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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Jeanette- So sorry life is tough for you right one, but so appreciate you taking the time to think of us. We do care about you, it is about friendship here. We are here any time you need us. Here or Facebook. Peace be with you my dear.

    Bert- I am back to syncing on the Garmin app. I reached 9267 yesterday. So almost to my goal of 10k. I saw you have been syncing yours. I'm glad you had a good time with family even if the dog was an irritant.

    Yesterday was the best day I have had in a while on both eating and exercise. I am very proud. I did the strength training video, which had some cardio on it as well, plus got over 9200 steps. My pool is just about warm enough for me and I will soon add lap swimming to my routine.

    Be sure and pick one group goal if you wish, just a fun thing to do to help keep us focused.

    Patti- are you staying down at the cabin?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. 32 years ago today, my dad passed away. I think about him all the time, especially yesterday on Memorial Day.

    Today I'm going to have our pool water checked by another pool shop. It is so cloudy, and I can't figure out what is wrong. Something is definitely off balance. I'm also going to shop for an anniversary card for Mike. Tomorrow is our 32nd anniversary. I'm also going to go to the gym.

    Karla: I got 8,900 steps yesterday cleaning the house and putting things away! :)

    My Group Goal is #9 this week

    Mini Goal: 10,000 STEPS EACH DAY

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    The kids "hamming it up" before going for ice cream! :)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, so glad you checked in. You're in my thoughts every day. Hoping the clouds will pass and things will be looking up soon.

    Bert, what a joyous photograph! Frameworthy for sure. Glad you survived the dog-containment battle. Thinking of you as you rememer your dad.

    Karla, good for you! Something about the turn of the month is kicking un for ne and I am feelng more resolve today. I did have 16 oz. of water first thing -- that's a great habit to get back into.

    My goal du jour is to get all DVDs and CDs organized and into multi-disc holders -- the pesky and space-eatung cases will all go bye-bye. I figure I can look liner notes up online in most cases and compact storage will make everything easier. Will get labelmaker out to label the holders. There's always more to do.

    My Warriors won last night and are on to the NBA Finals -- whee! Of course they're playing my second-favorite team but I will root for Ws all the way.

    OK -- back to organizing while watching last night's "Person of Interest" and "Roots." Have a great Tuesday-that-feels-like-a-Monday, friends.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    JJ and the Pie Face game. We had such laughs.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    And Miss Izzy.

    Bert- You favor your father a lot. None of my steps were planned either, just on the move with the family.

    Janet- I saw that Roots was on and reminded my dad about it. Good for you on the organizing.

    I painted Izzy's nails for her and put a glossy top coat on. She said mommy would love them.

    Back to work on my home PC.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone, we just got home about an hour ago. Fixed some leftovers for lunch and read all your posts while I ate. We had an absolutely fabulous weekend with all our family and friends. Ended up with 18 at my place. Only 4 slept inside besides me and Edd, but lots of comings and goings. The big party on Saturday was fun but subdued and not as well attended as the fall party. The weather could not have been better. Rained, but only at night, days were filled with sunshine and heat. We spent a lot of time on the boat, but the water was a bit too cold for me. Everyone played well with others, which is always a plus. We had huge bonfires every night. We stayed an extra day just to decompress and enjoy the place when it was quiet. I love all the noise, chatter, laughter and occasional singing that comes along with the people I love.

