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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Three minimal-eating days down, going for two more before I travel. Have tracked every bite and not had anything awful, even when I had the calories for it. Keeping intake low to get reacclimated to CONSISTENT wise eating. (Adult beverages this weekend? You bet -- atoning in advance.) Your support is really important to me as I re-kick these last 15-20 to the curb for good. And my freshened-up hair looks great -- my guy is co-owner of a salon that specializes in color and he is a gem.

    Patti, fingers crossed -- had been wondering. Nice of it to leave you alone for your birthday, but they really need to work you in with that kind of pain! Keep us posted, please.

    Bert, hope you can get that pool fixed and swimmable very soon. Forecast today is 96 and humid -- hotter than the hottest day here all last summer. Thank heaven for AC -- I joke that I pray to Freon, tne Norse god of air conditioning.

    Karla, Bert has a great idea -- I sometimes use a tinted moisturizer/CC cream and translucent powder over.

    My skin chemistry is really weird and I can't wear anything with much yellow/orange in it (it'll turn ORANGE on me) and I only have a couple of blushes I can wear. If anyone knows of a good truly PINK (no peach/coral/bronze/copper/brown) -- especially cream blush -- that'd be great.

    Waiting for my cleaner to come and have mani-pedi later, need to pick up a few things at the cleaner, buy several bags of baby carrots for the horses (already have apples) and figure out what to pack (all very casual but do need a maxi skirt and/or dress in case we go out somewhere -- and given that my friend is a guy, want to take the GOOD casual stuff, even for hanging out at the ranch. There's going to be some trying-on tomorrow. Leg is still bothering me a bit but so much better than a week ago that I can't imagine the doc won't OK the drive.

    Time to put laundry into the dryer, have breakfast and get on with it! Later, my lovelies.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I am getting so excited for your trip. I bet if you promise to stop frequently and walk around for a few minutes she will agree.

    It has been a long day already, especially with so little sleep. Dental office said to come in at 10:30, so I skipped the gym to sit for an hour at the dentist before being seen. Plus there were three obnoxious children in the waiting area. Mom was too. Use on her phone to get them to mind. Mostly they were just bored and just a little attention from mom would have had them calm down and behave. Of course my dentist was on vacation and I have never met the one that saw me today. So I had to fill him in on my history and plan. He said it was probably infected and that is why it hurts so bad. Gave me a Zpack and some pain pills. I have a couple of antibiotic allergies so always need to make sure someone is home when I try something new. I haven't needed antibiotics in over 20 years. But I did buy some benedryl just in case. I just scarfed down some lunch, I was starved. Didn't eat before I left in case they were going to do something. Then had errands to run. Forgot about food until I got a headache and was heading home. I was so tempted to get something fast food, told myself I deserved it. But so proud of myself for driving right by the 20+ fast food places and came home and fixed something healthy. Just hoping I have a better night. Leaving tomorrow afternoon for the cabin, after I go to the gym. Really hated missing class this morning.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, how long until they SEE YOU-see you? What a pain (literally), but brava on resisting the fast food! Enjoy the cabin =-= weather is supposed to be more moderate this weekend (whew).

    Cleaner is really sick so postponed a week, so I will have the luxury of having her here two weeks in a row. Fine with me -- much to do. All 20 nails are Warriors blue. I should come in on plan today -- still have a yogurt and strawberries for later.

    Bought two 5-lb bags of carrots for the horses (Walmart had a great price -- baby carrots are easier but so much costlier). Tomorrow after doc and errands, figuring out what to pack and packing. Hope to be on the road by 8 Saturday morning (I have eye drops at 7 so won't leave until after that). Hope I remember everything!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- here's praying you received excellent dental care to relieve your pain and suffering. What type of fliers did you pick up for your mother? Has she been to the cabin yet? It would be nice if your daughter and mother could go together and you all could have a girlie weekend. Kind of like your ya-ya weekend, but family. I know you are doing the boat and party thing right now with the river folk.

