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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, wishing you all a lovely day, filled with what makes you happy.

    Janet, my biggest prayers are for you and your healing. Amazing how things seem to pop up out of nowhere. Wonder if a little bug had walled himself off in that wound and the stress of the cataract surgery without anesthesia set him loose. I know you have the very best in health care providers because you made sure of it. Infection is a huge stressor on your system so do please give in and take it easy as you heal.

    Myra, your flowers are pretty but your setter is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

    Cindy, I hope you are on your way to a wonderful, loving and relaxing anniversary weekend with Rick. I pray you can put the stress of your real life aside for this weekend.

    Karla, where have you been. Are you doing ok?

    Missing Myra, Jeanette and Judy. Hope they find their way back to us.

    Yesterday was great. Got everything done on my list. Hair is super short now and I love it, less than 5 minutes from wet to styled. I dearly love my hairdresser. I was staring at the stylist in the next booth, she had the cut I was looking for. So I told my gal that I loved her hair. I expected her to just say ok and cut my hair like that. It surprised me when she asked me what I liked about that particular cut. My hair is a different texture and thickness, so she needed to know what elements of the style appealed to me and then she nailed it! Then hit up Costco, but they didn't have any walleye, I was so disappointed. The movie was fun and dinner with my GF even more so. This woman amazes me. She is 69 and just recently joined a gym. She has been faithfully working out and loving it. Every time I think of skipping my workout, I just think of her.
    Speaking of that I better run or I will be late for class.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello out there, missing all my peeps.

    First time in a while I have made it to both classes on Thursday. It felt great and I was amazed that I wasn't totally exhausted. Feeling stronger than I have in quite a while. Edd wants to leave early tomorrow but I told him we would have to wait until I get home from the gym. Now that means I need to pack everything but the cooler tonight. Luckily there isn't that much to take this week. It is going to be scorchingly hot and humid this weekend so pretty sure we will be either in the water or on the boat, yeah!. My Zumba/circuit/Pilates trainer gave me a bask of goodies to give to my GF. She said it was from a charity event she hosted and she had them make a basket for my friend. It brought me to tears. Such kindness for someone she doesn't even know, just that she is my friend and has cancer. I will find a way to pay it forward in honor of both these wonderful women.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, what a kind gesture from your trainer. We'd love to see a pic of the new summer do!

    Bert, sleep well == I know Mike & Molly will be glad to have you home after quality time with the little ones.

    Fever seems to be gone here but energy level remains very low and I am accomplishing nothing -- not even watching a movie. No nap (not for lack of trying) but oh well. Eye seems to be settling in well and leg looks hideous but swelling is way down and now it just needs careful tending while it heals. Getting car maintenance done at 7 tomorrow morning (the earlier I get in, the earlier I get out), then a few errands (ATM, produce market) and home. Having cat sitter come again tomorrow so I don't have to bend to scoop litter for one more day.

    Hoping to sleep better, aside from meds alarm at midnight. And for a quiet day tomorrow and a lazy weekend. My body seems to be demanding it and I'm listening.

    Hugs to all!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello from sickly Karla. I am going to doctor in the morning. I'm on the z-pack four days and Claritain and hydrocondone cough syrup, but still nasal and cough issues, plus zapping my energy . I thought I put a post yesterday but I guess it didn't make it.

    Janet- I'm glad we spoke yesterday. I know you are trying to heal but also have to take care of business. Hang in there my friend and I will let you know what my doctor says tomorrow. I am coughing less.

    Patti- I bet your hair is cute. How sweet of your instructor. It was Mary dog, not Myra's.

    Mary Lynn- love your place, flowers and pup.

    Bert- I know you will be glad to be home.

    I hope I will be well enough to go see my dad tomorrow or Saturdsy, but kind of doubt it. Though I feel much better.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies.....the pool guy is coming again this morning. When the filter was turned on, it just stirred up the sand that got in from the broken finger system within the filter. He is bringing his vaccuum to sweep the sand out. I'm so hoping this will work. Here it is, mid June, and all that has been in the water is chemicals!

    I'm glad to be home, although I thoroughly enjoyed time with the kids. Today will be running errands, getting the church service ready, and tidying up the house. Have a great day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop befor heading to the gym.
    Janet,I sure wish you didn't have to go out at all today but do rest every minute that you can. Your body is begging you for it. Will continue to pray that this resolves quickly. This weekend is a perfect time for you to stay in with temps expected to be in the 90s. Do take care of my friend, will you.

    Karla, hope you are on the mend as well. Have you ever tried the vinegar and honey treatment for your cough? My Mom swears by it. I have seen her coughing her head off from the nasal drainage, then take a "slug of the recipe", as she calls it, an the coughing stops immediately and stays gone for hours.

    Bert, I bet Mike is ever so grateful to have you home and I bet the grands are already missing you. Sorry about the troubles with your pool. That's why I love my River, it is always ready to get in.....wel. Most of the time, lol, plus it is no maintenance !

    Not sure if I will be back until Sunday night but know you all are never far from my heart.

    Mary Lynn, hope you know I was sending you the shout out about the flowers and the sweet setter. I don't know why I typed Myra, guess she was on my mind at the time.

    Hi to the rest of the crew.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Long day here. Karla, what did doc say?

