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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Here are a couple of images of our little acreage with the firepit area included in the first one.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Patti- I'm glad you are enjoying the blog-
    MaryLynn- I love your little slice of heaven- nice
    Janet- I hope you're feeling ok when you take a peek at this- REST!
    It was a hectic day yesterday and the pollen kicked my butt.
    My intern started but getting her up to speed was busy too.
    Rick and I are taking 2 vacation days this week and spending the day in Newport for our anniversary.
    It will be nice to have some down time.
    The girls are wicked slow on the new book and I am finding it frustrating. I know we are all busy but in my mind if you commit to a date you should at least hit it somewhere in the ball park. They told me May 20 and currently I don't have a new date. I'm trying to help them get their business off the ground too- but jeez I really hope they wouldn't treat non-family clients this way. I may have to really do something different to get them self published.
    Rant over.........
    Food is doing okay- I've gotten lettuce and radishes out of the garden and eating lots of fruits and veggies overall.
    Hope you have a sparking morning.
    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is a special day. Glenn is back to work. He is back to sitting upright, we made the five hour round trip to meet Audrey's father, and he did well.

    Isabella was fabulous in both her routines, not that I am biased. Lol. Glenn just beams at her. Of course I will post some pictures. I do hope I am not overwhelming anyone with them.

    I have a bad sinus drainage and cough. I have a standing doctor appt. On Friday and hope to wait until then, as this is my primary car doctor anyway. I don't feel bad, no fever, just a strong cough.

    Patti - you could not pay me enough to go to that movie. They are just too sad and I don't need that. I went to one with Chloe and never again. Lol. Your top sounds nice. I love Rizzzolli and Illes too and have watched it for years. Do you not have On Demand?

    Mary Lynn- I love your great outdoors!!!!

    I hope I don't offend anyone, but I see Hillary is getting the nomination, which was inevitable. Proud of a woman, but not my pick.

    Have to run,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and her best friend Bentley,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and Audrey is the Blonde at the photo shoot with the Disney princesses

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Mary Lynn, how gorgeous your slice of heaven is. Thank you for sharing. I can certainly see why you live it there.

    Cindy, you may need to treat the girls like you would any other publisher you would deal with. Get pushy, get verbal and get it done. They need to know that is what is expected, family or not.

    Karla, I know Glenn has to be thrilled to be back to work and able to sit upright for longer periods. Progress! And no, I do not have On Demand. We have DTV, basic service with no pay channels. They will not upgrade our service until we top our trees and that just hasn't made it on the list. We had so much trouble with TW that Edd will never consider going back to cable. The one good thing is that we can take the satellite box to the cabin and not have to pay for separate service there.

    Off to Mom's and TRX tonight. Have some cod thawing for dinner.

    Sending healing wishes to our Janet.

    Waving hi to the rest of the crew.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....I'm babysitting this week in Chicago, so I'll have to make my entries quick. We went to Jillian's recital Saturday night. She did a great job. I'll be back again at some point. Have a great day.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    HI. Can't really read yet so please pardon typos. Surgery went well, no sedation so I could drive. Seeing doc in morning.

    I am going to be a vegetable for a few days, except for docs and Friday car maintenance.

    Weird thing - the problematic spot on my leg blew up, got hot and painful and I got a high fever. Doc on call made sure I could get antibiotics before CVS closed. Will get in there tomorrow. The doc couldn't have been nicer. Odd to have suddenly flare up but good thing I know when to make the call. Fever over 101 is no tight - had chills, wrapped myself up in furry robe. But it shouldn't be a long-term thing. Got ice cream. Oh well - drinking lots of water and temp is almost normal now.

    Will need to read posts once eye de-dilates.

    MaryLynn, you and Myron really have a corner of paradise.

    Beet, Jillian was so cute - the pic of her with you & Mike is priceless.

    OK, time to chill. Hope my inability to read my typing well hasn't created word salad!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Janet, thankfully you are home safe. Take it easy, girl. Can someone drive you tomorrow? Please rest well, my friend. We need you!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI ladies-
    Janet- keep us up to date on your leg- and rest on all accounts.
    Patti- you know sometimes its hard to be tough on your kids. I'm going to a seminar on Saturday another author is giving about self publishing. If I learn more I will be able to take control I think.
    MaryLynn- love the new avatar and your garden pics.
    Karla- Izzy is so darn cute- takes me back to recital days with the girls
    Bert- the pic of you and your sweet granddaughter is precious. Glad you had a great time.
    We are going to Newport tomorrow but the weather doesn't look promising- if I'm MIA for a few days I'm just unplugging - I'll try to check in on Friday but camp who knows with internet access- I'm not thrilled it is so weak.
    I'm doing great on food this week and waking up feeling empty with a slight grumble- really good for me. I'll scale hop tomorrow before all the driving and low water intake.
    I may need to fly to Florida and then drive back to Mass to help Mom clean out my aunt's storage building. She passed about 10 days ago and Mom is starting to think clearly and is ready to deal with her loss. It was my mom's last sibling out of 13 kids. My aunt was 95 and Mom will be 80 in January. It will be a ton of driving. I'm going to see if Em will meet me in SC and drive the last leg home with me. Rick isn't happy about me driving from Fl to MA- but I need to be there for Mom. She'll be with me on the first part of the journey. We'd both fly into West Palm, load up a rental van and then hit the road. Long few days and dates to be determined.
    Need to start the next day job focus- See you when I can.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....everyone is off to work and I have time to complete my morning routines. Penny is watching Super Heroes, so I can get myself ready and look presentable to go to the park with the kids. Dylan's last day of first grade is today. Annie will pick him up at 11:00 and then we will go to the park for a birthday party. It has been nice to be here.