    Janet- I am so excited for you to get out of town for some fun and friendship. I bet he will be shocked at your transformation since your last visit. How long has it been? I am headed to Birmingham Monday night for some eye testing on Tuesday for my dry eyes. Plus she will be checking my shingle eye and cataract. I booked out hotel with my Wyndham rewards and was shocked to get a room with two king size beds! JJ is going with us. It is a Wingate Hotel, and they are very nice and have a nice hot breakfast.

    Bert- Did you hear back from any renters from your research for places to stay?

    Cindy- Will Rick and you be going to your camp this weekend? I always adore thinking of you there with the walking and relaxing.

    Mary Lynn- How is your gorgeous world?

    We are having the large family BBQ Saturday for Glenn's Father's Day celebration. JJ has helped me vamp up a flowerbed around the mimosa tree and Glenn did the touch up paint work in the house last night. The mermaid bathroom looks gorgeous with the decorative towels I finally found and all the colors have blended. Did I tell you I purchased a painting from a local artist on a narrow wood piece of a backside of a blue mermaid holding her arms way up? It is so neat!

    Next weekend we all head to Panama City to finally go see my dad. Jason and his family are going and we are making a mini vacation out of it by going to the zoo and the Gulfarium. Fun times.

    I have a long on site working day, so I better go. I have decided that Minday I am cracking down and tracking, exerting and getting this five pounds off by Julyy 23, my class reunion.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning is absolutely gorgeous! Low humidity and cool temps. Today I'm traveling to visit my dermatologist. I haven't seen him in quite a while, so I thought it's time to get a check up while still on Mike's insurance.

    Janet: Have a great trip.

    Karla: I've heard from only 2 owners. I think their prices are too high, so I might have to look a lesser bedrooms. I'm wanting a bedroom for each family, but it's difficult. Your mermaid bathroom sounds pretty. The boys and their families are vacationing with their dad next week in Destin. I've never been down there but hear it's really nice.

    Patti: Hope your visit to the dentist was successful.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I head out to the gym. Then leaving immediately for,the cabin, was able to order the food processor, that Macy's has on sale for one day, on line with free shipping. It was only $64 with tax for an 8 cup, I have never had one and will use my birthday money from Mom.
    Have a great weekend, doubt I will check in with so much going on. Helping DIL clean and paint the rental, wedding Saturday and boating the rest of the time. No pain last night, hoping the antibiotics are doing the trick. No reaction to them either so I am on the right road I think.

    Better go, heading out the door in 3 minutes!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Ladies-
    Sorry I missed you all yesterday- I've been taking a writing class which eats 3 hours out of each day plus assignments- I think this will help fiction writing too.
    My sister-in-laws mom passed away so I just got back from the funeral- very sad and my SIl is heartbroken. They spent a great deal of time together every day.
    Patti- so sorry about the infection and glad you have something to clear up the infection
    and I just got my mail- thank you so much. With the craziness of life for the last 8 months I'm not doing well keeping up on cards. Just relized I forgot to get a card for Dad for sunday.
    Janet- Did the Doc ok the road trip?
    Bert- we have used Homeaway.com a couple of times and actually have a cottage booked in Sept for Cape Cod using this- check it out
    Karla- 100- whew girl that's hot.
    MaryLynn- are you still working outside a lot or are the chores done for the season?

    I think we are going to camp for tonight- we have a 5PM wedding tomorrow night and then Sunday everyone is gathering here for a cookout. So a very hectic weekend.
    I need to get my blog written and posted on Sunday and I must carve out time for the book to keep writing it- Em should have R2S back to me Monday so I can get it formatted. We are targeting mid-July for a release now. The cover will be revealed next Friday- well at least I am hoping it will.
    need to finish a power point but didn't want to go into the weekend without checking in.
    Hugs to all and safe travels where ever the room may take you.
    I'll be back when I can.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, the amount I do NOT miss PowerPoint is difficult to overestimate. Have you ever seen the PowerPoint Outline version of the Gettysburg Address? So sorry for your sister-in-law's loss. I know you and Rick will be there for her now and forever. What a bisy weekend -- hope the wedding is fun. Try to get your three minutes though ...

    Bert, you may appreciate it too, given your PP work for the church. I've seen it dozens of times and it still cracks me up at every viewing.