    For me, Fever gone. But 4 1/2 hours for car maintenance, plus travel. Got home and checked keg to fund it not looking great. Called doc and the one I talked to in the phone saw me. It will all be fine but I need to tend to it often and he added a second sntibiotic (culture will be back next week. So was truly out from 6-4.

    Very tired. Aside from grocery run, I am staying home and doing very little this weekend. Took a muscle relaxer to try to sleep.

    It's been A Week for me. Thanks for your love & support all week. Hugs!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....the pool guy did not yesterday come as promised. I'm not happy about it to say the least. He said he will be here by 7:30 - 8:00 this morning. We shall see. He should have swept it when he came on Thursday, in my opinion as the pool has sand in it due to the faulty filter part. I want him to make it right, and will probably not call him again. He did a great job last year, so that's why I called him. I think he's trying to juggle his own business with the pool company he still works for (I didn't realize he still works for them). It's not a good way to run your business, in my opinion. Okay......I done ranting!

    Today is going to be another hot day! I have things to do inside the house anyway. Tonight is our Euchre Club, so I'm looking forward to that. We will be grilling out. I always have fun with our Euchre group. Have a great day everyone!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, my friends,
    The rainy days have boosted the flower numbers and colors are so intense... loving this!
    Have a fantastic weekend of rest and recovery for those who need some healing time now.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, your poppies are lovely!

    Bert, hope your pool troubles are quickly fixed -- it must be truly annoying not to be able to jump in.

    Karla, were you up to going to your dad's?

    I got sleep (thanks to muscle relaxer, which I needed). Have decided NOT to go out today -- about to shower and will take it easy today. Making a list for an early venture-out tomorrow so I can kick back for the day. My body just needs it and I feel guilty about it, but so be it.

    Being on two antibiotics means eating a lot of yogurt. No real appetite except for comfort foods I shouldn't have. Ah well -- trying not to stress about it for now and do my best.

    Hugs to everyone and thanks to the inventor of air conditioning!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Janet- Not good on the leg. You are just going to force yourself to let things go a few days and stay DOWN. Was the car dealership packed? I would have insisted they take me someplace., or were you feeling good and thought it would be short? My dealership runs me home or to a restaurant's work or wherever I go, and also has loaner cars. My heart just bleeds for you. You are so fiercely independent my dear friend. Your body needs to leave you alone!!!

    My doctor said I had a slight wheeze and if i was still spitting up brown stuff on Monday she would put me on steroids, but she did not want to due to its weight gain. I am to call her if still doing that. She was pleased I lost 15 pounds since JAnuary and 8 of it since March. My cholesterol was good too. I feel so 'm much better today and Glenn and I have been shopping and helping my friend move some furniture. I thought I was too sick to go to Panama City. But today was so different than yesterday!! And all week I thought I was croaking!

    Mary Lynn- beautiful foliage and flowers.

    Bert- Fire the pool man.

    I am baking banana nut bread, over ripe bananas again.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy has been having a great time with her bestie, beliow is a picture of her at an Alligator Farm in Pascagoula. It ha been there for years, even survived Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

    Janet- I pray you are in less pain and have your leg elevated, packed, iced or whatever the treatment was prescribed. My poor friend. I wish, wish, wish I lived near.

    I had a coughing attack this morning coughed up a little brown, darn I thought this was over!! I will take it a little easier, have a had a nice slow, easy morning. Enjoying the paper, the news, doing some laundry and checking in with you lovely ladies. I also made some pictures of some of my flowers to share.

    Glenn and I both clocked over 10k steps yesterday and our eating has been great. Today we will enjoy some Tilapia baked filets and veggies for dinners.

    Please let me know your weekly goal.

    I will start us a new group goal too!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    This is a flower on a Cactus plant that opens at night. It is huge and lasts only one day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    One of my plumeria plants, quite a bouquet.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    And my brave and happy Izzy.. Lol
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Karla, hope you are MUCH better tomorrow. This leg thing was a totally inexplicable blindside. I am to rest it, pack the opening once a day (opened to help drain the crud), use hot compresses a few times and day and take antibiotics. Luckily I don't wig out at stuff and do what must be done.

    Got up and out early to get groceries and am now set. Of course I will be tubeside and in orbit for the Tony Awards tonight. Won't even answer the phone if someone is foolish enough to call during the show. My schedule for the week is pretty easy -- eye doc and leg doc, cleaner and beyond that I should be set.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Happy Father's Day to your husbands, dads and other fathers in your life!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    MaryLynn: gorgeous flowers
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's a cloudy, rainy day here in OK so far this morning. Just sprinkling here at home, but apparently raining a lot an hour and a half south at the lake. Flash flood warning in effect down there according to TV weather.

    We came home Wednesday and my girls and I had a wonderful evening out. Dinner in Bricktown downtown OKC and Mamma Mia at the Civic Center afterwards. The Mamma Mia tickets for the 3 of us were my Mothers Day present from the girls. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!

    Dave and I both had very lazy days yesterday, so I went for a one- mile loop around the block this morning before breakfast, then another after breakfast. Afterwards, I pulled poison ivy and weeds in the big flower bed in the back yard before I showered. Y'all have inspired me with the pictures, so here goes with some of my yard and flowers.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    THis is the new flower bed around the mailbox that we made a couple weeks ago.