    No personals yet. Going to try to make it to the gym tonight but I am having some issues with my knee which is causing some back issues, so will have to decide closer to the time. Tomorrow I am having lunch with my GF and then going to hang with Momfor a while. Heading back to the cabin on Friday. So it will be a short and busy week.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Very brief check in- i"ll be back later.
    Patti- I quoted you in my blog this week- hope you don't mind.............
    Hugs all around
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Have a wonderful evening, ladies... pleased to see so many able to have a meaningful memorial day and will check in again for personals tomorrow.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I did my three minutes today. I haven't for the last 5 and I think this is very important for me to do.
    We seem to be light on the board this week but I'm sure everyone is off having fun.
    Patti- how is your GF?
    Janet- How is the eye and did the migraine cease?
    Karla- loved all the pictures- do crawfish taste like shrimp?
    Bert- thanks for sharing the picture of your dad- handsome guy.
    MaryLynn- Hope you enjoyed yesterday
    Jeannette- we'll be here when you find your way back online. Thinking of you.
    Need to run but I will be able to garden after work- it's have planted.
    Seize the moments in your life today and treasure them.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today marks our 32nd anniversary! The years have flown by! I'm planning a nice dinner: steak for Mike, lobster tails for both of us, salad, baked potato, and Lemon Meringue pie for Mike. (I'll probably have a small piece too).

    We lost water from our pool as one of the hoses came off. We're trying to fill it back up slowly and also are trying to clear up cloudy water.....any suggestions would definitely be entertained.

    I'm going to lunch with my best friend (other than Mike) today. She is going to share pictures from her grand daughter's wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Have a great day, everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to another HOT day in the South and the first day of Hurricane season. Ouch.

    Cindy- Yes, honoring ourselves is so very important. I felt so good about Monday, albeit Tuesday was not as good. Today is a day on the run, but a fun one to be sure. I love working outdoors also. I was out watering for 45 minutes this morning. My peppers are coming up slowly. No, crawfish do not taste like shrimp. They are smaller and a tougher consistency. I do not like them, but Glenn loves them. JJ can eat a tub of them, and so can Jason.

    Today, at noon, is Izzy's dance recital practice down at the Civic Center in downtown Mobile. We are so excited. I have a training session this morning at 8:30, right over by Jason's house, then I meet Izzy and Mom at 10:30 and we head over to the practice. I can't wait to see my Tiny Dancer in her element. The big day is Sunday. She also has a modeling even right after the recital in downtown Mobile for a Fairytale storyline too.

    I better get going.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, Cindy and everyone who follows.

    Did pretty well on food yesterday. Had picked up stuffed shrimp to cook but discovered that they were very small shrimp and 90% breading. I ate only the shrimp, supplemented with sliced tomatoes and a yogurt and pitched the breading and other filler. What a waste of money -- thanks, Walmart. But I have stuffed mushrooms for today, tasty (I add hot sauce) and nutritionally decent.

    My challenge is to remember that I CAN sit with hunger, acknowlege it and remind myself that I can WAIT, and tat there's always a smarter choice at hand. One personal plus is that I like water, seltzer, black coffee and other calorie-free beverages and nearly always have something to drink nearby. Need to make some iced tea too. I am especially fond of iced peppermint tea in hot weather -- I don't sweeten tea but the peppermint is especially crisp and cooling on a summer's day.

    Sorry to say that I haven't gotten to my three minutes in many days. Hoping to start up with the new month. My DVD/CD organizing is moving along. (Some perspective -- I have a few hundred DVDs -- movies and favorite TV series, plus a couple hundred CDs that survived the major purge this spring. I've bought good 72-disc holders and have more on the way, and I organize alphabtically within category -- and so many fit unto more than one category!) Yes, I overthink things, but you already knew that. Nonetheless, progress has been made and by end of day all CDs WILL be in carriers. Getting rid of the cases lightens my load and it will be easy to find things and to maintain the system once it's done.

    OK, time to warm up my coffee and get on with today's tasks. Back later!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to another day filled with sunshine and friendship, love and family. Heading out shortly to have lunch with my GF. So far round two,seems to be going well. Then time with Mom and a trip to the grocery after that. Then home to make dinner and do laundry and start thinking about what I need to take to the cabin for next weekend. It will just be me and Edd and the neighbors. I really want to get to Costco for some Walleye, that would be a perfect dinner for Friday night..... Might see if Edd wants to stop on the way down. Eating was awful over the weekend and I am going to have to do some much better planning. I am quite miserable in my clothes right now. That is usually what motivates me to get back to e aging better.