    Patti, enjoy the cabin.

    Karla, you are an very busy bee. Glad you are seeing your doc early next week -- keeping fingers crossed that she talks about setting a date for the cataract surgery. Glad you have your FL trip set -- JJ will have a ball.

    On day 5 of truly behaving and tracking it all, with low intake on purpose. My system is still rebounding from being on two antibiotics anyway.

    The doc OK'd the trip and I don't have to use the ace bandage around my leg, which helps. There's still lots of care needed for the (deliberately) open spot but I can take everything with me and deal with it on the trip, but the "maybe" beach trip was ruled out -- something to do another time (which is fine because my extreme childhood baggage around bathing suit body shaming is bouncing around my head. I have bathing suits now but haven't actually worn one exept to try on.

    Karla, last time I saw my friend was April last year, just before my first plastic surgery -- so he hasn't seen me since seven surgeries ago (four plastic, one thyroid, two eyes). He knows in general terms what's been done and has been very supportive, but I hope he will notice the difference in my contours.

    Leaving early tomorrow so unlikely to check in until Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when I get home. Wishing everyone an excellent weekend!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm on day 7 of tracking everything and will get to see how it plays out at the scales tomorrow morning. We're going to dinner at a German restaurant and then to a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert tonight with some friends. I have no idea what I'm going to eat, but will figure something out.

    Janet - enjoy your trip and bask in the glow of your friend's admiration for all your hard work to transform your body as well as your all around general "you-ness".

    Patti - have fun this weekend and I sure hope that dang tooth doesn't give you anymore trouble.

    Karla - careful in that heat. We're under an excessive heat warning here ourselves. Temps in upper 90's and heat index over 110. I think I'm going to lay in Kelly's pool tomorrow afternoon.

    Cindy - I hope you find a few minutes to relax this weekend.

    Bert - good luck on the vacation house hunt. It takes persistence and patience but is generally worth it in the end.

    Well it's about time for me to hop in the shower or do something productive for a while. I've been vegging on the couch watching a movie.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member

    Real quick, I wanted to show y'all his pic of Jessi catching the bouquet at a wedding she and Garrett were in a few weeks ago. That's my niece, Liz, just behind and to the left of Jessi with her hand up in he air.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Have a blessed Sunday and Father's Day with those special loved ones. Remembering the Dads who have passed on - including mine - and celebrating with the Dads who are still with us. Also thinking of those who hope to be a father one day (such as our Son) and praying for those fathers who are struggling with separation and divorce issues that make parenting a challenge. So blessed to have a heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally today and every day. Wherever you are and whoever you are with today, may you too feel perfectly loved and able to share that love.

    Grateful for this day of rest and looking forward to making it special for the Dad in this house.

    Hugs to you all,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Wow! What a surprise to check in after missing yesterday to see that we ALL missed yesterday! Guess everyone is busy, busy!

    Mary Lynn, that's a beautiful ode to fathers you posted. You write very elegantly and I very much enjoy reading your posts. I sometimes think my redneck roots are a little too visible in mine!

    Becky, Dave's daughter came over yesterday evening, took her Daddy to dinner and stayed to visit. That's probably the limit of our festivities, although Jeana, my oldest, will see her Dad. Jessi's dad hasn't been in the picture since she was in 5th grade - and in the case of her father, that's a good thing.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to next week when I'll have the pleasure of babysitting my 19-month old great-nephew, Dean! There's probably a zoo trip in my future, as well as the park, probably some swimming pool and splash pad time, too. Dave's wondering whether Deano will be as good a napping partner as Dinky is - you can see what his priorities are! Hahahahahaha!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from the river and it looks like everyone took a break from the computer. Hopefully all have enjoyed their weekend as much as I have. I did work pretty hard Friday night and and Saturday morning, about 8 hours all together. But my DIL and I really got a lot done. Wedding Saturday was very strange but the newlyweds seemed to be happy. We got plenty of boating in and the rest of the time was spent enjoying family and friends. My tooth didn't hurt until we were on the way home tonight. This is the worst it has been. Took a pain pill about 2 hours ago and it took the edge off but I am still in pain. Really thought the antibiotics were doing the trick. Oh well, it is bareable and hopefully I can get the one pulled before the 4th. We are planning to spend that whole week at the cabin and so is our son.
    The Georgia Peach truck is coming to town tomorrow, so excited. Peaches are my all time favorite fruit. My GF and I are splitting 25 pounds. I will also be picking up 25 pounds for my other GF. Really am going to miss seeing mom this week. My sister is planning on staying a week, but we will see.
    Need to sign off, tooth is throbbing and I can't really think straight right now.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good Monday morning my OMG pals. Yes, we all took family time, it appears, as Father's Day deserves. Our family bbq was Saturday, in which was a huge success. All four children came, all but three grandchildren were present, two neighbors joined in, 21 in all. We provided the meat, buns and drinks and the kids brought the side dishes and it was wonderful. Glenn had the pool area looking superb. The thre very large blow-up floats were a big hit, the whale, shark and Izxy's favorite, the turtle. Lol.

