large Vera Bradley luggage set I am purchasing from a lady on Varagesale tomorrow. I've been looking for a garment bag for my set and they run about $200. This lady has another pattern she was selling that is really nice. I am getting six pieces for $100.00!!

    Patti- we all have that one sibling. I love flowers too. All mothers love their children, even the challenging ones.

    Bert- I like Bare Minerals too. Thanks. I love our salt water system. Very low maintenance and so cheap!!

    Off to work.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Had a very miserable night due to severe tooth pain. It had not hurt in a few days so thought I would be good until I saw the oral surgeon. It took several applications of ambesol and a pain pill to get back to sleep only to be shocked awake 3 hours later with even worse pain. All I could do was the ambesol. It eventually calmed enough that I got back to sleep. Now just waiting for the dentist office to open and pray they can help me out.

    Karla, that is a great deal. I am not a big Vera fan, but my GF is and I know she would be green with envy over your deal. Stay cool.

    Bert, never heard of white algae but I can tell you the green stuff we had on the river was nasty and toxic. Hope you get it fixed soon.

    Dentist is open, so wish me luck that they can do something for me. Even if it is a temporary fix.