OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Temperatures and humidity are to drop today, so I'm hoping to get outside and do some gardening.

    Janet: Yes, the pool is finally clear! It should be clear after all the chemicals I've put in it! Mike gets in the pool more than I do when the water isn't totally clear. I got in it last night and hope to return after working in the yard today. I'm thankful to have it. It's our "vacation".

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good day all,

    Cindy, I think that 20 minutes was more beneficial than a walk for you at this point.

    Karla, hope all goes well with your neuro and your dentist

    Janet, hope you are laying low and recovering from your procedures

    Off to Mom's, then TRX. May get a short trip in to the grocery. Supposed to go see Dory tomorrow. Not sure if we are doing a meal too. Still need to get to the butcher shop, Aldis, and final grocery trip on Friday for fresh veggies. I will need to shop sometime during the week while we are at the cabin. River was back to pool yesterday. So we will have to put the dock back in, but that is a fairly simple process. It is on a boat trailer, so we launch it, then pull it with a boat or jet ski from the ramp to our beachfront, about .2 miles. Then let the fun begin. The major reason for this flood was to keep the water at pool in Louisville. The river came up 12-18 feet everywhere, Louisville only rose 1 ft. But there is more money making decisions in Louisville, the rest of us river dwellers don't have a say in the process. I am just so very sorry for all the lives lost in WV.

    Off I go
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Lost a post a couple of hours ago -- sigh.

    Cindy, sitting in the quiet was probably better for you than that walk -- you have to take care of your soul and sometimes that means staying off your soles. Stay well hydrated and mindful but please don't stress about the scale right now -- just treat yourself respectfully. Hope work will be relatibely calm this week and that you can kick back over the holiday weekend and enjoy your mom's company. This is pretty much the last tweak, though there is one more small thing I'm considering.

    Bert, glad the pool is usable.

    Karla, good luck with all the medical stuff. If you can have that massage, go for it.

    Patti, I don't make the water decisions but sorry you have to deal with the flooding.

    Having expected pain and going to take my pain pills on schedule and kick back. It'll pass in a few days. I signed up for this and am glad I did -- just smack me if I whine!

    Wishing everyone a good day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening all. Well, my teeth are still sore from that cleaning. She dug and dug on one calcium spot to keep me from having to come back for it. Worst, there are two old crowns that need to be replaced. One I thought had some issue has I was getting a cold sensation. Good news is I heard my favorite female dentist moved back to town and I'm going to switch to her for the repairs. As I don't know this dentist at all. Although he was nice.

    Patti- You will love Finding Dory. Have a fun week at the cabin.

    Janet- Lay low and enjoy some great shows. I watched a mini series by Julian Fellowes whom write Dowton Abbey on Amazon that was really good and not long. Can't remember the name at the moment. It was about a doctor.

    I am so tired this evening although I slept until almost 6am, late for me. Lol.

    We have a long weekend this weekend with Glenn off Monday. We will be going to look at some property over on the Pascagoula river I guess, otherwise, nothing planned.

    I'll check in with you fine ladies in the morning.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! We're home from the lake and it's been a busy couple days. We spent all morning yesterday cleaning up one of he sailboats in anticipation of sailing July 4. The municipal lake where the boat club is and where we keep her is a great spot for viewing fireworks - it's in the middle of OKC and you can see fireworks from all over town. This morning it's yoga class, grocery shopping, then I'll pick up Deano and babysit while his Mom and his Mimi are painting their new kitchen. Yay! He's so much fun.

    Back later for personals...