    Our pool repairman said the finger system within our filter is broken, so that was why our water never cleared up. So, hopefully, things will work properly for the rest of the summer. I'm looking forward to relaxing in the pool. We do need to stain the deck at some point.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, oh my, sorry to hear about the problem with the leg. Hope the antibiotics do the trick. Taking it easy and vegging is the best medicine. It is going to be brutally hot, so just another reason to stay in.

    Cindy, I know it is hard to be tough with your kids. Hope you learn something from your seminar that helps you and the girls too. You have a big job ahead of you helping your Mom. Hope Em can meet you for the drive home. Hugs to your Mom. Must be so hard to be the last one of 13. I think an unplugged weekend is just the ticket for you.

    Bert, love the pics. You all look so happy and your granddaughter is adorable. She will never forget that you were there for her recital. How lucky you are to be so close.

    Had a lovely day with Mom. Watched the last 3 episodes of Mercy Street, can't wait for the next season, date to be announced. Now just hoping Poldark is coming back soon. It amazes me that we never run out of things to talk about. I love her because she is my mom but also because she is a strong, intelligent and caring woman. At 86 she is as bright and funny as she ever was. TRX was the bomb. I am pushing myself to try some things, things I keep saying I can't do. The TRX trainer's husband is in the class and we workout side by side. He has been giving me such good feedback and when I say I can't he challenges me to try. Then no matter how poorly I feel like I am doing he encourages me, telling me "see you did it, now keep trying and you will get better at it". Last night he came up to me after class and said "if you ever feel like I am being obnoxious please let me know. I just know you can do these things and don't want you to give up on yourself". It nearly made me cry. So now I am more determined than ever to really push myself to be my best.
    Now I need to go to the grocery, get my stripe removed and hair cut, then going to see Alice Thru the Looking Glass in 3D with my GF followed by dinner. So will see you all later
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning to you all, ladies!
    With a rainy morning to begin our Wednesday, we are planning a trip to the city to pick up some produce items at the Costco store in Courtenay. The journey takes us along the scenic oceanside route, which is always a pleasure. It was pretty warm here for the past couple of days, breaking some records apparently, so this break in the heat is welcome for all, including the trees and flowers in the gardens!

    Bert, wonderful pictures of yourself and Mike with Jillian at her recital. You are positively glowing!What a special time to be able to share together and celebrate her success! With Dylan's birthday party in the park, I'm hoping for a few more images of that celebration as well. It certainly sounds like your skilled pool repairman has found the issue plaguing the pool filtration system, which is such a relief, I'm sure! Here's hoping that very shortly you can enjoy some relaxation time in the water as you consider the next project of deck staining. When we moved here, the fencing and decks needed stain desperately and that is quite a project indeed, although a deck takes a much greater amount of stain from it's battle with the elements. While I think the prices of stain and paint are outrageous, the final effect is always so satisfying that the financial burden is absorbed almost as quickly as the product. Great that you can be with family for an extended visit and hoping that you continue to enjoy your time and when you travel back home that your trip is a pleasant one!

    Cindy, your packed schedule continues to amaze me! The upcoming Saturday seminar on self publishing sounds like just the ticket for you to be able to take more control of the process that has been somewhat of a test in patience lately for yourself. Totally understand that it is indeed tough to be firm with our kids and too often it is misinterpreted and taken personally, rather than professionally, as it could be with such a business venture as theirs. You've been supportive of their fledgling efforts to date and perhaps as you take in more understanding of the process involved, you will find a more efficient solution for the publishing and release of your newest efforts. Happy Anniversary to you and Rick! May your Newport getaway be a time of renewal and enjoyment for the two of you as you discover new ways to connect and sparkle. The imminent long travel plans to be with your Mom as she processes her loss and goes through personal items from her sister sounds almost overwhelming for all. With the large family size of previous generations, it can feel pretty lonely for her to be the last sibling survivor. My parents were both from such big families, so the family connections have always been numerous. The process of grieving is such a unique and heavy challenge for each individual, that having a loving, listening companion can lighten that load considerably. Truly hoping that Em can join your for part of the journey and that your family time will be creating fresh and beautiful memories from the ashes of a loss. May the good Lord bless you all richly and keep you safe on your adventures. Congratulations on getting plenty of produce into your daily diet. This is something I've been rebelling against for some strange reason and I just needed your quiet lead to get myself back on a more nutritious balance as well. It's a slow learning process to discover it's not just total calories, but the quality of those calories that can make the difference to our body shape and health. That said, it's pretty tough to keep it clean when a busy life is your “norm” and my hat is off to you for achieving so very much.