    Glenn was honored and so he deserved it by his children and Jason. We are fortunate with our family. My son is still struggling, but I am working with him everyday to encourage him on the path to where he was.

    Let's talk our walk. This is the challenge I have for us.

    Group challenge:

    1: if you are not tracking or logging your food daily, I challenge you to do so , even if just today through Thursfsy or Friday. Just start.

    2. If you are already a daily tracker of your food, I challenge you to share a new summer salad recipe with us. Glenn's daughter brought the most wonderful salad over with fruits, different veggies and lettuces and a homemade vinegarette dressing. Or you could share your favorite dressing recipe.

    I heard a study the other day that showed that people that ate whole grains showed significant fight against cancer. I have been switching between raisen bran cereal and egg white omelets for a while now. That and whole grain English muffins. Impressed to get confirmation on my nutritionist recommendation.

    We are leaving this afternoon for Birmingham as I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with my eye doctor. Not only is she checking my shingle eye, she is going to do some testing on both my eyes for their extreme dryness. Today after 9:45a I cannot put any moisture drops in. Ouch!!

    Patti- you poor thing on the tooth pain. Are you going to have an implant put in, or is the tooth far enough back you can let it go? I know they are very expensive. I have two bridges in my upper teeth, both with fake a fake tooth in them. They were both over $5k. Ouch. I had double dental coverage at the time, so it covered all. But when they have to be replaced, that won't be the case. I hope you will be out of pain soon.

    Janet. I know you are having a great time. I cannot stop smiling for you being in your male company you enjoy.

    Marylynn- So nice you checked in

    Suzi- You and I, we sound alike! Lol.

    I have tons to do, so I better get going!


    Please! Pick a challenge.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I have to say I haven't found time for even three minutes the last week or so and I need to get back to that and tracking. So Karla- I will pick up your challenge.
    I have so much water weight my rings are not really moving- and I pushed water all day yesterday but I think its the salty dinner from the wedding which was the most relaxing part of my weekend.
    Yesterday was father's day and my bday- and yes the picnic was at my house and all I did was run. My lower back is killing me today. Emily said she wants to take me out to dinner since I didn't get a birthday dinner- so sweet of her.
    this weekend is Rick's son's wedding so that should be interesting considering the Jack and Jill was SO not fun with his ex and her BFF being rude to Rick. Sigh- why can't people just grow the heck up and act like the adults they are supposed to be?
    Janet- Have a great time and relax- I'm sure ALL your new curves are showing just as they should. ;)
    Patti- I don't understand why the dentist can't get you in- don't they have emergency appts? I'd start to push/ call daily and see if there is a cancellation? Are you still on the Zpack? Maybe it wasn't a strong enough antibiotic to kick the infection to the curb? PLEASE give them a call again today. In this day and age you shouldn't have to be in pain this long..... Nurse Cindy has reported for duty.
    Suzi- Love the picture of Jessi and your niece- they are lovely.
    MaryLynn- I hope you have still on track and doing what is right for you.
    To everyone else checking in- a big hello.
    Now I need to go an pre-track my day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....I hope everyone enjoyed their family time this weekend. We certainly did.