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    With Mom here I am concentrating on cooking high nutrition foods and last night we had baked "fried" fish, rice salad and zucchini- it was delicious and nutritious. She and John loved it-Rick sulked- he likes real fried foods- Oh well.
    We are on vacation next week and mom understands I need to take a couple of days at the camp to keep everyone happy. So I will be back and forth over the vacation week. I may come home to have a barbeque on the 4th as Rick doesn't want to have everyone to camp.
    It should be fun either way.
    If you are on FB could you share my post on LR yesterday about signing up for the newsletter and free signed copy of Last First Kiss- I would appreciate the support.
    Karla- sorry about the crowns- I need to get two done this year too- no pain but you know i hate the dentist
    Janet- glad the tweaking might be done- are you pleased with the results?
    Patti- glad the dock will be in for the weekend- have fun at the movies
    Bert- glad you're able to take a dip at will. Very nice.
    Suzi- I think we are passing as I saw your name pop up- have a great day.
    Until later

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, heart is heavy this morning. News is not good this morning concerning my brother. The oncologist is 90% sure he has multiple myeloma and the lesions are active. The pain is coming from the lesions starting to gnaw on the bone as the base of his spine. Chemo should start in a couple of weeks as he will need blood as he's anemic and a boone marrow biopsy will be done next week. Today he actually sees the oncologist, so I'll be anxious to hear what has been decided. My brother and I grew apart in our adult years for reasons I don't want to get into, but the love for each other has remained. He lives in NC.

    It's gorgeous here today, so I'm planning on outside activities.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all,

    Cindy, ever busy, ever juggling and always so gracious trying to make everyone happy. I will gladly share your FB post. I just hope you actually get some down time on your vacay!

    Suzi, I love fireworks on the water. What a wonderful bonus to be able to view more than one. Our little town at the cabin usually does a nice display and it is only 3 miles away on the river.

    Janet, how are you feeling and healing?

    Karla, hope you enjoy your long weekend. Are you looking forward to a river place for your retirement. How far away are the places you are looking at? Our cabin is 2 hours away. It used to seem like a long drive but we have been making this drive every weekend in the summer for nearly 30 years and it now seems to go pretty fast. We usually garage sale on the way there and then hot foot it home.

    Bert, enjoy your pool and gardening. I can just see you floating around.

    Mary Lynn, hope all is well in your corner of the world.

    Still have lots to do to get ready for our week at the cabin. Mexican fiesta night is shaping up with lots of authentic foods and a good crowd. I need to get my avocados so they are ripe in time. There will be about 20 for the party, I love cooking for a crowd. My DIL is making half the meal.

    Time to be productive.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, many prayers for your brother. Even when we grow apart that bond remains in some form.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Bert- many prayers for your brother- (((hugs)))
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Bert- many prayers for your brother- (((hugs)))
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, prayers for your brother. No matter whether you've grown apart (as my brother and I have), that doesn't count in times like these. Praying the docs can find a way to help him.

    Patti, your party sounds like a blast. Mexican food is so yummy -- wish it weren't so bad for me (except the salsa).

    Cindy, please don't drive yourself crazy with the back & forth and be sure to get some VACATION into your vacation. If Rick is sulking, he can always go fetch something fried ... (Yeah, easy for me to say).

    Suzi, watching fireworks from a boat is just a special thing to do. Enjoy!

    Karla, hope your mouth is feeling better. I had to have a crown replaced last year too -- that hot/cold sensitivity is a giveaway. Glad the dentist you know and like is back -- that does make a big difference. Enjoy your long weekend and looking at possible retreats.

    MaryLynn, hope you are going to get sunshine for Canada Day!

    Pain is a bit better today but it'll be a few more before I can ditch the pain pills. It should all heal nicely -- am so grateful to have found my magnificent surgeon who is also a sweetheart -- she showed me pictures of her dog on Monday. Haven't eaten much today and need to make a list for when I venture out tomorrow for weekend provisions. Planning to stay in and work on little things here, and rest.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lunch with my GFs and Dory was a great time. I enjoy the previews as much as the movies. Next on our list is The Secret Life of Pets and BFG. Edd decided he wanted to go to the cabin tomorrow instead of Friday afternoon. That changed my whole timeline to get things done. I told him I wanted to wait until after my class, which would be 7pm, plus packing, which would get us down there around 10pm. So got my groceries today after the movie. Started the laundry so I can pack bags in the morning. Then we decided we needed to take 2 vehicles because we have too much stuff, lol. So now he is going tomorrow afternoon and I will go Friday after my morning gym class. Takes a lot of pressure off me to get everything done tonight. Plus I get my workouts in. Now I have time to make tortillas tonight. Still have a few more things to get at the grocery tomorrow but I don't feel so rushed.