    Karla, so much fun with your sweet Izzy. I know you are in heaven when it comes to her.

    Janet, I took all my CDs out of their cases years ago but did not do the organizing you have done. My cases hold 50 CDs each (I think) and each one is a random selection of all music types, except Christmas music, it has it's own case. But we are not the least bit OCD in this house, lol.

    Bert, happy anniversary to you and Mike. Love the pictures of you now and then. Such a gorgeous couple. Your dinner sounds perfect.

    Cindy, thanks for quoting me in your blog. I so agree with everything you said about GFs this week. I am always amazed at how much my friends have become a part of who I am, how much I love their company and how much I miss them when we are apart. I think I feel it all more acutely since Edd lost his best friend last year.

    Waving hi to the crew, gotta run
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, happy anniversary! You and Mike were and are a lovely couple.

    Patti, I bought a separate, smaller case for my Christmas CDs too.

    I've made some progress today but must get quite a bit more done tonight, because my cleaner comes in the morning, but I have ditched all the CD cases and organized the discs -- need to get them into the holders tonight and maybe work more on DVDs, but forward is good, right?

    Have held myself in check today and few myself wisely and well. I still have calories/points left if I want a small snack later (fruit, yogurt).

    Hope everyone had an excellent day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Thursday. Boy, yesterday was a long day. Izzy was precious in her practice for her recital. I would not have missed it for the world. Then she scared the heck out of us by slipping on the pool slide and hurting her right ankle. We thought we might have to take her to the ER or Urgent care but she was able to walk on it and it didn't swell. Just slightly bruised. Her little friend, Bentley, was precious with her also. Her Mom said Izzy is her first real friend, and that is all she hears about is Izzy, Izzy, Izzy. LOL.

    Patti- I had no doubt you would have fun and be with people you love, you always do. My blessings go out to you girlfriend. Please keep us informed of her progress. Tell your Mom hello for me and let me know how her eyes are doing.

    Mary Lynn- I hope you are enjoying your great outdoors. I am in the big watering mode down here as we are in the 90's everyday.

    Janet - How is the right eye. Can you see a significant difference in your vision from it? My father stated the increased crispness of the colors when he had is first done years ago was amazing.

    I hope to have a more relaxed day today. I start off with another training day at Lily's house, my new auditing job. But afterwards I am going over Jason's to go with Angelique and Izzy to pick out Izzy's bouquet for her recital. After then, I am just not sure, a day off??

    Have a great day everyone,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and Bentley waiting for their pactice turn.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bentley was shy and uncertain at first, but she soon came out of it and was running around once I took her and Izzy around the corner and we watched a couple of the other classes practicing up on the big stage. Izzy was so funny, she kept saying "I can do that, I can do that". Gosh, the older girls doing the ballet routines were out of this world. Those routines would have over 20 in each routine and they were impeccable in their sequence. I really enjoyed watching this. Remember, only had a son, therefore I spent my time, with him growing up, at cub scouts, Little League parks, etc. LOL

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Another wild and wooly day in MA-
    I finished planting the garden and bought the most delicious watermelon- yum
    Karla- Izzy is too cute and both my girls did the ballet thing. Precious memories for sure. Enjoy
    Patti- How is your Mom and BFF- She's lucky to have you close by.
    Janet- you're just an organizing wonder- you should hire yourself out and have people do the heavy lifting.
    Bert- did you enjoy your anniversary?
    Waving to all- it's a busy day in the office.
    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....Mike and I enjoyed our anniversary. Our dinner was delicious, and we didn't have and dessert! Yea for me! Today my cleaning friend will be here. Will be back after the house is cleaned.

    Karla: Jillian's recital is this weekend. Mike and I are going Saturday night. So much fun.