    Patti: I hope you get some relief from your tooth pain. Weddings can be strange. I know we were the "buffer table" at our Chicago son's wedding. Annie's mom's side and dad's side were on opposite sides. Annie's grandfather got up to speak and her grandmother (they were divorced) got up and left! What a hoot!

    Karla: I'm glad you enjoyed your family time. Greg, Carrie, Jillian, and Cole came over for a cook out. Greg got Cole in the water; however, he screamed for about 20 minutes the first time he went in with Greg. He was scared to go under water, but Greg assured him he wouldn't let go. They are leaving for Destin on Friday to spend a week with their dad. He rents a condo down there for the week. Dan is traveling on his own with Dylan and Penny. Annie refused to go.......talk about drama!

    Group challenge: I have a vegetable "salad" to share. It's made with sugar though. You could substitute with Splenda. Do I post it in recipes or here? I already track everyday. Some days it's not pretty. I'm working on that.

    Have a great day everyone. I'm going to post the recipe in this group, but can also post in the recipe group.

    Bert 1bd71b1a0m6x.jpg
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lots to do today. No pain since last night. There are few oral surgeons in my network in this area. The one I need to see is only this office on wed and Friday's. The visit this Friday is for eval only, then need to schedule appointment for extraction. Then can make appointment to have the bad tooth fixed. It is the last molar that needs pulled. The roots are very long and curved, not an easy extraction. The molar on the other side took nearly an hour to remove under a local. NOT doing that again. I will survive, the ambesol helps most of the time. I have only had to take 3 pain pills since this start d a couple of weeks ago. Not sure why yesterday was so bad. Going to go pick up peaches and deliver them to my GFs, then grocery shopping, ugh and laundry. Do I know how to have fun or what! The wedding we went to was for the daughter of one of our friends at the cabin. He does our pig every year and is just the nicest guy. We have never met her or her intended but we went because he asked. It was a beautiful wedding. Colors were the deepest royal purple and white. Instead of a flower girl she had her 5 year old twin nieces, in gorgeous white dresses with big tulle skirts and purple sashes, carry a banner down the aisle that said "Here comes the bride". They were too frickin adorable. The tables were set with white clothes with a burlap runner, chairs had burlap bows, and they had twinkle lights covered with purple petals. The centerpiece of blue, purple and white flowers was in a tin vase. The parents said I could take the decorations off our table so I could make a wreath for the couple. I ate very little over the weekend because of the gi side effects from the Zpack.

    Karla, good luck and will be praying for good news at your eye appointment. Thanks for the challenge. I have been very lax in this area. Just was sick and tired of the whole thing but I know I need to get it together. I wish someone with design a menu for me so I don't have to think app out it, lol.

    Cindy, I worry so. Ice about all the stress you are under. I don't know what the answer is but you really need those 3 minutes at the very least! Happy birthday a day late but glad I at least got a card to you in time. Hope you get a nice birthday dinner with your sweet daughter.

    Waving to all the rest of my OMG ladies.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    So far so good on my tracking. Breakfast, lunch and snacks done. On our way to Birmingham now.

    Patti- is your sister in town now? Or is she coming for the fourth while you are gone? Glenn has some concerns over his teeth too. I made myself a cleaning appointment for next Tuesday.

    Bert- I clocked over 14k steps on Friday!!

    I hope we stop soon, my stomach is churning.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I tracked all of yesterday and had 1137 calories and 9130 steps. We are having breakfast and I have tracked it.

    TT: how are you doing on your chosen group challenge?

    Back up to the room to shower and my visit is at 9:45. I will let you all know how the testing goes.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Very hot and humid again today. I want to get outside to work in my flower beds, but can't stand the heat for very long.

    Patti: Our daughter's flower girls did the same thing! It was so cute. I'mzilj6yuhed6y.jpg
    I'm attaching a picture. Were the girls dressed in similar fashion?

    Karla: Way to go! 14K+ I need to get back in the swing of things to get in more steps.

    I'm doing well with tracking, but realize I need to eat more veggies. Have a great day, everyone!