    I hope Suzi is safe from the storms.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Patti, i assume you're talking about your Suzi. if you're talking about me, there's no storms in the area. We generally don't get really bad ones this time of year. It's too dang hot. It takes a good mix of hot, warm air and a cold front banging together to get the really severe storms.

    Bert - that dang word. (((BIG HUGS))) and many prayers for your brother.

    Janet - glad to know you're on the mend, taking care of yourself and staying in this weekend.

    Patti - you throw the best parties! Have a great time at the river.

    Cindy - please get some vacation for yourself in between all that running back and forth. How far is it between your home and your camp? Will your folks go with you to camp?

    Karla - dang it on the crowns. Hope you don't have any trouble with them over the weekend while you're river shopping.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Rick is going to camp tonight by himself for two nights- I'll go over later on Saturday and come home Monday to do the barbeque for the fam- camp is about 30 minutes so not far at all. Then we'll go back to camp Tuesday AM and come home Sunday AM again- in between I hope to get some writing and downtime but who the heck knows what or who will demand some of that time. :)
    Mom is doing great- we had waffles for dinner last night and it was a hit- she said it is such a nice treat just like when we were kids and had them for dinner on Sunday nights- and I have real maple syrup too so she was thrilled. She grew up in Vermont and hates the fake stuff.
    Hope everyone is doing well- we seem to be light on check in's- I'll be out of pocket next week but thinking of you- depending on internet at camp I may or may not be one.
    Janet please continue to listen to your body
    Patti- have a great time at the river
    Suzi- big camping plans this coming week?
    Bert- still thinking of you and your brother- it makes my heart ache.
    Karla- what are you doing for the long weekend and when is the official retirement date?
    Oh I forgot to share- we're doing a pilot program at work for compressed work weeks- it goes in a two week cycle-
    Week 1- Mon- Thur- 7-5 Friday 7-4
    Week 2- Mon - Thurs 7-5
    Friday - OFF, can anyone guess what I'll be doing on my off day????? Working toward the LR book collection :)
    So excited- it starts August 1 but the first friday I'm off we have vacation so I really don't start it until the next cycle- but still super excited.
    Ok need to run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning my fine ladies. Today should be a calmer day as I have a short office day planned with some credentialing early, then JJ and I are going to lunch and a movie. He wants to see Central Intelligence with the Rock and Kevin Hart.

    Patti- Do you still have your omelets in the morning? I have started enjoying them again here lately. I always think of you as we started them together. Sounds like you have a fun week and Mexican smorgasbord planned, as usual. I'm glad you have the extra day. The area we are going to look at for our river home is only 54 miles away so only one hour from us. You jinxed me on my tooth, but I am getting my repaired on Tuesday. Lol.

    Janet- That. Tweak or two must have been pretty intense if you are still on pain pills and keeping a low profile. I know the friend of Monica's that had it done had trouble with her arms for a couple years where they had removed the skins. She also said it was well worth it. My High School cronies accused me of having Botox injections because my face looks so much smoother than theirs. I swore to them I hadn't, and I haven't.. I have spent a fortune on good day and night creams though. Lol.

    Suzi- I know you will enjoy you fireworks display. I need to get with Jodi.

    Cindy- Enjoy your time off. Spend time with your mother and let her talk about her early days as a child. That info is invaluable for your books and family history. I love talking to my dad about his travels with the military.

    I better get going here. My eyes are seeming to be beginning to be less dry. I am taking these very expensive dry eye omega 3 supplements, blinking exercises and warm compresses as directed. It is time consuming, but I must've! Lol.

    Check back later,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, I thought I heard about severe storms in OKC, must have misheard. Glad you don't have any to worry about. Enjoy your sailing fireworks.

    Cindy, so love when I can do something for my mom that brings back good memories. When I spend time with her we spend most of the time reminiscing. We both enjoy sharing our memories. Enjoy your week off.

    Janet, hope each day finds you more healed and with less pain. You have really been threw it these past 2 years, and you have done it with such grace. I do admire you so.