    Janet, my prayers and thoughts are with you as you encounter some health issues that were unexpected and perhaps even a little frightening. I certainly hope that you were able to get some much needed rest and that you are finding some quiet space to relax once the processes for your cataracts are behind you. With regard to that problem spot on the leg, it is a relief that you were able to get the needed medical attention so quickly and that hopefully the inflammation and accompanying pain will subside quickly with the rapid intervention. Although the timing could not be much worse for the flare up, I hope you heal completely and are soon back to 100%. Considering that your vision was so limited, I'm amazed that you were able to comment at all yesterday! Will be waiting to hear that you are back home safe and sound very soon.

    Patti, you have been one busy lady again recently! Congratulations on your son's first place achievement in the race. Regarding television, we also have satellite issues at times, caused by the surrounding huge growth of tall trees. Our technician is due on the 17th to hopefully resolve the signal failure we have been experiencing periodically. While it is a pricey entertainment choice we make, we do find enjoyment watching sports and keeping up on world happenings and discoveries in science. It's wonderful that you are still finding time and energy levels to keep up your TRX commitment and enjoying your “Mom time” as well! Keep up the good efforts as you continue to create healthy habits and find the balance that works best in your life.

    Karla, what wonderful news on Glen's return to active work and that the surgery has been successful in relieving his pain. Now, if you could just get rid of that nasty cough, right?! Thanks for sharing the highlights in photos of Izzy's event... there is nothing like applauding and supporting our little loved ones. We've kept up with the primaries coverage on the news and realize how challenging the process of selection has become in your great country. While there is no perfect person for the position of power that the presidency entails, we can only trust that the good Lord enables those in leadership to tackle the tough decisions while governing our shores. Pleased to know that no matter what we decide, or who rises to power, we don't control much at all, at least in the “big picture” on this little blue planet.

    Suzi, great to hear from you and that you are able to get so much accomplished in landscaping after devastation from weather events. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound as well! Enjoy the blooming results from those gardening efforts. We moved some lilies as well and then found our dogs relocating them with their digging determinations. Now we have a small fenced area to protect the plants, flowers and trees. With the rainfall today and over the next week, hopefully the new wildflowers will accompany the poppies now appearing. Take care and enjoy your semi retirement time!

    Waving to Myra and Jeanette and whoever else, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I truly hope if your time allows a check-in that we can be assured that you are doing okay this week.



  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Kelly, our Irish Setter is the main reason that the wildflowers and poppies are fenced in now!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello to all and a big ear-rub to Kelly.

    Doing better here but bone-tired. Surgeon's office told me to come in quickly, so I had to ask eye doc's office to see me early, if possible. They called me back almost immediately. Eye was not seeing much yet but vision/focus improving now - I can see phone keyboard clearly. Whew.

    I left home without glasses today, for the first time since I was seven! Don't c will eventually give me a form to remove glasses restriction on my license. Brave new world!

    Surgeon tended to my bad spot. It was very inflamed and painful I have antibiotics to last a week and see her next Friday. Fever is much better (101.9 gave me a scare) but not gone yet. I am utterly exhausted though. Doing the surgery with no sedation was a bit taxing, but necessary. Surgeon ran a culture and thinks between her cleanup operation and the antibiotics, is very optimistic.

    Am guzzling lots of water and do not have to leave home tomorrow. And you will sleep in tomorrow, except to take meds/drops.

    Haven't eaten anything yet today. Will figure out something mild in a bit, the less work, the better.

    Pretty day here. Hopefully by to get feet back under me tomorrow but relieved I have found ways to do what I had to, with great cooperation from professionals. And the cats are both sticking close and being sweet.

    Big hugs to everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading home today. It has been fun being here with the kids and our son and daughter-in-law; however, it's time to be home and tend to things there. I'll be glad to see Mike and Molly!

    Patti: The party was for a classmate of Dylan's. We all went as it was held in a public park. I got almost 3000 steps on my Garmin just from pushing Penny on the swing!

    Have a great day, everyone.