    Karla, when you are getting your crown fixed I will be getting my tooth pulled. My insurance will not on for anesthesia for only 1 tooth and only 1/2 of the extraction. I had been toying with the idea of just doing a local to save some money but just don't think I can go through it again awake. The last one was brutal. Edd shut me down immediately when I suggested going without anesthesia. I think seeing me in pain for the past month plus has really bothered him. In our 30 years together I have only been sick about 4 times. Most pain he ever saw me in was when I had a blocked salivary gland and that was only for 1 day. My hysterectomy pain was minor compared to this tooth issue. Good luck with your property hunting

    Off to class in a few, then need to load Edd's car so he can head out. That gives me a few hours to finish up my shopping and packing for my car. It will be a perfect day for a 2 hour top down drive through the country. Most of the trip is on 2 lane roads. There are other ways to go that put you on the highway but it doesn't get you there any faster and the drive is boring. I have my play list ready to go for tomorrow. Like Cindy, I may or may not check in next week. You will here more from me if it is raining. Please pray you don't hear from me, lol

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I said above am getting my crown fixed on Tuesday.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited June 2016
    Karla, i saw that. Guess it was wishful thinking on my part that was getting my tooth pulled that day too but it is a week from Tuesday. All I can say is hope I don't need a twelve step program to get off the ambesol, lol
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    Sorry for the prolonged absence. We have been active outside and enjoying some sunnier days lately. Picking some raspberries and blueberries off our shrubs in the yard is a nice way to enjoy the season. The dogs enjoy the pea pods from the plants we placed encircling the wildflower garden in the yard... we did put them there for that very reason, just hope they don't pull the plants right out in their effort to find the sweet peas!

    It is already end of June and the month has flown past us! We've returned to some hiking as the forest clearing, hauling, raking, etc is now complete. The stairs turned out wonderfully and ease getting around and keeping the areas tidier. We have been able to enjoy a few more campfires and cooked our evening meal over one last night as well. Boiled corn and pork tenderloin grilled over cedar wood tasted pretty good along with some salads to round it all out! Hiking is back on our regular agenda, but will need to get back into our weight room to keep challenging the new upper body muscles now forming after all the efforts outside.

    Bert, as I just read to catch up on happenings, I too am praying for you and your brother as he faces such a battle ahead. Sounds like he is in capable hands and the good Lord knows the's just us human beings that struggle with day to day life in our brief time on earth. As you rest in God's immeasurable comfort, may you find a place of quiet peace despite the trauma surrounding you. Glad to hear the pool is open for cooling and chilling!

    Patti, hoping that the dental procedures deal with your extreme pain although I don't envy you! I know there is a tooth or two that needs attention for me, but we have not yet found a dentist locally to go to. Plus, I avoid those offices as long as possible, until the discomfort becomes too great. Enjoy your cabin time with family and friends as well as your opportunity for exercise during the vacation times.

    Karla, glad to hear that some drops are helping you out with the dryness. Wonderful images of the little ones with the animals during your recent journey. Chuckled about the colorful pedicure and could visualize the impact of the colorful toes and bling of summer season footwear! Cannot remember the last time I had painted my toenails, will have to attend to some of that again one day, I'm sure! Enjoy your holiday weekend as you relax with family.

    Suzi, glad to hear all is well in your neck of the woods!

    Cindy, so pleased to hear the progress you continue to make despite a hectic schedule, in getting some "down" time to just be alone and relax. Congrats on getting it all done! You will find the balance that works for you with regard to nutrition and exercise at some point so don't give up on seeking to achieve your goals.

    Janet, great news to have the final tweaks now behind you. As you continue to heal may you find the beauty in the moments ahead and enjoy the new contours you've worked so hard to make possible with your doctor. Glad you have been here and so encouraged by your positive outlook! We continue to enjoy the great outdoors and the new muscular shape of our bodies. While our food choices have not been the greatest, on balance we do include plenty of produce along with the regular indulgences. Lifestyle rebalancing takes time and dedication and you are obviously in this for the long haul.

    Hugs to all I've missed!